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1. Nagaland the smallest hilly state situated at the

extreme northeastern end of the india , lies between
25*6 and 27*4 latitude , North of Equator and
between the longitudinal line 93*20'E and 95*15'E.
2. The state shares its boundary with Assam on rhe West
,Mayanmar on the East , Arunachal Pradesh and parts
of Assam oon the North and Manipur on the South .
3. One prominent feature of traditional agricultural
practises in nagaland is it's high degree of bio -
4. The high ago - biodiversity involved through
exploitation of local site factors , consideration of
fppd security for the family , judious selection of
crops and varieties for cultivation , diversified forms
of agricultural systems and in recent years , the cash
income generating possiblities
5. There are four diversified forms of traditional
agricultural practised by the rural villagers of nagalnd
: the jhum ( shifting cultivation ) system Terrace
Rice Cultivation ( TRC ) Firewood Reserve Forests
and Home Gardens
6. In general , Nagaland has a typical monsoon climate
with variants ranging from tropical to temperate
conditions .
7. In the plains and low altitudes , the temperatures
remains high almost throughout the year excepting the
month of December and Januuary , and in the hills and
higher altitudes the temperature ramains low .
8. For agriculture purpose , it is divided into two seasons :
Winter ( rabi ) and Summer ( kharif )
1. Sub Alpine Temperature Zone ( 1500-3500 m MSL )
2. Sub Tropical Hill Zone ( 1000 - 1500m MSL )
3. Sub Tropical Plane Zone (400 - 1000m MSL )
4. Mild Tropical Hill Zone ( 200 - 800m MSL )


· The total geographical area of the state is 16,57,900
Ha . out of which 7,22,464 Ha are under cultivable
area which comes to 43.58% .
9. The major land use pattern is Slash and Burn
Cultivation .
10. The Angami and Chakesang have on the other hand ,
developed a system of Wet Terrace Rice Cultivation
( WTRC ) which is practised alongside jhum

11. Nagaland has basically agricultural economy .
12. Over ,70% of the population is dependent on
Agriculture of Nagaland .
13. The main crops are rice , millet , maize and pulses .
14. Cash crop like sugarcane and potato are also
becoming popular .
15. Coffee , caradamom and tea are grown as
population crops in Nagaland .
16. Rice is the dominant crop and also the staple diet of
the people , of the gross cropped area under food
grains , rice accounts for about 84.4 %
17. Oil seeds are also an important crop which includes
rapeseed and mustard etc .
18. The two methods of cultivation amoung the Naga
Tribes are Jhuming and Terrace cultivation
19. The area under jhum cultivation is about 87,339
hectares and under terrace cultivation is about 62,091

20. In jhumming individual

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