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Huling El Bimbo The Hit Musical

Is a broad representation of how power could provide control or authority over the oppressed. Arturo
Banlaoi is one actor who embodies this character, as he plays a university military training
commandant who transforms into a greedy, drug-dealing politician in the present storyline. Banlaoi
uses his influence and authority to manipulate Joy and Tiya Dely to pay the rent on the campus where
they are living. It evidently shows that people with higher authority grab the opportunity of doing
illegal things. Because of people like them, more and more people are suffering and are getting in
justice. Looking more closely at the musical’s plot, however, reveals many layers that need to be

The musical illustrated two significant problems in society human trafficking and sexual violence
showing how power breeds violence and once again high lighting Banlaoi. We can't fight it because, as
we all know, Arturo Banlaoi represents our country's corrupt government – in general, not a particular
administration – aspreviously stated. Since they arrived in Manila, Joy and Tiya Dely, who are the
victims in this story, have longed to be free of Banlaoi's abusive manipulation. Joy confronts Banlaoi in
one scene, pleading with him to let her out of their deal. He was so firm about not granting her
request that he threatened to kill her. Imagine drug lords and monsters doing this to the unfortunate
and poor young people we see on the streets. This part was so true that it made us realize that it still
happens today and that such violence is common, particularly in urban areas. Since the night she was
raped, Joy's life and well-being have taken a complete turn. Her friends were unable to help her.

The musical begins with a scene of a police officer staring down at a lifeless body of awoman. It was
the beginning of all the confusion that would disturb these three men in living their problem-riddled
but successful lives: Hector Zabala, a Mass Communication major who later becomes an established
director; Emmanuel "Emman" Azarcon, a patriotic country boy thateventually becomes a government
worker; Anthony "AJ" Cruz Jr., a closeted homosexual, who isthe son of a strict military man and a
Business Management Major he later becomes a wealthy businessman himself, when a phone call
brings them all together to a police headquarters. Thereason behind is because a woman named Joy
Manawari, a late friend of these men, was founddead and on her phone were missed calls trying to
contact these three men. Bringing the police toquestion these people and asking why a person on
their drug watchlist be in touch with three verysuccessful and powerful men. The main reason of it,
for months, Joy had been reaching out to her

The play begins with a scene of a young woman dancing, which later on identified as Joy.The same
dance was shown again towards the end of the musical, both after her death. Her dancewas distinctly
different from the other dances that were performed throughout the play. Its stepswere gracefully
and strangely executed, which makes it stand out. It starts with her hands and wristtouching as if they
were tied together. As she slowly raises her arms, her hands gradually moveapart, and in the end, you
can see her hands up high and move freely, signifying freedom andimplying that Joy is a prisoner that
is trying to be free. Her death is what freed her from the shacklesof this ominous world. The world
that corrupted her with its darkness no thanks to the people thatabused and broke her

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