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FS 11 Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT

SPARK Your Interest

With the lightning speed by which technology is evolving and now with 4.0, technology continues to be
an ever significant part of the learning environment. This episode provides an opportunity for students
to examine a Learning Resource Center or Multi-Media Center and learn about its collection, services,
equipment, observe how a teacher utilizes technology for instruction, and explore resources in the
virtual learning environment. Students will analyze and reflect on how technology, including artificial
intelligence, supports the teaching-learning process.

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:

 Identify and classify learning resource materials in the multi0media center;

 Show skills in the positive uses of ICT to facilitate the teaching-learning process (PST 1.3.1);
 Show skills in the evaluation, selection, development, and use of a variety learning resources,
including ICT to address learning goals (PPST 4.5.1);
 Analyze the level of technology integration in the classroom; and
 Demonstrate motivation to utilize ICT for professional development goals based on the PPST
(PPST 7.5.1)

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teacher Version 3 (ICT CFT v3, 2018)

The Information and Communications Technology Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT
CFT) version 3 is a comprehensive framework guide teachers’ development on the effective and
appropriate use of ICT in education. It highlight what teachers should know and do clustered in six
aspects, namely: 1. Understanding ICT in Education, 2. Curriculum and Assessment, 3. Pedagogy, 4.
Application of Digital Skills, 5. Organization and administration, and 6. Teacher Professional Learning.

Similar to the PPST, the ICT CFT also articulated competencies in levels which guide teacher as
they develop their ICT skills from Level 1, Knowledge Acquisition to Level 2, Knowledge Deepening and
Level 3, Knowledge Creation. The Commission on Higher Education Teacher Education Curricula (2017)
includes the UNESCO ICT CFT so most likely you have tackled this sin your Technology for Teaching and
Learning classes.

It will be good to review the UNESCO ICT CFT v3 framework as you work in this episode. The
activities here are meant for you to observe, analyze and reflect about the competencies discussed in
the framework.
The Learning Resource Center

1. A school usually sets up a center that will provide valuable support to the teaching-learning process.
Over the years the name of this center gas evolved. Some of the names are Audiovisual Center, Medic
and Technology Resource Center, Teaching-Learning technology Department, or Simply Learning
Resource Center.

2. With the swift development of ICT, the natural outcome was the ever-expanding interface between
the traditional library and ICT both in terms of hardware and software systems and applications.

3. Schools may have different set-ups when it comes to a Learning Resource Center (LRC). Some have
replaced the term library with LRC. Some have a separate library, LRC and Audio Visual or Media Center.
Some only have the LRC both for teachers and students. Still some have combined their learning
resource centers with maker spaces.

4. The common purpose among these centers is to provide print, audio-visual and ICT resources to
support the teaching-learning process.

5. The goals of the Center may include orienting and training teachers in the use of audiovisual and ICT
resources, working with teachers and administrators in producing instructional materials, making
available useful resources to the students, teacher, and the school community.

6. In order to support the philosophy and aims of the school, the Center must fulfill the following
functions: center of resources, laboratory of learning, agent of teaching, service agency, coordinating
agency, recreational reading center, and a link to other community resources.

Technology Integration

The Technology Integration Matrix provides a comprehensive framework for you to define and evaluate
technology integration. It will provide you direction and guide you in the process of achieving effective
te4aching with technology. The teacher’s integration of technology in instruction can be described as
progressing in 5 levels: entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion and finally transformation.

The teacher also works at creating a learning environment that encourages and enables quality
technology integration. The interdependent characteristics of the learning environment are being active,
collaborative, constructive, authentic and goal-directed.

The Technology Integration Matrix connects the Levels of Technology Integration and the Characteristics
of the Learning Environment. Examine the matrix below. To make you understand how integration is
done in each of the levels and environment, explore the TIM website and learn from the many
interesting videos showing technology integration.
Observing technology integration in the classroom
Levels of Technology Integration into the Curriculum
Adaptation: The Infusion: The teacher Transformation: The
Adoption: The teacher teacher directs creates a learning teacher creates a rich
directs students in the students in the environment that learning environment
Technology Entry: The teacher conventional uses of conventional use of infuses the power of in which students
uses technology to tool-based software. tool-based software technology tools regularly engage in
Integration Matrix deliver curriculum If such software is by allowing students throughout the day activities that would
content to students available, this level is to select tool and and across subject have been Impossible
the recommended modify its use to areas. to achieve without
entry point. accomplish the task at technology.
Students have Throughout the Given ongoing access
Active: Students are Students begin to opportunities to school day, students to online resources,
actively engaged in Students use utilize technology select and modify are empowered to students actively
using technology as technology for drill tools to create technology tools to select appropriate select and pursue
a tool rather than and practice and products, for example accomplish specific technology tools and topics beyond the
passively receiving computer based using a word purposes, for example actively apply them to Imitations of even the
information from training. processor to create a using colored cells on the tasks at hand. best school library.
the technology report, a spreadsheet to plan
a garden.
Collaborative: Throughout the day Technology enables
Students use Students have and across subject students to
Students have
opportunities to areas, students utilize collaborate with peers
technology tools to Students primarily opportunities to
select and modify technology tools to and experts
collaborate with work alone when utilize collaborative
technology tools to facilitate collaborative irrespective of time
others rather than using technology tools, such as email,
facilitate collaborative learning. zone or physical
working individually in conventional ways.
work, distances.
at all times.
Students utilize Students use
Constructive: Students begin to Students have |
technology to make technology to
utilize constructive opportunities to
Students use connections and construct, share, and
Technology is used to tools such as graphic select and modify
technology tools to construct publish knowledge to
deliver information to organizers to build technology tools to
build understanding understanding across a worldwide
students. upon prior knowledge assist them in the
rather than simply disciplines and audience.
and construct construction of
receive information. throughout the day.
Characteristics of the Learning Environment

