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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Grade/Section: ________________________________________ Score: ___________

A. Read each statement carefully and choose the letter that corresponds to
your answer.
_____1. Which of the following is responsible for producing sperm cells and hormones.?
A. Female Respiratory System C. Male Respiratory System
B. Female Reproductive System. D. Male Reproductive System

_____2. What do you call the passageway of the matured egg cell from the ovary to the
uterus and it is also where the matured egg cell unites with the sperm cell?
A. Fallopian Tube B. Ovary C. Uterus D. Vagina

_____3. Which of the following describes the narrow opening between the uterus and
vagina which enlarges to let the passage of a fetus during birth?
A. Cervix B. Oviduct C. Penis D. Womb

_____4. Complete the statement, Testes are glands that produce sperm cells and male
hormones called_____________.
A. Androgen B. Estrogen C. Progesterone D. Testosterone

_____ 5. Ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina. What group of reproductive
system does these belongs to?
A. Animal Reproductive System C. Human Reproductive System
B. Female Reproductive System D. Plant Reproductive System

_____ 6. Which is responsible in releasing fluid that flushes out foreign matter and
neutralizes the acidic urine in the urethra?
A. Cowper’s gland B. Epididymis C. Penis D. Urethra

_____7. How will you take good care of your reproductive system?
A. Don’t change your underwear. C. Keeping your genitals always clean.
B. Drink 3 glasses of water a day. D. Skip your meals.

_____ 8. Is it advisable to borrow underwear to a friend? Why or why not?

A. Yes, if she/he really needs it.
B. No, because it is very expensive.
C. Yes, if my friend can’t afford to buy one.
D. No, because it can cause undesirable organisms to genitals.

_____ 9. What do you call the first menstrual bleeding of a woman?

A. Fluid C. Menses
B. Menarche D. Spotting

_____10. Which of the following is also known as fertilized egg?

A. Gamete C. Sperm
B. Ovum D. Zygote

_____ 11. Complete the statement, start of menstruation is a sign that a girl is
A. Already a woman C. Capable of being pregnant
B. Already pregnant D. Can carry heavy things

_____ 12. In a normal 28-day menstrual cycle, when would you expect ovulation to take
A. Day 11 C. Day 13
B. Day 12 D. Day 14

_____ 13. What usually happens to the uterus as the female’s body prepares for the
implantation of the fertilized egg?
A. It becomes thicker to provide nutrients for development of fetus.
B. The thickening of the uterus breaks down.
C. It grows thinner.
D. It sheds blood

_____ 14. Which of the following statements best describes the role of corpus luteum in
the menstrual cycle?
A. It contains an egg.
B. It signals the uterus to thicken.
C. It develops a lining of blood vessels and soft tissue in the uterus.
D. It secretes small amount of estrogen and large amount of progesterone.

_____ 15. A grade five pupil named Jayne had a blood stain on her skirt due to
menstruation. If you were her friend, what will you do?
A. Ignore and just leave. C. Laugh at her for not being cautious.
B. Let others see her bloodstain. D. Call her in private to change her pad and

_____ 16. What type of reproduction requires male and female sex cells to unite?
A. Asexual reproduction C. Internal fertilization
B. External fertilization D. Sexual reproduction

_____ 17. Which organism DOES NOT produce an external egg as part of its life cycle?
A. Dog B. Insect C. Parrot D. Turtle

_____18. How many times do female butterflies mate throughout their lives?
A. Once B. Twice C. Thrice D. As many times as they wanted

_____19. Why reproduction is important to living organisms?

A. Because, it controls the body parts
B. Because, it converts food into nutrients
C. Because, it collects and removes wastes
D. Because, it continued the existence of organisms

_____ 20. When does reproduction take place?

A. When offspring makes adult.
B. When parents make offspring.
C. When offspring is an actual copy of the adult.
D. When offspring is an actual opposite of the adult.

_____ 21. Chicks are hatched from eggs. Goats are born alive and appear like their
parents. Frogs undergo many changes as they grow. What are you able to infer from
these observations?
A. All animals are born alive
B. All animals are hatched from eggs
C. Different animals move in several ways
D. Different animals reproduce in numerous ways

_____ 22. Why do many organisms produce thousands of offspring?

A. To produce food for predators.
B. To increase survival rate of generations.
C. Egg production require very little energy.
D. To make sure that there are lots of brothers and sisters.

