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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.

5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by

Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

Welcome to Tank School! Additionally, I am pleased to include instructive and

critical (and I emphasize critical) tactical analysis
provided by Mr. Andy Daniels. Such will appear
throughout the text in red font in the following fashion:
<Text regarding tactical aspects.>


The ASLSK3 (unofficial) Errata and Q&A is available at
-3-qa-and-errata-12-07 . Note that the only “official”
SK3 errata are those published in the ASL Starter Kit
Expansion Pack #1 (SKEP1) 2011 rule book.
(Unfortunately, the errors in the examples remain
(Note the sloped armor!)
largely uncorrected.)
If you’re reading this 5th EOP then you have come a long
I have prepared a sticky errata file that includes
way in ASL(SK) and are now ready for your final stage of
corrections to the “TO HIT DRMs” Table. The file also
training: Learning to drive and use armored fighting
includes a corrected image for an erroneous Russian 1st
vehicles! This will be done in two EOPs. This EOP is on
Line HS on the Nationality Chart on the back of the rule
S21 and uses only tanks. This will provide a lot of
book. The proper 1st Line HS “in a square frame” is a
training, but in order to graduate, you will need to do
237, not a 227 (“unframed” 1st line HS; see SK1). This
an additional scenario/EOP so as to use the full-orbed
makes clear that if a 447 is casualty reduced, it becomes
permutations possible only with combined-arms:
a 237. Also, if a 248 Elite HS is ELR’d, it becomes a 237.
infantry with support weapons and LATWs, guns and
Also included is a copy of the “Armor Factor” table seen
vehicles. As before, this EOP presumes use of the prior
on page 3 of this document. This file is available at:
four already.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3-to-hit-drm-table-sticky-errata-plus

This tEOP had a different course of generation than did Another typo to correct is the rule reference number in
its four earlier brothers. This one has been thoroughly the definitions section (Rule 2.0) under Residual Fire; it
reviewed by several players of differing levels of should be 3.3.5, not 3.3.1. This error is perpetuated in
expertise, but all of which contributed greatly and SKEP1.
uniquely to this project. In alphabetical order they are:
Also, please see Jay Richardson’s explanation for the
Steve Bowen (Binko), Martí Cabré (marticabre), Andy inconsistencies in the “To Hit/To Kill Example” on page
Daniels (andydaniels), Miikka Sohlman (Hipsu) and 25 of the rule book at:
David Winston (dwin). I thank them each profoundly,
and claim complete ownership of any errors that might hit-to-kill-example .
An excellent and detailed Sequence of Play (SOP) for
SK3 can be downloaded from

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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email: Tamarovka can be found at a cross roads on a line

eqop_table-pdf . (Note that it incorrectly indicates the between Kursk (about 100 km to the north) and
second phase as “Prepare Fire Phase” instead of “Prep Kharkov (about 70 km to the south) and just slightly
Fire Phase,” and doesn’t indicate the end of CCPh
north of the east-west line connecting Belgorod and
vehicular status counter activity.  After
 Remove all Pin markers
A German map/plan of the region can be seen at
 Flip Stun/STUN counters to +1 Side
GE.svg . Look just right of the Legend to find the 4th Pz
The SK3 included Ordnance To Hit Chart is missing the Army area of operation and note the thrust northward
row for the German 37L gun. I have produced a sticky- splitting the Russian 40th and 69th Armies. You will be
errata PDF file which you can use to add the missing able to see Belgorod and Tamarovka south of Kursk, and
data. Download at Kharkov (Charkow) on the south margin but not
ion-for-missing-37l-row-on-the-to-hit-chart .
Let’s begin! If you have not already read the new
Jay Richardson’s excellent ASL/SK Armored Fighting
salmon-colored rules, you should do so but you can skip
Vehicle tutorial is available at anything pertaining to Infantry or SWs and just
richardson-tutorial-part-5-as-pdf . concentrate on the new section for armored vehicles,
mainly all of Vehicle Movement (3.3.2 and
subparagraphs) and the six pages of Section 7.0
Vehicles. (We’ll add the balance with the next EOP.)

Ready the counters needed for this tank-on-tank battle.

Be very careful to get the exact vehicles indicated on
the scenario card as there are several versions that may
have the same gun and even the same Movement
Points (upper right corner) too. Pay attention to the MG
configuration, too. A common variation within a vehicle
type is the presence/absence of Anti-Aircraft MGs.

TANK SCHOOL: “Counter”

Tiger I Tank (Panzer VIE) (Note the perpendicular [but
thicker] armor) We’ll now compare and contrast the four tank counters
involved to kick-off our review/learning. Starting with
SCENARIO BACKGROUND the perimeter of the counters and the upper-left
corner, you’ll remember that just like with guns, each
At the time of this scenario, the elite Grossdeutchland individual counter has an ID letter to distinguish it from
Division (GD Div) was attached to the 4th Panzer Army as other of the same model. Remember how we used
part of the southern thrust of Operation Citadel, the acquisition counters that corresponded to the letter ID
battles to sever the Kursk salient. Borisovka (where this of a particular gun? We can and will do the same here.
action took place) is directly west of Belgorod.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

You will note that the Russian T-34 M41 has its ID letter Below the MP are the Armor Factor numbers. ASL(SK)
framed by a square; this indicates that the M41 has distinguishes the following grades of Armor Factors: 0,
lower (low) Ground Pressure than normal, because of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 18, and 26.
either lower weight and/or greater tread area. As such, Armor
only this tank model of the four in play will have less Factors
chance of getting bogged down or mired when entering 26
difficult terrain (building or woods). 18
Moving to the upper-right corner, we see two symbols. 11
The Movement Points (MPs) are used/spent to: begin 8
moving (Start), continue moving, stop moving (Stop), 6
rotate (change Vehicular Covered Arc [VCA]), dispense 4
smoke or just sit with the engine running (Delay). Note 3
that ALL of a vehicle’s MPs must be spent during the 2
vehicle’s MPh. Any “unused” MPs are considered spent
in the last hex entered. If the MP number is in red (as
for the Russian T-34 M41 [but not the 1943 version There are two numbers on each counter which by their
(M43)], and the German Pz VIE (Tiger 1)), then the AFV position and optional framing with a circle or a square,
suffers from Mechanical Reliability issues. This means represent the defensive armor strength of both the
that any expenditure of Start MPs or Motion Status main carriage of the AFV (known as the Hull) and the
Attempts (i.e. get moving when an enemy has moved in turret super-structure above, and each of these for two
their MPh such that they can now see you) may cause aspects: the front and the side/rear. The top numeral of
Immobilization! [This is a good place to remind you that the AF# represents the Front Armor of the Hull, and if
you must always check the SK3 “Vehicle and Ordnance not framed by either a circle or square, then the front
Historical Notes” supplement (in SK2 called “Chapter H armor of the turret too; the bottom numeral represents
Ordnance Notes” and in ASL called Chapter H) for any the Side/Rear Armor of the Hull, and if not framed by
special characteristics of your Armor (or Ordnance) even either a circle or square, then the side/rear armor of the
if not prompted by the counter. Reading the entry for turret too. If either number has a square frame around
the Russian T-34 M41 we see that we are directed to it, then that aspect of the Turret is one degree higher
Russian Vehicle Note M, which stipulates that if an 11 is (e.g. an 8 becomes an 11). If either number has a circle
rolled on a Mechanical Reliability check, the tank around it, then that aspect of the Turret is one degree
stalls1.] The other symbol in the upper-right corner is lower (e.g. an 8 becomes a 6).
the white oval behind the MP#. The oval represents the TEST 1:
tracks of a tank (or non-turreted self-propelled-gun like 1. Which of our tanks have the strongest front hull
the German StuG III). ASLSK3 also brings Armored Cars armor?2
(AC, like the British Daimler) which are represented by a 2. Which tank has a front turret AF of 8?3
white disk symbolic of the wheels of an AC. In ASL, a 3. What is the front turret AF for the Pz VIE?4
half-track will utilize both and a truck will use two disks.
Each has unique movement characteristics.
All but the Pz IVF2 have a value of 11.
1 3
See page 10 of the SK3 [“Chapter H”] Vehicle and Ordnance The T-34 M41.
Historical Notes supplement for details. 14.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

4. Which tanks have the same Side/Rear AF for both Moving towards the center, you will see a thin white
their hull and turrets?5 circle, a thin white square, a thick white square or a
thick white square with missing corners framing the AFV
We’re not quite done here yet. One other value is depiction. These describe the Turret Type: thin circle =
conveyed by these two AF#s. If both numbers are in Fast Traverse turret (T), thin square = Slow Traverse
black ink, then the AFV is Normal size (no DRM for turret (ST), thick square = Restricted Slow Traverse (RST)
Target Size). Front AF number in red = Large target (-1 and thick square with missing corners = One-man turret
Target Size DRM); both AFs in red = Very Large target (-2 (1MT). Additionally, if there were no white framing at
DRM). Front AF number with a white disk background = all, as in the German StuG III, then the MA is not
Small target (+1 DRM); both AFs with white disk turreted (NT) and must be aimed by changing the VCA.
background = Very Small target (+2 DRM). (Such a gun is often known as a self-propelled gun.
Think of it as an SK2 Gun that can be driven instead of
Moving to the bottom-right corner, we come to the pushed.)
AFV’s Machine Gun FP factors. The convention is the
following: Bow6/Co-Axial/Anti-Aircraft (AA). The bow All of the AFV’s MAs point to the bottom-right corner,
MG, since mounted to fire forward through the hull, will just as with the GUNS of SK2 and must be faced to
always shoot only into the VCA (where the hull is define a CA the same way. However, turreted AFVs can
pointed). The co-axial MG is mounted on the turret point their turrets away from the front of the AFV by
beside the Main Armament (MA) and always fires into swinging the turret. This is indicated by use of a Turret
the TCA (where the turret is pointed). If you look Covered Arc (TCA) counter. Additionally, these counters
carefully at the pictures included above of the T-34 and are used to indicate whether the elite AFV crew is
Pz VI, you should be able to see the barrel of these MGs Buttoned-Up (BU) or [Crew] Exposed (CE). Being BU
or the aperture through which they would be makes the crew invulnerable to all attacks except those
presented. An AAMG is mounted outside for use when that result in destruction of the AFV itself, but place
Crew Exposed (CE). An AAMG has no covered arc limits on movement and firing (Case 13). In summary,
restrictions. The FP strength of each type of MG is listed the use of the AFV counter and TCA counter represent
as x/y/z following the order mentioned above with an the facing of the AFV, the facing of the Turret and the
absent value indicated as “-”. For example: 4/4 indicates crew’s BU/CE status (no counter is used if the turret is
a Bow MG (BMG) and Co-Axial MG (CMG) each of 4 FP. pointing in the same direction as the AFV and the Crew
The absence of the optional AAMG is usually not is BU).
indicated. However -/-/6 would indicate the presence
only of an AAMG of 6FP. The BMG and AAMG have a What’s not on the front of the counter:
normal range of 8 hexes; the CMG has a normal range Just as with Guns and Machine Guns, if there is no B#
of 12 hexes. on the counter, then the B#=12. Where’s the Morale
Level (ML) for the inherent elite AFV crew? See the first
The lower-left corner shows the Main Armament (MA) sentence of page 277. Checking the Nationality Chart we
Gun caliber and barrel type, just like with the Guns of see that our guys have ML=8. If the ML is different than
SK2. All our tanks have long barrels (L) giving better this, then it is indicated on the back of the counter (see
performance at longer distances (higher To Hit #) than the Pz VIE).8
those guns without same. Right above the MA value
(except for the T-34 M41) you will see a ROF number in
a square.