meaning. understanding.

Authentic: Students Students select By means of

use technology tools Students have appropriate technology tools,
Students use Students have
opportunities to apply technology tools to students participate in
to solve real-world technology to opportunities to
technology tools to complete authentic outside-of-school
problems complete assigned select and modify
some content-specific tasks across projects and problem.
meaningful to them activities that are technology tools to
activities that are disciplines. solving activities that
rather than working generally unrelated to solve problems based
based on real-world have meaning for the
on artificial real-world problems. on real-world issues.
problems. students and the
assignments. community.
Goal Directed: Students use Students engage in
Students use Students receive Students have technology tools to ongoing
technology tools to directions, guidance, opportunities to set goals, plan metacognative
set goals, plan From time to time, activities, monitor activities at a level
and feedback from select and modify the
students have the progress, and that would be
activities, monitor technology, rather use of technology
opportunity to use evaluate results unattainable without
progress, and than using technology tools to facilitate goal-
technology to either throughout the the support of
evaluate results tools to set goals, plan setting, planning,
plan, monitor, or curriculum. technology tools.
rather than simply activities, monitor monitoring, and
evaluate an activity.
completing progress, or self- evaluating specific
assignments without evaluate. activities.

(Reproduced with permission of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education,
University of South Florida,
Evaluation of ICT Resources

The world wide web is like an endless network of information, ever-expanding and almost
limitless. Electronic resources come in different forms like websites, WebQuests, blogs, social network
sites, on-line courses, a wide range of tools, and so many forms of apps.
As a future teacher, one of the skills that will be most useful for you is the ability not only to
search for information but to make decisions, as to which ones you will take and use and which ones you
will put aside. Aim to develop your skills in evaluating internet resources. You will be able to choose the
best resources that will help you attain your teaching-learning objectives.

Below is a set of criteria which you can use to evaluate resources:

1. Accuracy. The resource material comes from a reliable source and is accurate, free from error and is
2. Appropriateness. The resource is grade/level-appropriate. The content matches what is needed by
the teacher.
3. Clarity. The resource clearly addresses the instructional goals in mind.
4. Completeness. The content is complete. It has all the information needed to be able to use them.
5. Motivation. The resource is engaging and rewarding to learners. It will encourage the active
participation of the learners.
6. Organization. The resource is logically sequenced. It clearly indicates which steps should be taken. The
procedures or processes flow smoothly.

(Based on the work of Fitzgerald, Mary Ann, Lovin, Vicki, & Branch, Robert Maribe (2003). A Gateway to
Educational Materials: An Evaluation of an Online Resource for Teachers and an Exploration of User
Behaviors. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 11(1), 21-51).

Education 4.0
Shwab described the 4th wave of the industrial revolution. The unprecedented speed at which
technology is evolving has disrupted many vital processes that involve how we run production,
businesses and consequently how we teach and learn. The following Technology trends have huge
potential to transform the ways we teach and learn (UNESCO, 2018):

