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NAME: ________________________________________DATE:_________________

1) Match the columns (2 each)

a) That’s right ( ) = Thanks

b) What do you do? ( ) = Hello
c) Answer ( ) = How are you?
d) Here ( ) ≠ On the left
e) First ( ) = How do you do?
f) On the right ( ) ≠ Behind
g) How about? ( ) ≠ Question
h) A boss ( ) = Bathroom
i) You’re welcome ( ) ≠ Incorrect
j) Beside ( ) ≠ Down the street
k) A classmate ( ) ≠ Bad
l) Single ( ) ≠ There
m) Right ( ) = Nice to meet you!
n) Correct ( ) ≠ Lowercase letter
o) Up the street ( ) = Exactly
p) In front of ( ) = A chief
q) Good ( ) = Next to
r) It’s a pleasure to meet you! ( ) = A friend at work
s) Hi ( ) = What’s your occupation?
t) How are you doing? ( ) = What about?
u) How do you do? ( ) = A friend in your classroom
v) Thank you! ( ) ≠ That’s wrong
x) Toilet ( ) ≠ Married
y) Capital letter ( ) = Not at all
z) A colleague ( ) ≠ Last

2) Complete the sentences with one of the options below: ( 2 each letter)
1) BOB: Hi, How are you ________________?
MARY: I’m _____________ thanks. And you?
a) doing/ fine b) bus/ are c) am/ is

2) What is your _____________________? I am a writer.

a) occupation b) name c) school

3) John: Spell your ________________ name please.

Joe: Of course, B-R-O-W-N-E.
a) first name b)middle name c)last name

4) What’s your ________________ address? It’s

a) phone number b) address c) e-mail address

5) Martin is my _____________________. Martin and I study at CABS.

a) colleague b) classmate c) chief

6) This is my house. That is BOB’s house. Bob is my _____________________.

a) student b) neighbor c) bookstore
7) Where are you ______________? - Nova Friburgo.
a) from b) across c) around

8) What is her ________________? She is married to Brendan, her title is Mrs.

a) athlete b) marital status c) single

9) A: Tell me your __________________number, please.

B: It’s 999-435-0034.
a) phone b) address c) e-mail

10) This is Mary’s book. This is _______________ book.

a) they b)her c)am

3) Circle the option that has five commands: ( 5points)

a) am, has, drive, study, he.
b) don’t take the bus; walk; copy; circle; drive.
c) am, there is, walk, go, drive
d) walk, take the bus, are, have, across

4) Circle the option that has five occupations: (5 points)

a) neighbor, friend, colleague, boss, classmate
b) classmate, teacher, book, moped, subway
c) architect, athlete, banker, musician, actor
d) bank, train, student, secretary, doctor

5) Circle the option that has five places in the neighborhood: (5 each)
a) neighbor, bank, down, across, bookstore
b) restaurant, bookstore, newsstand, school, pharmacy
c) between, athlete, home, work, school
d) park, beach, around, corner, restaurant

6) Circle the option that has five adjectives: (5 points)

a) short, tall, bank, cute, old
b) good-looking, study, handsome, tall
c) short, pretty, cute, young, old
d) old, across, cute, beautiful, short

7) Circle the option that has five family relationships: (5 points)

a) parents, children, son, good-looking, handsome
b) grandparents, neighbor, friend, mom, sister
c) wife, handsome, grandmother, child, daughter
d) son, husband, brother, mother, parents

8) Circle the option that has five means of transportation. ( 5 points)

a) car, book, motorcycle, taxi, drive
b) bus, train, moped, subway, car
c) bike, walk, car, bus, train
d) subway, drive, walk, cab, taxi
10) Complete the sentences with the words from the box: (38 words) ( 2 each letter)

Ailment feet spell mustache hear eyes badly age sink away

Parts hair sorry often stomachache tired turns mirror rug

Body teeth ‘good-looking’ beard smiles toilet sofa sales weather

Toothaches floors famous game shower furniture mention

Temperature right ago

a) A headache is a type of ______________________.

b) Chest , arms , shoulders and legs are _________________ of the ______________.
c) The plural form of the word foot is ________________ and the plural form of the
word tooth is _________________.
d) What color is your _________________? It’s Blonde
e) My boyfriend shaves every Day! He doesn’t have a ____________________ and he
doesn’t have a _____________ either.
f) I Love my teeth! I brush them very well and many times a day. That’s why I never
have _______________________.
g) A: My cousin broke his ankle last week.
B: I’m __________________ to _______________ that. Is he ok now?
h) Mary ate too much at the party, as a result she has a really
i) Brad Pitt became ______________________ acting in movies. He is a very
____________________ man, he has beautiful blue __________________.
j) I was invited to go to a party, but I can’t go to that party because I’m
k) Did you watch the ____________between Brazil and Germany? Wow! It was a
shame! Brazil played _________________.
l) That baby’s so cute! When we talk to her she ________________ her head and
_________________. I want to bite her!
m) At what _____________ can a baby craw? Between six and twelve months.
n) What is there in the bathroom? There’s a ___________________,
a__________________, a_______________________ , a_________________, and
other things.
o) My house has two__________________. Upstairs there are bedrooms and one
bathroom and downstairs there is a living room, a kitchen , and another bathroom.
p) Mary is ______________________ from home. She is on vacation in New York.
q) I’m buying a _________________ and a __________________ for my living room. I
need to buy new ________________________ for my new house!
r) How_______________________ do you go bike riding? Never!
s) How do you _____________________ your last name? M-I-L-L-E-R.
t) A: Thank you for your help! B: Don’t ____________________ it!
u) I don’t like expensive clothes! I love _______________________.
v) How’s the _________________________ today? It’s very cold.
x) What’s the ____________________________? It’s 18°.
y) What are you doing _______________ now? I’m taking an exam.
z) When was the party? It was two days __________________.

11 – List five types of vegetables:

_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
12 – Write down 4 parts of the body
_________________________ __________________________
_______________________ __________________________
13 – Write down 6 ailments
_________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________

14 – List five types of weather

________________________ __________________________
________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________

15- 10 occupations
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________

16- 5 places in the community

_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
17-The months of the year
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________

18-The days of the week

__________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
19- 6 clothes
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
20- 6 things in a house:
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________

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