Meet Me in Paris

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John a man who got busted while proposing in Paris meets Mary a vlogger who loves to travel around
the world. What happens when they cross each other's paths? is it love or a lesson?

Introduction of characters

- a vlogger who loves to travel around the world, a graduated of Associate of Applied Science in Culinary
Arts and became a chef
- her adoration for John is head over heals and it is undeniable
- the guy who needs love and comfort from a girl
- He would see and meet Mary there.

Mary’s Friend
~ Talia Trustworthy friends of Mary
~ Zariah Trustworthy friends of Mary
~ Astrid Trustworthy friends of Mary
John’s Friend
~ Liam John’s friend, Childhood friend of Mary



view form my window, day 1 at paris~ M

Enjoy your vacation mary! T

I wish I could be there with you rn Z

Mary, you’re in Pairs? let's meet up! A

I’m nervous~ J


Mary’s Pov

Mary glanced through her phone while resting at the hotel, looking for nice spots to visit in Paris.
Restaurants and the Eiffel Tower are also included. She went to bed first so that she would have more
energy to stroll about and explore Paris.
"Hello Mary, open the door,"

said the knocker, but she didn't open it right away because she was sleeping.

"Hello Mary, it’s me Astrid, open the door,"

Astrid said, but she didn't answer until Astrid called Mary to tell her she was outside the hotel door.

Phone Call:

A: hello Mary

M: Hey astrid, why did you call??

A: im here in front of your room! Open the goddam door mary!

M: oh im sorry wait – ends the call

John Pov

"Tonight, will be the best!" he says to himself. As he looked at the ring he had chosen, he muttered to
himself. He repeats once more, "Everything is prepared, everything will be beautiful." He takes a sip of
his coffee and steps out onto the balcony of his hotel to take in the breathtaking views of Paris. "I hope
she loves it," he says, returning his gaze to the ring. He smiles and finishes his coffee, "I love it and I love
her so much."

Mary’ Pov

"Ahh, I've been standing there for over an hour now, I hate it, I hate you!" she yells to Astrid,

"I'm so sorry I didn't hear you; I was asleep!"

"Astrid, I love you; please come in!"

she explained. They hug one other and begin to laugh and talk more as soon as they sit on the couch.
When Astrid, Mary's best friend, had to work in Paris while Mary and their two pals were in New Jersey,
they split ways.

"I miss you so much, Mary; I sent you a message when I saw your tweet, but you didn't respond!"

"I was sleeping, Astrid, and I'm surprised you discovered me.”

"Duh, you mentioned your location on your post, and I have a friend here, so they let me in” the two
continue to converse

“Oh, I have to go, I have something urgent to do. I’ll treat your dinner later, okay?”

“Sure Astrid, Take care!” Astrid left Mary’s room and Mary’s continues to sleep.

Mary’s POV

I'm getting ready to meet Astrid for dinner. She promised me something good would happen later, but
she never told me what it was. I'm not sure, but I believe we will be happy. I take my camera out of my
bag because I'm going to record a random vlog with Astrid.

John’s POV

I'm driving to Madge's house to pick her up and get her some flowers. I texted Liam, my best friend, to
double-check the venue and make sure everything was going according to plan. I'm pretty nervous, but
I'm hoping everything goes well.


J: Liam, what's the latest news?

L: All set, mate, the dancers have arrived.

J: What are you talking about? Dancers?

L: For the Flash Mob? Have you already forgotten?

J: ohm yeah, I remember

L: Are you nervous, mate?

J: Yes, I'm a little nervous.

L: Don't worry, I'm sure Madge will enjoy it.

J: I wish as well.


M: with Astrid (star emoji)

A: @Talia and @Zariah we miss you!

J: With you I’m the happiest

L: when?

John’s Pov

At moment, we're eating at our favorite restaurant. "You look pretty," I told her as she seated in front of
me. I smiled at him, and she smiled back. I knew I loved her after that.

Madge’ Pov

We're currently eating at his favorite restaurant, which has never been one of mine. He was sitting there
in front of me and mouthed "you look pretty" he smiles and I smile back, hesitantly. How do I tell him
that I’ve lost interest?

John’s Pov

I told her, “Baby, we need to check out the new store near the Eiffel Tower," and she just nodded. I'm
not sure why, but there's something wrong with her. Maybe it's because I was late picking her up or
didn't tag her in my tweet? I don't care what it is; what matters is that I make a proposal to her, which I
hope she loves.

