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Dr.Sanjay Patro
Sanjay Patro

What do you mean by Design


Sanjay Patro
 Design historically was equated with aesthetics and craft

 Design Thinking helps in bringing ideas to life

 Design centric organization empowers its employees to observe customers,

their experiences especially the emotional ones

 Emotional resonance as important as utilities and value propositions

 A Lexus buyer want to feel pampered, luxurious and affluent

 In a culture focused on customer experiences, financial touchpoints are

designed around customer needs rather than internal efficiencies

 Started with products, now it even focusses on customer services

Sanjay Patro
+ Origins of Design Thinking
The way we The way companies Approach for that:
consume goods and design and build Design thinking. Solve a
services is these experiences problem or finding
fundamentally must evolve to keep better ways of getting
changing pace things done

Understanding people’s needs and
creatively finding solutions to meet
those needs

A method for practical and

creative problem solving
Derived from varied fields
such as Engineering,
Architecture and Business
+ Innovations through Design Thinking

Sanjay Patro

Source: Solving Problems with Design Thinking © 2013 Jeanne Liedtka, Andrew King and Kevin Bennett
Sanjay Patro
Steps in the New Product
Development Process
 Idea Generation

 Screening of Ideas

 Concept Development and Testing

 Business Analysis

 Product Development

 Test Marketing
+ Managing the Process

Project management
 doing things right - Funnel and Gates

Portfolio management
 doing the right things – Product Portfolio
Screens for Evaluating Concepts
 Growth role Screens

 Category Screens

 Strategic Role Screens

 Internal Strength Screens

 Financial Risk Screens

+ Fuzzy Front End of Product Mgmt

 identified problems and potential solutions with

regard to efficiency in eight recently finished
innovation processes.
Stage-Gates in Product Development Funnel

Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3 Funnel Gate

Gate Document

Generation Feasibilit Business
y Check Capabilit


Contract Proposal
Innovation idea
Innovation project

 What do you mean by Empathic Design?

 How is “analogous experience” created?

 Hospital and a Hotel

Sanjay Patro
What is Design Thinking?
 Human-centered Iterative

 Possibility-driven Options-focused

 We may think of ourselves as Thinking Creatures that feel,

biologically we are Feeling creatures that think.

Jill Taylor, Harvard Medical School

Sanjay Patro
+ Foundations of Design Thinking
David Kelley Tim Brown Prototype

Ideate Test
Understand Prototype
Early on mistakes are
Explore Evaluate quick & cheap.
Ultimately lead to

Direct Drill down Brainstorm Learn by doing.

observation to what the without the Rapid prototyping to
and qualitative real constraints of speed up innovation
data problem is existing solutions process
 Today design is even applied to helping multiple
stakeholders ad organisations work better as a system

Sanjay Patro
What did Indra Nooyi do to bring
in design thinking in Pepsi?

Sanjay Patro
+ Design Thinking in FMCG: PepsiCo
Work across portfolio of existing brands, which include Pepsi,
Doritos and Quaker, to develop meaningful, consistent
experiences across all their touch Empathy

A new approach to innovation through design to identify new

opportunities to differentiate its product platforms from the
clutter in a “society of the future” influenced by social media Competitive

As intuitive as possible and find the perfect balance between Rapid

Prototyping Strategy
consumer engagement and efficiency and Testing
+ Design Thinking: Pepsi Spire
Think of a gigantic iPad sitting on a most futuristic machine, which actually talks to
you and invites you to interact with it. It tracks what you do, so that in future when you
come back and you swipe your ID, it will tell you what flavour combinations you chose
the last time so that it can suggest new flavours to you from 500 available choices.
- Indra Nooyi, CEO, PepsiCo

Sanjay Patro
Product Design Comes of Age
-HBR Sept,2015,John Kalko
 It is not just about aesthetics ,it is about the way people work

 The processes are to be made intuitive and easy to use

 People need their interactions with technologies and other

complex systems to be simple, intuitive and pleasurable

 Main features of DT
 Empathy with users
 Discipline of prototyping
 Tolerance of failure

Sanjay Patro

Design Thinking for Software


 Being a late mover how could Quicken do well in the


 What kind of firms generally came up with great design


 What about Mint and ZenPayroll?

