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IWtELLoFax fAPProved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900330005-1 x Fase ee CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION SECRET/CONTROL - U, 8. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFORMATION 25xt INFORMATION REPORT rerorr| 0 NO. COUNTRY Rusanta DATE DISTR, 17 Ootober 1952 SUBJECT Biographical Sketch of Gheorghiu-Dej NO. OF PAGES 6 25x bare oF PERG No,genges. pare ta HeoeEe PLE ‘SUPPLEMENT TO ‘ACQUIRED NOT CIRCULATE REPORT NO. THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 tie report 4 0 biographical sketch of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-DeJ; hie origin, early life, political career, relations with Hoscow, personal Life, and gone commente on other leading figures in the Rumanian Comminkst Party. ‘The struggle for power betwoon Ane Pauker and Gheorghtu-Ded and their Fespaotive cliques had been going on for a long tine, Each accused tho diner of sorruption, deviation fron the Line of the Moscow Politburo fant the Coniagera, eneouregonent of Runanian elements hostile to the Sovtet Union, and go forth. Tho Krenlin knew vell the cleverness and Sntellectual capacity of Ana Pauker and hor services in furthering Communion in Runanta, but Lt also did not overlook the faate that, Gheorghiu-De} wae the unquestioned leader of the Rumanian Workon Party, posseased 429 confidence, and. that hd hed puch greater exper and fanilierity with the practical field of Communist agitation in Rumande and wae a0 capable of carrying it on with euscess. In adddtion 4 was know in Moscow that Ana Pauker was unpopular in Rinania, in fact ahe was hated by the working class. er Jevdsh origin played « part not to be underrated in thie respect, 2, After mich backing and fi11ing, the Krein was apparently eonvinced ‘thet the retention of Ana Paulker could only be forced upon the Rumanian Communist Party by Moscow's support. An open warning followed in the demiosal of Vasile Luca from the post of Finance Kinteter, Luca be- Longed to the Pauker clique, He was accused of everything with which « bose of the regime could be charged. Any. thet further abtacks againet the Peuler oiré wae the well keiown old one: a new make-up of the Rusanian Politburo was CLASSIFICATION SBORBT/CONTROL - U, S. OPFICTALS OULE ee ae eepupe — Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-ROP82-00457R013900330008:1 ~*~ 5. 6 1 ‘Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900330005-1 5x1 SECRET/OONTEOL ~ U. 8. OFFICIALS ONLY -as announced, in which Ana Paukor's nano was omitted. After a few more days came the sin attack: the sppointment of Ghoorgniu-De} ae Prine Minister. Petru Groza, who had only served until now to smother and conceal the struggle between Pauker ani Gheorghit-Do3, was finslly shoved aside and as payment for his subsiscivenese he received the unimportant post of president of tho National Aesenbly. Gheorghiu-Dej was born on 8 November 1901" at Barlad, Moldavia, of a working class family, His father, Tanase Gheorghiu, worked in the local Shall industries. Te extrene poverty of his parents! houe strongly influenced the develoyrent of young Gheorghiu's character and hie later attitude to the labor preblen. He had to go to work at the age of 11. At 15 he was an electrician apprentice with the Steaua-Ronana at Moinesti, Moldavia, His training as en electrician wae completed in the ofl ingustry at Campin, In 1917 Ghoorghiv vas a wdtness to the rebellion of the Ruselan soldiers fon the Mo¥avian front. “The scldier committecs which wore established Impressed hin strongly. Hse nevelutdonary opinions were reinforced by the frequent strikes at thet time anong the vorkers in the oil industry. He took an active part therein and distingulshed hinself as an organizer of groups to fight: the strike-breakers. In 1921 he was in Galati, working in the street railway shops. Organi- zation of the Comist Party in Rumania began in thie year. In 1923 he was called to military service. fe served with ‘the 3 Pioneer Regiment at Focsant. Here lie tecano 2 top-nane "Bolshevist.." He was imprisoned several tines ao puntshaent for revolutionary activities during his period of service. Arter completing his term of military service Ghoorghia worked for the Galati Strest Railvey Company. ‘The Rumanian labor unions at that tine wore led by sensible clenents, who