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Concept of idiolects

-The speech habits peculiar to a particular person
   -An idiolect is the distinctive speech of an individual,a
linguistic pattern regarded as an unique among speakers of a
person's language or dialect
-The language variety unique to a singler speaker of a
language is called an idiolect.Your idiolect includé the vocabulary
appropriate to your various interests and activities,pronunciation
reflective of the region in which you live or have live
For example : President Trump uses the word “ tremendous”
often and in a particular intonation
   President George H.W.Bush say “ buhfore” instead of “
-A fun fact about idolects : It has become popular recently to
investigate the police.Thanks to this kind of identity,the police can
finish some investigations soon.
  -However,idiolects change through contact with other idiolects
and change during an individual life as well as from generation to
=> Generally, idiolects continuously change as people contact
each other.
    -“Idioglossia” refers to an idiosyncratic language which is
invented and spoken by only one or a very few people.Idioglossia
often refers to the private languages of young children ,especially
twin whose language is known as,twin talk or twin speech

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