1303 FT (Retest)

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Ground Training Department

BATCH : 1303 FINAL TEST (AIR NAV-ReTest) 05 August, 2013
Max Marks: 60

Note:- This Question Paper contains 60 questions. All questions carry ONE mark each.
Read the instructions given on the answer sheet provided very carefully and strictly follow them.
Q.1 The purpose of a compass swing is to attempt to coincide the indications of:
a) compass north and magnetic north. b) compass north and true north.
c) true north and magnetic north. d) compass north and the lubber line.
Q.2 The error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near
the source is known as:
a) position pressure error. b) barometric error.
c) instrument error. d) hysteresis effect.
Q.3 The altitude indicated on board an aircraft flying in an atmosphere where all the atmosphere layers
below the aircraft are cold is :
a) the same as the real altitude. b) lower than the real altitude.
c) higher than the real altitude. d) equal to the standard altitude.
Q.4 The density altitude is :
a) the temperature altitude corrected for the difference between the real temperature and the standard
b) the pressure altitude corrected for the relative density prevailing at this point
c) the pressure altitude corrected for the density of air at this point
d) the altitude of the standard atmosphere at which the density is equal to the actual density of the
Q.5 When climbing at a constant Mach number below the tropopause, in ISA
conditions, the Calibrated Airspeed (CAS) will:
a) decrease b) increase at a linear rate
c) remain constant d) increase at an exponential rate
Q.6 The airspeed indicator circuit consists of pressure sensors. The pitot tube directly
a) the dynamic pressure b) the static pressure
c) the total pressure and the static pressure d) the total pressure
Q.7 VLE is the maximum :
a) speed authorized in flight b) speed at which the landing gear can be operated with full safety
c) speed with flaps fully extended d) flight speed with landing gear down
Q.8 The limits of the yellow scale of an airspeed indicator are :
a) VNO for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit
b) VLO for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit
c) VLE for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit
d) VFE for the lower limit and VNE for the upper limit
Q.9 With a constant weight, irrespective of the airfield altitude, an aircraft always
takes off at the same :
a) true airspeed. b) ground speed.
c) calibrated airspeed. d) equivalent airspeed.
Q.10 The airspeed indicator of a twin-engined aircraft comprises different sectors and
color marks. The blue line corresponds to the :
a) optimum climbing speed with one engine inoperative, or VYSE
b) speed not to be exceeded, or VNE
c) minimum control speed, or VMC
d) maximum speed in operations, or VMO
Q.11 The response time of a vertical speed detector may be increased by adding a:
a) return spring b) bimettalic strip
c) correction based on an accelerometer sensor. d) second calibrated port
Q.12 A laser gyro consists of :
a) two moving cavities provided with mirrors b) 2 electrodes (anodes+cathodes)
c) a gyro with 2 degrees of freedom d) a laser generating two light waves
Q.13 The directional gyro axis spins about the local vertical by 15°/hour :
a) in the latitude 45° b) in the latitude 30°
c) on the North pole d) on the equator
Q.14 The gyromagnetic compass torque motor :
a) causes the directional gyro unit to precess b) causes the heading indicator to precess
c) feeds the error detector system d) is fed by the flux valve
Q.15 Among the flight control instruments, the artificial horizon plays an essential part. It uses a
gyroscope with :Note : in this question, the degrees of freedom of a gyro are determined by the
number of gimbal rings it comprises.
a) two degrees of freedom, whose horizontal axis corresponding to a reference direction is
maintained in a horizontal plane by an automatic erecting system
b) two degrees of freedom, whose axis is oriented and continously maintained to local vertical by an
automatic erecting system.
c) one degree of freedom, whose horizontal axis is maintained in a horizontal plane by an
automatic erecting system
d) one degree of freedom, whose vertical axis oriented in the direction of the real vertical to the location
is maintained in this direction by an automatic erecting system
Q.16 In a turn at constant rate, the turn indicator reading is:
a) proportional to the aircraft weight b) proportional to the aircraft true airspeed
c) independent to the aircraft true airspeed d) inversely proportional to the aircraft true airspeed