_____ 23 Which structure is considered the male reproductive part of a flowering plant?
A. ovary B. petal C. sepal D. stamen

_____ 24. What plant part is situated either at the soil surface or underground that
contains nodes from which roots and shoots originate?
A. Plantlets C. Suckers
B. Rhizome D. Tubers

_____ 25. What part of a flower has a swollen structure at the end of the style?
A. Ovary C. Pistil
B. Ovule D. Stamen

_____ 26. Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group?
A. Anther, fertile, ovum and zygote C. Flower, leaves, roots and stem
B. Bulb, runners, suckers and tubers D. Ovary, pistil, stigma and style

_____ 27. What statement best describes the function of the stigma?
A. Produces the female sex cells. C. Catches and holds the pollen grains.
B. Protects the unopened flower. D. Produces a sugary solution called nectar.

_____ 28. Flowering plants can be pollinated in many ways. How does gumamela flowers
be pollinated?
A. By the animals C. By the insects
B. By the humans D. By the wind

_____ 29. Why do we need to reproduce plants?

I.Because, humans and animals need plants for survival.
II. Because, plants provide humans and animals the air they breathe in.
III.Because, plants aare source of medicine, papers,and shelter.
IV.Because, plants control flooding.

_____ 30. The following are the agents of pollination, EXCEPT one. Which is it? 
A. Bees B. Butterflies C. Dogs D. Dragonflies

_____ 31. What is the most common method of transferring the pollen grains from the
male anther of a flower to the female stigma?
A. Imperfect- pollination C. Perfect pollination
B. Cross- pollination D. Self- pollination
_____ 32. What kind of plant that develops small plants along the edge of its leaves?
A. Banana B. Crabgrass C. Fern D. Katakataka

_____ 33. Which of the following is INCORRECT?

A. Cassava:Artificial Vegetative Reproduction
B. Ferns: Artificial Vegetative Reproduction
C. Lanzones: Artificial Vegetative Reproduction
D. Sampaguita: Artificial Vegetative Reproduction

_____ 34. Why is pollination important?

A. To germinate seeds C. To produce seeds
B. To plant seeds D. To scatter seeds

_____ 35. How self-pollination differs from cross pollination?

A. Cross pollination occurs when the pollen is transferred from the stamen of one
flower to the pistil of the same flower while in self pollination the pollen grain is
transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of the
same kind.
B. Cross pollination occurs when the pollen is transferred from the ovary of one
flower to the pistil of the same flower while in cross pollination, the pollen grain
is transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of
the same kind.
C. Self pollination occurs when the pollen is transferred from the stamen of one
flower to the pistil of the same flower while in cross pollination, the pollen grain is
transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of the
same kind.
D. Self pollination occurs when the pollen is transferred from the stamen of one
flower to the pistil of the different flower while in cross pollination, the pollen grain
is transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower of the
different kind.

_____ 36. Which of the following statement best explains what pollination is?
A. It is the union of sperm and egg cell.
B. It is the process wherein plants are developed from seeds.
C. It is the process where the pollen of one flower reaches the stigma of another
D. It is the process by which seeds are sent by their parent plant into a faraway
place to become a new plant.

_____ 37. What is the source of energy needed for photosynthesis so that marine plants
like algae and seaweeds can make their own food?
A. Air B. Soil C. Sunlight D. Water

_____ 38 Which of the following provides oxygen to the ecosystem?

A. Fish B. Rock C. Sand D. Trees

_____ 39. What kind of system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms
with their environment?
A. Ecosystem B. Estuaries C. Intertidal zone D. Marine

_____40. Which statement is NOT correct about coral reef?

A. It is the source of food for fishes.
B. It protects small fishes from predators.
C. It provides shelter for marine organisms.
D. It is found in estuaries and not in intertidal zones.

