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pavertype: A. SINDH PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, HYDERABAD. Pre-Interview Written Test for the post of Lecturer Commerce BPS-17 Pre-Interview Written Test for the post of Lecture! ip College Education Department, Govt: of Sindh. Sunday the 14" Mareh, 2021 Time: 62:00 pm to 03:00 pm ROLL NO: Maximum marks: 100, QUESTION PAPER. as sxsw eu indedction ofS mats yt space povided, Ena Te PABA. B.C & Dis ee atau annette Dong wil dete cade dua Foto tos on he Answer Shes oak yor eps conc. Answer cal yg on fe apgope Hakclspowdel e ‘rer She wi ck bal pol Pet hcp yur arog iia Cel eo steed ova Malle Co Marin. ve Agu crc mas Only tend eon wie se Ea en (A) Nulla (8). Making otefCal_(C) Uso Eso Fd amy uso ip nS sh cpt he Par isa ‘usu and debe rom hs samo nd subcat SPS oan, Onto ave part of Aner Shs or aun pra. 01 | Which of the following does not describe a problem with scientific management? 7 (A) Productivity increases may not be reflected in workers’ pay (B) Its better suited to complex jobs (C) improvement is not necessarily maintainable _(D) tis beter suited to simple jobs {2 | Which ofthe following men’s writings are associated with bureaucracy? (A) Max Weber_(B) Henri Fayol_(C) Frederick Taylor_(D) Douglas MeGregor BF | According to Fayo''s 14 principles of management, esprit de corps" refers to which ofthe following? (A) Being weated fairly and kindly (B) Spirit ofthe corporation (C) Team work and harmony (D) S ‘04 [ In general, Theory Y and Theory X belong to which of he following perspectives? (A) Socio-plitical_(B) Bureaucratic (C) Culural_(D) None of these is “5 05 | Changes which tke place gradually without any resistance are (A) Evolutionary (B) Revolutionary (C) Planned (D) Unplanned 16 | The Central government may appoint some dirctors for a period of —— incase of mlsmanageinent of company afl (A) 3 and half years_(B) Not more than 3 years (C) 5 years (D) Not more than 2 years 07 | Short term plans guides | (A) lover level management (B) Bridges gap between past and present (C) Forecasting (D) Environmental factors @ | Budget refers to (A) Planned target of performance (B) Steps of handli location of resources (D) Statement of expected results expressed bout 3 months to 3 years is typically called (A) long-range forecast_(B) Medium-range forecast (C) Short-range forecast (D) Weather forecast TO] Which of the following is not function normally performed by the HR department? (A) Recruitment and selection (B) Accounting (C) Training and development _(D) Pay and reward TT | Feedback isa listener's: (A). Verbal critique of your message (B) Verbal or nonverbal responses to a message (C) Acceptance of a message (D) Aversion to a message. 12 | An example of a communication channel is: __(A) Face-to face conversation (B) Noise (C) Feedback (0) Conte 13 [ A solution toa problem that is arrived at through an unstructured process of decision making is called a: (A) Bounded rationality (B) Programmed decision (C Non-programed decision _(D) Uncertainty 14 | The following phrase is used to deseribe a leader: (A). Relies on control strategies (B) Challenges satus quo {C) Uses traditional influence (D) Acts with established culture (D) Maintains and allocates fesources 15 | Wis easiest for management to deal with resistance when itis: (A) Overt (B) Subtle (C) Passive (D) Implicit 16 | Deviation is term used in: (A) Controlling (B) Motivation (C) Directing (D) Staffing 17 | Disqualificatons from becoming a Director ofa company is: A) Insolvency (B) Fraudulent, declared by court (C) Unsound mind (D) All ofthese 18 | How many different sample of size 3 can be taken from the population comprising 5 elements? (A)7(B) 12(©)5 () 10 19] A bar chat or graph showing the frequency of occurence ofeach Value ofthe variable belng analyaed W called (A) Bar Chart (B) Histogram (C) Candle stick (D) None of these 20 | Which analysis is the simultaneous analysis of two variables? (A) Univariate Analysis (B) Bivariate Analysis (C) Multivariate Analysis (D) Multivariate Analysis Page of 2 Scanned with CamScanner Ashiting ease in suppl L_Lyaraninne SPY (B)A alin income (C) A fallin IE The price of ect ee ot substi goods. a indicates hat demand for | bread is: et ee To the Teft may be caused by? the demand i urve (awn ine waditonal Prise Quanity spa) 16 TT mplemenary good (A) A dee bread increases by 22% andthe quan Tals By 25% me ‘quantity of bread