1. Open Educational Resources (OER). OERs are materials that can be used for teaching and learning that
do not require payment of royalties nor license fees. There is an abundance of OERs in the form of
textbooks course materials, curriculum maps, streaming videos, multimedia apps, podcasts, and
many others. They can have a significant impact on education as they are made available and easily
accessible in the internet. Be sure to explore them to help you work on this episode.
2. Social Networks. Social networks have revolutionized the way we interact, learn about things and
share information. Sites and apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram provide a virtual venue for
teachers and learners to work together interact among themselves and with other classrooms locally
and globally.
3. Mobile Technologies. Filipinos are one of the most active on the internet, and also one who sends the
most number of text messages per day. This indicates the high number of mobile device users. These
devices can also be used as a learning tool by allowing teachers and students more opportunities to
learn inside and even outside the classroom.
4. The Internet of Things. IoT is a system of computing mechanisms that become built in into many
everyday things, that allow sending and receiving data through the internet. A lot of things have
turned “smart.” We have smart cars that can navigate on its own. Smart houses that monitor
temperature and light. Smart TVs that interface with the internet. Watches that send our vital signs
to our doctors. All of these developments can influence the way we teach and learn.
5. Artificial Intelligence. Commonly, artificial intelligence is associated when computers or machine
simulate thinking and behaviors of humans such as talking, learning and solving problems. Virtual
assistants such as Siri, Alexa, Bixby and Google assistant are near samples of AI. Among others, uses
of AI in education can be in the areas of gamification and adaptive instruction for learners with
special needs.
6. Virtual reality and Augmented Reality. VR is a simulation of an environment by a computer program
that allows a person to visit and experience the environment virtually. In AR, images from computer
programs interlay with the actual views of the real-word, resulting in an extended, expanded, or
altered view of a real-world environment. In education, among others, VR and AR programs and apps
allow more exciting ways of seeing and experiencing things that add to the motivation and
engagement of learners
7. Big Data. Through the billions of interactions and transactions are done electronically, and through
the internet, an enormous amount of data is generated and stored. The challenge is how to make
sense of this data, through analytics and research, possibly answer pertinent questions about how to
make teaching and learning most effective.
8. Coding. Coding is a skill necessary to create computer software, apps, and websites. Today, there are
learning programs that introduce coding activities as early as kindergarten. Robotics programs in the
elementary and secondary programs introduce and hone the skills of young learners. Coding helps
learners develop novel ways of exploring and trying out ideas, especially when done with problem or
project-based learning approaches.
9. Ethics and privacy protection. We have repeatedly heard about how quickly technology in changing
and impacting our lives. Through all this, it is crucial to ensure that human values and principles
govern or guide our use of technology. Ethical practices that protest the rights of every person need
to be upheld.
Massive Open On-line Courses

Massive Open On-line Courses (MOOCs) are online courses open to a big group of people. Below
are the basic information about MOOCS. Let us focus on each word:

 MOOCs are on-line courses designed for large number of participants, usually larger than the
number of students that can fit a regular classroom. There can be hundreds or even be a
thousand students or more

 There is mostly freedom of place, pace and time.
 Courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they have internet connection
 Courses are open to everyone without entry qualifications.
 Some courses are for free

 All aspects of the course are delivered online

The MOOC course offers a full course experience including:

 Educational content. May include video, audio, text, games, simulations, social media and
 Facilitation interaction among peers. Builds a learning community through opportunities to
 Some interaction with the teacher or academic staff
 Activities/tasks, tests, including feedback. Participants are provided with some feedback
mechanism. Can be automatically generated like quizzes, feedback from peers or the teacher.
 Some kind of (non-formal) recognition options. It includes some kind of recognition like badges
or certificate of completion. A formal certificate is optional and most likely has to be paid for.
 A study guide/syllabus. This includes instructions as to how you may learn from the materials
and interactions presented.

-Based on Definition Massive Open Online Courses vi.1 licensed under Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0

There are many MOOC providers like Edx, Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, Iversity. You will have a
chance to explore them as you go through this Episode.

Activity 11.1 Visiting the Learning Resource Center

Resource Teacher: __________________ Teacher’s Signature _________________ School: ___________

Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject: __________________________ Date: ____________

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work through these steps:

1. Visit a school’s Learning Resource Center. Look around and see what resources and facilities are
available inside.
2. Ask the Learning Resource Center in-charge about how some equipment or facilities are used.
3. Make an inventory of its available resources and classify them according to their characteristics
and function.


As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use the observation guide provided. Ask the
assistance of the Center Staff courteously.

An Observation Guide for a


Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the Learning Resource Center

2. Find out what learning resources are present
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are classified. Are they free
from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these guidelines/procedures
posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of the center (if allowed)

