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Factor Analysis of the Big 5 Personality traits


1. The 45 survey questions were divided were divided into 5 factors., based on big 5
personality traits.
2. The factors are labelled as
- Extraversion (Factor 1)
- Agreeableness (Factor 2)
- Conscientiousness (Factor 3)
- Openness (Factor 4)
- Neuroticism (Factor 5)
3. Out of 45, only 8 factors had a uniqueness value less than 50% while the rest were more. A
lower uniqueness value implies that the factor explains the variables better. The highest
uniqueness value was shown by variable “Has.few.artistic.interests” while variable
“” exhibited lowest uniqueness factor. Overall the factors explained 37% of
the information in the survey.
Factor Analysis of the Happiness dataset:

1. The 29 questions in the happiness survey were divided into 3 factors

2. The factors were labelled as:
- Despondents (Factor 1): This segment is unhappy about their life and they choices they
have made in general. This can be particularly observed from the fact that all positive
questions have a negative correlation with this factor.
- Happy Socialites (Factor 2): This segment derives happiness from social energy around
them. They are generally happy people who are confident in who they are. They also
tend to lighten up the mood around them (or atleast think so).
- Lone-wolfs (Factor 3): This segment is opposite to the socialites. They are happy with
themselves and don’t find social interactions necessary. They enjoy their own company
and have positive outlook for life.
3. Out of 29, only 6 factors had a uniqueness value less than 50% while the rest were more.
The highest uniqueness value was shown by variable “” while
variable “” exhibited lowest uniqueness factor. Overall the factors explained
36% of the information in the survey.

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