Urted to keep the workers out of the Nclass war." Gheorghiu, however, proposed leading the workers to better vay by the revolutionary road. For this he was summarily dismissed. Sbortly thereafter he fount aaployment with the large Gote & Company saw works in Galati, and iater he worked again in the street railway shops. ‘The Fourth Congress of the Rimenian Labor Party, in 1928, proposed to ef- fecba unio with the Bolehevists, but this was not accomplished because ‘the later congress of tho labor union st Timisoara in 1929 voted to exclude the Conmnist syndicate, ‘This left the latter no alternative Dut to proceed illegally. The more radical workers in the railway shops organized an extensive underground activity. Ghoorghiu was a meuber of ‘the syndical counittee, In tite capacity ho cane into closer asscetation with the Communist party organisstion and becane a Party member, fide task vas to organize a party coll in the railway workshopo, Later, the larger responsibility of leeal organizer of the party waa transferred to hin, Tn 1931 he was cent to Bucharest ae a delegate to the national conference ef the eo-called "Dead Opposition." In August. 1951 Ghoorghiu was transferred from the workshope at Galati to those at De} as disciplinary puntehnent for his agitation activitd Tals Se how he acquired his nane-euffix "Des." AL De} he Immediate organized 4 local section of the Red AMR (Workers! Ad Organization of the Tabor Union). At the general mesting of the railway workers of Dej, he offered a manifesto for a progran that accorded with the Communist Party. Line. Its main point vas 2 stimlation of strike activity ae a means of forwarding the workers! rebellion. SECRET/CONTROL - U, 8, OFFICTALS ONLY Approved For Rel ‘2006/0418 : CIA-ROP#2-00457R013900330006-1 0. cre le 5. 16. ‘Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900330005.4; SGCRET/CONTROL - U. 8, OFFICIALS ONLY a In 1932, at a mosting of Comnnist workers in the industrial centers, Gheorghiu-Doj was mde eccrotery of the Organization Committes, In the gummor of 1932 2 conference vas held at Galati under his leadership, at which Communist infiltration of the labor unions vas Fesolved upon. About this 2ime an open letter of Gheorghit-Dej's was published in the bulletin of the "Action Contes for Peace." It wae an analysts of the supposed war preparations of the Western Powers against the Soviet Union, Following the party conference of 1932 Gheorghiu-Do) was secretary of ‘the Central Conmittes and a neubor of the General Council of the Communist syndicate, Both regional action comittees, at Cluj and Galati, wore unter his’ personal control. He organized a’mas denonstration in th ratlroad workshops at De}, tnmediately following which the shops were closed and most of the workers dismiseed or transferred to shops in. other parta of the country, Ghoorghiu-Dej was arrested and held, first at Tai and then at Boch Released fron arreet in the autumn of 1932, he wont ao @ delegate of the Comunist eyndicate to the International, Labor Conference in Berita. Then cane the first great maga dewoustretions in the railroad shops at Grivrite snd Bucharest, which Cheorghiu-De) organized. The goal was recognition of the shop lavor comittees and & 20 percent raise in pay. When these denands were not realized, there followed strikes and the occupation of the shops by the workers, The government tried to arrange 2 compromise, but found itself compelled to declare @ state of energency. On Us February 1933, two days after the strike had been put down by the army, Gheorghiu-Dej was arrested, He and gone hundred strikers were brought before a military court.” During the trial Gheorghiu-De de- clared that those strikes vere organised and led by the Conauntst Party. He was seatenced 40 22 years! bard labor. He was in the prisons of Vacaresta, Craiova, Ocaole-Mari and Aiud. In 1937 he was at the Doftana prison, where he net other well know Gommniets 2ike Vasile Lacs, Alexandru Moghtoros and Chivu Stoica, In 1938 he was recognized a5 "political prisoner", wich meant that he could roceive vieitors and books, and could work’ in the prison shops. ‘The Doftana prison was destroyed ‘by an earthquake on the night of 9=10 Moverbor 1940, end the prisoners were transferred to Caransebes, Here Gheorghiu-Dey’met Ane Pauker. Gheorghia-Dej, with other Consanists, was employed in the Targu-Jiu labor camp in