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Date Invention or discovery Present Invention Importance

~ 2000 BC. a sort of hand-operated Abacus – Calculator Used for computations, solving
mechanical calculator using problems and a must-have,
beads on rods, first used by especially in financial management
Sumerians and Egyptians course
1801 Joseph-Marie Jacquard Programmable A computer program, such as
invents the automated cloth- computers accounting software, is crucial
weaving loom. The punched because it helps financial
cards it uses to store patterns management students easily record
help to inspire programmable a company's financial transactions
computers when performing tasks.
1803 Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier Paper Encoding transactions of companies
develop the papermaking studied by accounting students.
1973 Robert Metcalfe figures out a Computer networks; A very important aspect, particularly
simple way of linking Internet for the complex study of business
computers together that he and accounting, as well as an
names Ethernet. Most accessible guide for students
computers hooked up to the
Internet now use it
1876 Alexander Graham Bell Telephones Used for communication because we
patented the telephone, need it not only for the internet but
although the also to conveniently share
true ownership of the invention information about our lesson.
remains controversial even
1920s Philo T. Farnsworth invents Television; LCD TV Finance students must keep up with
modern electronic television current events because we are
studying business fundamentals.
Learning accountancy entails being
aware of our country's current
1960s Douglas Engelbart develops Computer mouse A small device that is sometimes
the computer mouse overlooked, but it is a huge help for
us finance students because it
allows us to work faster and more
efficiently, especially when using
gadgets/devices to encode
1971 Ray Tomlinson invented and Electronic email Nowadays, we use e-mail to send
developed electronic mail, as private documents such as activities
we know it today, by creating and projects more quickly and
ARPANET’s networked email securely.
1982 Dan Bricklin changed the world Microsoft Excel Excel is widely used in accounting
forever when he codeveloped for balance sheets, receipts, and
VisiCalc, the first electronic expenses, among other things. Excel
spreadsheet and grandfather of is a useful tool for finance students
programs you probably use because it allows you to create a
every day like Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with calculations that
and Google Sheets. are done automatically within the
1989 Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web Data transactions are properly
World Wide Web recorded directly into financial
statements with the help of
computerized accounting
technology, which speeds up the
production and availability of

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