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Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management

Course Outline

Course Code and Course Title HR04-06, Labour Law and Industrial Relations
Course type Elective
Pre-requisites (if any) Basic understanding of Human Resource
management would be an added advantage
Course Credit 2
Total no. of sessions 8
Session Duration 2.5 Hours
Term Quarter – III
Year and Batch 2nd Year, 2019-21, EPGCHRM-08/EPGP-12
Sections (if any) NA

Instructor(s) Dr. Manoranjan Dhal

Contact Details 9447080253 (M),
Office Faculty Block 3, Room no. 21, Phone- 0495-
Consultation Hours Tele conference – Monday , 4-5 PM


This course intends to help the participant in driving a compliant workplace from people
management prospective. This course will provide an overview of industrial relations scenario in
India and equip the participants with policy and procedure for handling trade union, and
industrial relations issues. As the target participant members are the management professionals
into people management roles irrespective of the domain this course will help them in learning
the laws which influence HR policies.

Learning Outcomes/Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the participants would be able to

• Understand and appreciate the importance of maintaining a cooperative industrial relations

• Prepare themselves to build cooperative industrial relations in their organization
• Identify the legal rights of an employee for self and others.
• Conduct legal audit and identify non-compliance in people management operation of their
Textbooks and Learning Materials
Text Book(s)
1. Venkata Ratnam, C.S., Dhal, M. (2017). Industrial Relations. Oxford, New Delhi
Reference Book(s)

1. Sinha, P.R.N., Sinha, I.B. and Shekhar, S.P. (2013).Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and
Labour Legislation. Pearson, Delhi
2. Kumar, H.L. (2013). Obligations of Employers under Labour Laws. Universal Law, Delhi.

Additional Reading(s)

C1 – Saini, D.S. (2006). People Management Fiasco in Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India
Ltd. Asia Case Research Centre. The University of Hong Kong

C2 – Singh, H. and Saini, D.S. (2014). Industrial unrest at TESCO Cranes. Harvard Business

C3 - Narayanmurthy, G., Hota P.k., Pati, S.P., Dhal, M. (2015). Maruti Manesar Lockout: the
Flip Side of People Management. Emerald Emerging Market Case Studies, Vol 5 (2), 1-

C4 – Ramnarayan, S. and Gupta, N (2011). Singareni Colieries: from Gloom to Glory. Richard
Ivey School of Business Foundation.

C5 – Nath, A. and Saini D.S. (2016). Contract Labour at Regency Hospital: Legal and HR
Dynamics. Harvard Business Publishing

C6 - Saini, D.S. (2007). Flaxo Exports: Managing People in a Small- to Medium-Sized

Enterprise. Asia Case Research Centre.The University of Hong Kong.

C7 – Agarwal, U.A. and Gupta, R. (2014). Asian Paints: Ganining Competitive Advantage
Through Employee “Engage-Meant”. Harvard Business Publishing

Technology and Software (if any)

MS- Excel to calculate PF, gratuity, maternity benefit, bonus, employee compensation, severance
pay, final settlement amount. The practice requires proficiency in using higher order formula.

Other Resources (Journals, Internet Websites) (if any)

The enrolled participants must check their access to virtual classroom (
where they will receive the instructions about the cases, assignments and can also drive a
Refer to following websites for updates in labour law and its amendments

i. Supreme Court Case database -

ii. Labour Department –
iii. Amendment notification -
iv. Judgement database -
v. Bare act and legal document -

Pedagogy Used/Learning Process

This course would see the use a combination of pedagogical tools such as lectures, case
discussions, real-life examples, role play, exercise, simulation, videos, etc. to support the
learning process. The instructor expects the students to actively participate in the class
discussion and bring in their independent view point to a case while complying with the legal
system. Students are expected not only to go through the assigned readings and text book, but
also keep a track of the ongoing events in the real life such as strike or lock-out in any industry,
ongoing court cases, legal charges on any company on people related issues etc. Critical
evaluation of such cases by participants is expected to boost the learning process.

Evaluation Components/Assessment of Student Learning

Assessment Tool Percentage Description

Quizzes/Assignments 20 These components are required to check

and evaluate the students’ understanding
End term Exam 50 of concepts and application of
appropriate tools and techniques.

Class Participation (Case 15 Students are expected to work in small

Analysis & Class Exercises) groups for case discussion and bring in
their view points to the class for
discussion. It would provide them
opportunities to explore diverse
perspectives for a legal issue involving

Project 15 This facilitates students to demonstrate

and apply theskills accumulated
throughthis course in real life situation by
analyzing the same in their own
organization from a specific legal

Session Plan

The students are required to read the respective laws as per act mentioned under the topic from
the text book. The chapters will be updated one the published form of the text book is available.