demanded falls 4A) Elastic (B) Inelastic (C) Unitarily Elastic (D) Perfectly Elastic___——— Qxoum industry isan xan of cl istic Competition (B) Pure Oligopoly (C) Duopoly (D) Differentiated OP igs | The ep cca a Ope (tag mT 7 The Jr's Index (B) The Paasche's Index (C) Fisher’ Index (D) None of these —— consume price index numer isalso Known as: (A) The cost of ving indes Dobe (6) The wholesale price index number (C) There price index number (D) Both A and B 7 ais the probability of occurence ofan even whose odds for oseurrence are 12:7? {aym2__(@y719 Cig) s/12 ‘A Trade discount ie a) iereas quanity given to esioners_(B)A discount fr cry payment (C) A special sales is it s promotion (D) A reduetion in price pe unit given to customers i {dle plant capacity means: _ (A) Practical capacity minus normal capacity (B) Minimum capacity minus normal capacity (C) Maximum capacity minus actual capacity (D) Practicel capacity minus actual capaci | L(A) Affection motive (B) Secondary motive (C) Primary motive (D) Stimulus mot ‘Which ofthe following motives is leamed or acquired over such as power, achievement anda ive carry a fied rate of interest and are o be paid off irrespective of the firms revenues: ———_ tnd (A) Debentures, Dividends (B) Debentures, Bonds (C) Dividends, Bonds (D) Dividends, Treasury nore Te ae er crl hone oa bark fer 33 dys and above 1294, Whar Tse sate Rae ee eed ec is pol oti? (A) 20002 (B) 24048 (C) 22056 (0) 25088 Tro a eee asi what arse posible outomes? (A) 52x82 (B) $2 (C) $2x51_(0) 1326 Fen eee e e wiac of and coordinates the atv f «group of employees evsaged in related activities within a unit of an organization? (A) Manager ((B) Employee (C) Vender (D) Contractor i dior Tir eae naes fateh individual sould repor fo only one boss in order to avoid conc confusion? tay Dire command (8) Chan of command (C) Uni of direction (D) Unity of command managers? (A) lnagersnal Factor (B)Iateral Factors (C) Interpersonal Factors (D) External Factors pet c the valuation ofthe firm: Fea a a ican tqulements, and new competitors ar examples of what type of factors that affe=t In ‘approach, the capital structure decision is relevant 10 | (A) Net income (8) Net Operating Income (C) Traditional (D) Millrand Modigliani ‘The term “Core competency”, was coined by which of the following influential business thinkers? (A) W. Edwards Deming (B) CK. Prahalad (C) Ken Blanchard (D) Frederick W. Taylor Ts the study of how to create an organizational structure that leads to high efficiency and effectiveness: (A) Selec Management (B) Job Specialization (C) Administrative Management (D) Allocation Management “Theory states that the average employee is lazy and will try to do as litle as possible: \(ay xX @B)Y__Z (D) None of these ‘The Theorst that advocated standard methodology for doing a task and suggested that workers were motivated by pay according to output (piecework) is: (A) Elon Mayo (B) Max Weber (C) Frederick Taylor (D) Henri Fayol ‘Which of the following countries are in conflict wth India on water sharing issue? (A) Pakistan (B) Bangladesh (C) Nepal (D) None of these ‘Ramallah isthe Headquarter of Palestinian Authority situated at (A) West Bank (B) Tunis (C) Gaza Strip (D) Jordan Tn which region is Afghanistan located? (A) Southwest Asia (B) Southeast Asia (C) Both A and B (D) None of these ‘Name the largest populated country of the Islamic World: (A) Indonesia (B) Pakistan (C) Turkey (D) Bangladesh "The oldest writen language is: (A) Chinese (B) Arabic (C) Egyptian (D) Sanskrit ‘We are writing letters: (Choose the correct Answer) (A) Leters were being written by us (B) Letters was being written by us (C) Letters are being written by us (D) Letters have beea written by us a7 Dickens was a great writer. Tis earl plots (FI in the Blanks with an appropriate prepositions) (A) Despite (B) Despite of (©) Although (D) In site @ ‘We should finish the work before he ____ to work (Fill in the Blank) (A) Shall come (B) Would come (C) Comes (D) Will come ® 30 “Your guess is as good as mine” means: (A) doin a popular tend or activity (B) To hear something from the authoritative source __(C) To know the answer _(D) To have no idea. Chew the fat” means: (A) Toaction a ask; 10 initiate work (B) To become sient 10 stop tal L (C) To take offense; o get worked up, aggravated, or annoyed (D)To chat idly or generally waste ime talking Page 20f 2 Scanned with CamScanner

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