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1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

- he was born on October 2 in the year of 1869 in Porbandar, India and died on

January 30 in the year of 1948. He was an Indian social activist, politician, lawyer and writer.

He was an Indian leader of the nationalist government against the India’s British rule. The

Indians considered Gandhi as the Father of their country. He became known as “Mahatma”

which means “great soul”.

He recognized as one of the famous leaders in the world because of his Satyagraha,

the idea of non-violent resistance or fighting with peace. Gandhi plays a big role of

unchaining the country of India from foreign domination. He experienced being imprisoned

for years because of his actions but he finally succeeds in accomplishing his aim in 1947

when India achieved its independence from Britain. I considered Mohandas Karamchand

Gandhi as a famous leader as he has been credited of inspiring civil rights and movements

to achieve equal rights of people around the world.



2. Nelson Mandela

- he was a South African and was born on July 18, 1918 in the village of Mvezo,

Eastern Cape. After hearing the stories of the elders about the ancestors’ braveness during

the war of resistance, he dreamed of himself having a contribution to the freedom of his

people. His true name is Rolihlahla Mandela but his teacher, Miss Mdingane, gave him the

name Nelson, in line with the usage of giving the schoolchildren “Christian names”. He was

arrested for many times and spent his 27 years living in prison. But after all of this, he

became the first black president in South Africa. He helps to take down the apartheid in his

country – a cruel system of white minority rule or racial segregation. I considered him as one

of the famous leaders in the world because of his strong desire for racial harmony and
equality. He is truly an example of a great leader that we need today – a leader that gives so

much for his people.


3. Martin Luther King Jr.

- he was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was a social activist and a

Baptist minister who has an impact on race relations on the beginning of mid-1950s in

United States. To achieve his goal of racial equality, he thinks up of campaigns of equal

rights for African – American. He is also known for his great 1963 I have a Dream speech.

This speech gives a great impact in the world. He dreamed of a world where his children

would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

He is one of the famous leaders in the world that fights for the equality and human

rights for African Americas and stop the discrimination on the basis of race.


4. Abraham Lincoln

- he was born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin County, Kentucky. He became the 16 th

president in United States in the year of 1861. He is a self-taught lawyer, legislator and vocal

opponent of slavery.

He named as one of the famous leaders in the world as he issued the Emancipation

Proclamation that granted freedom to the slaves. This proclamation declared that all persons

held as slaves, shall be free. He is also considered as one of the greatest heroes in the

America because of playing a big role of preserving the union and ending the slavery in the



5. George Washington
- On April 30, 1789, he declared as the first president of the United States. He is

often called as the “Father of His (or Our) Country”.

Washington is one of greatest presidents in America. He is a man that has a power

of knowledge. His strong leadership commanded the Continental Army during the American

Revolution (1775–83). He became a great influenced for the path of presidency and setting

standards in all aspects – political power, military practice and economic policy.


6. Napoleon Bonaparte

- he was born on August 15, 1769 in French occupied Corsica. French Emperor

Bonaparte was a great person in history, build and create France on what it is today. He is

one of the greatest examples of what good leadership is in the world. He is the most

intelligent military tacticians and strategist on his time. He has a strong bravery and fearless

when it comes to battlefield.


7. Franklin D. Roosevelt

- he was born on January 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, New York U.S. and died on April

12, 1945 in Warm Springs, Georgia. He is the 32 nd U.S. president. He is the only president

that elected in office for four times.

Roosevelt, also known as FDR, is known for his great leadership. He plays an

important role during the time of biggest crises in the America: The Great Depression and

World War II. He expanded the power of the Federal Government through a series of

programs that provides reliefs to the unemployed and farmers, creates job for workers and

profits for businesses.

8. Winston Churchill

- he was born on November 30, 1874 in Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England and

died on January 24, 1965 in London. He was a British statesman, orator and author. He led

his country in the edge of defeat to victory.

He is a famous leader for his inspiring speeches and for not giving up in times of bas

situations. He has a strong communication skill and a great charismatic leadership trait that

gives him an opportunity to claim the victory for his nation.


9. Ashoka

- the last emperor in the Mauryan, India’s dynasty. He contributed to the development

of Buddhism. He is one of the most powerful kings in ancient times. He is known for his

renunciation of war, development of dhamma and the promotion of Buddhism that are still

present today.


10. Alexander the Great

- the history of Alexander the Great features the history of the Greek empire that

gives a great influence on different regions across Europe, Asia and Africa. Alexander is

known as a famous leader because of his military power and a legendary figure during the

ancient times. His impressive leadership skill shows how to build an empire that can

conquers the world. His courage and bravery are shown in every battlefield. He has the

ability in motivating his army in the best possible way.



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