Mary’s Pov

After I finished my meal, I told Astrid, "We have to go back here with Talia and Zariah." "Last week, I had
planned to invite you three to come here and visit me, but my schedule got jumbled," she explained. I
grab my vlogging camera to film our moment, and I spot a new store near the Eiffel Tower, so I tell her
that after we eat, we must go there, and she agrees.

We finished our dinner and went straight to the store, where we have been enjoying the view when
loud music began to play and everyone began to dance. Astrid insisted on holding the camera so that I
could be in the frame, and then a man knelt down and pulled a ring from his pocket....


Mary’ Pov

"Sometimes the most difficult part of loving someone is realizing that the best thing you can do for them
is let them go," I murmured as the girl walked away from her lover. Astrid is going to sleep in my hotel
room, and she and I are getting ready to go, but my head is still stuck in that situation. What if
something like that occurs to me? So, what should I do now? I simply let go of the negativity and
followed Astrid down the street.

L: John, where are you?
L: mate, I've been looking for you for a while, I'm worried
J: Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole
assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same
impossibility over and over again.


J: I did the searching and remembering, she did the disappearing and the forgetting.

John’s Pov

Even though it's been a year, I'm still in pain. Breakups are a nightmare. They normally make one of the
break-up-ees suffer the most. They can make you want to stay in bed, not talk to anyone, and not eat.
You may feel physically incapable of doing any of these tasks at times. All you can do is lie in your bed,
staring into space, lost in your thoughts and crying. Sobbing, to be precise. Your days and nights are
haunted by sadness, rage, and anxiety.


Mom: How are you doing, son?

John: Mom, I'm fine.

Dad: John, you've got to get over her! Whether you like it or not, I'm putting you up on a blind date.

J: Liam, my father is setting me up on a date, please save me!

L: I'm at work, John, attempting to finish off your unfinished work! Why don't you come in and do your
job without relying on me?

J: Liam, I've been on a breakup for a while.

L: John, it's been over a year! WAKE UP!

J: It's been a year, yet it still hurts; I want love, and I want to feel love.

L: Then go on that blind date your father arranged up for you, and then come back to work!

Mary’s Pov

I'm back in New Jersey, and my life has returned to normal. Same place, same people. Zariah and Talia
have arrived, and I'm starting to miss Astrid. It's been a year since we met, and even though we've
talked on the phone, I still miss her. Maybe it's all about being present? I'm missing her, and I'm missing
Paris. While reminiscing about my time in Paris, I remembered the guy who was got busted a year ago. I
recall his eyes becoming teary, that hazel forest eye. His cheerful smile transforms into a blank face or a
face longing for the love he craves. *Phone vibrates*
Mom: Mary, my lovely daughter

M: Mom, why aren't you telling me what's going on?

Mom: Mary, this is your final chance!

M: You've hooked me up with so many boys, mom. If this isn't my type, I'm done.

Mom: I'm sure he's your kind of guy, Juliet, so go find your Romeo!

M: tbh, hat’s corny mom


Mary’s Pov

I'm getting ready for my blind date. My mother enjoys setting me up with her friend's son, and I'm
obligated to go on dates with them since I can't say no to her. I'm not sure who my mother set me up
with, and I'm not sure why she didn't give me his photo or phone number; all I know is that his name
was John. Someone sent a text message.

U. N: I'll meet you in Paris.
Mary: What the hell are you doing here? What source did you use to obtain my phone number?!
U. N: Just come to Paris and meet me.
Mary: I'm in New Jersey, which is about 248 miles from my house! Don't try me if you can't do anything
else in your life.

Because of what happened, I blocked that number and threw my phone to my bed, but it immediately
vibrated again.

Mom: You should go to Paris and meet him.

Mary: What are you saying, Mom?

Mom: A new eatery near our home, Paris Restaurant!

Mary: I didn’t even know there's a new restaurant in the neighborhood?

Mom: Yes, and your date has been there for a long time!

Mary: Please accept my apologies for not knowing! Yes, I'll be there!!

John’s Pov
My date hasn't arrived yet, despite the fact that I arrived 20 minutes ago. I texted her where we should
meet, but she didn't get it. Perhaps she is unaware of the location of this Paris restaurant? This chick is
strange, and I'm wishing I hadn't agreed to this. It's ludicrous, and I despise it.

Mary’s Pov
"I'm truly sorry for how I acted earlier; I had no idea."

"It's alright hahah, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself when I messaged you," he said after 5 minutes of
silence, "Hmm Mary, before you go, unblock my number so that I can still message you." "Oh yeah yes
sure," I said as I took my phone and unblocked him. He quickly sends me a message.