If you’ve checked the unofficial errata (or SKEP1), then you
All but the Pz IVF2. know that this sentence was changed from “… chart on the
As in bow of a boat, not what shoots arrows. Also, some QRDC” to “… on the Nationality Chart.”
AVFs may have Rear-facing MGs (RMG). “ML:9”
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

TEST 2: Using only information on the counters, can IVF2 represent the “Aprons” developed to protect the
you explain why the Russian T-34 M41 (1941-42) has wheels and tracks from Russian ATRs14. (See Below)
lower Ground Pressure than the T-34 M43 (1943)?9

Let’s proceed to examine the undercarriage (the reverse

of the counter, which is used to indicate a destroyed
AFV [wreck]). The only information that concerns us is
the Special Ammo and Depletion Numbers (just as with
Guns) and the Vehicular Smoke Dispensers (VSD). All
AFVs by default have unlimited quantities of AP (Armor
Piercing) and HE (High Explosive) projectiles (6.2) unless
indicated on back of counter or by an underscore/
The M7* on the Pz VIE is a mine dispenser, serving as an
overscore on the gun size. Both Russian T-34 types
anti-personnel close-defense weapon.
have APCR (Armor Piercing Composite Rigid with
increasing availability as the years advance: 4 for 1942, What’s not on the reverse of the counter:
5 for 1943, 6 for 1944, and the M3 version has 7 for None of these tanks have “No IF” on the back of the
1945). The German tanks have less each year as the war counter (like the Russian IS-2m has), therefore, all may
advances. The Vehicular Smoke Dispensers (sD, sM, sP, use Intensive Fire (IF) if desired. Also, there are no
and sN) are same-or-near-hex defensive/counter repair numbers on the back for malfunctioned MAs or
measures. Unlike ordnance smoke shells fired from a MGs; those are indicated by the addition of another
non-vehicular gun (SK2), if you roll higher than the VSD information counter.
Depletion number, then you weren’t successful
dispensing the smoke, but can try again with a later We have now completed our “Counter” Intelligence. 
shot (you’re not out of vehicular smoke).
Advanced Test Question (ATQ) No.1:
TEST No.3:
1. Which Vehicle Status Counter will we certainly not
1. Which tank has the best chance of shooting APCR in
1942?10 use in this scenario, and why?15
2. In which year do most of the tanks have equal
chances of firing APCR?11 TANK SCHOOL: Mission Briefing
3. During what year does this scenario take place?12
The Russians have 10 tanks, all of same caliber, but only
4. Which tank can fire Ordnance Smoke shells from its
four of which have ROF capability. Comparatively, the
MA (as can some guns in SK2)?13
Germans have only six total tanks but all have ROF
What we’re not paying attention to on the reverse: capability. If we calculate the actual Basic Point Value
The following data are operative in full ASL but not in (BPV) for each side using the values listed for each
SK3. CS# is Crew Survival. Circled “R” on the T-34 M41 vehicle in the Chapter H supplement, then the Russians
means it doesn’t have a radio. Sz (Schürzen) on the Pz have: (4 x M43 BPV) + (6 x M41 BPV) = (4x59)+(6x55) =
566 BPV; and the Germans have: (2x VIE BPV) + (4x IVF2
The front turret had less armor, therefore it weighed less.
10 14
Pz VIE See W.J. Spielburger and U. Feist, Armor on the Eastern
1943. All have Depletion #5 except for the Pz IVF2 (#4). Front.
12 15
1943 . The green AAMG Malfunction counters. None of our tanks
Only the Pz IVF2 has an s# (s8). have AAMGs.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

BPV) = (2x87)+(4x72) = 462. This suggests that the Russian deploys his tank Company off-board into 2
Russians have the advantage. augmented platoons of 5 tanks each16:

There are other tactical factors to consider too, Platoon Антон17: Will enter on road hex tA5 from
however: the maneuver flexibility of 10 tanks versus 6: imaginary adjoining off-board road hexes in a column
advantage Russians. The increased MPs of the Russian (i.e., 1 vehicle per hex) of the following order, all Crew
tanks: advantage Russians. The weaker front armor of Exposed (CE, apply TCA counters) and with all VCA/TCA
the Pz IVF2: advantage Russians. facing south: M43-A, M43-B, M41-C, M41-D, M41-F.

What do the Germans have? Can you say, “Deadly Platoon Борис18: Will enter on road hex vGG5 from
88L”? Advantage: Germans. Russian 1st move only ½ imaginary adjoining off-board road hexes in a column of
MP: advantage Germans. The two Tiger tank crews have the following order, all CE (apply TCA counters) and
a ML=9 (see reverse of counter), all other tank crews for with all VCA/TCA facing south: M43-C, M43-D, M41-A,
both combatants have tank crews with ML=8: M41-B, M41-E.
advantage Germans. Fast Traverse Turrets on the four
IVF2s: advantage Germans. Germans set up second (can RT1 PFPh: None
reflect Reconnaissance): advantage Germans. May fire RT1 MPh:
CE: advantage Germans. Has black versus red VTT To Hit Before we begin moving tanks in the movement phase
numbers: advantage Germans at moderate to long we will review the confusing terminology that describes
range. More ROF-capable tanks: advantage Germans. the movement states of vehicles. As can be read in Jay
And probably most of all, the front armor of the Tigers Richardson’s excellent tutorial linked above, Ole Boe,
is essentially impenetrable to the Russian fire: huge long-time ASL’er, has provided an excellent summary
German advantage! Now the “clear” Russian advantage which we now list below:
is not so clear after all!
Moving: A vehicle that is currently executing its MPh. In
The month of this scenario being March, this means other words, this is the answer to the question, “Which
that neither the orchards nor the grain fields are in- tank/AFV/vehicle is now doing its MPh?” As we will be
season. moving tanks one at a time, as we did infantry before,
then all other vehicles on the board are not “Moving”
Identification Friend or Foe (IFF)
Each tank will carry a unique identifier combining their
model and individual ID. Examples include M41-A, M43- Motion: A vehicle that is not Moving and not stopped.
B, VIE-A and IVF2-C In other words, it is not the one vehicle currently
executing its MPh (see above), but in story terms is not
Objectives (See the VCs): Russians must have higher
stationary. All our off-board tanks in this scenario are
total of destroyed German tanks plus exited Russian
tanks, than German has destroyed Russian tanks,
otherwise the German wins. All off-board AFVs are In Motion per the rules. We’ll save
marking them with a Motion counter (which if applied now
while off-board would be removed when we start moving
The Battle Ensues: Russian them) until they finish their MPh if then in Motion (see
Deployment below).
Russian Phonetic/Spelling alphabet (Anton).
RT1 RPh: Boris

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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

considered to start in Motion (under MOTION Moving Target20: “A vehicle/wreck that has moved into
counters). The Russians and Germans are coming from a new hex this player turn, or that is in Motion, or that
somewhere, right? They are driving towards each other started [or ended] its MPh in Motion” (2.0, 3.3.2).
and will soon meet. Unless a vehicle stopped or became Basically, it you target a vehicle that is or was moving in
immobilized since it last MPh, it is in Motion. This this Player Turn, even if it is now stopped, Immobilized
answers the question, “Is this vehicle, whose turn is not or a Wreck, it is a “Moving Target.” Said another way, if
yet, not stationary?” If so, then it is In Motion. a vehicle has not moved into a new hex this player turn,
or is not and never was in Motion in this Player Turn,
Non-Stopped: A vehicle that is Moving and not stopped.
then it is not a moving target… but it’s a very good
In other words, the first Russian tank that we select to
move in this RT1 MPh in just a moment, will be non-
stopped, as it will be the Moving vehicle counter, was In The Russians Move:
Motion, and will also be spending MPs to traverse Since there are no Germans on-board, the order of
terrain. If during its MPh (as the Moving vehicle) it movement for the Russians is not important. All Russian
stopped, then it would still be the Moving vehicle but Tanks have spent half their MPs by the Set-Up Rules,
would no longer be non-stopped, i.e. it would be and are CE by the player’s choice so as to cover more
stopped/stationary, until the end of its MPh. ground quickly21. (There are not sufficient MOTION
Counters (#13) to cover all the tanks in play (#16). When
Stopped19: This word simply means that the tank is
a tank is selected to execute its MPh, any MOTION
considered still, non-dynamic, not moving in plain (non-
counter it may have had is removed.) For the first Game
ASL) English.
Turn, the expenditure of MPs will be exhaustively listed
The following table summarizes the above intrinsic for pedagogical purposes. Beginning Game Turn 2, the
vehicular states. data will become abbreviated with certain facts
assumed. Though I am listing both the MP cost of each
Vehicle Dynamics activity and decrementing the available MP for clarity
sake (all tanks have to stop when they get to zero MPs
Stationary Non-Stationary
left, but not all tanks have to stop when they have spent
Its MPh Stopped Non-Stopped x MPs), you may instead use three D10 dice (to indicate
Moving & -> tens, ones, and half units) for tracking MPs expended as
reflected in the rulebook example.
Not its MPh Stopped Motion
Platoon Антон:
M43-A (starting from Station 0 (zero))22, now the
Moving vehicle): tA6 (0.5MP, 7.5 remaining), B5 (0.5MP,
Hind sight, they say, is 20/20. If it could be re-labeled, it 7 rem.), C5 (0.5MP, 6.5 rem.), change VCA to C4/D4
might make more intuitive sense to have called the (1MP, 5.5 rem.), C4 (0.5MP, 5r), C3 (0.5MP, 4.5r), D2
Moving vehicle the Phasing vehicle, and the Non- (0.5MP, 4r), E2 (0.5MP, 3.5r), F1 (0.5MP, 3r),change
Stopped vehicle, the Moving vehicle ([In] Motion and VCA to G1/G2 (1MP, 2r), G2 (0.5MP, 1.5r), H1 (0.5MP,
Stopped are intuitive already).
Referred to in To Hit DRM No.24 as Moving Vehicle.
Roads are only ½ MP when CE, See Terrains Effects Chart.
The name for my imaginary hex just off-board and adjacent
Not originally treated by Ole Boe. to the first road hex on the board.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

1r), I1 (0.5MP, 0.5r), J1 (0.5MP, 0r) with VCA K1/K2. M41-D (now the Moving vehicle). Starting 3 road hexes
Since this tank did not spend a Stop MP, it is now in further back than the leader, at Station -3. Station -2
Motion. Place a MOTION counter. This tank is also a (0.5MP/8r). Station -1 (0.5MP/7.5r), Station 0
Moving Target. (0.5MP/7r), tA6 (0.5MP/6.5r), change VCA to A7/B6
(1MP/5.5r), B6 (1MP/4.5r), change VCA to C6/C7
M43-B (now the Moving vehicle) will follow the exact (1MP/3.5r), C7 (1MP/2.5r), D7 (1MP/1.5r), E8
same path until G2 but is presumed to start one hex (1.5MP/0r) with VCA F7/F8. Place MOTION counter. This
further behind the lead tank (Station -1). Therefore, is also a Moving Target.
upon arriving at G2 it now has only 1MP remaining. It
moves into H2(1MP,0r) with VCA I2/I3. Place MOTION Last tank of Platoon Антон: M41-F, starting from
counter. This tank is also a Moving Target. Station -4. Station -3 (0.5MP/8r), Station -2
(0.5MP/7.5r), Station -1 (0.5MP/7r), Station 0
M41-C (now the Moving vehicle). Since it is starting 2- (0.5MP/6.5r), tA6 (0.5MP/6r), B6 (2MP*/4r), C7
road hexes further back (Station -2) it will cost 1MP just (2MP*/2r), D6 (1MP/1r), E6 with VCA of F5/F6
to bring it to the edge of the off-board (Station 0), but (1MP/0r). Place MOTION counter. This is also a Moving
has only 0.5 MP more than the M43s had to begin with Target. Thus moves Platoon Антон. (*=Extra MP spent)
(½ of 17MP = 8.5MP vs ½ of 16MP = 8MP). These sum
to a difference of 0.5MP less, just like the second tank Platoon Борис:
that moved. In case you didn’t understand that I will M43-C (now the Moving vehicle) at Station 0: vGG5
move and record every step from where it presently is. (0.5MP/7.5r), FF5 (2.5MP24/5r), EE5 (0.5MP/4.5r), DD5
It has 8.5MP to move with (½ of 17MP). Station -1 (0.5MP/4r), CC6 (0.5MP/3.5r), BB5 (0.5MP/3r), AA5
(0.5MP/8r), Station 0 (0.5MP/7.5r), tA6 (0.5MP/7r), B5 (0.5MP/2.5r), Z4 (0.5MP/2r), Y4 (0.5MP/1.5r), X3
(0.5MP/6.5r), C5 (0.5MP/6r), change VCA to C4/D4 (0.5MP/1r) W4 (0.5MP/0.5r), V4 with VCA U4/U5
(1MP/5r), C4 (0.5MP/4.5r), D3 (1MP/3.5r), change VCA (0.5MP/0r). Place MOTION counter. This is also a
to E3/E4 (1MP/2.5r), E4 (1MP/1.5r), F4 with VCA G4/G5 Moving Target.
(1.5MP/0r). You may ask, “Why did the last move cost
M43-D (now the Moving vehicle) begins from Station -1,
1.5MP?” The answer is that “a vehicle which ends its
so can go up to 0.5MP less than the first tank did. It
MPh with MP remaining is assumed to have spent all
follows the same path to W4. Place MOTION counter.
remaining MP in the hex.” (see 4st sentence of 3.3.2),
VCA is V3/V4. This is also a Moving Target.
thereby essentially moving the vehicle at a slower
velocity. Place MOTION counter. This is also a Moving
Target. the last hex entered. The M41s have a red MP number,
indicating that they are subject to Mechanical Reliability
ATQ No.2: Why was this last move completed this issues/checks when spending a Start MP (or Motion Status
Attempt): I don’t want to risk that. <As a tactical note, if
way?23 you're going to burn off excess MP, you should do it earlier in
the move while the vehicle is out of enemy LOS. In this case it
doesn't make any difference, but it's a good habit to get into.
All of a vehicle’s MPs must be spent; you cannot have a It can make the difference between being hit and not. Spend
remainder. In E4 there were 1.5MP remaining, which was that extra MP while the tank is behind/in the C5 woods (or
sufficient for either a one grain-hex move, or a Stop, both even better, off board).>
with 0.5MPs remaining. If you don’t spend your MPs with Per the Terrain Chart, a Hill for either a fully tracked vehicle
moving (you can spend additional MPs than required), or an AC costs 4MP+COT, but only 2MP+COT if using a road. A
changing VCA, etc., then you have to spend them in Stopping, road hex costs 0.5MP (when CE), and in this case the hill costs
Starting, Delay (only when stopped), or the balance is spent in 2MP (using a road to climb on), for a total of 2.5MP.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