Q.17 During deceleration following a landing in a Southerly direction on a Runway in Southern
Hemispher, the magnetic compass will indicate :
a) no apparent turn. b) an apparent turn to the East.
c) an apparent turn to the West. d) a heading fluctuating about 180°
Q.18 In which two months of the year is the difference between the transit of the Apparent Sun and
Mean Sun across the Greenwich Meridian the greatest?
a) February and November b) March and September
c) June and December d) April and August
Q.19 Seasons are caused due to the:
a) Earth's rotation on its polar axis b) Earth's elliptical orbit around the Sun
c) inclination of the polar axis with the ecliptic plane d) variable distance between Earth and Sun
Q.20 An aircraft departs from position A (04°10' S 178°22'W) and flies northward following the
meridian for 2950 NM. It then flies westward along the parallel of latitude for 382 NM to position B.
The coordinates of position B are?
a) 53°20'N 169°22W b) 45°00'N 172°38'E
c) 45°00'N 169°22W d) 53°20'N 172°38'E
Q.21 The angle between the true great-circle track and the true rhumb-line track joining the following
points: A (60° S 165° W) B (60° S 177° E), at the place of departure A, is:
a) 15.6° b) 9°
c) 7.8° d) 5.2°
Q.22 Given :A is N55° 000°, B is N54° E010° , The average true course of the great circle is 100°. The
true course of the rhumbline at point A is:
a) 107° b) 096° c) 104° d) 100°
Q.23 Given:Position 'A' is N 00° E 100°, of 'B' is 240°(T), 200 NM from 'A'.What is the position of 'B'?
a) S01°40' E101°40' b) N01°40' E097°07' c) S01°40' E097°07' d) N01°40' E101°40'
Q.24 5 HR 20 MIN 20 SEC corresponds to a longitude difference of:
a) 80°05' b) 81°10' c) 75°00' d) 78°45'
Q.25 The main reason that day and night, throughout the year, have different duration, is due to the:
a) gravitational effect of the sun and moon on the speed of rotation of the earth
b) earth's rotation
c) relative speed of the sun along the ecliptic
d) inclination of the ecliptic to the equator
Q.26 Given: true track is 348°, drift 17° left, variation 32° W, deviation 4°E. What is the
compass heading?
a) 033° b) 007° c) 359° d) 337°
Q.27 An aircraft at latitude 10° South flies north at a GS of 890 km/hr. What will its latitude be
after 01: 30 hrs?
a) 22°00'N b) 12°15'N c) 02°00'N d) 03°50'N
Q.28 When is the magnetic compass most effective?
a) In th region of the magnetic South Pole. b) About midway between the magnetic poles
c) In the region of the magnetic North Pole. d) On the geographic equator
Q.29 An aircraft at FL370 is required to commence descent when 100 NM from a DME facility and to cross the
station at FL135. If the mean ground speed during the descent s 396 kt, the minimum rate of descent required is
(i) 1650 ft/min.
(ii) 2400 ft/min
(iii) 1000 ft/min
(iv)1550 ft/min
Q.30 A gyro is said to topple when its spin axis moves in the?
(i) Direction 90º removed in the direction of rotation
(ii) Neither, because its definition is not related to these axes.
(iii) Vertical Plane
(iv)Horizontal Plane
Q.31 What is the value of the convergence factor ( n ) on a Mercator chart?
(i) Cos Mean Lat
(ii) Sin Standard Parellel
(iii) Cos Parellel of Origin
(iv) None of the above
Q.32 A great circle track joins position A (59° S 171°W) and B (61° S 172°E). What is the difference between
the great circle track at A and B?
(i) It increases by 7°.
(ii) It decreases by 8°.
(iii) It increases by 6°.
(iv)It decreases by 9°.
Q.33 How would you define Zone time in relation to UTC?
(i) It is local time.
(ii) It is based on local sunrise and sunset.
(iii) It is local mean time of the nearest meridian divisible by 15º.
(iv) It is local mean time adjusted to whole or half hours difference from UTC.
Q.34 On 27th of February, at 55°S and 120°W the sunrise is at 0250 UTC. On the same day, at 55°N and
175°W, the sunrise is at?
(i) 0630 UTC. (iii) 0743 UTC
(ii) 0243 UTC. (iv) None of the above
Q.35 Civil Twilight occurs between?
(i) Sunrise and when center of the sun is 6º above the horizon.
(ii) Sunset and when the center of the sun is 6° below the horizon.
(iii) Sunset and when the upper limb of the sun is 6° below the horizon.
(iv) The times when the sun is between 6° and 12° below the horizon.
Q.36 Given the following: Heading 060°(T), Magnetic variation 18° W , Drift angle 4° Starboard, what is
the TMG?
(i) 048°(T)
(ii) 044°(T)
(iii) 064°(T)
Q.37 Given: FL 350, Mach No. 0.84, OAT -35°C. Calculate the values for TAS and local speed of sound
(i) 460 kt, 575 kt.
(ii) 483 kt, 575 kt,
(iii) 460 kt, 557 kt.
(iv) 505 kt 601 kt

