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What is the meaning of 1st Peter 5 & 7?

1 Peter 5:7 gives words of encouragement to those who

are overwhelmed with the burdens and challenges of
this world. Apostle Peter admonishes us to put together
our anxieties and worries and present them to God who
cares for us.
Christians must humble themselves under God's mighty
hand, trusting Him to exalt us at exactly the right time. We
must quit the work of seeking our own glory in order to accept
the work of serving and submitting to others. Then, when the
time is right, our God will use His mighty hand to exalt us.
The apostle Peter writes this letter both to comfort
believers and to encourage them to stay
strong. He urges them to put all their hope in their
perfect future with Christ, and to obey and trust
Him in the present, even in their suffering.
Verse Thoughts
There are many places in Scripture that remind us that
the cares and concerns of this world can become a
burdensome load in our lives. 'Independence' proudly
proclaims that it has built up a range of coping
strategies and self-help skills to deal with all the
stresses and strains of life, while 'Pride' arrogantly
announces that it is well-able to go it alone - but the
Word of God paints a very different picture.
We have been told by the Lord that we cannot manage
our daily problems on our own, and this is a severe
blow to our self-ego and fleshly-pride, which is rooted
in the old sin nature. We are told that strength will be
freely given, when we admit our weaknesses and
inabilities, and we are charged to hand over all our
cares and disappointments to the Lord, Who has
promised to bear all our burdens because of His loving-
kindness and tender mercy towards us.

All that is required of us is to admit, in humility if heart,

our lack, and accept His gracious offer to cast all our
cares on Him, knowing that He cares for us and is well
able to give us help in time of need. When the cares
and concerns of this world are given to the Lord in
humility of heart, He pours into that life His peace that
passes understanding, and we discover we have a
godly wisdom, an enlarged faith, supernatural love,
and His sufficient grace - despite the circumstances
that hem us in on every side.

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How do we cast our burdens on Him? How do we give
Him our anxieties and concerns? Well, it all comes back
to trusting all that the Lord has promised in His
precious Word, and expecting Him to fulfil His Word.
We are to expect Him to answer our prayer, but He will
do so in His time and in His way - for our greater
benefit and for His greater glory.

The Lord is working in each of our lives from an eternal

perspective and we are to develop the attitude that
Christ demonstrated throughout His earthly life, as He
submitted to the Father, "Thy will be done in my
life," was His heartfelt prayer.

Rarely does the answer happen the way we expect

when we submit to His will, but the Lord will always
carry the burdens of those that approach Him with a
spirit of trust and a heart of humility. And in His grace,
He aligns our will to His will and the delights of His
heart become our very own heartfelt longings.
We need to come to a point when we humbly admit
our inadequacy, before we can benefit from His super-
sufficiency. We need to invite the Lord into every
compartment of life and not exclude Him from any
cherished sphere or withhold any embarrassing secret.
We need to give the little problems we encounter that
seem so insignificant, as well as the great burdens that
weigh us down... and we need to entrust Him with any
physical, material, and emotional burdens, as well as
our spiritual trials and testings.

Being called to cast all our anxieties on Him, does not

mean giving Him selective burdens while withholding
others. He cares about each compartment of life and
can minister to every hurt, every difficulty, and every
foolish mistake we make.

When anxiety is permitted to dominate a life, faith

submits to fear, unbelief is substituted for a trusting
heart, and dependence on our heavenly Father is
replaced with prideful self-dependency. How
important to know in our very heart that God cares
more for our personal well-being than anyone else -
including ourselves!
The enemy of our soul whispers lies into our heart and
questions the goodness of God and His faithfulness.
The accuser of our soul is the devil, who roams around
like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour... and
he delights to accuse us before our heavenly Father. He
uses the same strategy to shipwreck our soul as he did
in Eden, by whispering in our ear 'Has God really said?
Are ALL God's promises true? Can you really trust His
Word?' Satan is the evil accuser of the brethren who
attempts to prevent us from casting all our cares upon
Him by twisting the Word of God and denying the

May we never doubt the integrity and truth of God's

Word, for what He has promised He will fulfil. May we
humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, that
He may exalt us at the proper time - and may we cast
ALL our anxiety on Him, because He cares for each one
of His blood-bought children. 

My Prayer
Heavenly Father, I confess that for too long, I have
depended on my own sufficiency and tried to work out
my own problems in my own self-sufficient strength...
but I thank You, Father-God, that You care so much for
me that I can cast all my burdens on You and give You
all the hurts, disappointments, and worries, that seem
to be flooding my life today. Thank You that I have the
sure knowledge that You have promised to carry every
anxiety and pain. I admit, dear Father, that I am weak
in myself, but praise You that I can draw on Your
amazing strength today and in the days that lie ahead.
In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

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