M41-A (now the Moving vehicle) begins from Station -2. End of RT1. Flip Turn Counter to German Side for GT1.
Station -1 (0.5MP/8r), Station 0 (0.5MP/7.5r), vGG5
(0.5MP/7r), FF5 (2.5MP/4.5r). With 4.5MP, this tank can BOARD INVENTORY:
negotiate 9 road hexes without doing a change of VCA. RUSSIAN:
Advance it 8 hexes now to X3 (4.5MP25/0r) with VCA of vV4: M43-C, U4/U5, BU, Motion
W3/W4. Place MOTION counter. This is also a Moving vW4: M43-D, V3/V4, BU, Motion
Target. vX3: M41-A, W3/W4, BU, Motion
vZ6: M41-B, Y6/Y7, BU, Motion
M41-B (now the Moving vehicle) begins from Station -3. vAA5: M41-E, Z4/Z5, BU, Motion
Station -2 (0.5MP/8r), Station -1 (0.5MP/7.5r), Station 0 tJ1: M43-A, K1/K2, BU, Motion
(0.5MP/7r), vGG5 (0.5MP/6.5), FF5 (2.5MP/4r), move tH2: M43-B, I2/I3, BU, Motion
along road to BB5 (2MP/2r), AA6 (1MP/1r), Z6 with VCA tF4: M41-C, G4/G5, BU, Motion
Y6/Y7 (1MP/0r). Place MOTION counter. This is also a tE6: M41-F, F5/F6, BU, Motion
Moving Target. tE8: M41-D, F7/F8, BU, Motion

M41-E (now the Moving vehicle), starting from Station - German: Still Off-Board
4, can arrive at BB5 with 0.5MP less than M41-B did.
move it there now: BB5 (7MP/1.5r), AA5 with VCA of GT1 RPh:
In the MPh, the Germans will arrive in two columns with
Z4/Z5 (1.5MP/0r). Place MOTION counter and this tank
a platoon of 3 tanks each. They must be staged now
is also a Moving Target. This tank is perched on the
during the RPh. I am going to bring them in “realistic”
southern slope of this hill, though may not have any
fashion, reflecting that they would likely be traveling
significant LOS. It has Height Advantage (HA) for being
along the roads for efficiency.
on the hill if it takes fire from ground level.

End of RT1 MPh. Platoon Cäsar 27: Will enter on road hex tGG6 from
imaginary off-board road hexes in a column of the
RT1 DFPh: None following order, all CE (place TCA CE), with VCA/TCA
facing north and in/under MOTION28: IVF2-A, IVF2-D,
RT1 AFPh: None
RT1 RtPh: None
Platoon Dora : IVF2-B will enter on vA9. The other two
RT1 APh: tanks will enter on road hex vA5 from imaginary off-
Vehicles don’t move in the APh. All Russian tanks BU. board road hexes in a column of the following order:
Since all turrets are currently aligned with the VCA, no IVF2-C, VIE-A. All tanks are CE (place TCA CE), with
TCA counters are needed. Remove the TCAs from all
VCA/TCA facing north and in/under MOTION.
Russian tanks.
GT1 PFPh: None.
ATQ No.3: Why might all the T-34s BU?26

RT1 CCPh: None

25 27
Last road-hex entered was paid for with 1MP. German Phonetic/Spelling alphabet
26 28
As Restricted Slow Traverse (RST) tanks, they have to be BU Save the MOTION counters for when each tank completes
in order to fire their MA. its MPh, if then in Motion.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

ATQ No.4: In a tank-on-tank battle, which column(s) No. 16: Yes, the T-34 M41 is under a MOTION counter.
of the To Hit Chart is/are less likely to be referenced What’s this? “Add Case 14 & lower die x2.” Yes, we do
and why?29 have to add case 14 after all. The errata for this table
now clearly indicates that for Motion Defensive Fire
GT1 MPh: Here we go! (Russians are assumed to pass (which includes both First and Final Fire) the Case 14
on Defensive Fire until indicated otherwise.) sub case that applies is that of the AFPh line, which for
our gun means the DRM = +4 (for [R]ST Turret). The
Platoon Cäsar : second penalty of Case 16 (“& lower die x2”) means
that when we roll the TH DR, we have to double the
IVF2-A (now the Moving vehicle) starting from Station 0
lower die (or add the lower die again). Being in MOTION
in imaginary hex adjacent to tGG6: GG6 (0.5MP/13.5r) really sucks! (To use the vernacular)
<questionable LOS to tJ1>, FF5 (0.5MP/13r) <apparent No.17: None
LOS to tJ1, certain LOS to tF4>, EE6 (0.5MP/12.5r), DD6 No.18: None. Grain is not In-Season. If it was, the
(0.5MP/12r), In this position, this tank is at the extreme cumulative Hindrance DRM of ≥+6 would mean no LOS.
limit of attack range30 for F4 (24 hexes {960m}) and one No. 19: Only applies to Infantry
hex too far away to be engaged by E6 & E8; and vice No. 20: None
versa. Continuing: CC6 (0.5MP/11.5r), BB5 No. 21: N/A. Only applies to Infantry
(0.5MP/11.0r), AA6 (0.5MP/10.5r), Z5 (0.5MP/10r), Y6 No. 22: Normal size; no DRM.
(1MP/9r), X6 (1MP/8r). No. 23: N/A
No. 24: Yes, +2 for >3MP spent in LOS.
F4 considers firing on the Moving tank. What is the
likelihood that he would hit it? If he did, would he TOTAL TO HIT DRM= +7, plus lower die of the TH DR.
damage it? Let’s calculate the odds as an exercise. The
T-34 M41 has a 76L Gun (as do all the Russian tanks in This means that a Hit is impossible31 even if he rolls a 2:
this scenario). At range 18, the TH# is 8. What are the TH DR=1,1=2, +7=9, +1 (lower die again) = 10, which is
TH DRMs? Let’s just start at the top of the list and work
two higher than our TH# of 8. The only thing that’s
down, but note carefully that just as they were for SK2
(Guns) the TH DRMs are grouped into two categories: worse than being a MOTION shooter is being a MOTION
Firer-Based and Target-Based. None of the first 12 cases shooter and shooting at a “Moving” Target! It’s as
apply to this shot. difficult as performing a rendezvous between two
No. 13: yes, +1 orbiting spacecraft.
No. 14: None, not taking a B(F)F shot, rather a Defensive
First Fire shot (but keep reading) <The MA is useless this turn--no German tank is going to
No. 15: No get within 6 hexes, which is what the Russians would
need for the barest chance of a hit. However, since the
Germans are staying CE, squirting them with MGs if
The ITT and the FP. ITT attacks do not affect AFVs but may they get within 16 hexes is not unreasonable. This
affect CE crews. The FP Column might be used in a Collateral would be a 2+2 shot with a BMG. Not great (about the
Attack calculation (7.12). ATT v AFVs may result in an effect
but the FP equivalent is halved (making it less likely) and ROF same chance of Stunning a Pz IV as of rolling snake
potential is sacrificed, but might be a more probable hit than eyes), but a lot better than nothing.>
an AP shot.
In ASL, tanks and Guns (not mortars) have effectively The Russian won’t even try. If he could hit him and took
unlimited range. On post # 3496 on June 5, 2007 at CSW a shot, would he get to place a ½” [Target] Acquisition
regarding ASLSK, the following was asked and answered: Can
Ordnance fire at targets that are at a range greater than 24
hexes? Yes. The TH# is left as an exercise for the student. Except, of course, in full ASL.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

counter? No. The rule book doesn’t have it, but it’s in (0.5MP/1r), R10 [S10/S11] (1MP/0r). Place MOTION
the errata32: the new second sentence of 6.10 reads, counter35.
“An AFV that is using Bounding First Fire or that is in
Motion, may not place an Acquired Target counter.” IVF2-C (now the Moving vehicle) starting from Station 0:
[Emphasis added] vA5 (0.5MP/13.5r), moves along road to I2 (4MP/9.5r),
J1 (1MP/8.5r), then along road to P1 [Q1/Q2]
Let’s continue where we left off: W7 (1MP/7r), V7 (3MP/5.5r), change VCA to P2/Q2 (1MP/4.5r), Q2
(1MP/6r), U8 (1MP/5r), T8 (1MP/4r), S9 (1MP/3r), R9 [R2/Q3] (3.5MP/1r), Stop (1MP/0r).
(1MP/2r), and Q10 (2MP/0r) [VCA/TCA: P9/P10]. Place
MOTION counter. Tiger A (now the Moving vehicle) starting from Station -
1: Station 0 (0.5MP/11.5r), vA5 (0.5MP/11r), now
IVF2-D (now the Moving vehicle) starting from Station - moves along road to I2 (4MP/7r), J2 (1MP/6r), K3
1: Station 0 (0.5MP/13.5r), tGG6 (0.5MP/13r), FF5 (1MP/5r), L3 [M3/M4] (5MP/0r). Oh that he had 1 more
(0.5MP/12.5r), EE6 (0.5MP/12r), DD6 (0.5MP/11.5r), MP to use to Stop!36 Place MOTION counter. End of GT1
CC6 (0.5MP/11r), BB5 (0.5MP/10.5r), AA6 (0.5MP/10r), MPh.
Z5 (0.5MP/9.5r), Y5 (0.5MP/9r), X4 (0.5MP/8.5r), W4
(0.5MP/8r), V3 (0.5MP/7.5r), U3 (0.5MP/7r), T2 Just for practice, let’s calculate a Bounding First Fire
(BFF) shot from Tiger A. From I2 it could see (and be
(0.5MP/6.5r), S3 (0.5MP/6r),33 R3 (0.5MP/5.5r), Q4
seen by) the first 2 of the 3 tanks on the orchard-road
(5MP34/0.5r), P4 (0.5MP/0r) [O4/O5]. Place MOTION hexes. From there it spent 7MPs in their LOS to arrive
counter. on the pinnacle. Let’s Calculate. The To Hit # for the
German 88L Gun to the tank in V4 (range=10 hexes) is 9.
VIE-B (Tiger-B, now the Moving vehicle) starting from The TH DRM will be as follows:
Station -2: Station -1 (0.5MP/11.5r), Station 0 1-7: None
(0.5MP/11r), tGG6 [FF5/FF6] (0.5MP/10.5r), now moves 8-12: None
along road to X4 (4.5MP/6r), W5 (1MP/5r), V5 13: No
(1MP/4r), U6 (1MP/3r), T6 (1MP/2r), S7 (1MP/1r), R6 14: If you’re wondering if this applies, the answer is yes
and no, sort of. You object, “But we’re taking a BFF
(1MP/0r). Place MOTION counter.
shot!” Yes I know, but keep reading.
15: None
16: If you’re wondering if this applies, the answer is yes
Platoon Dora :
and it should be clear now if you applied the errata. This
IVF2-B (now the Moving vehicle) starting from Station 0: case in ASL is listed this way: “Motion Fire/Non-
vA9 (1MP/13r), B9 (1MP/12r), C10 (1MP/11r), D9 Stopped.”37 We are definitely Non-stopped since we are
(1MP/10r), E10 (1MP/9r), F9 (1MP/8r), G10 (1MP/7r), spending MPs to move. Again, Case 16 states to “Add
H9 (1MP/6r), I10 (1MP/5r), J9 (0.5MP/4.5r), K9 case 14 and lower die x2.” Per case 14, the DRM for BFF
(0.5MP/4r), L8 (0.5MP/3.5r), M8 (0.5MP/3r), N8 with >3MP in LOS with an ST turret = +4. Does this
mean that case 14 is added twice? NO! Unfortunately
(0.5MP/2.5r), O9 (0.5MP/2r), P9 (0.5MP/1.5r), Q10
this is hardly clarified in the SK3 rules. However, the
pertinent ASL rules (C5.31-35), and especially the
And SKEP1.
In case you’re wondering, the TH DRM from J1 to here is
still the same (+7, plus lower die) Or CX Counter to represent same.
34 36
Why 5MP? To move slower while behind the building Of course, in full ASL the tank could risk Excessive Speed
obstacle, thereby spending less time (MPs) in LOS of enemy. Breakdown (ESB) to get that extra MP!
<Good idea, but better to have done this in T2, where the The entry in the 2.0 Definitions section for Motion Fire in
tank was out of almost everyone's LOS. (E6 can see Q4.)> SKEP#1 has been corrected to reflect this.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