Q.38 If the TAS is increased in NIL wind condition, the effect on the PET position is to:
(i) always reduce the distance to the PET
(ii) always move it along the track further away from the mid point
(iii) position of the PET does not change
(iv) always increase the distance to the PET
Q.39 Given that Ground Speed is 520 kt, Hdg (T) 090°, Drift angle 5° Starboard,
TAS 500 kt. SAT (static air temperature) -51°C. The W/V being experienced is?
(i) 325° / 60 kt (iii) 320/45
(ii) 320° / 60 kt. (iv) 340/50
Q.40 Air Position is:
(i) A position found two or more simultaneous VOR/ADF bearings in the Air
(ii) an estimated position with no allowance made for wind effect
(iii) a position found by plotting an aircraft’s true heading on a Navigation chart and measuring off a
distance proportional to the Ground Speed against time
(iv) a calculated position with due allowance made for possible wind effect.
Q.41 An aircraft travels 3.5 Km in 47 seconds. What is its ground speed?
(i) 260 kt. (iii) 22.6 kts
(ii) 226 kt. (iv) 269 kts
Q.42 An aircraft is at FL 290, TAS 481 kt at Mach 0.82 when the temperature deviation is ISA -7°C (Consider
no tropopause). The temperature deviation at FL 330 which would give the same TAS of 481 Kt at Mach 0.82
is :
(i) ISA +5°C (iii) ISA -1°C
(ii) ISA -5°C (iv) ISA - 8°C
Q.43 When accelerating on an easterly heading in the Southern hemisphere, the compass card of a direct
reading magnetic compass will turn?
(i) Anti-clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south.
(ii) Clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the north.
(iii) Clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the nortth.
(iv) Anti-clockwise giving an apparent turn towards the south.
Q.44 An aircraft in the Northern Hemisphere makes an accurate rate one turn to the right. If the initial
heading was 330°, after 30 seconds of the turn the direct reading magnetic compass should read?
(i) Less than 060°.
(ii) More than 060°.
(iii) May be more or less than 060° depending on the pendulous suspension used.
(iv) Exactly 060°.
Q.45 A large commercial jet takes off from Srinagar ( Elevation 5000’) , and sets course at 2000’ AAL and
climbs to FL 330 at a constant power setting. The mean climb Altitude for calculation of TAS/Ground Speed will
(i) 24500 feet
(ii) 15500 feet
(iii) 20500 feet
(iv) 25500 feet
Q.46 How is “Hotizontality” achieved in a Direct Reading Compass ?
(i) Using a pendulous suspension system for the magnetic assembly.
(ii) Using the lowest possible viscosity liquid in the compass.
(iii) Using short powerful magnets.
(iv) Positioning the magnetic assembly mass close to the compass point and using damping wires.