_____41. How do coral reefs contribute to the survival of fishes?

A. Fishes fly in coral reefs
B. Fishes play in coral reefs
C. Fishes swim in coral reefs
D. Fishes get food and shelter from coral reefs

_____42. As a learner, how can you protect the ecosystem?

A. Cut the trees in the forests.
B. Kill the endangered species.
C. Plant more trees.
D. Sell the corals.

_____43. Is fresh water suitable to all kinds of plants? Why?

A. Yes, some marine plants can be grown in fresh water.
B. It depends on the kind of plant and fertilizers used by the farmer.
C. No, because plants may die due to the absence of salt in the water.
D. Not all. Some plants can survive in fresh water while others like marine plants
can only survive in salt water.

_____44 What is likely to happen if you catch too many fish?

A. There will be a balance in the ecosystem.
B. There will be a decrease of their population.
C. There will be an increase of their population.
D. Many fish will transfer from other marine habitat.

_____45. Which of the following situations DOES NOT show way of protecting and
conserving estuaries and intertidal zones?
A. Rhodney dumps his wastes in a proper container.
B. Jeremy uses synthetic fertilizer for his crops.
C. Dion limits the use of plastic products.
D. Reyne recycles old things.

_____46. Which of the following is the impact on the environment if estuaries were
A. There would be drought.
B. There would be organisms that could be wiped out or lost.
C. There would be decreased concentration of salt in the oceans.
D. There would be less boating, fishing, and swimming in local rivers.
_____47. Which of the following activities is the MOST environment-friendly?
A. Building dams along the river
B. Dumping chemicals into bodies of water
C. Restoring coastal watersheds from damages
D. Commercially developing coastal watersheds

_____48. How can you become a good steward of mother nature?

I. Follow safety practices imposed by the authorities.
II. Avoid using reusable materials at home.
III. Encourage neighbors to plant beautiful but non-native plants.
A. I B. I & II C.II & III D. I, II, III & IV

_____49. As a grade 5 pupil, in what way can you protect estuaries and intertidal zones?
A. Practice actions that could put estuaries at risk.
B. Dispose oil and other household waste on waterways.
C. Take part in coastal clean-up drives and disseminate information on the proper
care of estuaries.
D. Join organizations that promote conversion of estuaries and intertidal zones to
commercial areas.
_____ 50. Mang Berting is a fisherman. Fishing is his way of living to provide the needs of
his family. He usually uses dynamite when he goes fishing even though he knows that it
is prohibited. If you are a fisherman, will you do the same as Mang Berting? Why or why
A. No, because many aquatic animals will die.
B. Yes, because it is easy to catch fish using dynamite.
C. No, because I am scared to be caught by the authorities.
D. Yes, because it is the only way I can do to provide food for my family.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Table of Specification
MELC Total Remem Unde Applyi Anal Evalu Crea Item
No. bering rstan ng yzin ating ting Placem
of ding g ent
Describe the parts of the 8 1,2 3 4,5 6 7 8 1-8
reproductive system and
their functions. (S5LT-IIa-
Explain the menstrual 7 9,10 11 12 13 14 15 9-15
cycle. (S5LT-IIc-3)

Describe the different 7 16,17 18 20 19 21 22 16-22

modes of reproduction in
animals such as
butterflies, mosquitoes,
frogs, cats and dogs.
Describe the reproductive 7 23,24 25 26 27 28 29 23-29
parts in plants and their
functions. (S5LT-IIf-)
Describe the different 7 30,31 32 33 34 35 36 30-36
modes of reproduction in
flowering and non-
flowering plants such as
moss, fern, mongo and
others. (S5LT-IIg-7)
Discuss the interactions 7 37,38 39 40 41 42 43 37-43
among living things and
non-living things in
estuaries and intertidal
zones. (S5LT-IIh-8)
Explain the need to 7 44 45,46 47,4 49 50 44-50
protect and conserve 8
estuaries and intertidal
zones. (S5LT-Ii-j-10)
Total 50 13 6 9 8 7 7
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


1. D 11. C 21. D 31. B 41. D
2. A 12. D 22. B 32. D 42. C
3. A 13. A 23. C 33. B 43. C
4. D 14. D 24. B 34. C 44. B
5. B 15. D 25. A 35. C 45. B
6. A 16. D 26. A 36. C 46. B
7. C 17. A 27. C 37. C 47. C
8.D 18. A 28. D 38. D 48. A
9. B 19. D 29. D 39. A 49. C
10. D 20. B 30. C 40. D 50. A

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:

Head Teacher III

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