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Landscape of Battery Energy Storage System Hazards & Mitigation Strategies

Background Project Sponsors

Battery Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are a critical part This research project is sponsored by the members of
of today's dramatic push for sustainable & renewable the FPRF Energy Storage Research Consortium (ESRC):
electrical energy. As a result, these systems are • Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
proliferating at an exponential pace. While the fire • Energy Safety Response Group (ESRG)
protection and emergency response communities are • FM Global
working with ESS providers and others to ensure • Southern Company
acceptably safe installations, there are still gaps in the And a participating Sponsor:
fundamental understanding of the hazard of li-ion ESS • Honeywell
and serious safety questions remain unanswered.
Project Tasks
It is imperative for the full landscape of battery ESS This research project will involve the following tasks:
hazards and mitigation strategies to be thoroughly
defined, reviewed, and communicated to the energy Task 1: Landscape of Li-ion ESS Deployments.
storage and fire safety communities to support safe Establish a comprehensive understanding of the full
proliferation of these units. This comprehensive review landscape of lithium-ion battery-based energy storage
aims to support the development of best practices and system installations/deployments. Conduct an
inform updates to relevant safety standards, such as international questionnaire of li-ion battery ESS to
NFPA 855, Standard for Stationary Energy Storage identify and categorize the types and characteristics of
Systems, FM Global Datasheet DS-5-33, Electrical commercially available li-ion battery ESS installations
Energy Storage Systems, and other relevant codes and (generically, without identifying manufacturers) and the
standards. environment in which they are deployed (indoors or
outdoors, type of construction, distance to
Research Goal combustibles, etc.). This review should also consider
various applications and use cases.
The overall goal of this project is to establish an
understanding of the landscape of lithium-ion battery- Task 2: Post incident analysis of li-ion BESS incidents.
based energy storage system deployments, their Conduct a post-incident analysis li-ion BESS failure
hazards and consequences, and the factors that should incidents. This analysis should include, but not be limited
be considered for a comprehensive protection and to, a review of the li-ion BESS incidents identified in the
EPRI ESS Failure Event Database. Where information is
hazard mitigation strategy. This project will also aim to
available, summarize the high-impact loss events over
identify and prioritize the existing knowledge gaps to
the event timeline, in the context of a bow-tie hazard
develop a future research plan. mitigation analysis. For your reference, a sample HMA

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Landscape of Battery Energy Storage System Hazards & Mitigation Strategies

for a li-ion BESS installation is available from the EPRI Task 3: Identify, Review and Analyze Established
“ESIC Energy Storage Reference Fire Hazard Mitigation Mitigation Strategies. Identify and summarize
Analysis” report. It is expected that this analysis will mitigation strategies (e.g., automatic fire protection
summarize, for each incident: systems and manual response actions) deployed and
a) The characteristics of the installation, including implemented by professional design and engineering
construction characteristics, location, siting, and the communities, emergency responders, and others for Li-
type and presence of active or passive protection ion BESS.
systems a) Identify the various types of fire protection
b) Identify the hazard/threats present in the reference measures (fixed systems and manual
installation interventions) that are required, permitted or
c) Summarize the parameters of the incident, including have been implemented in ESS deployments.
the initiating event, thermal runaway, spread b) Where information is available through
characteristics, gas release, temperature, etc. literature or interviews with subject matter
d) Clarify the extent of incident thermal runaway experts, clarify the impact and effectiveness of
propagation automatic fire/explosion protection system
e) Identify the impact of implemented mitigation activations and manual firefighting response
strategies/barriers for hazard mitigation during the actions on hazard mitigation.
incident. Where applicable, analyze the effectiveness c) Where strategies are being deployed but
of the implemented tactics and identify successes, technical substantiation is lacking, develop
failures, and/or challenges from each incident. theories and hypotheses for conceptual
f) Conduct an incident consequence analysis for each protection strategies through a theoretical
of these incidents. This should consider the extent of analysis that need to be validated through
damage, personnel casualties/injures and other life future testing efforts. This should also consider
safety impacts, post-incident environmental impact, needs of regulatory bodies.
and any other consequences resulting from the
incident. Task 4: Gap Analysis and Future Research Plan. Based
on the findings of the previous tasks and expanding on
To conduct this analysis, the contractor is expected to the gaps identified in the EPRI Battery Storage Fire
review the available literature, including post-incident Safety Roadmap, identify the existing knowledge gaps
investigation reports, incident case study reports and develop research plans to fill the identified
published through peer reviewed articles and conference knowledge gaps.
proceedings, news articles, etc. It is also recommended a) Review and summarize the gaps identified in the
that the contractor collects additional relevant EPRI Battery Storage Fire Safety Roadmap and
information related to the incident through interviews identify any additional gaps, based on the
with affiliated parties, such as facility owners, fire findings of the above tasks.
department representatives, and others.

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Landscape of Battery Energy Storage System Hazards & Mitigation Strategies

b) Present the identified gaps at a FPRF ESS About the Fire Protection Research Foundation
Workshop (to be planned and hosted by FPRF) The Fire Protection Research Foundation plans,
and participate in a prioritization exercise. manages, and communicates research on a broad range
c) Based on the workshop outcomes, develop a of fire safety issues in collaboration with scientists and
detailed research plan for the prioritized
laboratories around the world. The Foundation is an
research needs.
affiliate of NFPA.
Schedule and Implementation
About the National Fire Protection Association
This 7-month research project will be conducted under
Founded in 1896, NFPA is a global, nonprofit organization
the auspices of the Fire Protection Research Foundation
devoted to eliminating death, injury, property and
and will be conducted in accordance with the “Research
economic loss due to fire, electrical and related hazards.
Foundation Policies for the Conduct of Research The association delivers information and knowledge
Projects”. through more than 300 consensus codes and standards,
The project will be guided by a Project Technical Panel research, training, education, outreach and advocacy;
and by partnering with others who share an interest in
who will provide input to the project, recommend
furthering the NFPA mission. All NFPA codes and
contractor selection, review periodic reports of progress
standards can be viewed online for free. NFPA's
and research results, and review the final project report. membership totals more than 65,000 individuals around
the world.


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