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DATE: 2/16/22


1.) How would you feel when you experience inequality in life? Some are richer
others are poorer? What will you do? Explain in your own words.

- I am certain that there will always be a gap between rich and poor no matter where we
go or what time we live in. Some are born with better resources, and more opportunity
for success, whilst others came into this world with nothing to start with other than
themselves. This is the cost that comes with rapid economic growth in line with
globalization and emergence of industrial giants who control private companies
generating chunks of profit. As long as this exists, so wil inequality no matter the scale.
Upon realizing this, there is no other better response than to shoot your shot, and to
shoot it in accordance with your resources and capacity. Many people bring themselves
down out of comparison, not realizing that we all live under different circumstances and
vary in resources. Having that said, this quote applies appropriately - "Life is the most
difficult exam. Many poeple fail because they try to copy others, not realising that
everyone has a different question paper."

2.) What do you think is the best economic system and why?

- From where I stand, the Mixed Economic System is currently the best. Each of the four
economic systems do indeed have their own pros and cons, however, none of them
seem to stand out in comparison as to how the mixed economic system does in its
distribution of incentives to those who have participated in growth and economic activity
whilst addressing social welfare.
Some may argue that growth in general is more rapid with a market economic system,
the lack of regulation from the government most usally leads to the unjust exploitation of
economic freedom with most of the profit only going to those who call the shots in
private companies, thus breeding industrial giants who choke the conomy disregarding
equality and widening the gap between the rich and the poor.
3.) How can you make a difference, in making this world sustainable for the next

- Being an ordinary citizen/student, there are several measures in which we can take to
make a difference towards a more sustainable mode of development. These in which,
include the incorporation of green living tips in our lifestyles, whether it be through
recycling, conserving water, reducing energy consumption, or even eating less meat. This
simple participation makes up of a global collaborative effort to prevent further
deterioration of our natural resources.

4.) In the Philippines, do we have food security? Support your answer.

- Taking into consideration the impoverishment our country is experiencing, it is hard to

say that food security is certain. There may be giant industries ready to provide supply for
everybody, not all people make enough money to access these goods. Due to this, several
filipinos suffer hunger and malnutrition thus leading an unhealthy life.
In order to achieve food security in our country an effort to boost community
developemnt programs would be ideal. In addition, the reduction of food waste would go
a long way in supporting the said matter.

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