After you are through with your observation, classify the resources available that you believe are most
useful. Use the activity form provided for you.
Name of Center Observed: ___________________________________________
Date of Observation: ________________________________________________
Name of Observer:
Course / Year / School:
List of Available Learning Resources
Available Learning Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where
Resources Capabilities the Resource is Most Useful
(Enumerate in bullet form)
1. Print Resource - It is written content that The teaching strategy makes the
• Books covers a specific subject and its greatest use of all of these
• Encyclopedia and Dictionary specialized topics. resources. It might be a
• Magazines - Encyclopedias that treat a student- or teacher-centered
particular field of study in-depth approach.
or that cover all areas of
knowledge. A dictionary is a The lecture method is the
collection of words that are teacher's main information
frequently arranged source, while the linguistic
alphabetically and may include method aids in the
information about usage, improvement of vocabulary and
pronunciation, etymologies, reading abilities.
meanings, etc.
- Generally speaking, magazine
articles are brief, easy to read,
and may include illustrations.
They usually have a ton of
fascinating and occasionally
sensual photos to attract
2. Audio Resources - Teaching materials are tools A metacognitive approach is
• Speaker used in classrooms to present used to approach these learning
• Microphone educational materials such as resources, and it calls for careful
audiovisual and visual materials consideration.
such as records, pictures, and
videos. The teaching method used for
this resource is the audio-lingual
- Learning will be more efficient method, also referred to as a
and students' listening skills will teacher-centered and student-
improve. centered approach.

3. Non-electronic - used to visually present the The most effective use of these
Visual Resources teacher's lessons. resources is the student-
• Whiteboard - can be used as medium for centered strategy. The lecture
• Chalkboard and chalk visual representation of method can be used to present
• Cartolina and Manila Paper important details, diagram, and and deliver the lesson using
even vocabulary. non-electronic visual resources.
These resources are important
tools because they support
student learning and can
significantly increase student
achievement, especially in the
classroom where there are
visual learners.
4. ICT Resources - A method of transmitting Learning that is supported by
• LCD Projector audio and visual content that is ICT is diagnostic and student-
• Television primarily used to broadcast driven. ICT-enhanced learning
• Computers and Printer entertaining, educational, and acknowledges that there are
informative programs. many alternative learning
pathways and many different
- This partner is one of the most ways to articulate knowledge, in
used resources. An electronic contrast to static, text- or print-
device used to process data or based educational tools.
information is called a
computer. Through the use of ICT
resources in an integrated
- Keep updated with current learning approach, students'
events and information. multiple senses will be engaged.
Impression about the LRC:
The Learning Resources Center (LRC) offers resources for education-related subject areas, child and
adolescent learning and psychology, as well as professional knowledge, all of which support the
curricula of the school.

Name and Signature of Observer:

Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge

ICT Competency Standards for Teachers (CHED Teacher Education Programs (2017):


Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics?
Yes, every resource and piece of equipment was thoughtfully placed in relation to its purpose and was
kept in good condition.

Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teachers? Why? Why
not? Yes. Guidelines and procedures ensure that everyone has equal access to resources while
encouraging easy access to them. To ensure that everyone can use the computers, the resource center
has put some limitations on their use. Only if they intend to keep the book do students need to fill out a
borrowing form.

What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

The learning resource center is incredibly conducive, in my opinion, due to its excellent lighting,
ventilation, and cleanliness. The resources and materials are up-to-date in terms of technology.

What are its weaknesses?

One of its deficiencies may be the somewhat limited selection of books in its library. In addition to
borrowing books, students might use the library for activities besides reading and research. Instead,
because there are air conditioners, students go there to unwind.

What suggestions can you make?

It is important to maintain the learning resource center's cleanliness and welcoming environment.
Always ensure that the sources and contents are up to date and verified frequently.


1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your interest the most? Why?
One of the learning resources that I have  been most interested in is the availability of computers for
research. The vast knowledge and information available on computers with internet access would
significantly benefit learners' studying. Additionally, for students who are currently struggling, the
school's printers are a valuable resource.

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?

As someone who has used computers for a very long time and is familiar with how to operate them, I
find them to be the most comfortable technological device. and it is extremely necessary; it is a

3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?

I think, I need to learn more about the other operations that involves the printer, such as the
troubleshooting process, cleaning or the paper jam issues and how to fix and find them solutions. Since
being a student require a whole lot of printed materials necessary for the different subjects, it is
important that we should learn how to solve some common printer problems so that we won’t spend a
penny for a simple troubleshooting process.


Activity 11.2 Observing Technology Integration in the Classroom

Resource Teacher: __________________ Teacher’s Signature _________________ School: ___________

Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject: __________________________ Date: ____________

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps: Step 1. Observe a
class for three meetings. Video-tape, if allowed. Step 2. Describe how technology was integrated in the
lessons and how the students were involved. Step 3. Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze
the technology integration done by the teacher. Step 4. Reflect on what you have learned.

As you observe the class, use the observation sheets provided for you to document you observations.

Class Observation Guide

Read the following questions and instructions carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about?

2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen to their
verbal responses. What do their response indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness,
eagerness, and understanding?
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they showing their interest in the
lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher and the
materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness and understanding?



Date of Observation _____________________________________________________________

School ________________________________________________________________________

Subject _________________ Topic _________________________________________________

Grade/Year Level



Grade or Year Level of Class observed:

Date of Observation:
Subject Matter:
Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:
The teacher adopted a student-centered strategy by having Q and A about a certain topic and used
the flipped classroom strategy and by doing so, learning will be engaging and not monotonous.