example for MOTION fire on page C11 of same, make it

decipherable that either Case 14 or Case 16 applies. GT1 CCPh: None.
More clearly stated, Case 16 assumes Case 14 and only
adds the doubling of the lower die to shots taken by End of GT1. Flip and advance the turn counter.
MOTION/NON-STOPPED vehicles. For clarity’s sake,
think of Case 14 as being used to mean Firing during the BOARD INVENTORY:
AFPh or Stationary Firing during the MPh. Case 16 Russian: See last Board Inventory
(which assumes the penalties of Case 14 and only adds German:
the lower die role) is used when the firing vehicle is in vL3: Tiger-A [M3/M4], CE, Motion
MOTION or Non-Stopped, i.e., Not Stationary. (This will vQ2: IVF2-C [R2/Q3], BU, Stopped
become clearer as the EOP proceeds.)
vR10: IVF2-B [S10/S11], BU, Motion
17: None
18: None tR6: Tiger-B [Q6/Q7], CE, Motion
19: N/A tQ10: IVF2-A [P9/P10], BU, Motion
20: No tP4: IVF2-D [O4/O5], BU, Motion
21: N/A
22: None, normal size <The German strategy here baffles me. The onus is on
23: No the Russians to either kill German tanks or run past
24: +2. The Targeted Tank is under a Motion Counter so them off the board. Thus, it would seem that the best
the first subclass (+2) applies. Note: you need to read thing for the Germans to do would be to park in good,
covered firing positions and let the Russians come to
this line as either [In/Under] Motion, or a Moving
them over all of that open ground. Running full tilt
Target/Vehicle that is spending MP.
towards the Russian tanks and staying in Motion (with
one exception) is sub-optimal. Leaving the Tigers in
Total To Hit DRM = +6 plus lower die of the TH DR. This
Motion seems like a major blunder: Tiger B could just as
is a nearly impossible hit. The only possibility is to roll a well have been stopped one hex back without
2 with TH DR=1,1=2, +6=8, +1 (lower die again)=9. Why significantly affecting its firing opportunities, from
the slight difference this time? The Russian T-34 M41s where it could've already picked up -1 acquisition on
have to be BU (Case 13=+1) in order to fire as Restricted one of the Russian tanks. Leading with the Pz IVs isn't all
Slow Traverse turrets, and the higher TH# of the 88L at that great, either. Their job is to guard the Tigers' flanks
closer range (9 vs. 8). Still, the German would have an instead of rushing forward to be destroyed. IVF2-A isn't
in a bad position there behind the building, but it
equal chance of malfunctioning his MA, so will not take
should've stopped there, especially since it had the
the chance. Can he place a ½” [Target] Acquisition if he extra MP to do so. From there it could either acquire
did fire? Again, the answer is “No.” He is In-Motion/ the Russian tank in J1, although the LOS is iffy, or gain
Non-Stopped, and therefore not eligible. area acquisition on the exit hex K2, which is almost as
good. As things stand, the Russians are in a good
GT1 DFPh: None. position to run past the Germans and shoot at them
from behind or just head for the board edge. This could
GT1 AFPh: None. be over very quickly, but we'll just have to see how it
plays out.>
GT1 RtPh: None.
RT2 RPh: None.
GT1 APh:
All IVF2s BU. Remove their TCA counters. <I suppose RT2 PFPh: None. No MOTION AFV weapons may fire
that the Tigers' commanders are betting that their during the PFPh. (3.2.5)
crews' high morale will keep them out of trouble.>

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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

RT2 MPh: of Case 24 (+3). One more MP spent in LOS of Tiger and
Before we begin moving tanks, let’s remember that at the case becomes 1st sub-case of Case 24 (+2)> … Q3
this moment all the tanks on the field of battle, but one (8MP and change TCA to Q4/R3 [place TCA/BU]), R3
German, are In Motion. And as long as that is true, hits (9MP and change TCA to Q4/R4), S3 (10MP), T2 (11MP),
are going to be [nearly] impossible. Also, view an actual U3 (12MP and change TCA to T2/T3), V3 (13MP), W4
MOTION counter and note the 3 items it summarizes: (14MP), X4 (15MP), Stop MP (16MP). This tank is a
“Moving Target.”
1. +2 TH. As a Target, the vehicle qualifies for the
first sub-case of Case 24. Let’s say that this Russian tank and one German tank
want to shoot at each other: who gets to shoot first?
2. Half FP. When firing its MGs while In Motion,
The Defender (German) has the first opportunity to fire.
the FP is halved for “Area Fire.”38
First D1F, then BFF41. If the Tiger-B in R6 wanted to take
3. TH: 2x↓dr. As a Shooter, the vehicle qualifies a D1F shot, it would be a TH10/+10 add lowered die (+4
for the Case 16 increase to the Case 14 for Case 842, +4 and 2x↓dr for Case 16, +2 for Case 24).
calculation. Obviously that’s an impossible shot.

When viewing the many decisions that may be entered If IVF2-D in P4 took a D1F shot, it would be a TH9/+10
in this MPh, one could get paralyzed with “Command add lowered die (+3 for Case 843, +1 for Case 13, +4 and
Lock,” nonetheless we’ll just throw ourselves and the 2x↓dr for Case 16, +2 for Case 24). The faster turret
cardboard into it for a “Clash.” In keeping with the Rule gain was negated by firing BU. Of course, this shot is
Book examples, moves will henceforth indicate more impossible.
cumulative MPs spent (per hex expenditures to be
What if the Russian wants to take a BFF shot? The BFF
calculated by subtraction).
shot to the Tiger in R6 would be a TH10/+6 (+1 for Case
M43-A (tJ1) has 16MP to spend. Remove the MOTION 13, +4 for Case 1444, as the vehicle is currently stopped
counter: K1 (1MP, in LOS of only tQ10), and the German the Case 16 penalty (2x↓dr) does not apply, -1 for Case
Player objects: “That’s an illegal move!” And he is 22, and +2 for Case 2445). This has a 1-in-6 chance of
correct: an AFV is always considered to be on the road hitting.
portion of a woods-road hex in ASLSK3. This is clarified
in the addition to rule 1.1.1 in the SKEP1. As such, the
AFV must exit via the road hex-side into K239. So the 41
This is not clearly indicated in the SK rules, especially since
first move is changed to K2 (1MP40) which also places according to the Sequence of Play (3.0) BFF ( is listed
the AFV in the LOS of the Tiger. Continuing: L1 (2MP), prior to D1F (3.3.3). However, a clue is given in the BFF
paragraph where “delay MP” are discussed. This is clearly
M1 (4MP), N1 (5MP)… <now in LOS of Tiger on hill (vL3)
taught by Jay Richardson’s “Vehicles Tutorial”, page 14, and is
but spent only 1MP in LOS, so at this point the M43 in ASL D3.3. Additionally, it is analogous to defending Infantry
qualifies as a target for 3rd sub-case of Case 24 (+4)>… having D1F/DFF prior to the attacker’s AFPh. As might be
O2 (6MP), P2 (7MP) … <for the last two hexes occupied, expected, full ASL has an exception to this: the "Gun Duel,"
which allows a BFF shot to go off before Defensive Fire in
the sub-case of Case 24 bumped up to the 2nd sub-case certain circumstances. (In fact, in this case the T-34 would win
a Gun Duel against the Tiger.)
38 42
But in ASL, the ½ FP is for Motion Fire, not Area Fire. ST turret
39 43
In ASL, the AFV could attempt entering the woods. T turret
40 44
When moving on Road hexes while BU, the ½ MP road cost BFF>3MP in LOS for a ST turret
is doubled to 1MP. First sub-case for Motion status.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

What if the IVF2-D in P4 was the target? This BFF shot View the “AFV DESTRUCTION TABLE” on the ordnance
would be a TH8/+7 (+1 for Case 13, +4 for Case 14, +2 QRDC. This was a Direct Fire shot, so it’s the first
for Case 24). This is another impossible shot. Compared column that we’re concerned with. You can now see
to shooting at the Tiger, this target is farther away and that if we had rolled a TK DR less than 6, the Tiger
smaller in size. would have been eliminated / destroyed. Rolling a TK
DR = TK#, with a Hull hit, would have Immobilized the
In summary, the really big difference is that the German Tiger. (The 3rd row regards HE shots specifically.) The 4th
tanks have to rotate their turrets (Case8). The only
row regards “non-HE,” which AP is, so a TK DR 1> the
possible shot will be tried. <May as well wait until the
AFPh. The Russian tank will have the same shot then, TK# (a roll of 7 in this example) would have resulted in a
except that it will also gain acquisition against the Possible Shock (failure of a normal MC places a Shock
target46. The only danger is that the Tiger or one of the counter on the AFV).
other tanks will take an impossible shot as a way of
getting a free VCA change in order to turn its front But wait! There’s more! In rule 7.12 (Collateral Attack)
aspect toward this tank.> we read the following: “An attack using the ATT or VTT
that hits an AFV (or a pre-designated FT attack) but
Russian M43-A (X4) BFF-> Tiger-B (R6), TH10/+6, and does not destroy, Shock or Stun it may also affect the CE
the TH DR=3,1=4, +6=10 for lost ROF but a hit! Place a crew collaterally.” In this case, the Gun fired an AP
Bounding Fire counter47 on/near48 the M43-A. Since the 76mm round, and you may remember that in 6.2 an AP
colored die was ≥ to the white die, the shot hit the round fired on Infantry (CE crew here) receives a 2FP
tank’s hull49, and does so from the rear. What is the rear (≥37mm) IFT attack. So the CE crew of Tiger-B
armor value for the Tiger? AF=8. View the blue VTT TH undergoes a 2FP IFT attack with DRM of +2 “due to the
and TK Summary box on page 12. If unannounced the partial protection of the AFV.”50 Our Original effect (TK)
default here is a VTT using AP ammo. We’re ready for DR was 9, +2 (AVF protection for a CE crew) = 11 on the
step 6. On the AP (APCR/APDS) TO KILL TABLE, and cross 2FP column of the IFT for: no effect. Had the attack
referencing the “Rus 76L (APCR)” weapon at range 3-6, utilized HE, the IFT attack would have been resolved on
we see a TK#=13(15). We aren’t firing APCR, so the the 12FP column (see the FP Column of the TH Chart)
TK#=13. But if you look below that table you will see the and the final DR of 11 would have just missed a PTC
“TO KILL NUMBER (TK#) MODIFIERS” Table. There we (resulting in a possible BU of the Tiger) by one. <This
see that because the shot is a Rear Facing Hit, we get to will become interesting when facing the front aspect of
increase the TK# by one! Now we have a TK#=14. To get a Tiger: a High Explosive (HE) shot against it is a viable
the Final TH#, we subtract the target’s facing AF from it: option then if it's CE. That isn't a high-probability attack
Final TK# = 14 – 8 = 6. Now we roll the TK DR: TK because of the Tiger's ML=9, but it's a lot better than
DR=5,4=9. This is 3 greater than the final TK#, so it was nothing.>
ineffective (“ping”). Now we’ve made him mad!
Remember, BFF shots (or from MOTION AFVs) do not
Since it has no Motion counter and would be taking a BF place acquisition counters. <Which is why I
(not BFF) shot.
“Case C” on the counter is the ASL method of referring to
recommended waiting to take this shot until the AFPh.
SK cases 12-14, 16. Since the Tiger is CE, the Russian may as well fire its
As Jay Richardson nicely demonstrates in his Vehicles CMG at it before moving on to the next unit. That's a
tutorial, status counters may be placed beside the vehicle
counter if map space suffices, instead of stacking them all.
49 50 nd
One simple mnemonic (that will be familiar but inverted for See 2 paragraph of 7.7. This DRM is not listed on the IFT
pilots) is “White over Red, hit in the Head (turret).” DRM Table in either SK3, SKEP1 or even in ASL tables.
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