Septenber 1943. Ke wae in the camp hospital in the epring of Iplh and there met Beil Bean aras, who later bocane Defense Mintster, but ‘bt that tine had been engaied in organising Communist Party armod fighting groups. In mid-August 1944, after 21 years’ imprisonnent, Gheorghtu-Dej escaped from the labor samp. After the Rumnian collapso of 23 August 2944, be bogan to stir up the people against the newly ostabliehed democratic governannt. From 4 Novenber 19h Gheorghiu-Dej held the post of Minister of Communi ‘cations in the new governnant, filo appalnteent wao arranged by the Soviet Governnent,, on tho ground that it was necessary to the security of their troops in hustria, Hungary and Bulgaria, The lest government in Rumania, retaining sous trace of autonomy, that of General Radescu, was over- throw by the Compmiste on 6 Maren 1945. The Wational Conference of the Rumanian Cosmuntst Party took place in October 1945. Here Ghoorghiu-De} was named General Secretary of the Forty and President of the Government Eeonomic Council, During his fret SHORET/COMINOL - U. 3, OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900330005-1 uw wv. ae ‘Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900330004 SBCREL/CONTROL - U.S, OFFICIALS ONLY a vistt to Moscow, in Janusry 1945, he bad consolidited his personal Political position with the Soviet poxers and was commissioned by them Yo do everything he could to accelerate Rusanian economic concessions to the Soviet Union. When Gheorghe Tatarescu, the-liberal dissident, pro- posed a sualler counci+ for carrying out the economic plan, the Communists Seized the opportunity to make Cheorghiu-Dej the instrument for the feconemia sovielisation sf “ne counter. In hiis capacity ae Minteter of Gnmunf cations Gieorghiu-Dej was won over by the big industrialist Weolso Kalax to his railroad building progran, witch for Malaza vas coupled with large commissions. For this he was ‘ten with gifte by Malana, including considerable suns of money and a beantifel villa in Bucharest. A sonth after his appointacnt as Communi cations Minister he gave the Malaya works orders to the amount of two miLLi- ards of lei. Ay a reoult of this deal substantial sms cane into the ‘treasury of the Communist Contral Comittee. Shortly thereafter Gheorghiu-Dej berane Kiaister of Publle Works, and in Decenber 1945, Minister of Economy in the new goverment, of Petru Groza. Gheorghit- Dejis economic ine from the weginning was that prescribed in advance by the Kremlin: advanceneat of the country through industrialization, This wag show Sn his newspaper article ond his speeches, which were published an Brochure form in 1951, Industrislization and subsequent Froletarisstion of tie coantey wore the man gosls of the five-year Plan, according to his own words. At the plenary geeeion of tho Rumanian Communist Party Gentral Comittee dn July 1946, Gheorghin-De} attacked in elurpest tems the supposed nationalisti® tendencies to Rumnia and denounced the so-called "ehauvintstic provocationiom" of Patrascana, who, charged with being an agent of Western inperiatien, wis diswasged as Minister of Justice and arrested. After the forced atdivstion of King Michael I at the end of 1947, the mole machinery of the country was reformed on the lines of the Marx Lenin principles. Tre Communist front was replaced by the "single Bunanian Labor Party (Febrsary 29}8). The Governnont was also reformed ‘and all non-Commamat ministers aid te give up thoir poste, Cheorghtue Deg became depatiy Prane Weister (13 Aptd1 1948) and simlteneously a member of the Politiuro and tne Orgiultation Bursa of the FAR (Rumanian Labor Party). Gheorghiu-Do} was charged with tho suporviston of the national economte plane for the first tw years, 1949 amt 1950. In his report. to the Plenary saesion of the TR Central Comitteo (3-5 March 1919) he dealt With the problen of cooperation between the industrial proletariat and the peasantry. lie recenmended the retention of the middling peasant properties, witch he viewsd as the key to raising tho conditions of the villages, “We mate fron thic formula & principle for realizing the "eooial reconstruction" of agrigulture, In chis connection he emphasized, in opposition to the Ars Pauker group, the necessity of the free consent of the poasaatry to collectivization. Besides his work in connection with the first five-year plan, he applied himself to the progam for the electrification of the country, for the realization of witch he worked vigorouely. In his "Articles and Speeches™ he cnphacized the lack of criticien and self-criticien aong officials. In contrast to Anu Pasion, Ghecrghiu-De) was always regarded as a true representative of the Riuerian working clase. He never gave up his Rumanian citizenship ~- again in contrast to Ana Pauker, Luce and Bodnaras, who became Soviet citzaens. In the new Light’ of the Stalinist doctrine, he is a trues vor of the people as Koscow sees it. SBORET/CONTROL = UJ, S. OPFICTALS ONLE Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900330005-1 23. 