Session Module Topic Chapter No. / Reading material /


1 Introduction Grown of Industrial • Text Book Chapter 1,2,3,4

to Industrial relations in India. • Video- Bhagat Singh opposing Trade
relation Trade union growth, Disputes
structure and its • Video- APPLE Exposed – the truth about I-
management. slave in FOXCON factory Bill
• C1 – Honda Case
Industrial relations
• Video – Lathi charge on Honda Workers
theory and

2 Managing Theoretical and • Text Book Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8

Trade Union legal framework of • Trade Union Act 1926
trade union, • C2- Industrial unrest at Tesco Cranes
structure, and
function. Collective

Industrial Disputes • Text Book Chapter 9, 10, 14, 15

3 Act, 1947- Dispute, Case C3 – Maruti Case
and Individual vs. Video – Maruti violates labour law
collective dispute. Video – Truth vs. Hype – Maruti Case
Industrial Settlement, Dispute
Relations Settlement, Strike.
Law Forms of Strike.
Legal and illegal
Strike,Lay off and
Retrenchment and
Closure and
Unfair Labour
4 Handling Industrial • Activity – Prepare Charge-sheet
Discipline Employment • Text Book Chapter 17, 18, 19
and (Standing Orders) • C4 – Singareni case
Grievance Act 1946. Model
Standing Order
Handling Grievance,
participation in
Building Drafting of • Text Book Chapter 11
cooperative appointment C5- Contract labour at Regency Hospitals
Industrial letters.Appointment Activity- Compare and contrast two
Relations. Letter- The contract appointment letters. Students are encouraged to
5 of service. Contract bring a copy of their appointment letter of
Laws Labour (Regulation previous employer for this activity.
governing and Abolition) Act • Post learning assignment – Prepare a model
Selection 1970. Managing appointment letter.
Process Probation Activity – Are you compliant of using contract

Minimum Wages • Text Book Chapter 12
Act – 1948Payment • C6- Flaxo Case
of Wages Act- 1936
Provisions Activity- Compare minimum wages across
affecting , Equal state and job Activity - Calculate bonus by
Compensation Remuneration Act – using mock data in MS-Excel
1976, Payment of
Bonus Act – 1965
Maternity Benefit
Act 1961
. Types of benefit. • Text Book Chapter 16
Quantum of benefit • C7- Asian Paints
Activity – determine the eligibility and
calculation of maternity benefit for a mock

Payment of Gratuity Activity - Calculate gratuity by using mock

Act 1972. data in MS-Excel
Calculation and
7 Payment of gratuity

Employees Activity - Calculate PF by using mock data in

Provident Fund MS-Excel
(Family Pension
Social Fund and Deposit
Security Laws Linked Insurance
Fund) Act 1952

Compensation Act
1923 - Liability of
Employer, Quantum
of compensation and
procedure for

Employees’ State
Insurance Act 1948

8 Sexual Harassment Newspaper case - ongoing case of Tarun

of Women at Tejpal of Tehelka
Prohibition, and
Redressal) Act,
laws for Factories Act, 1948- • Text Book Chapter 13, 20,21, 22, 23
employee Definitions, Video – Bhopal gas tragedy. Students may
Maintenance Provisions of watch the full movie before coming to class -
Health, Safety and “Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain”- 2014
Welfare, Working
hours and Leave

Handling Employee

Additional Instructions (if any)

Group formation:

The activities, case analysis and project work in the course are intended to be carried out in
group. The group should consist of not less than 3 and not more than 5 members. As the
participants are spread across India they may contact each other for choosing their team
members. If any member is left out, the facilitator will help in assigning the member to a group.

Case analysis:

You will receive the case instructions through virtual classroom. The case discussion need to
happen by the small group based on the lead questions before the class in your informal group
settings. You are required to upload a brief of the discussion in the virtual classroom. Any group
or any member may be called by the facilitator to put forth the comments on behalf of the group.

Project Work

This course requires you to submit a project report which is an opportunity to apply your
learning to a real word of work. You are required to submit a brief project proposal by the end of
3rdsession. The objective of the project is to look into the practical side of the law and its
implementation.You are free to choose any act covered under this course. You may think of
auditing an organization based on your learning in this course and evaluate how compliant the
organization is. The proposal submission is intended to bring clarity to your proposed work,
avoid duplicity with other groups, and give you feedback. Please submit the report within one
week from the end of the course. This is a group project.

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