Teaching Aids used Strengths Weakness Appropriateness of

(Enumerate in bullet form) the Teaching Aids
 PowerPoint It caught the Sometimes, students The aid should be
Presentation attention of the are distracted by the used with
students since the GIF included in the consideration to your
overall appearance PPT and they focus students. It serves as
of the PPT is eye- on the moving the medium of
pleasing and display not on the learning so it should
attention hooker. lesson. also hook the
attention of students
but also does not
distract them from
the lesson that you
 Video Presentation are presenting.
It caters the visual Sometimes, students
and auditory do not really watch It should be brief and
learners in the and listen. They talk high quality. There are
classroom. The to their seatmates times when students
visual and take the chance find long videos to be
representations and of the high volume boring. Big classrooms
explanations help to have a chitchat also need louder
the students with their friends speakers and good
comprehend and especially the visual presented so
digest the lesson students seated at they can enjoy while
even more. the back. learning.

Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the Technology
Integration Matrix on p. 123. In which level of technology integration do you think the teacher you
observed operated? Why?
The teacher's level of technological integration, in my perspective, was transformational since the
learners participated in tasks that required technology. The teacher develops a rich learning
environment where students regularly participate in activities that wouldn't be possible without
technology throughout the transformation stage. I observed that the teacher showed the students the
lesson using a projector. Additionally, the teacher presented a slide show and gave her students
Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning environment in
the class that you observed? Point your observations that justify your answer.
The classroom would have a "goal-directed" learning environment as its defining feature. Since students
combine technology and their imagination to develop a more creative output than just carrying out the
work, I believe the learning atmosphere in the class I observed is also authentic. Instead of just doing
tests without reflections, the students used technological tools (projector, slide presentation) to define
goals, plan activities, track progress, and evaluate outcomes. As far as I can tell, when each student
completed an individual assignment, the teacher immediately gave feedback, to which the students
responded by defending their choices and offering their opinions. Even if a student's original thought is
unrelated to the class discussion, the teacher is open to hearing it. The teacher motivates her students
to think creatively and imaginatively.
Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why Not? Give your suggestions.
The teacher uses the best teaching resources in the classroom to great effect and has had good
feedback from the learners during discussion time. Overall, the educational materials are top-notch. The
teacher is doing a good job incorporating technology into her lessons. She presented the data she had
gathered from the internet during the conversation. Students pay close attention to the instructional
materials, which enables them to respond swiftly to exercises and the teacher. By using these
educational resources, they will be able to learn more and develop a deeper grasp of the topic. There
were no learners who received a failing grade during the assessment since the teacher was able to use
all available resources very efficiently, as seen by the bulk of the class receiving perfect scores.


1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do
differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?
Actually, I might adopt her enthusiasm and skill in using the laptop and projector in the class to make
the lecture go more smoothly. I appreciate and like the way she distributes handouts to the students
during class discussion. Her approach is quick, efficient, and innovative; it supports students' learning at
the highest possible level. She runs her classroom with the mentality that "the students are at the core
of the curriculum, and I am too." The teacher's overall performance is outstanding and suitable for
someone like me who is studying education.


Activity 11.3 Exploring Education 4.0

Resource Teacher: __________________ Teacher’s Signature _________________ School: ___________

Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject: __________________________ Date: ____________

Explore Education 4.0 through these steps:

1. Observe a class and take note of the topic being presented

2. Surf the net to find sites that provide support materials and/or interactive programs (web
quests/games) on the topic. Try to ask Siri, Alexa:
3. List and describe at least 5 open-sources sites/interactive programs; from open-source
4. Evaluate the materials or programs;
5. Reflect on your FS experience.


Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe

1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives?

The teacher’s lesson is about Calvin cycle. The objectives of the teacher are to allow students name
the reactants and products of Calvin Cycle. The objectives also include describe, in general terms, the
three phases of Calvin cycle.

2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing.

The important concepts the teacher has emphasized are the three phases of Calvin cycle and what
happens in each phases.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

Students' written and communication skills, as well as their ability to think critically, were all improved
by the teacher.