Sanjay Patro

 User Ratings by Promoters and Detractors

 What does it remind you of ?

 Net Promoter Score –Fredrick Reichheld

Sanjay Patro

 From 6 designers at Executive level in 2006 to 35 in 2015

 Designers get a seat along with Engineers and Product


Sanjay Patro
TurboTax Personal Tax Software
 What is “Spouse Test”?

 One of the spouses does the entry, the other one would ask “how
is it different from the last year”

 What the company did when customers started migrating to


 Within two weeks of its release it had replaced Angry Birds as

the number one app on iTunes.

 User reviews were astonishing. One person wrote, “I want this

app to have my babies.”
Sanjay Patro

What are the other cases of Design Thinking in Software Products?

Sanjay Patro
+ Case – Daylight Consulting
Challenge - Getting kids in America to move more to fight childhood obesity

Initial Idea – Digital Music Player with motion sensors; Rewards based on activity

Learn From People Began talking to kids | Spent time at homes, schools | In-depth interviews
Extremely active or sedentary kids provided the voice to the population

Find Patterns Captured observations on post-its |Grouped similar observations into

logical categories

Design Principles Derived groupings – Facilitate social interaction at all times, boost early
rewards, motivate family activity

Make Tangible From Design Principles to specific ideas | Created prototypes

Iterate Relentlessly Kept tweaking the prototype with regular inputs and feedback

Solution – Activity clip-on Monitor | Seamless online

integration | Share and celebrate accomplishments with
friends and families | 59% increase in physical activity
+ Human Centered Design: The Design Process

Emotional (Desirability) Functiona
Innovation l
Look for an unmet need, Innovatio
then address it with n
viable and feasible Business Technology
solutions (Viability) (Feasibility)

Bring a person’s experience to the centre of the
Sanjay Patro
design process

 Going beyond “ease of use” to “Design for Delight” D4D

 Karen Hansen, Ph.D in Social Psychology Identified 3 core

1. Customer empathy
2. Go Broad before narrow
3. Rapid Experimentation

 Innovation catalysts

Sanjay Patro
+ Design Thinking: Infosys Launches Aikido
Aikido offers three enhanced service offerings in Design Thinking, Platforms and
Knowledge-Based IT (KBIT) which are aimed at creating a culture of innovation
while simplifying the existing landscape

• Platforms like Infosys Information Platform, Service Automation

Ai Platform and Mobile Platforms to address the Internet of Things

and API

• Knowledge-based management to drive innovation through new

Ki application development, new technology and platform


• Strategic Design Consulting to identify challenges for clients,

Do focus on offering clients comprehensive experience design to

revolutionize the work culture to amplify innovation

Design Thinking for GE Medical

+ Design Thinking Approach

Sanjay Strategic
Patro Management Session, IDN Summit, 2011
+ Case Studies on Design Thinking

Design thinking helped a team at IBM use

Toyota employed design thinking to analyze one insights generated from a wide-ranging study of
of its West Coast customer-contact centers from human interaction to transform that ubiquitous
the ground up, engaging a cross-functional team marketing event, the trade show, into a
of frontline call reps, software engineers, collaborative experience. Instead of a critique
business leaders and change agents in a of the new model by the management hierarchy,
redesign process that transformed the service the design team prototyped and tested it with
center experience for both customers and real customers

A design-minded entrepreneur founded MeYouHealth, a start-up that partnered with an

established industry incumbent, Healthways, to figure out how to use social networking to increase
well-being by helping individuals take healthier practices one step at a time and, in the process,
teach the value that design thinking’s qualitative approaches could bring to a highly quantitative
Sanjay corporate
Patro strategy.
Transformation of

 From a commodity like electronic component manufacturer

towards a frim driven by innovation and design.

 What was the new composition of CFT at Samsung?

 What did the Ethnographic Rsh reveal for TVs?