2/+251 shot on the IFT, which is unlikely to have an Tiger take another shot at him? No. The Russian only
effect, but there's a much greater chance of getting an spent 1MP in F8, remember? Moving along …
IFT result than of a malf, so the Russian may as well try
it.> G9 (2MP), H9 (4MP), I10 (5MP), J9 (6MP), K10 (7MP,
now 1MP in LOS of Q10 and R6 so +4 for Case 24), L9
Before proceeding – and now that you can really (8MP, and 2MP in LOS of Q10 and R6 so +3 for Case 24),
appreciate it  – I would like to introduce a new M10 (9MP, 3MP in LOS of Q10 and R6 so still +3 for
convention that I will use from here forward to indicate Case 24, but now not in TCA of R6; the “Russian rush”
TCA. The recording of the TCA is symbol heavy to continues), N9 (10MP), O9 (11MP and out of LOS of
indicate (e.g. [X4/Y5], or worse [EE10/FF9]). Since a Q1052), P8 (12MP), Q8 (13MP), R8 (14MP & {RR53}), S9
turret can only have 6 positions with respect to the (15MP), T9 (16MP & {R}), U9 (17MP) and ends its MPh.
vehicle (12, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 o’clock) I will indicate the Place MOTION counter.
TCA with respect to the vehicle as {F} (Forward), {FR}
(Forward/Right), {RR} (Rear/Right), {R} (Rear), {RL} Russian Player shifts to other board for now.
(Rear/Left) and {FL} (Forward/Left). M43-C (vV4) Has 16MP to spend; Remove MOTION
M41-D (tE8) has 17MP to spend. Remove MOTION Counter: U5 (1MP), T5 (2MP, and 1st MP in LOS of vQ2)
counter: F8(1MP), and Tiger-B in R6 thinks to try an AP <Should also turn its turret to face Ger IVF2-C>, S6
VTT D1F shot to prevent a flank around the left, and the (3MP), R6 (4MP & 3rd in LOS), Q7 (5MP, 4th in LOS) and
Russian tank is practically in his sights already. TH#=9 at Q2 declares D1F.
range 12. The first TH DRM case that applies is No.14 by Pz IVF2-C (vQ2) D1F->T-34 M43-C (Q7 P6/P7), TH=10/+3
virtue of Case 16 (Motion/Non-Stopped Fire). Case 14 = (+1 Case 13, +2 Case 24), TH DR=1,5=6, +3=9 for a
+4, case 16 = 2x↓dr, Case 18=0 (thread maybe only Turret54 hit and ROF55! Place the black (just looks cool)
touches but does not encroach into the Brush in H8), ½” -1 Target Acquisition counter labeled “C” on the
Case 24 =+2. Here is an important lesson: the MP M43-C. The shooting tank is clearly in the Side Arc of
stratifying of Case24 (or Case 14 in B(F)F) only applies if the target, so this is a side turret hit with AF=6. Cross
the vehicle and target either did not begin the MPh in referencing the 75L gun at range 5 on the AP TO KILL
each other’s LOS, or their LOS to each other was TABLE we get TK#=17. Subtracting the Russian’s side
interrupted during movement by an obstacle (which
“resets” the MP in LOS to zero). Otherwise the lowest
penalty is used. These two tanks have been seeing each A shot here from the Tiger would be TH=10/+8 plus ld.
The SK3 errata (and more fully in SKEP1) adds to 3.3.2 the
other for many prior MP, therefore, even though the
following: “The TCA may change freely with each MP
Russian tank just spent “1MP” he’s been “being expended during the MPh.” [Emphasis added] This is based
watched” for quite some time. Total TH DRM=+6, plus upon ASL D3.12. Moving the turret first to/through {FR} was
lower die (ld). This is a difficult shot. TH=9/+6 +ld. TH not required. See also the last move illustrated in the Vehicle
DR= 1,5=6, +6 =12, +1(ld)=13 for a miss but retained Movement and Smoke Dispenser Example on pg. 24. SKEP1
ROF. Remember, no acquisition for Motion Fire. Can the adds that such changes of TCA performed while in woods or a
building requires expenditure of 2MPs. These may even be
for Start, Stop or Delay.
51 54
The CMG is not ordnance and is not required to use the To TH DR color dr < white dr; (“White over Red, hit in the
Hit process and DRMs (except for TCA CA changes)! For the head”).
+2 DRM, see the prior footnote. A TCA CA change DRM was As of this moment, since this tank retained ROF and is not
not applicable on this shot. marked with D1F, it is eligible to fire in the DFPh
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

turret AF (6) we get a Final TK#=11! Oh, oh. TK DR=6,5 R3 (10MP, Target Acq travels with mover if there is LOS;
=11 for a Shock result56 on the AFV DESTRUCTION on my board there is58), S4 (11MP, Target acq stays in
TABLE. Place a SHOCK counter. <See? The T-34 R3), T4 (12MP TCA/BU {R}59), U5 (15MP), Stop (16MP).
The Germans pass on any D1F, knowing the poor odds.
should've had its turret facing the German this whole
This Russian is hell-bent in trying to get a German Iron
time. The TK roll of 11 would've resulted in a clean Cross stenciled on the side of his turret, so he attempts
miss.> That’s the end of this tank’s move and its future a difficult shot. <As with M43-A, may as well wait until
is To Be Determined (TBD). The rest of the Convoy is the AFPh to get acquisition on the German. The Pz IV
considering their options, now that they know there is a might spin around during its DFPh, but unlike the Tiger,
German tank behind the woods. it can still be killed with a frontal shot. In tank-on-tank
duels like this, he who places the first acq will often be
Oblivious to what has just occurred, and confident after the one who gets the kill.>
having seen his own platoon leader advance through
the Germans (just my story), T34 M43-B in tH2 M43-B (tU5)BFF-> IVF2-D (tP4), TH=10/+7 (+1 Case 13,
+4 Case 14, +2 Case 24), and the TH DR= 3,4=7, +7=14
continues the forward thrust.
for a miss and lost ROF. Mark with Bounding Fire
counter. <He should spray the Tiger with his CMG for
M43-B (tH2) has 16MP to spend; Remove MOTION
good measure. Since he's not going to get an acq (BFF),
counter: I3(1MP), J2 (2MP), K2 (3MP), L1 (4MP), M2
the order doesn't matter. If this combat were occurring
(5MP), N1 (6MP), O2 (7MP and the Pz IV in vQ2 thinks during the AFPh instead, the CMG should fire first so as
they hear something to their port side: 1MP in LOS), P2 not to lose the acquisition against the Pz IV.>
(8MP/ 2MP in LOS), Q3 (9MP and 3MP in LOS) and
seeing that the target will soon slip behind the hill, the M41-C (tF4) moves. It has 17 MP to spend; remove
Pz IV declares another D1F shot. MOTION counter. At 1MP per hex it takes the following
path: G4, H3, I3, J2, K2, L1, M1 (7MP thus far), N1, O2
Pz IVF2-C (vQ2) D1F-> T-34 M43-B (tQ3 R2/R3), (1MP in LOS of vQ2) , P2 (2MP in LOS), Q3 (3MP), R3
TH#=10/+6 (+2 Case 8 (T turret/2 hexspines57), +1 Case (12MP spent thus far and 4th MP in LOS) … German
decides to risk an Intensive Fire (IF) shot. Replace the 1F
13, +3 Case 24), a very tough shot. TH DR=3,2=5, +6=11
counter with an IF counter.
for a miss and lost ROF. Place 1F counter on the
German, and move the “C” ½” Target Acquisition Pz IVF2-C (vQ2 {RL}) IF->M41-C (tR3), TH#=10/+5 (+1
counter from the M43-C to this M43-B tank. The Case 8 (rotate TCA/BU to {R}), +2 Case 9, +1 Case 13, -1
German thinks about firing again with Intensive Fire Case 20, +2 Case 24). TH DR= 4,1=5, +5=10, a side Hit!
because now that the turret is turned, Case 8 would not By virtue of the colored die it is a hull hit. Flip the
apply and now there would be -1 for Case 20 … but Case acquisition counter to the -2 side. TK#=17 for an AP shot
9 would also apply, minimizing any advantage. of the 75L at range of 5. The side AF of the M41 is 6, so
Additionally, the B# is lowered by 2. The German the final TK#=11. And the TK DR= 6,4=10 for a Kill! Flip
decides not to risk it, and after all that thought the the tank to its Destroyed side. The German has this spot
Russian reminds him that he only spent 1MP in the hex
anyway, so an additional shot from the same tank isn’t When using multiple boards, take great measure to make
allowed! The M43 continues its move: sure that the Q row is perfectly aligned, thereby averaging
any alignment error from the center in both directions to the
board ends.
<Once again, the Russian should've had his turret facing the
Pz IV the entire time it was in LOS. Guess he didn't learn his
Under 7.10 this is termed an automatic Shock. lesson after the other one got shocked by neglecting to do
Mark with a TCA/BU counter {RL} this.>
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