Analyzing the information you got from observing the class, surf the internet to select electronic
resources, including OERs, social networking sites, and apps with virtual or augmented reality that will
be useful in teaching same lesson. Evaluate the resources you found, using the set of criteria discussed
in the Revisit the Learning Essentials part of this Episode. Use the form below to note you analysis and

Electronic Resource Evaluation Form

Grade/Year Level: Grade 12- STEM

Subject Matter/Topic Calvin cycle
(Based on the class you
Lesson Objectives/Learning
Describe the
Name Describe how you
and type can use it if you
of were to teach in
(include author/
Electronic the class you
Resource observed
Accurate Appropriate Clear Motivating Organized
Through this, I
According to
can move away
Techopedia, an
from the
LCD projector,
chalkboard and
can show
give students
images, data, or
LCD access to a wide
video. They are / / / / /
Projector range of learning
widely utilized
opportunities. I
in seminars,
can use a range of
meetings, and
resources to help
students learn.
According to
Techopedia, a
material are
computer is a
made using
device that
carry out tasks,
Utilizing this tool
Computer / / / / / also gives me a
and activities. It
inputs and
opportunity to
process data,
create fun, and
and then
interactive PPT,
hand-outs, and
even visual aids.

1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources for the class?
What made it easy? Difficult?
The internet makes it simple to search for relevant resources because a plethora of information is
available with just a single click, but it can also be challenging due to the numerous unreliable sources of
information and fake news is common in today's digital platforms. As a teacher, you must be vigilant
researcher and only download information from credible and reliable sources because the truth, and the
future of your students is also compromised.
2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider? Explain.
Which of the new trends in Education 4.0 would you like to explore more for your work as a teacher?
When choosing which electronic resources to use in the class, there are a few aspects to take into
account. The first is its relevance to the learning objectives of our class. It is crucial that the online
activities or material you utilize are in line with the objective of the subject matter.  The online tool must
also be suitable for your students' developmental stage. This implies that we also need to consider the
children's age and intellectual capacity. The likelihood that the students will find the electronic resource
useful should also be taken into account. Because everything must be done using technology in these
challenging times, I wish to go deeper into the enormous digital platform.

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have, and what skills you continue to
work on to be better at utilizing education 4.0 resources?
I have sufficient proficiency with the fundamentals of technology, including word processing,
spreadsheets, electronic presentations, file management, window management, and computer-related
gadgets. In addition to them, I am also able to use software for a range of technological gadgets with
ease. For me, these are critical abilities that I require in order to make the most of the available
electronic resources. I currently enjoy learning more about setting up computer applications on a
computer system and editing audio and video. Knowing the installation of a new program would be very
nice and helpful to me as a student. Additionally, the accessibility of new applications may result in
improved use of diverse technological resources.


Activity 11.4 Professional Development Through MOOCS

Resource Teacher: __________________ Teacher’s Signature _________________ School: ___________

Grade/Year Level: __________________ Subject: __________________________ Date: ____________

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps.
STEP 1: Review the seven domains of PPST and identify competencies I like to develop more
STEP 2: Visit sites of MOOC providers and explore the courses offered that are relevant to PPST domains
I want to work on.
STEP 3. Reflect on how I can continue developing my skills through MOOCS.


1. Get a copy of the PPST and go over the competencies

2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCs in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you identified. You may try
these sites:

 curr/moocs-best-teachers-free-online-courses.shtml

4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in the different MOOC providers to
explore their MOOCs.

MOOCs related to the

Competencies I want to MOOC
PPST Domain competency/ies
work on Provider
(Include a short description)
Strategies for developing
1. Content critical and creative CIC identified creative
Knowledge and thinking, as well as other individuality through creative Coursera
Pedagogy higher order thinking diversity
2. The Learning Organizing the learning Happiness and Resilience at edX
Environment environment work- this online program gives
introduction to happiness in
companies and organizations
Understanding Diversity and
Inclusion- explores diversity and
3. Diversity of How to help students
aims to support learners to Futurelearn
Learners understand diversity
create more inclusive and open
University Teaching- designed
for academic teachers and
4. Curriculum and
Understanding curriculum learners who are planning to Coursera
get involved in university
Understand the proper your strengths – will help
5. Assessing and use of assessment in students to assess their
Reporting determining the strengths and interests so they
knowledge of the student can strategize their career
The teacher and social and
emotional learning (SEL)
6. Community
Specialization – this series of
Linkages and Teacher-parent
online courses teaches how to Coursera
Professional relationship
connect emotionally with
students and the school
Philosophy and Critical thinking-
this course teaches how to think
7. Personal Growth with clarity and rigor; how to
Master the Philosophy of
and Professional identify, analyze and construct edX
Development cogent arguments and how to
think of solutions to the central
problems of philosophy


From among the MOOCs you explore, pick at least three which you believe are the most appropriate for
you. Describe MOOC below.

1. MOOC TITLE: Speaking so that People Listen

Provider: The provider of this course is Coursera. It is well known website that offers different online
courses or educational organization
Objectives of the MOOC: Learn to organize and create meaningful presentation

Content Outline: This course will assist you in having opportunities to practice your presentation skills. It
also assists you in gaining the necessary experience to feel more confident when giving a speech in the

Why did you pic this MOOC?