J: I finally meet you

M: In Paris

I saw him in the eyes and recognized him as he grinned. He was the boy who got busted in Paris and
wanted to meet me again. What a coincidence that we meet again, John. Is this what they mean when
they say "destiny"? All I know is that my mother was correct: he was my type. It's been a year since his
breakup, and I'm sure it's been difficult for him, but look at him, he's here, dining with me. Maybe this is
the beginning of love? Maybe this time it's love.

John’s Pov

Mary is pleasant to be around; just look at her. I've never met somebody who is more brilliant than she
is. She's like a ray of light, easy to chat to and adept at maintaining a conversation. Maybe I'll give it a
shot? I believe. Isn't that incorrect? Maybe it's time for me to let go of my pride and open my heart to
others? Is she capable of bringing love and joy into my life, or is she, like my ex, the source of my
sadness? Maybe this love, the love that I need to let go of that negativity. Who knows, maybe this time
it'll be true love.


John’s Pov

It's been a month since I arrived in New Jersey, and I'm starting to feel like this is going to be my home.
Mary and I are in the process of getting to know one another. She never alters her personality and is
really open. When I initially met her, I liked her even more. Wait, I did think I liked her? Perhaps I'm
beginning to develop feelings for her. Mary is younger than me, she enjoys cooking for me, she has a lot
of energy, and she does not give off a negative feeling when she is around. We have a lot in common:
we both enjoy French cuisine, travel, and photography. I'm not sure how I feel, but I'm certain it'll be her
who brings me joy.
Mary’s Pov

Later, we're going somewhere, and he'll bring his car with us. This time, we were fairly close; we both
have similar interests, and it's surprising how much we have in common. He's older than I am, has a solid
job, a steady profession, and a happy family. He's the "perfect man" for every girl, and he's raised my
standards so high that only he can meet it. It's obvious, and I'm aware that I like him, despite the fact
that we've only met for several weeks. It doesn't have to take a long time to know what you're feeling,
since when love makes its way, you feel like a feather floating in the air, everything beautiful and
perfect, and that's exactly how I feel about him.


T: Mary is now silent, ah.

Z: Is that the result of falling in love?
A: Mary isn't paying attention to us anymore, and you've recently announced a boyfriend.
M: I'll return the favor from y'all next time, I have a date with John and I have to go meet him.
T: Take care of yourselves, you two!
Z: Mary, be careful!
A: stay safeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

J: I’m outside now Mary

M: okay I’m coming


Mary’s Pov

What did I do to deserve John, who is too wonderful for me? I'm grateful to God for allowing me to
meet him, as well as my mother. Every day, I pray for his happiness and success. I'm praying to God to
help us represent your love for us and to always prioritize seeking you first in our relationship. Help us to
grow stronger in love every day and to keep our love as our first priority. Please help us to be selfless
couples who want to bless and give to one another.


J: love
Mary: <3



Madge: New Jersey

John’s Pov


J: Mate, you saw madge tweet?

L: Oh, I haven’t why?
J: send’s the picture* oh she’s here in new jersey?
L: oh, she’s here in new jersey?
J: yeah, I think, I haven’t seen her since we broke up.
L: so? Do you want to see her? What are you thinking john? You’re already happy with Mary
J: yeah, I know but I want to see her for us to have closure, closure only.


J: I feel so blue without you

M: oh, love do you miss me? I miss you too!

John’s Pov

I'm suddenly missing Madge; I'm not sure why, but I'm missing her. I'm tempted to cheat on her because
I'm currently with Mary and feel horrible for her. I truly hate this sensation, and I hate overthinking like
this. I did it for Madge, hoping she would want to meet me but instead Mary thought I misses her. My
goal in wanting Madge to meet with me, as I've told Liam, is for us to have a better closure. That's all. I
love Mary now and that's all I know. 

Mary’s Pov

Liam’s Pov
~ In love

His eyes are the prettiest eyes I have ever seen.

I tend to lose myself in them.

His smiles are the cutes I have ever seen.

I lose myself staring at his lips.

His hands are bigger than mine and it’s cute.

It feels nice when he holds mine.

I am crazy about him and its unstoppable.

i love everything about him

But how does he feel about me?

~ Hurting

I wake up every day

Wondering if I’ll ever be good enough.

Wondering if I will ever become

Someone’s first choice.

Wondering if I will ever find happiness

Whether with or without someone.

I just want to be enough.

When will that day come?

- I wonder

I look at myself in the mirror,

Knowing that I am for sure

Not as pretty like her,

Not as skinny like her.

Not smarter than her.

I just want to be her,

So, he can finally want me.

- no self-love if he doesn’t love me

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