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NAME: ________________________________________DATE:_________________
GRADE: _______


1) Complete with the correct preposition: (1 each)

a) Jane likes Rock. She loves listening _________ it.
b) I’m looking____________ a new TV. Can you help me?
c) What kind ___________ music do you like? I like Rock and Pop music.
d) The event is _____________ October 23rd, 2013
e) How would you like to pay ____________ this shirt?
f) I’m going to Chicago __________ business next week.
g) If you are __________ of cash, you can get money from an ATM.
h) The lingerie department is ___________ the 3RD floor.
i) The flight is arriving _________ 9:50 A.M.
j) She is not very good __________ bargaining because she is a timid girl.

2) Complete the sentences with Object Pronouns.( 1 each)

a) Mary is a great girl. I am crazy about _______________.
b) This chocolate is delicious. I like ______________.
c) They are Bob and Janet. I love _________________.
d) We’re good students. Our teacher likes ______________.
e) Jim is a good singer. I like _________________.

3) Use the possessive form. Add ’s or ’ to the nouns in parentheses. (1 each)

a) (Karen) ___________________ parents are at work now.
b) Jim is (Sandra) _____________________ brother.
c) My (cousins) ______________________ names are Robert, Emma and Lia. They’re
nice people.
d) My (grandparents) _____________________ new house is beautiful.
e) Her (children)_____________________ eyes are brown.

4) Fill in the blanks with the future with BE GOING TO and the verbs in
parentheses. (1 each)
a) I _______________________________ the new restaurant that is beside my house
tonight.( try)
b) My friend Kate _____________________________ to a party tomorrow.(go)
c) ________________ he _________________________ his new shirt tonight? ( wear)
d) A: What ______________ you ___________________________ on Saturday?(play)
B: We ___________________________________ basketball on Saturday.(play)
e) Jenny _____________________________ her aunt this weekend.(not/visit)
5) Complete the sentences with the verb To Be. (1 each)
a) A:____________ you from another city?
B: Yes, I _______________ from San Francisco.
b) Jay and Steven _______________ in the ninth grade.
c) What_________ her phone number? It _____________(305) 345.1366.
d) A: ________________ your mother at home now?
B: No, she _____________.My mother________________ at work right now.
e) __________ you 12 years old? No, I __________. I ____________13 years old.
f) My best friends _____________ into rap music.
g) Where __________________ the CDs? They________________ on the table.
h) Those children ______________ (not) my cousins.
i) He _____________ tall and has short curly hair. His hair _______________
j) December ________________ the twelfth month of the year.

6) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Simple Present tense.(1 each)

a) Andy ________________________(like) Rap.

b) Carol _______________________ (love) all kinds of music.
c) I ________________________ ( not/ like) Hip-hop.
d) Where _____________ you ________________ English?(study)
I ____________________ English at CABS.(study)
e) _________________ she ________________ in Brazil?(live)
Yes, she_______________________ in Brazil.(live)
f) _______________ you _________________ reading books? (enjoy)
Yes, I _____________________reading books.
g) She _________________________ sleeping late.(prefer)
h) What ____________ you __________________ of this blouse?(think)
i) How many hours of English __________________ he ___________________ each
j) ____________ you __________________________ tomorrow? No, I
______________________to swim.(would/ like/ to swim)

7) Complete the sentences with Some or Any.(1 each)

a) We need _________________ eggs for the cake.
b) We don’t have _______________ sandwiches.
c) There’s __________________ rice in the box.
d) Do you have ________________ chocolate?
e) I think there are _________________ apples in the fridge.

8) Complete the sentences with How many or How much.(1 each)

a) ________________________sugar do you need?
b) ________________________ apples are there on that counter?
c) ________________________ siblings do you have?
d) ________________________ movies did you watch last Sunday?
e) ________________________ water do you drink every day?

9)Make questions using there is or there are. Then answer the questions using the
words in parentheses. (1 each)
a) How many books ________________________ on that table?
(10 books) ____________________________________________________________ .
b)____________________any cookies in the kitchen?
(No) _________________________________________________________________ .
c)____________________any cheese for a sandwich?
(Yes/ a lot of cheese)____________________________________________________.
d)____________________any chocolate in the box?
e)____________________any potatoes in the kitchen?
(Yes/ a lot of potatoes)___________________________________________________.

10) Write C for count nouns and NC for non count nouns.( 1 each)

11) Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous .(1 each)
a) _____________ you __________________ to school now?(go)
b) What _______________ you _________________ right now?(do)
I ____________________________ a nice book.(read)
c) Jennie can’t answer the phone now because she _________________________ a
shower. (take)
d) Look! Bob ____________________________ soccer with his dog.(play)
e) They ___________________________(not/listen) to music. They
_______________________________ for a test.(study)

12) Fill in the blanks with: Who, Where, How old , How often, When.(1 each)
a) __________________ did you go on your last vacation? I went to the beach.
b) __________________ do you study English? Twice a week .
c) __________________ is listening to music now? Joey is.
d) _________________ is your son? He’s ten years old.
e) __________________will they travel to Italy? In September.

13) Complete the sentences with the simple past tense.( 1each)
a) ___________ Scott _____________ Mary to the party?(invite)
b) I _________________ the book you _______________.(bring/want)
c) They____________________ the address. (not/ find)
d) Where ______________ he_______________ to? ( move)
e) Who _________________ to the party yesterday?( go)

14) Complete the sentences with the superlative form.( 1 each)

a) Chocolate is _____________________________ kind of sweet.(popular)
b) If you want some advice, talk to Mary. She always has
________________________ solution for your problem.(good)
c) That is ___________________________ test I’ve ever taken. ( hard)
d) Carol is __________________________ and ________________ girl in this group.
She’s sixteen.( old/ pretty)
e) Johnny Depp has bought_________________________ car of that store.( expensive)

15) Complete the sentences with The comparative form.(1 each)

a) This laptop is __________________________ ( cheap) the other one.
b) Sweatpants are _______________________________ ( comfortable) jeans.
c) Do you have this dress in a ____________________ ( large ) size?
d) A fridge is _______________________________ ( expensive ) a book.
e) He is __________________ ( old ) than his brother.

16) Make questions.( 1 each)

is / she / Why / wearing / today / jeans
always / Does / study / school / Lori / after
are / What / doing/ you / here
juice / do / How much / drink/ you / every / day
in the / freezer/ there / is / any / chicken
your / hair / do / wash / you / How often
enjoy / swimming / you/ Do / in a pool
the / computer/ Who/ is / using
basketball / favorite / your / sport / is
you / live/ Where / do

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