Cabs - Grammar - Basic - 2021. 2

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NAME: ________________________________________DATE: ____ /____ / 2021.

GRADE: _______


1- Choose A, AN or X. (1 each)
1) ___ books A) a B) an C) x
2) ___ teacher A) a B) an C) x
3) ___ orange A) a B) an C) x
4) ___ bicycle A) a B) an C) x
5) ___ post offices A) a B) an C) x
6) ___ friend A) a B) an C) x
7) ___ hour A) a B) an C) x

2 - Choose with WHERE, WHEN, HOW, WHAT, WHO, WHICH, WHY,

HOW MANY. (2 each)
1) _____ are they from? They are from Japan.
A) What B) Where C) Who
2) _____ old are your sisters? They are 16 and 19 years old.
A) Who B) How many C) How
3) _____ are you sad? Because I lost my wallet.
A) Why B) How C) Which
4) _____ do the shops open? I don’t know, we are in quarantine.
A) Where B) When C) How
5) _____ days are there in August? There are 31 days.
A) How many B) Which C) What
6) _____ is better - this one or that one?
A) What B) Who C) Which
7) _____ can I learn English quickly? Studying everyday!
A) How B) Why C) Where
8) _____ are my shoes? They are in the living room.
A) What B) Where C) Who

3 - What time is it? Use A.M or P.M (1 each)

1) 6:15 –
A) It’s six fifteen PM B) It’s six fifteen C) It’s a quarter past six AM
2) 18:30 –
A) It’s eighteen thirty PM B) It’s six thirty AM C) It’s six thirty PM
3) 22:00 –
A) It’s ten o’clock AM B) It’s twenty-two PM C) It’s ten o’clock PM
4) 00:00 –
A) It’s midnight B) It’s midday C) It’s noon
5) 13:00 –
A) It’s one o’clock PM B) It’s thirteen o’clock PM C) It’s one o’clock AM

4 - Complete the sentences with the verb TO BE. (1 each)

1) Bruce ___ the name of Sarah’s dog.
A) Are B) Is C) Am
2) Mario ___ very relaxed about his clothes.
A) Are B) Is C Am)
3) Carol and Ana ___ my best friends. Susan ___ another good friend.
A) Are/Is B) Is/Is C) Is/Are

4) My phone number ___ (212) 213-8458.

A) Are B) Is C Am)
5) Those boys over there__ my brothers.
A) Are B) Is C Am)

5 - Complete the sentences with POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES. (1 each)

1) Miss Kim is Mr. Smith’s student. Mr. Smith is _____ teacher.
A) Her B) His C) Your
2) Mr. Smith is Miss Kim’s teacher. Miss Kim is ____ student.
A) Her B) His C) Their
3) Mrs. Krauss is John’s teacher. Mrs. Krauss is _____ teacher.
A) Her B) Your C) His
4) John is Mrs. Krauss’s student. John is _____ student.
A) Our B) Her C) His
5) Are _____ colleagues from Japan? No, they aren’t. My colleagues are from
A) Your B) Our C) Their
6) Mr. Bello is _____ teacher. I am _____ student.
A) His/My B) My/Her C) My/His
7) Jake is not Mrs. Roy’s student. He’s _____ boss!
A) His B) Her C) Our

6 - Complete with THERE IS / THERE ARE. (1 each)

1) _____ a Spanish girl in my class.
A) There is B) There are
2) _____ a pencil in my schoolbag.
A) There is B) There are
3) _____ five apples in the basket.
A) There is B) There are
4) _____ a jumper on the chair.
A) There is B) There are
5) _____ some children in the house.
A) There is B) There are
6) _____ some pigs in the field.
A) There is B) There are
7) ______ many insects in the sky.
A) There is B) There are

7) Complete the sentences with THE SIMPLE PRESENT. (1 each)

1) Do you ____ in America?
A) Live B) Lives C) Lived
2) Andy ____ the family car.
A) Does wash B) Wash C) Washes
3) Juan and Carla ___ on the beach every morning.
A) Runs B) Run C) Does run
4) Every morning my mother ____ at 6 o'clock.
A) Get up B) Get ups C) Gets up
5) Mr. Black ____ e-mails in the evenings.
A) Write B) Writes C) Writs
6) The girls ____ the shopping.
A) Dos B) Does C) Do

8) Complete the sentences with TOO, ALSO or EITHER. (1 each)

1) I don’t like to study. My friend Charles doesn’t like to study ______.
A) Too B) Also C) Either
2) Barbara loves English _____.
A) Too B) Also C) Either
3) Robertson is a good student. Peterson is _____ a good student.
A) Too B) Also C) Either
4) Janet lives in a house. Christine ______ lives in a house.
A) Too B) Also C) Either
5) I can speak Italian. Peter can speak Italian _____.
A) Too B) Also C) Either

9) Complete the sentences below with the correct PREPOSITION. (1 each)

1) The supermarket is ______ the corner.
A) On B) To C) In
2) Are you ____ Rio? Yes, I am.
A) From B) On C) At
3) My birthday is ____ July 30th.
A) On B) In C) At
4) How do I get ____ the restaurant?
A) In front B) To C) On
5) Where is Janet _____? England.
A) In B) On C) From
6) I don’t go to school by car. I go ____ foot
A) By B) On C) In

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