Q.47 Dip will be “Zero” at the?

(i) At any place on the Magnetic equator.
(ii) At any place on the Geographic Equator.
(iii) Along any Isoclinal line.
(iv) Along the Agonic Line.
Q.48 In which months is the difference between apparent noon and mean noon the greatest?
(i) March and September. (iii) November and February
(ii) June and December. (iv) January and July.
Q.49 When the declination of the sun is 15ºS and is increasing, as the days pass, for an observer at Lucknow,
with the passage of time the sun will rise ……(I)……… and set ……(II)…… on consecutive days:
(I) (II)
(i) Rise earlier Set later
(ii) Rise earlier Set earlier
(iii) Rise later Set earlier
(iv) Rise later Set later.
Q.50 After an aircraft has passed through a volcanic cloud which has blocked the total pressure probe inlet of
the airspeed indicator, the pilot begins a stabilized descent and finds that the indicated airspeed?
(i) Increases steadily.
(ii) Decreases abruptly towards zero.
(iii) Decreases steadily
(iv) Increases abruptly towards VNE.
Q.51 The vertical speed indicator gives the correct rate of climb/descent under varying
altitude/temperature/pressure conditions because:
(i) Correction based on an accelerometer sensor is used.
(ii) Bi-metallic strip is used to compensate for any errors.
(iii) Both capillary and orifice are used in the metering unit.
(iv) A second calibrated port is used at higher altitudes.
Q.52 When flying from a sector of warm air into one of colder air, the altimeter will?
(i) Under read. (iii) show the actual height above ground
(ii) Be just as correct as before. (iv) over read
Q.53 The primary factor which makes the servo-assisted altimeter more accurate than the simple pressure
altimeter is the use of?
(i) A sub-scale logarithmic function.
(ii) An induction pick-off device.
(iii) More effective temperature compensating leaf springs.
(iv) Combination of counters/pointers
Q.54 Why are vibrators sometimes fitted in altimeters?
(i) To overcome friction. (iii) To overcome hysterisis.
(ii) To overcome inertia. (iv) To Reduce lag
Q.55 During the approach, a crew reads on the radio altimeter the value of 650 ft. This is an indication of the
(i) Height of the aircraft with regard to the ground at that time.
(ii) Height of the aircraft with regard to the runway.
(iii) Altitude of the aircraft.
(iv) Height of the lowest wheels with regard to the ground at that time.

Q.56 If the static pipe becomes partly blocked?

(i) The VSI indication will be too high when descending.
(ii) The VSI indication will be too high when accelerating.
(iii) The VSI indication will be too low when climbing or descending.
(iv) The VSI indication will be unaffected
Q.57 For any given wind speed, the Drift Angle is maximum when the relative wind angle is 90 degrees. The
relative wind angle is the angle between:
(i) Heading True and Wind Direction
(ii) Heading Magnetic and Wind Direction
(iii) Track True and Wind Direction
(iv) Track Magnetic and Wind Direction
Q.58 The relative bearing of an NDB passing to the right of the aircraft is “030º(R)” at 1310 hrs and changes to
“060º(R)” by 1315 hrs. If the ground speed is 210 kts, what is the distance of the beacon from the aircraft at 1315
(i) 15 NM (iii) 22 NM
(ii) 17.5 NM (iv) None of these
Q.59 In a standard atmosphere and at the sea level, the calibrated airspeed (CAS) is?
(i) Lower than the true airspeed (TAS).
(ii) Equal to the true airspeed (TAS).
(iii) Independent of the true airspeed (TAS).
(iv) Higher than the true airspeed (TAS).
Q.60 With a constant weight, irrespective of the airfield altitude, an aircraft always takes off at the same?
(i) Calibrated airspeed. (iii) True Airspeed
(ii) Ground speed. (iv) Equivalent Airspeed

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