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There are 4 types of control structures

1. Sequential CS(This where programming statements are executed in sequence-one after another
in order)
2. Conditional/Decision CS (programming statements are executed based on a condition. If the
condition is true then the statement for true is executed else statement for false is executed)
3. Loops/Iteration CS (A programming statement or a group of statements is executed repeatedly a
number of times until a certain condition is fulfilled)
4. Function-call CS( This is where a compiler encounters a statement calling for the execution of a
function within the body of a program or outside the program)

2. conditional/Decision CS use the following constructs or statements:

a) (if),
b) alternative (if-else),
c) nested if statements OR chained conditional (if-elif-else)

1. Conditional (if):
The if statement contains a logical expression using which data is compared and a
decision is made based on the result of the comparison.
if expression:

If the boolean expression evaluates to TRUE, then the block of statement(s) inside
the if statement is executed. If boolean expression evaluates to FALSE, then the
first set of code after the end of the if statement(s) is executed.

if Statement Flowchart:
Fig: Operation of if statement



print(a, "is greater") print(a, "a is smaller")


alternative (if-else),

Example: Python if Statement

if a > 2:
print(a, "is greater")
a = -1
if a < 0:
print(a, "a is smaller")

Alternative if (If-Else):
An else statement can be combined with anOTHER if statement. An else statement
contains the block of code (false block) that executes if the conditional expression
in the if statement resolves to 0 or a FALSE value.
The else statement is an optional statement and there could be at most only one
else Statement following if.
Pseudocode(Syntax) of if - else :
if test expression:
Body of if stmts
Body of else stmts

If - else Flowchart :

Fig: Operation of if – else statement

Example of if - else:
a=int(input('enter the number'))
if a>5:
print("a is greater")
print("a is smaller than the input given")
Nested-if-statement OR Chained Conditional: (If-elif-else): nested if
The elif statement allows us to check multiple expressions for TRUE and execute a
block of code as soon as one of the conditions evaluates to TRUE. Similar to the
else, the elif statement is optional. However, unlike else, for which there can be at
most one statement, there can be an arbitrary number of elif statements following
an if.
DEF: An IF Statement inside another IF Statement

Syntax (General Form)(Pseudocode)( Algorithm) of if – elif - else :

If test_expression:
Body of if statements
elif test_expression:
Body of elif statements
Body of else statements

Flowchart of if – elif - else:

Fig: Operation of if – elif - else statement

Example of if - elif – else:
a=int(input('enter the number'))
b=int(input('enter the number'))
c=int(input('enter the number'))
if a>b:
print("a is greater")
elif b>c:
print("b is greater")
print("c is greater")

ASSIGNMENTS 2 30/1/2023

1. Draw Flow-Charts to solve the following problems

a) To check if a number is odd or even
b) To solve a quadratic equation
c) Convert degrees Fahrenheit to centigrade
2. Write pseudocode for each of the problems above
3. Those that have IDLE IDE, write python scripts to solve the problems above

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