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Name of student: Angeline P. Ordeñiza

Course: Master in Special Education

Instruction: All questions should be written in appropriate academic style and voice. Please include specific, concrete details from
your coursework, readings, research, and appropriate theories/theorists to support your answers. As time allows, please carefully
reread and proofread your answers.



1.) Identify and discuss 4-5 types of data that a teacher may utilize in their classroom. In addition, identify and discuss three things for
each group of learners (below), that a teacher may implement in their classroom for, regular education students, gifted learners, and
struggling learners. Discuss how teachers and school teams may effectively translate data into information to improve both teaching
and learning.

Teachers are in the role of continually making assessments. They evaluate how the students are performing. They
look at how well the material being used is accepted by the students. They are interested in how they’re teaching
style works in the classroom. Throughout their day, they are collecting data in the classroom to make assessments.
These are types of data that a teacher may utilize in their classroom;
Formative Data.
Short quizzes, question and answer drills and a simple show of hands generates a certain kind data. It may show
where the class’ understanding is in that moment so the teacher can decide in which direction to take the class.
Ad hoc evaluation of student knowledge yields different data than examinations requiring study or review.
Observational Data.
Teachers learn to watch their students. Observing behaviors while interacting with the student, when they are working
on assignments by themselves or on a group assignment. Each situation results in unique information about each
student. How do students react when the teacher is walking around the classroom versus standing in front in one of the
“teaching spots”? What is the behavior when students talk with the teacher? Present to the class? How does behavior
change when a guest addresses the class? How are questions answered? When asked a direct question, how does
the student respond? How much time do they take to think about the answer and formulate their response?
While a student is answering the teacher or addressing the class, the rest of the room should be scanned to observe
the responses of the other students.
Depending on what is going on in the classroom, observational data can be difficult to collect with any consistency. It
may be beneficial to have another person spend time observing the students as a class progresses. A teaching
assistant who has been trained in observational techniques can watch the class and record what they see. This can be
especially useful for a teacher who is very busy during an instruction or in a class that loves to participate.
Standardized Tests, Key Milestone Exams and Project Work.
Summative data is collected from the examinations given at the end of unit or the end of year.
Large projects that take several weeks also become a source of information. This data is often
looked at as a reflection of the group’s learning.
This data is sometimes considered more an indicator of the effectiveness of the teaching of the material or the class’
ability to comprehend that level of information.
Student Files
While not exactly data collected in the classroom, student records provide useful information.
Taking the time to review student files and counseling records, the teacher will have some
reference points from which to compare the data from within the class.
Student Reported Data
Students can be engaged in various ways to produce a lot of helpful information. By creating fun
projects for students to report their own progress, teachers can gain more insight into how the
student perceives their own accomplishments and ability.
If teaching the Common Core curriculum, create bar charts that students can color in to indicate
their own level of understanding of the material.
Create a chart to post on the wall that students will sign when they feel they have mastered a
particular problem. Use this with smaller, discreet assignments so students will see their own
accomplishment. Place a large, lined sheet on the wall to capture student questions about a
certain topic. Address the questions at the beginning of each presentation.
Similarly, create a place where students can make comments on the material and topic presented.
For K-6, this could be the sheet of paper on the wall or a binder placed in the classroom. For 7-12,
this could be an online blog or comment section on a classroom website.
Help students create their own learning goals and track them. Students will also learn about goal
setting as they decide their individual targets.
Looking for data in the right places.
There is much information that can be gathered in the classroom setting. Some will be captured
without the student’s awareness. Look for ways to engage the student’s interest so they can
generate their own information.

2.) Discuss in depth three informal assessment strategies in terms of their significant roles in the following areas of the educational
process: (a) decision-making, (b) placement and programming, and (c) instruction.

Teachers use informal assessment throughout the teaching and learning cycle to gather evidence about how students
learn and what they know. Informal assessment includes activities undertaken and anecdotal evidence gathered
throughout the teaching and learning process in a less prescribed manner than formal assessment.

These activities provide evidence for teachers and inform feedback to students in relation to improving their learning.
Informal assessment may include a range of strategies including class work and work in progress, questioning, class
discussion, group work, observations and monitoring, student self-evaluation and reflection, and peer feedback.
Performance-based assessments
When using performance-based assessments, it is important to establish clear and fair criteria from the beginning. It might
be helpful to develop these criteria in conjunction with other teachers or specialists at your school. Performance-based
assessments promote a wide range of responses and do not typically produce one single, correct answer. Therefore,
evaluation of student performances and products must be based on teacher judgment, using the criteria specified for each
You can also develop assessment (and instructional) activities that are geared to your English LLs' current level of English
proficiency. Performance-based assessment activities can concentrate on oral communication and/or reading. Here are
examples of commonly used activity types designed for assessing speaking or reading:

 Reading with partners

 Retelling stories
 Role playing
 Giving descriptions or instructions using visual or written prompts
 Oral reporting to the whole class
 Telling a story by using a sequence of three or more pictures
 Completing dialogue or conversation through written prompts
 Debating, either one-on-one or taking turns in small groups
 Brainstorming
 Completing incomplete stories
 Playing games

When using performance-based assessments with beginner and intermediate English proficiency level ELLs, it is best to
assess no more than three items at a time. For example, in one role play activity, you might assess ELLs' abilities to:

1. Respond to "what" and "where" questions

2. Ask for or respond to clarification
3. Read addresses or telephone numbers

Portfolio assessments
Portfolios are practical ways of assessing student work throughout the entire year. With this method, you can
systematically collect descriptive records of a variety of student work overtime that reflects growth toward the achievement
of specific curricular objectives. Portfolios include information, sample work, and evaluations that serve as indicators for
student performance. By documenting student performance over time, portfolios are a better way to crosscheck student
progress than just one measure alone. Portfolios can include:

 Samples of written student work, such as stories, completed forms, exercise sheets, and descriptions
 Drawings representing student content knowledge and proficiencies
 Tapes of oral work, such as role-playing, presentations, or an oral account of a trip
 Teacher descriptions of student accomplishments, such as performance on oral tasks
 Formal test data, checklists, and rating sheets

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