Sanjay Patro

Sanjay Patro

Sanjay Patro
+  Why many a times Engineers and
Designers do not see eye to eye?

 What problems Samsung faced with the vendors of LCD

Panels when they suggested a new design?

 Design for the Near and distant future ?

 Line up Design
 Archetype Design
 Next Gen Design
 Future Design
Sanjay Patro
+ Mayo Clinic
A new way to see patients — Jack and Jill Rooms

 Problem : The rooms, called Jack and Jill rooms, were born from the observation that only
a small part of a clinical visit involves a physical exam; yet the rooms are dominated by the
tools needed for that activity.

 As a consequence, it is difficult to create the kind of collaborative communication spaces

that would benefit today’s clinical encounters.

 Solution : The Jack and Jill rooms solve this problem by separating the exam space from
the conversation space. Two conversation rooms are located on either side of an exam
space with internal doors. Benefits of the new room design have been seen across the
practice. Patients see their needs shaping care delivery.

 Physicians like having a place to talk to patients where they can see the monitor and
include family members. Physicians also found that having an exam room without the
couch desk allowed the bed and tools to be rearranged, making the physical exam easier
for them. And the increase in conversation rooms allows for more patient visits.

 Process: The secret was an active experimentation process in which new ideas were
iterated and tested in the outpatient laboratory, a unique clinical space where real patients
see real physicians.
Sanjay Patro

Sanjay Patro

Sanjay Patro
+ Suncorp: Post merger integration
 Suncorp : One of Australia’s leading financial services firm

 Promina : strong insurance brand

 Traditional way :
 Based on logic and analytics.
 Good for control, but not for creativity
 Creativity mattered a lot for Suncorp!

 Path followed:
 Not to neglect path of conversation
 “Authors” rather than “readers”
 But to equip people become “designers who are making worlds rather than analyzing them”

 They were asked to make “what is” (Current Reality) and “what if” (Envisioned Future) scenarios, and subsequently where would
company reach by following a particular path.
 Just 3 slides, 20mins so that no one is bored.

Sanjay Patro
+ Transforming B2B Customer
Engagement at 3M
 3M’s Electronics and Energy business: serves electrical,
electronics and communications industries

 The business problem: Challenge in Material science business

is, how to help customers appreciate the power of new materials
to make distinctive end use products

 Lee Fain, a design strategist used design thinking for selling

new solutions.

Sanjay Patro
+ Reimagining the sales process
 Salesperson is a primary stakeholder who
needed help creating a different kind of
sales process

 Using mobile handled devices would

seem less forced, more natural

 Customized approach to interact with


 Portable device helps activating vision

Sanjay Patro

 Creating virtual ideas about end uses of 3M Tech

 Bring these ideas through videos

Sanjay Patro
+ Drawbacks

 Misunderstanding and Not Accepting Creative Elements

 Lack of Business Elements and Foresight

 Not able to negate Internal Bureaucracy and Politics

 When to and when NOT to apply Design Thinking?

 Executives run with it as they see fit, design practitioners

continue to shrug their shoulders at the discussion, and
corporate continues to trump creative
+ Future of Design Thinking
 Power of reframing ?

 An evolution of how Design Thinking will be integrated towards business

and becomes a process with synergy. A holistic process that combines the
user and the market, analytical and intuitive, deductive, inductive and

 How strategy, leadership and culture can be fully integrated into the system
with synergy which will have a dominant effect in shaping the future of
business in innovation.

 Close ethnographic research that could replace descriptive anecdotes and

build up an academic body of knowledge

 Geoff’s Cycle Growth Mindset Life is a journey of learning,

therefore … Place small bets, quickly Seek new Build broad
Manage risk through action Detect multiple hidden growth
opportunities Accept Develop customer empathy Succeed more
often in new situations This confirms … OUTLOOK George’s
Cycle Fixed Mindset Life is a test, therefore avoid looking foolish
narrow Place big bets, slowly Manage risk through analysis Find
only a few incremental ideas UNCERTAINTY Fear Fail more often
in new situations Understand customer data

Sanjay Patro

Thank You

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