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AUDIO 1: Listen to the recording carefully and complete the gaps

of the following story!

Once upon a time, there was a clever monkey. He lived on a beautiful island,
in an apple tree. One day, a crocodile swam to the island. ‘I’m hungry,’
he said. So the monkey 1).......................... a red apple to the
crocodile. The crocodile munched and 2)........................... The next day, the crocodile
came back. ‘Please, may I have two 3)..........................?’ he asked. He 4)..........................
one and 5).......................... one to his wife. The crocodile went to see the monkey every
day, to listen to his 6).......................... and eat his apples. He wanted to be clever, just like
the monkey. The crocodile’s wife had an idea. ‘Why don’t you eat his 7)..........................,?
Then you’ll be 8).........................., just like him!’ The next day, he said to the monkey,
‘Come to my house! We’ll 9).........................., lunch together, to thank you for the apples.’
But when he 10)..........................,, the crocodile snapped and said, ‘Monkey! I want to eat
your 11).......................... so I can be as clever as you!’ The clever monkey
12).........................., quickly and said, ‘But... I haven’t got my 13).........................., here. It’s
on the island, in the apple 14)..........................,.’ They all went back to the
15)..........................,. ‘Wait here, and I will get my 16)..........................,,’ said the monkey.
The monkey quickly 17).........................., the tree and sat at the top. ‘Oh, Crocodile. You
are 18)........................... Of course you can’t have my 19)..........................,. And now, you
can’t have my apples!’ And the clever monkey laughed and 20)..........................,!


munched threw apples gave ate

tails heart clever arrived have

heart thought heart tree island

climbed heart heart greedy laughed

NEVER FAIL AS HUMAN Embrace The Past Reshape The Future


Learn the following statements! Circle true or false for these

sentences based on what you’ve heard!

a. The Jade Emperor wanted to measure time. true false

b. He decided to have a race. true false

c. The ox took the rat and the cat across the river. true false

d. Cat pushed rat to win the race true false

e. The tiger was exhaused but he finished it true false

f. In order to finish the race, the rabbit used his brain. true false

g. The dragon had to make some rain for thirsty people to eat. true false
that’s why he was late

h. The goat, monkey and rooster worked together. true false

i. The dog was late because he was still looking for food. true false

j. The pig had to eat and play on the way. true false

k. 1st year: rat, 2nd year: ox, 3rd year: tiger, 4th year: rabbit. true false
th th th th
5 year: dragon, 6 year: snake, 7 year: horse, 8 year: goat,
9th year: monkey, 10th year: rooster, 11th year is: dog, and 12th year is: pig

NEVER FAIL AS HUMAN Embrace The Past Reshape The Future

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