It's crucial to have strong communication skills and the ability to make engaging presentations if you
want to become a teacher. The best approach to develop the abilities and confidence necessary for a
successful presentation is through this course.

2. MOOC TITLE: The Science of Happiness

Provider: The provider is edX. It is a mission-driven provider who partners with the world's leading
universities and organizations to offer high-quality online courses to learners across the world.

Objectives of the MOOC: This online course explores the roots of a happy and meaningful life.

Content Outline: Learn science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life.

Why did you pic this MOOC?

I chose this MOOC because the current state of our institution is so gloomy, and in order to thrive and
fight, we really ought to seek for positive influences in our life.

3. MOOC TITLE: Business English: Networking

Provider: The MOOC provider is Coursera created by UCI Extension continuing education.

Objectives of the MOOC: The course learning objectives are used to determine whether the
specialization's objectives align with your learning objectives. Assess your current level of business
English communication proficiency. Develop vocabulary related to jobs and companies by presenting
relevant information about yourself in a discussion forum.

Content Outline: In this course, there is 5 weeks’ time/day commitment and the contents are
Introduction to Business in English communication, Introduction, Meeting arrangement on the
telephone and the last is meeting arrangement (Email ).

Why did you pic this MOOC?

I believed that this MOOC will help me to become good communicator and to practice my language
skills. It will help me to have an experience about entering to a business. In this, I will also to be
prepared in my future profession through developing my vocabulary and build confidence to speak in
front of other people.


1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional teacher and as lifelong learner?
As a prospective teacher, MOOCs have helped me to understand the significant impact that technology
has on both our lives and our learning. We can discover more novel ideas through MOOCs which will
benefit our teaching-learning process. In addition to making material more accessible to me, it also helps
me develop my computer literacy as I explore online education. If utilized, this instructional course
material might be very beneficial to many pupils. MOOCs give me the chance to receive a top-notch
education because I am a lifelong learner. The knowledge I gain will enable me to become a
knowledgeable person who can impart that knowledge to my future students. It helps me become ready
for my career.

2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the MOOCs?
I discovered that technology offers a variety of options for most people to receive high-quality
education. Thanks to technology and MOOCs, distance is no longer an obstacle to education today. Since
these online courses are accessible to all demographics, it is more practical for those who lead busy lives
and have jobs to learn. Anyone, anywhere, can access this, which allows users to have online discussions
on various subjects exactly like in a classroom. With the help of technology, they also give participants
feedback on how well they performed.

3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCCS, as a learner, and as a teacher who may someday teach a
I'll make an effort to use this course and understand more about the providers as a learner. In order to
effectively facilitate my students if I ever teach a MOOC, I would make an effort to develop my
facilitation skills.

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Mrs. Inton is evaluating a website for her Literature class. She is making sure that factual pieces of
information found on the site are well-documented, and pictures and diagrams are properly labeled.
She is also checking that there are no misspelled words nor grammar errors. Which criterion is she
focusing on?

A. Appropriateness
B. Clarity
C. Motivation
D. Accuracy

2. Miss Castro is evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergarteners. She was making sure the app is
uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and that icons represent what they
were intended to represent. Which criterion is she focusing?

A. Organization
B. Accuracy
C. Motivation
D. Appropriateness

3. Miss Tanada is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding out whether the app
taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that this app will help meet her objectives. She
wants to make sure it is not too easy nor too difficult for her students. Which criterion is she focusing

A. Organization
B. Accuracy
C. Currency
D. Appropriateness

4. A Science teacher uses a powerpoint presentation to show the classification in kingdom Animalia. The
teacher then teaches them how to use a software in making graphic organizers. Students then use this
to create their own graphic organizers to classify animals. This shows technology integration which is

A. entry-constructive
B. adoption-constructive
C. infusion-constructive
D. transformation-constructive
5. Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in adding mixed
fractions. The students then work independently with the app to provide them sufficient practice in
adding mixed fractions. This shows technology integration:

A. entry-active
B. adoption-active
C. infusion-active
D. transformation-active
6. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work together with
other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao. They will create posters and a
video clip to communicate a message about peace. They will use social media to spread their peace
campaign. This project involves technology integration which is ________

A. entry-active
B. adoption-constructive
C. transformation-constructive
D. adaptation-collaborative

7. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource/Audio-Visual/Educational Technology Center of a

school EXCEPT ________.