“zeroed60.” <Although it wouldn't have made any better shot Tiger-A could have is at a something no
difference in the end, this Russian tank should also have farther than 6 hexes. It will hold its fire. M41-F
had its turret facing the stationary (hence most continues move:
dangerous) German. Driving into an acquisition and
giving the German a free -1 DRM wasn't the best idea, M2(8MP), N1(9MP), O2(10MP), P2 (11MP), Q3 (12MP),
R3 (14MP62), S3(15MP), T3(16MP and TCA/BU {R}), Stop
Take a moment to read the brief 7.4.1 regarding
AVF/Wreck LOS Hindrance. Additionally, this wreck Germans will try an impossible D1F shot. Let’s see if you
slows traffic going through that hex like any other can see why?
vehicle by an additional 2MP if by road-hexside [and tQ10(IVF2-A) D1F-> M41-F(tT3), TH=9/+9 plus ld (+2
using the road rate], or 1MP otherwise (7.4 2nd para).61 Case 8 (T turret) Place TCA/BU {RR}), +1 Case 13, +4
Plus, you simply must know that in full ASL, if an AFV is Case 14, add ld Case 16, +2 Case 24 (see bolded moves
destroyed by a Flame Thrower, a Molotov cocktail or above)). And TH DR= 2,6=8, +9=17, +2(ld)=19, for a miss
simply by extreme violence (rolling really low on the TK and lost ROF. Place D1F counter. Why might the
DR) that vehicle becomes a Blazing inferno that may German take this shot?63
spread fire around it, filling the sky above it with smoke
that may drift across the battle field too! Now the just-stopped Russian tank will try a BFF shot.
<There's even less reason to rush this shot since all of
M41-F (tE6) has 17 MP; remove the MOTION counter: the likely targets are marked with a First Fire counter
F5 (1MP), G5 (2MP), H4 (3MP) … the Germans are and thus are very unlikely to change either VCA or TCA
thinking “Here comes ANOTHER one!” and lament the before the AFPh. They'd have to sneak an IF DFF shot at
a far-away Russian tank which appeared in the gap
error of their deployment … I4(4MP), J3 (5MP) and
between the woods and hill to do so. I suspect that the
German in P4 takes a desperate D1F shot of TH=10/+7
Russian is going to regret not waiting until the AFPh and
add ld (+1 Case 13, +4 Case 14, add ld Case 16, +2 Case thus not having all of those acquisitions in place during
24). And the TH DR= 3,6=9, +7=16 +3(ld)=19, for a the next player turn.>
complete miss and lost ROF. Place D1F counter. Russian
continues move: K3 (6MP and 1MP in LOS of Q10) and M41-F(tT3)BFF->IVF2-D(tP4), TH=10/+7 (+1 Case 13, +4
the Tiger in tR6 tries the same: TH=9/+ 6 add ld (+4 Case Case 14, +2 Case 24), TH DR= 3,4=7, +7=14 for a miss
14, add ld Case 16, +2 Case 24). TH DR= 6,1=7, +6=13 for and lost ROF. Place Bounding Fire counter.
miss and lost ROF. Place D1F counter. Russian M41-F
M43-D (vW4) moves. It has 16MP; remove MOTION:
V4(1MP), U5 (2MP), T5 (3MP), S6 (4MP), R6 (5MP) …
L2 (7MP, and 2MP in LOS of Q10) … but this Russian German will try another nearly impossible D1F shot.
tank has also been in the sights of Tiger-A in vL3 ever
Tiger-A (vL3)D1F-> M43-D(vR6), TH=10/+6 plus ld (+4
since it entered tC7. The Tiger would love to kill it, but
Case 14, plus ld Case 16, +2 Case 24), TH DR= 1,2=3,
first it has to hit it and it has the same chance as the
other Motion Tiger did: must roll snake-eyes! The only 62
AFV obstacle in hex not entered by road hex-side =+1MP.
He now has his turret aimed for future shots at three T-34s.
Review 6.10 <Unless he's planning to try to slip away behind building tP9
The subject of entering a road hex via the road hexside by in the next movement phase, he might've instead spun the
using the road-rate versus not using it will be explicated later entire tank around for this shot to present his hull front to
in this tEOP. the Russians.>
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

+6=9, +1(ld)=10 for a lucky hit on the front turret, and Continuing movement: R6 (7MP) and the Tiger roars
ROF, having missed a Critical Hit64 by one! (Remember: again! Same shot as before, or is it? What about that
Motion Fire/BFF cannot gain acquisition.) TK#=20 (for wreck in there? The wreck would serve as TEM for
88L at range 6). The Final TK#=9 (20 - 11 (M43 front AF) infantry in the same hex, but only starting after the
=9). TK DR=3,2=5 for an Elimination. Flip to the wreck AFPh65. Also, the wreck will serve as a hindrance “to
side. same level LOS for firing through (not into or out of) a
hex containing at least one wreck/AFV,” but again, not
M41-A (vX3) now tries the same. 17MP to spend; until after the coming AFPh since it was moving in this
remove MOTION. Move it along the road to S6 (5MP) … MPh66. On all three underlined counts it fails to provide
ROAD Kill Special Lesson: a DRM here.
Let’s discuss what this tank driver sees ahead; he sees a
wrecked tank on the road. What does he see beside the Tiger-A (vL3)D1F-> M41-A(vR6), TH=10/+6 plus ld; TH
road? Nothing; no woods or orchards, etc., it is Open DR= 5,2=7, +6=13, +2(ld) =15 for miss and lost ROF.
Ground terrain. He is BU and therefore is not allowed to Mark with D1F. M41-A continues its move:
use the lower Road-Rate of ½ MP for faster travel along
roads. Even if he were CE, he still has no compulsion to 1MP per hex: Q6, P6, O7, N7, M8 (12MP) … if the IVF2-B
use the road (=claim the lower road-rate). Note that in vR10 wanted to swing its turret around and take a
3.3.2, 1st paragraph, last sentence states, “A CE AFV
D1F shot at this tank, what would the Case 14 (by virtue
entering a hex along a road hex-side may do so using the
road rate of ½ MP per hex.” *Emphasis added+ Of course of Case 16) and Case 24 DRMs be?67 M41-A continues
this means that they may choose not to. Then see in its move:
3.3.2, 4th paragraph, that the penalty for a vehicle
entering a wreck/vehicle-occupied hex (1MP) “is L8, K9, J9, I10, H9 (17MP). Place MOTION.
doubled to 2MP per wreck or vehicle if the hex is
entered via a road hexside while using the road rate and The last two M41s can essentially move with impunity.
this penalty is doubled in woods.”1 [Emphasis added] Move the M41-B in vZ6 to vI9 (17MP using R5 instead of
This makes clear that entering a road hex via a road R6). Place MOTION. Now move the M41-E in vAA5 to
hexside is not equal to using the road [rate]. Therefore,
vJ9 (17MP, 8MP to S6 and proceeds using R5). <All
the tank driver back in S6 can either stay on the road
and wiggle beside the wreck for a total of 3MP {Open three of these tanks should turn their turrets to either
ground road hex while BU (1MP) and hex occupied by their right sides or rear just in case.> Place MOTION. All
one vehicle/wreck and using the road (2MP)} or just go three have South facings. End of MPh.
off-road around the wreck for a total of 2MP {Open
ground hex while BU (1MP) and hex occupied by one RT2 DFPh:
vehicle/wreck (1MP)}. If this tank was CE, the two No other fire opportunities for the Germans. “Wait,”
options would cost: 2.5MP (On road and using CE Road you say, “couldn’t the Germans Intensive Fire (IF) the
Rate (½ MP) plus one vehicle/wreck when using road
MAs that are marked only with D1F, like Tiger-A and the
(2MP)); or 2MP (Open Ground2 plus one wreck/vehicle
in hex). He elects to just go off-road and around the tanks on Board t?” No, they cannot. In the DFPh IF is
wreck. only allowed against targets that are adjacent or in
____________________________________________ same hex. End of RT2 DFPh. Remove First Fire counters.
The SKEP1 rule book adds that “A vehicle in a Woods-
Road hex is always considered to be on the road.”
Open ground costs 1MP for a fully-tracked vehicle 65
whether CE or BU. 66
Case 14=+4; Case 24=+3. Target came into LOS in O7. The
A CH on the VTT doubles the TK# for that weapon. shot would be TH=10/+10 plus ld. (Cases 8, 13, 14, 16 & 24.)
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

RT2 AFPh: None. IF is not allowed in this phase at all. vR10: IVF2-B, {N}, MOTION
Remove all Bounding Fire and IF counters. < M41-D vQ2: IVF2-C, {NE}, {R}
didn't take a BFF shot, so may still fire in the AFPh. vL3: Tiger-A, {N}, CE, MOTION
Could try a pot shot a Q10, though the chance of hitting
is equal to the chance of malf'ing the MA.> <This player turn was a nice illustration of the huge
difference between stationary and Motion fire. Except
RT2 RtPh: None. for a lucky hit by the Tiger, all of the damage done was
by the one stopped German Pz IV. Image the
RT2 APh: None. devastation had the Russian tried this same move with
RT2 CCPh: None. more of the German tanks stopped.>

Before I capture the Board Inventory, I will introduce

another short-hand that I will use – this time to capture Sit Rep69 (end RT2)
the VCA. Note that on the Scenario card, North is There are two Russian tanks killed and a possible third.
indicated for our maps along the long axis. This allows However, three Russian tanks are home free.70 As it
for the six possible VCAs to be indicated from a compass stands right now, the score looks to be Germans 2+,
rose as {N}=North, {NE}=Northeast, {SE}= Southeast, Russians 3+. This contest may be over quite soon. We’ll
{S}= South, {SW}= Southwest and {NW}= Northwest. If see what the Germans can do in their turn.
North is indicated along the short axis of the maps, then
the headings become {NE68}, {E}, {SE}, {SW}, {W} and
{NW}. Situation Report
<I disagree. The three surviving tanks of Platoon Boris may find
BOARD INVENTORY: Note that defaults (BU, Stopped the edge of the board to be much farther away in practice than it
and TCA=VCA) will no longer be indicated. looks. These tanks are all in Motion and have their turrets pointed
the wrong way, so the German tanks on board v are free to move
Russian: and can reach excellent firing positions overlooking the Russian exit
tR3: wrecked M41-C, ½” Black “C” -2 acq route on the vH7 hill and in the vicinity of vM9 (In anticipation of
tT3: M41-F {S}, {R} which, it would've been good for Pz IV-B to have taken a pot shot at
the last Russian tank to pass by for a free VCA change). If the
tU5: M43-B {S}, {R} German spots this, those Russian tanks are going to be in trouble,
tU9: M41-D {S}, {R}, MOTION with a very real chance of every one of them being destroyed during
the next Russian player turn. It may indeed be over quite soon, but
tX4: M43-A, {S}, {R} not with a Russian victory. Prudence dictates that at least one of
vR6: wrecked M43-D these tanks should've set up stopped to cover their rear and right
vQ7: M43-C, {S}, SHOCK flank.

vJ9: M41-E, {S}, MOTION The situation on board t looks a bit better for the Russians. They're
vI9: M41-B, {S}, MOTION looking at the rear of all of the German tanks on that board, most of
which have their guns pointed the wrong way, so are virtually
vH9: M41-A, {S}, MOTION guaranteed at least side shots against them before the German can
do anything to threaten the Russians there. They could of course be
German: positioned a bit better so that they're not hindering each other’s
tP4: IVF2-D, {N}, MOTION LOS, and as I mentioned earlier, they should've held their fire until
the AFPh to gain acquisition against the German tanks, but appear to
tQ10: IVF2-A, {N}, {RR}, MOTION have the advantage on this board nonetheless. I'd like to see M41-D
tR6: Tiger-B, {N}, CE, MOTION stopped with either the Tiger or Pz IV-A acquired to seal the deal. All
is not well here, either, however. Should the Germans on board v
decide to come to their countrymen's support, the Pz IV in Q2 and
Really NNE (North Northeast) but I won’t be that obsessive, the Tiger can easily reach positions which cut off the Russians' exit
etc.  routes.>
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

