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Table 3.1. Statics Data 1999 -2015 Bangladesh 106

Table 3.2. Acid Attack Statistics-2016 Bangladesh 107

Table 4.1. Compensation for Injuries 169

Table 4.2. State-wise Compensation Schemes 170-179

Table 6.1. Acid Attack on Women Reported During 2011 to 2013 -All
over India 246-247

Table 6.2. Acid Attack on Women Reported During 2014 -All over India 248-249

Table 6.3. Acid Attack on Women Reported During 2015 -All over India 250-251

Table 6.4. Juveniles Apprehended for the crime of Acid Attack, by Age Groups
& Sex during 2014-All over India 253

Table 6.5. Juveniles Apprehended for the crime of Acid Attack, by Age Groups
& Sex during 2015- All over India 254

Table 6.6. Age Group and Gender - wise Persons Arrested under
Indian Penal Code and other legislations for the crime of
Acid Attack, during 2014 255

Table 6.7. Age Group and Gender - wise Persons under Indian Penal Code
and Special and Local Laws for the crime of Acid Attack, during 2014-
All over India 256

Table 6.8. Age Group and Gender - wise Persons Arrested under Indian
Penal Code and other legislation, during 2015 - All over India 257

Table 6.9 Age Group and Gender - wise Persons Arrested under Indian
Penal Code and other legislation during 2015 - All over India 257

Table 6.10. Disposal of Persons Arrested under Indian Penal Code by

Police during 2014 - All over India 259

Table 6.11 Disposal of Persons Arrested under Indian Penal Code Crimes
by Courts, during 2014 - All over India 261

Table 6.12. Disposal of Cases of Acid attacks and Attempt to acid attacks
by Courts during 2015 -All over India 264

Table 6.13. Disposal of Acid attack Cases by Courts during 2015 (Trials,
Conviction, Cases Acquitted or Discharges, Pending Trial,
Conviction Rate, Pendency Percentage) - All over India. 266

Table 6.14. Disposal of Persons Arrested under IPC by Police during

2015- All over India 267

Table 6.15. Disposal of Persons Arrested under IPC Crimes by Courts

during 2015- All over India 270

Table 6.16. Victims of acid attacks 275


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