A. Make available technology equipment for the use of teachers and students
B. conduct training for teachers on how to use technology tools
C. work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. accomplish the students' technology project for them

8. The Learning Resource/Audio-visual/Educational Technology Center regularly provides the teachers a

list of websites, apps and instructional materials available in the city which are relevant to the different
subjects they teach. This fulfills which function

A. Recreational reading center

B. A link to other community resources
C. Laboratory of learning
D. Center of resources

9. The Learning Resource / Audio-visual / Educational Technology Center sponsors a seminar-Workshop

for teachers and administrators on the use of the latest presenter applications. This fulfills which

A. Center of resources
B. Agent of teaching
C. Coordinating agency
D. Recreational reading center

10. MOOCs are considered massive because _________.

A. they need a big amount of computer storage to be able to avail of a course

B. they can accommodate a big number of learners
C. they can only be provided by big universities
D. they were designed and created by a big group of experts
11. MOOCs are open because __________.

A. all courses are offered for free

B. Courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they are connected to the internet
C. openness to ideas is a strict requirement
D. one can avail of them only during the opening of a semester

12. MOOCs are considered as a course because ____________.

A. they have a guide or a syllabus that indicates content, objectives, activities and assessment
B. they are always given by a fully-recognized university in the world
C. they are a requirement for a Bachelor's degree
D. they are graded

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put your comments/
annotations about what you observed.

2. Visit or other teacher resource websites. Print useful instructional

materials (worksheets, visual aids, flashcards, rubrics, etc.) and include them here. Indicate how they
might be useful considering your major or area of specialization.
3. Visit

Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe what you discovered
and share how these tools can be helpful to you. as a teacher

4. Visit This a treasure box for you. Explore and share what you learned.

5. Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you want to learn
more about. How can this gadget/material be useful in instruction/teaching?

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 6 – Classroom Management and Classroom Routines
Learning Outcome: Identify the classroom routines set by the teacher; and Observe how the students execute the various classroom routines.

Name of FS Student: _____________________________________________________ Date Submitted:


Year & Section: ____________________________________________________ Course:

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
4 3 2 1
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) observation Four (4) or more
Observation Sheet questions/tasks/completely observation questions/tasks not observation
answered/accomplished. questions/tasks not answered / questions/tasks not
answered / accomplished. answered /
accomplished. accomplished.
Analysis All questions were answered All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
completely; answers were with answered completely; answered completely; observation questions
depth and are thoroughly answers are clearly answers are not were not answered;
grounded theories; grammar and connected to theories; clearly connected to answers not connected to
spelling are free from error. grammar and spelling theories; one (1) to theories; more than four
are free from errors. three (3) (4) grammatical/spelling
grammatical / spelling errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; supported by Clear but lacks depth; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
what were observed and supported by what shallow; somewhat rarely supported by what
analyzed. were observed and supported by what were observed and
analyzed. were observed and analyzed
Learning Artifacts Portfolio is reflected on in the Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not reflected
context of the learning outcomes; on in the context of reflected on in context on in context of the
Complete, well-organized, highly the learning of the learning learning outcomes; not
relevant to the learning outcome outcomes. Complete; outcomes. Complete; complete; not organized,
well organized, very not organized, not relevant
relevant to the relevant to the
learning outcome learning outcome
Submission Submitted before the deadline Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two (2) days
deadline the deadline after the deadline

COMMENT/S: Rating:
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

_____________________________________ _________________________

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

1. These are the materials used by the teaching during the presentation of the lesson.
2. This is useful in teaching the basics of chemistry and physics since the students will be able to identify
the parts of an atom and name it correctly.

Date ____________________
Name ________________________

Parts of An Atom


Label the parts of the atom pictured below. Make sure to include all of the words in
the word bank.

Electron, Nucleus, Neutron, Proton, Orbit (Shell)

3. Edudemic publishes articles and tips related to teaching and learning tools as well as the impact
of technology in the education industry.

4. EdTechTeacher is a highly respected educational technology professional development provider

with national and international experience dedicated to helping teachers and administrators use
technology to create active, student-centered learning communities.

5. Kahoot

- Technology is being increasingly integrated into teaching environments in view of enhancing

students’ engagement and motivation. In particular, game-based student response systems
have been found to foster students’ engagement, enhance classroom dynamics and improve
overall students’ learning experience. This article presents outcomes of research that examined
students’ experience using a game-based student response system, Kahoot!, in an Information
Systems Strategy and Governance course at a research-intensive teaching university in New
Zealand. We conducted semi-structured interviews with students to learn about the extent to
which Kahoot! influence classroom dynamics, motivation and students’ learning process. Key
findings revealed that Kahoot! enriched the quality of student learning in the classroom, with
the highest influence reported on classroom dynamics, engagement, motivation and improved
learning experience. Our findings also suggest that the use of educational games in the
classroom is likely to minimize distractions, thereby improving the quality of teaching and
learning beyond what is provided in conventional classrooms. Other factors that contributed to
students’ enhanced learning included the creation and integration of appropriate content in
Kahoot!, providing students with timely feedback, and game-play (gamification) strategies.

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