GT2 RPh: side armor (both hull and turret) has AF=6, so the Final
German: None TK#= 18-6=12! A sure kill! So should we bother to roll
Russian: The Shocked tank must roll for Recuperation. the dice? Of course, the MA may malfunction on a
A dr of 1-2=Recuperated (remove SHOCK counter); a dr DR=12, right? WRONG! Malfunctions only occur on To
of 3-6=Unconfirmed Kill (UK, flip SHOCK counter), which Hit attempts, not To Kill attempts! In full ASL (C7.35) an
results in another player turn of delay. (If a UK tank is original TK DR=12 means you’ve fired a dud (no effect)!
Shocked again, the UK counter is flipped back to the The rule’s absence from SK3 and SKEP1 is probably an
SHOCKED side.) The Recuperation dr=4, for a UK. Flip oversight, and you should learn and observe it. TK
counter. DR=6,4=10 for a kill! Flip the T34 M43-C to its wrecked
side. The score is even 3:3. <As Thurber once wrote,
GT2 PFPh: None
“Don't count your boobies before they've hatched.” The
GT2 MPh: score at this point is Germans 3, Russians 0. Those
(First a word about Motion Status Attempt (MSA): The Russian tanks aren't off the board yet and can certainly
3 Russian tanks that are stopped in the rear of Pz IVF2- be stopped, as I noted above. Note that had the Russian
D, may wish to try to get moving so as to be a more in vJ9 been stopped, the German might not have been
difficult target. However, they may not make a MSA able to pull off this maneuver, and would certainly have
unless and until a German unit not already in their LOS some trouble getting out of there in one piece after his
comes into their view. Therefore, they are stopped kill.>
throughout this German turn unless they see a German
tank come into LOS during this MPh!) Continuing movement: Start (8MP), change VCA to {S}
(9MP), P8 (10MP), O9 (11MP, “What’s he doing?”), N8
Ok. Tiger-A in vL3 sends a command to IVF2-B in vR10 (12MP, “You’ve got to be kidding!”), M9 (13MP), STOP
to turn around and finish off a shocked tank just outside (14MP). The last of the Russian tank convoy thinks of
his LOS to his left rear. shooting at him. J9 D1F->M9: TH=10/+11 plus ld, an
impossible shot (+4 Case 8, +1 Case 13, +4 Case 14 per
Pz IVF2-B (vR10): Has 14MP to spend. Remove MOTION
Case 16, plus ld Case 16, +2 Case 2472). No way. Can the
counter (but don’t forget that any AFV that starts the
German hit him? M9 Intensive Fire->I9: TH=10/+? (+2
MPh with a Motion Counter is a “Moving Target” during
Case 9, +1 Case 13, +4 Case 14, +2 Case 24); DRM =+9;
the turn). Change VCA to {NW} and then to {SW} (2MP),
Nope! The difference here was the Russian having to
Q10 (4*MP, *=extra MP spent in hex to reduce the Case
change the TCA versus the German IF penalty; a
14 DRM), Q9 (5MP and now 1MP in LOS of I9: an
difference of 2. The Russians will get away. <Really?
impossible hit71), Q8 (6MP), STOP (7MP).
They might not be in any danger from this German tank
BFF: Range 40m (1 hex), AP on the VTT. TH=10/+3 (+1 at the moment, but look at what will happen in the
Case 13, +4 Case 14, -2 Case 25). TH DR=2,5=7, +3=10 upcoming Russian MPh: This German will have a TH
for a hit on the turret but lost ROF. Place BOUNDING 10+3 with a Final TK# of 11 or better against any of
FIRE counter. TK=18 for the 75L at range of 1, and the these tanks pretty much no matter what they do.>

Ok, before proceeding and to make things just a bit

D1F TH=8/+13 plus ld (+4 Case 8, +1 Case 13, +4 Case 14 more interesting (and with certain railing and gnashing
per Case 16, + ld Case 16, +4 Case24). When the Russian of teeth) I’m going to omnipotently and instantly
moves into Q8 and stops, Case 24 changes to +3, for an
equally impossible shot with DRM=+12. Of course this
difficulty is largely reciprocal. Still a “Moving Target”
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

change the season of the scenario so as to allow for the Tiger continues: U2 (6MP), Stop (7MP). As stated before
Orchards (only) to be in full bloom, thus obstructing “First D1F, then BFF.” The Russian tank in U5 sees the
current multilevel LOS’s.73 German Tank Commander’s head out the hatch, and
quickly tells his gunner to switch rounds to HE, and for
Continuing: Now Tiger-A in vL3 (remove MOTION the MGs to shower the tank too! The MA and MG shots
counter) which has 12 red MP to spend, descends from
can happen in either order. We’ll first do the MGs.
his perch: M3 (1MP), and all Hell breaks loose in tT3
and tU5! These two Russian tanks now have LOS to the The BMG has FP of 2 and the CMG has FP of 4; taken
Tiger (same level through the Orchards) and will be together (Mandatory FG) they have 6FP, but this is
thinking of conducting a Motion Status Attempt (MSA), halved for Motion Fire for total of 2(3)FP75. The MGs are
but to be successful they must have a MSA dr less than firing within normal range. The CE crew on the Tiger has
the total MP spent by the Tiger in their LOS. Here’s the the +2 CE DRM. Since the target is already within the
catch: they may only make one attempt in the MPh VCA (BMG) and TCA (CMG), there will be no Case 8
(and cannot try at all if marked with 1F counter). If penalty to the shot.
successful, they gain a MOTION counter (+2 Case 24
DRM) AND may freely change their VCA/TCA. They both U5 tank’s MGs->U2 CE crew, 2FP/+2, IFT DR= 1,6=7,
+2=9 for a miss. Remember that the MGs have already
wait … with fear.
fired and can’t fire again. There is no ROF on vehicular
Tiger continues: change VCA to {NW} (2MP), M2 (3MP), MGs, unless it is the AFV’s MA with a boxed ROF value.
M1 (4MP, and now tX4 sees him too), tU1 (5MP), CLOSE
ENOUGH! Both Russian tanks try to get Moving: M41-F Now the MA fires at range 3 hexes. This will not affect
in T3 (remember that the Red MP# means Mechanical the tank but the Russian is hoping for some Collateral
Attack damage. HE ordnance on the VTT. TH=10/+6 plus
Reliability issue74) MSA dr=4! Successful, but, since it
has Mechanical Reliability (MR) issues, he must now ld (+1 Case 13, +4 Case 14 via Case 16, plus ld Case 1676,
undergo a MR DR. MR DR=3,6=9 for successful attempt: -1 Case 22, +2 Case 2477). The TH DR= 1,2=3, +6=9,
Place MOTION counter! Now this Russian tank +1(ld)=10 for a hit and ROF! (Ok, this one I fabricated.)
commander finds himself right in the middle of TWO Now, just once to demonstrate the futility of the main
Tigers! He decides to point his vehicle at the attack, using the “HE AND FLAME TO KILL TABLE” we
approaching tank and his turret at the side of the tank see that our MA caliber of 76mm corresponds to a
to his NW. Change VCA to {SE} and the TCA to {R}. Note TK#=778. But with the Tiger’s frontal Hull AF of 11 and
the last sentence of This means that already-
MOTION vehicles may use a MSA to try to change their
<The shot would be the same (2+2) without the BMG, but
some players like to fire both anyway to reduce the chance of
Now the M43-B attempts the MSA; dr=2 for success! malf'ing the CMG (see 4.1), which is a bit more valuable.>
Place MOTION counter and turn both the VCA and TCA 76
Consider that if the tank’s MSA had failed, it would not be
(remove the TCA counter) to {NE}. in MOTION and therefore subject to Case 16 (and 14).
However, it would not have been able to fire its BMG and
would have suffered Case 8 for both its CMG and MA attacks.
73 77
Actually, I forgot that Orchards were not in season as I Remember, since it started in MOTION, or since it moved to
finished the EOP. However, it’s not important which side wins a new Hex, it is considered a Moving Target/Vehicle for Case
or if it was a fair fight; what’s important is learning the game 24.
by theory, execution, exposure, analysis and practice! The TK# for the Russian 76L firing AP = 13; this is still not
See 3 paragraphs before enough to damage the Tiger’s frontal armor, but with lighter
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

frontal turret AF of 14, subtracting the AF from the HE M41-D (tU9)->IVF2-A (tQ10), TH=10/+7 plus ld (+1 Case
TK # results in a negative Final TK# (-4 and -7 13, +4 Case 14 via Case 16, plus ld Case 16, +2 Case 24).
respectively), demonstrating the impossibility. The roll TH DR= 1,3=4, +7=11, +1 (ld)=12 for a miss but retained
is made anyway, because it is required for the Collateral ROF.
Attack and allows for a possible dud. The TK DR= 2,5=7,
at least 11 too high to affect the tank. Now we go to the < Had this tank stopped and acquired the Pz IV, the TH
Collateral Attack (7.12). Using the FP Column of the To DRM would only have been +2, a world of difference.
HIT Chart and crossing for the Russian 76L we find that Most likely, it would've been this tank burning brightly
for ITT (CE crew) it results in an IFT attack of 12FP. instead of the Russian in X4.>
Remember that the crew has a +2 CE DRM. So the The Pz IVF2 continues: He declares BFF (AP on VTT), but
Collateral Attack is 12FP/+2. Applying “the same original on X4 (who has been focused on the rear of Pz IVF2-D in
effects DR that resolved the attack vs the AFV” we get a P4), not U9. TH=9/+5 (+1 Case 13, +4 Case 14), still a
final “roll” of 9 on the 12 FP and a result of a NMC. The tough shot! The TH DR= 1,3=4 +5=9 for a turret hit AND
Tiger tank commander with ML9 (see back of counter) ROF! (Save the BF counter). This will be a front turret
rolls: 5,6=11, failing and resulting in being Stunned!79 shot, and the AF=11. At range of 9 hexes the 75L has a
Place a Red-on-White Stun (NOT a STUN) counter and TK#=1781 on the AP TO KILL TABLE. The Final TK#= 17-
remove the BU/TCA counter. Take a moment to read 11=6. The TK DR= 1,2=3 for an authoritative
the “Stun” paragraph in the rules (p.27, 2nd column, and Elimination!82 Flip the tank to its wrecked side. Now it’s
2nd full paragraph).80 4:3 Germans! < Well, no, not really. It's now 4-0.>
If other Russian Tanks had wished to attack Tiger-A, The Pz IVF2 continues: Start (2MP), change VCA to {NE}
they would be able to do so next, as D1F and then BFF (3MP), and again to {SE} (4MP), and again to {S} with
occurs after each expenditure of MPs, just as multiple TCA to {FL} (5MP)83, and now it heads south along the
enemy units may attack an Infantry ATTACKER after following path while no MOTION Russian tanks can
expending MFs. effectively engage it84: R9, S10, T9, U10, V9, W10, X9
Now IVF2-C in vQ2 gets in gear: Start (1MP), change (12MP), change VCA to {SE} (13MP), Stop (14MP). The
VCA to {S} and TCA to {FR} (3MP, and remove Wolf Pack trap is set!
acquisition counter in tR3), P1 and then along road to I1 Tiger-B in tR6 may be vulnerable for it has 3 Russian
(11MP), change VCA to {SW} (12MP), tY1 (13MP), Stop tanks behind it. Remove its MOTION counter; it is now
(14MP). Russians pass on D1F. the Moving vehicle. First, it BU’s (remove TCA counter).
IVF2-A in tQ10 (remove MOTION counter): Stops (1MP), If he rotates to the left he will expose his rear to the
and the T-34 M-41-D in tU9 takes note and declares turret pointed directly at him, so he’ll rotate to the
right. Change VCA to {NE} (1MP), (Russian D1F?

armor or bigger guns, HE can be effective. E.g., an HE side This would have been 18 if the shot had landed on the
hull hit against the Pz IVs in this scenario has a Final TK # of 4. hull’s rear facing.
79 82
Review the “NMC” entry below the IFT. This is detailed in See the “AFV DESTRUCTION TABLE”
sections 7.10 and 3.2.3. < He should keep the turret pointed in this direction ({S}
This attack also leaves 6 residual FP in the target hex (and might be even better) throughout the entire rotation.>
the MG attack left 1 FP--half of the Motion Fire 2 FP), but <M41-D retained ROF and won't suffer any CA change
since it's unlikely that anyone else will move through that hex DRM, so it's got the same miniscule chance of hitting the Pz
while CE, there's no real need to place either. IV as it did earlier.>
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

remember: motion/non-stopped vs. non-stopped/ P4 (IVF2-D) BF-> T3 (M41-F), TH=10/+8 (+1 Case 13, +4
motion = impossible [essentially]). But the Russian Case 14, +1 Case 18 (R3), +2 Case 24). This is still a
player requests a moment to consider his desperate tough shot, so why do it? You’ll see. TH DR= 6,5=11,
plight. Reviewing all the DRS, he realizes that he has no +8=19 for a big miss (on a difficult shot, and almost
chance of striking the Tiger85. Even if the Tiger stops, MALF’d the MA). ROF is not allowed in the AFPh. Mark
this will advantage the Stopped tank (Tiger) more than with BF counter, AND, place a ½” target acquisition
the MOTION tank (M-41) because the Tiger will not counter (Black -1 D) on T3!
suffer Case 16 while doing BFF if stopped, but the
Russian will still be firing at a “Moving Vehicle/Target” ADVANCING FIRE PHASE SPECIAL LESSON:
You will see that firing in the AFPh is penalized in one of
for Case 24.86
two manners: Case 1 is used if the Firer did NOT move
Change VCA again to {SE} (2MP), Stop (3MP). The during the MPh (less penalty); Case 14 (1 line) is used if
Russian tanks are not able to fire defensively with any the firer moved during the MPh and is therefore firing
Bounding Fire (greater penalty). If a vehicle had neither
effect. Tiger-B fires at T3.
moved nor fired prior to the AFPh, it would then just be
R6 (Tiger-B) BFF-> T3 (M 41-F), TH=10/+7 (+1 Case 13, doing Advancing Fire (like a set artillery piece) and
+4 Case 14, +2 Case 24). The TH DR=3,6=9, +7=16 for a receives only the Case 1 penalty. Read Rule 3.5 while
paying careful attention to the definitions for weapon
miss and lost ROF (but Tiger-A is a little angry about that
and ordnance.
shot that just barely missed them too!). Place BF
counter. Tiger-A decides to end its MPh here (Delay,
12MP). Y1 (IVF2-C) BF-> U5 (M41-F), TH=10/+7 (+1 Case 13, +4
Case 14, +2 Case 24), TH DR= 4,3=7, +7=14 for a miss.
Pz IVF2-D in P4 (remove MOTION counter) is in no Mark with BF counter, AND, place a ½” target
Russian tank’s TCA. He will rotate 180 degrees and stop. acquisition counter (Black -1 C) on U5!
There is no Russian D1F and no German BFF. End of GT2
MPh. X9 passes on any fire since it would have to change its
TCA. End of GT2 AFPh. Remove all BF counters. Wreck
GT2 DFPh: None Hindrance/TEM is delayed until the end of the AFPh
only if the vehicle was a moving target when destroyed.
GT2 AFPh: Three German tanks on map t are eligible to This is not the case for either of the Russian tanks that
fire (P4, X9 and Y1). were destroyed this turn.

GT2 RtPh: None

U9 (M41-D) D1F->R7 (Tiger-B), TH#=10/+8 plus ld (+2 Case GT2 APh:
8 (to change the TCA counter to {RL}), +1 Case 13, +4 Case 14 Tanks in tP4, tR6 and tY1, pop the hatch. Indicate as CE.
per Case 16, add ld Case 16, -1 Case 22, +2 Case 24). This is,
again, an impossible shot, because the addition of the low die GT2 CCPh:
means that at best the effective DRM=+9. Flip Stun counter to reverse (+1) side.
< What about the Russian in T3? That one already has the
Tiger in its TCA, so the TH DRM is only +6 plus ld. Not a high Game Board Inventory:
probability shot, to be sure (hit on orig. DR ≤ 3), but far from
impossible. Taking the shot with APCR would further increase Russian:
the odds of scoring a hit against the Tiger: on orig. DR ≥ 6, it tR3: Wrecked M41-C
would get to take another shot "for free." >
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

tT3: M41-F {SE}, {R}, MOTION, -1 D Target Acq board v and might be able to bag the lone Pz IV there.
tU5: M43-B {NE}, MOTION, -1 C Target Acq He's lost 4 tanks already, and can expect to lose at least
tU9: M41-D {S}, {R}, MOTION three more soon, with no good prospects of taking any
other Germans down with them.
tX4: Wrecked M43-A
vR6: Wrecked M43-D A more cold-blooded commander might've instead
vQ7: Wrecked M43-C accepted the likely loss of a tank to the Tiger and
vJ9: M41-E, {S}, MOTION focused on killing the other board t Germans with the
vI9: M41-B, {S}, MOTION remainder of the platoon. He could be reasonably sure
vH9: M41-A, {S}, MOTION of bagging at least two of them (perhaps even one of
German: the Tigers), more if M41-D had been stopped. Not a
tP4: IVF2-D, {S}, CE sure victory, but it would at least have made the game
tR6: Tiger-B, {SE}, CE much closer.>
tU2: Tiger-A, {NW}, +1 (reverse Stun)
tX9: IVF2-A, {SE}, {FL} While we’re in the SE corner of Board v, note that as the
tY1: IVF2-C, {SW}, {FR}, CE Russian tanks head south, they will see, looking west, a
vM9: IVF2-B, {S} gap in the terrain between the hill and the woods, with
a small wood building between. One might think, “Why
Sit Rep (end Game Turn 2) couldn’t the tanks pass through that opening in the
terrain if they wanted to without actually going into the
On Board t five German tanks have surrounded the 3
woods, up the hill or through the house?” The answer
remaining Russian tanks. The Russians will try to exit the
is, again, this is Starter Kit level rules, but in full ASL,
Board without looking back! If they manage to get two
both vehicles and infantry can do precisely this; it is
of them through this gauntlet, they will likely be
called Bypass Movement. Now we’re ready for Game
victorious. On map v, the three Russian tanks are poised
Turn 3.
to make their escape, but the stopped Pz IVF2 will try to
take out one of them. If he is successful, the Germans RT3 RPh: None
will likely win this engagement.
RT3 PFPh: Are you crazy? None!
<What a difference a turn makes! The situation on
board t has been reversed. The Russian player appears RT3 MPh: “Let’s get the Hell out of here!” Map v first:
to have panicked when the Tiger came off its hill and The lead tank moves first (remove MOTION counter):
headed toward the board t group. Putting those tanks G10 (1MP)87 … and the German decides to shoot at it
in Motion may have saved them for now, but it with D1F, hoping for a lucky shot, ROF and “trapping”
essentially gave the Germans freedom of movement in
the other tanks. LOS is checked just to be sure, and
this sector and the opportunity to take two shots a
piece at the Russian tanks before those will have any though it approaches corner of L9, it is clear.
chance of effective fire at the Germans. The Germans
vM9 (IVF2-B) D1F-> vG10 (M41-A), TH#=10/+3 (+1 Case
did a good job of capitalizing on this. It looks an even
better position for them than they would've had if they 13, *No Case 18 because “a motion vehicle is never a
had moved to the vH7 hill to stop the Russians from LOS hindrance/TEM.” (p.13, 2nd column, top line)], +2
exiting that group. Case 24); TH DR=3,4=7, +3=10 for lost ROF and a HIT on

This reaction to the Tiger may well have lost the game 87
<Face the turret toward the German tank to improve
for the Russians. He's got maybe 2 points for exiting survival chances.>
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

the rear turret! Mark with 1F counter and place a 1/2" Change VCA, to {SW} (1MP) … the German thinks, “Oh
+1 Acq. no!” He wants to do a MSA right now, but is limited to
the MP spent by the Moving tank (M41-E) and can only
The basic TK#=1788, but add +1 for a Rear Facing Hit, for attempt once! But then the Russian player politely
a modified TK#=18. Now, subtracting the rear armor of reminds him that since the T-34 M41 started this MPh
the turret, we get: final TK#=18-6=12! TK DR= 5,3=8 for in the German’s LOS already, the German is not allowed
a Kill. Flip the M41 over to its wrecked side. to try a MSA!91 “Mein Gott!” M41-E continues:
ATQ No.5: How would this attack have
been calculated differently if the Change VCA to {NW} (2MP), moves along road: K9 (3
TCA was {R}?89 MP), L8 (4MP), M8 (5MP), change VCA to {N} and TCA to
{RR} (6MP), N8 (7MP), stop (8MP). The Russian
The next tank in line tries to make its escape! M41-B in attempts to destroy the German tank and close the
vI9 (remove MOTION counter) moves: H9 (1MP), and score. The German player states that he wishes to
the German tank tries an IF shot!90 Place IF counter. The attempt to deploy his Smoke Discharger, which may be
only difference this time, besides the B# of the MA is performed after the Attacker’s expenditure of MP, the
lowered by 2, is a +2 DRM for Case 9. same as D1F. But the Russian reminds the German that
since he’s already fired a weapon (his MA for D1F and
vM9 (IVF2-B) D1F-> vH9 (M41-B), TH#=10/+5, TH DR=
IF) during this player turn, he is not allowed to use a
6,4=10 (original), +5=15 for a miss, and MALF of the MA.
vehicular Smoke Dispenser.
Place a Black-on-Red MA Malfuntion counter on the
German tank and remove the acquisition counter just N8 (M41-E) BFF->M9 (IVF2-B), TH=10/+3 (+1 Case 13, +4
placed with the previous shot. Case 14, -2 Case 25), TH DR= 2,1=3, +3=6 for a hit on the
rear hull! Place BF counter.
The Russian M41-B continues off the south edge of the
board having spent one additional MP in G10 due to a Basic TK# at range 1 for the “Rus” 76L is 14, which is
wreck. modified to 15 for a Rear Facing shot. Subtracting the
German’s rear AF of 3, we get: final TK#=11! TK DR=
M41-E (remove MOTION counter) thinks there’s
3,6=9 for an easy kill! Flip the German tank over!
something odd behind them and turns to take a look
<yep, this is a game after all!>.
Start (9MP) roll for MR issues: MR DR= 1,5=6, good-to-
go!, change VCA to {NE92} (10MP), again to {SE} (11MP),
and once more to {S} (12MP) with TCA=VCA and pop
Range 6 for the 75L on the “AP (APCR/APDS) TO KILL the hatch (indicate CE), move along the road to I10
TABLE” (14.5MP), H9 (15.5MP, not enough left to make it into
This hit on the turret then would not have been against the
G10, remaining MPs spent in H9). Place MOTION
Rear Facing (making the basic TK#=17), and the turret’s
frontal AF of 8 would result in a final TK#=9. In this case, counter.
having rolled an 8, the result would be the same, but just
barely. Board t:
< Might as well wait and see where the Russian goes. If he
heads up the hill into Q9, you've got the same shot (HA is NA This is also prohibited because the German is marked with
here), if he stops or pivots, you've got the same shot, and if a fire counter (
he heads into Q10 you'll benefit from the acquisition there < Point the turret at the Tiger in tU2 just in case he tries a
for an even better shot.> low-odds shot.>
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Tutorial Example of Play (tEOP) No.5, ASLSK3 S21 “Clash at Borisovka” by
Eddy M. del Rio, BGG username: edelrio; email:

U9 (M41-D) (Remove MOTION counter): V9 (1MP) {F}, pitches German infantry, SWs, Gun and vehicles against
W10 (2MP) … German declares D1F. Russian Infantry, SWs and Vehicles, set in Belarus, June
1944. If you want more than that, you will be required
X9 (IVF2-A) D1F-> W10 (M41-D), TH#=10/+4 (+1 Case 8, to move up to full ASL!
+1 Case 13, +2 Case 24); TH DR= 2,4=6, +4=10 for lost
ROF, but a hit on the forward turret! Place 1F counter As always, if you feel that there is an error present, or
and an acquisition counter for practice. Basic TK#=18, have questions, please bring it to my attention via BGG
Final TK# = 18-8 = 10. TK DR= 1,3=4 for another or to my email listed in the header.

The Battle Ends!

Well, things quickly went badly for the Russians after
some initial poor tactics by the Germans. With that last
elimination, the very best the Russians could hope to
achieve is a score of 5 (1 off-board already, a 2nd poised
to do the same on map v, one German tank destroyed,
and two tanks still alive on board t but in great danger),
where the Germans already have destroyed 6 Russian
tanks. The only way to change this would require not
only both T-34s to escape the Wolf Pack Trap off the
south board edge, but also to eliminate one German
tank with BFF to make it a tie, or two German tanks for
a win. This is highly unlikely. The Russian concedes
defeat! (You may continue the battle for yourself to see
if it ends differently.)

< The Russian redeemed himself somewhat by taking

advantage of the lone Panzer having exhausted its fire
capability to eliminate it with a close range BFF shot.
Instead of heading south, the other board v Russian
could've swung right over the hill and lined up a rear
BFF shot at the Pz IV in tY1 from vH2 (+5 DRM). This
position also affords a shot at the rear of Tiger A, but
since his board t tanks are doomed, the best he can
hope for by putting up a fight is a tie score, which loses
the game.>

Congratulations! You have accomplished a tremendous

amount in this complex gaming system. This tutorial
EOP covered a lot of the vehicle vs. vehicle rules, but
there’s more yet to do. In the next tEOP, on S24
“Sherman Marches West,” the combinations of rules
will be more complex with a combined-arms battle that

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