25. 26. 28. ‘Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDPE2-00457R013900330005;4,, ‘SBORET/CONTROL ~ S. OFFICIALS ONLY “5 Although Ana Pauker was not only & mecber of the Contnform, tut Like Inca, a former functionary of the Coulntern, Gheorghiu-De} was com Missioned by Moscow to prepare the report for the expulsion of Tago- slavia from the Cominform (Nlovenber 1949). There already was 8 sign of the side Moscow had chosen in the struggle between the twos Gheorghin-Dej was steadily insistent on making the Marx-Lenin doctrine his om, but he did not forget, by his own words, to renain true to the new directive of "his beloved contade Stalin.” fe showed hinself a sturdy fighter against every deformation or deviation. And therein Lic ‘the explanation of his success, Fetru Groza, the former Prime Miniter and present President of the National Assembly, was and is a tool for covering the power play behind ‘the Rumanisn Conminist, scene. As long as Moscow had not decided to place political power in Rumania formally in the hands of Gheorghiu-Dej, Decause it believed the strings could be better manipulated through a balance weight. between the Ana Paukor snd the Gheorghiu-Dsj groups, Groza waa neoded to camouflage the conedy. low he 1a rewanted with @ post of no political importance. Gneorghiu-Dej has becono the Soviet hhead puppet in Ruania; but the real pover in Runania remsine with the Central Comittee of the FIR, which £2 the sole organ for recelving orders and carrying out important decisions of the Kremlin, The danger points in the policy of Gheorghiu-DeJ are the agrarian policy, the carrying through of collectivization, and the peoblen of Rumanian goods deliveries to the Soviet Union. Noscow appears to understand that in Rumania a balance between the production of the country and the Tesulting development of Conmunisn 4s neceseary, This concurrence of Moscow's in the Cheorghiu-De) point of view 1a quite remarkable: ie amounts to nothing less than recognition of a declared Runanian concept and thereby @ Rumanian national brand of Cousunien. For Moscow it 4s sn experiment; for Gheorghiu-DeJ a hazard that may cost hin hie life. Gheorghiu-Dej hss grom upinahard school. He underotands, in epite of his submissivences to the Soviet power, how to remain e popular fusanian Communist leader. Like every climber, he bends his entire energy and hie imate intelligence to making hindelf an important party-fellow, He has alvays shown great eagerness to learn. Hie colleagues say he 49 slow 4nd self-minded, but hus genuine ability. He 42 not ashamed to show his ignorance in technical and economic problens and does not hesitate to let himeelf be instructed until he understants fully. He Learned some French in prison. He now leads a luxirdous life th the elegant villa Karmita, whieh ds located on the beautiful Soceaua Kisselef in Bue charest, not far fron Ana Faukor's neighborhood. He also has e country house in Fredesl (the property of the former Prime Minister Ton Gigurtu). He hao at his disposal tvo anerican automobiles: a Buick and 2 Lincoln, both bought in Switzerland, He 4s clotted by the best tailors of Sucharest, Leonard ani Kovaleiuk. The brother of Gheorghtue Doj works in a onal’ factory in Barlad, He never his contact with hie brother. Gheorghin-Dej is separated from hie wife, and this has given rise to a certain amount of scandal in Bucharest a spite of his efforts to hush ‘the matter up. His wife was, until 19h4, a household employee of the merchant Suyrnaie in Galati.” He has two daughters. The elder, Vast idea, studied at the Institute of Beonomle Knowledge and Planning (formerly tthe Business Academy). Although married to a captain of the People! Police, she keeps her father's name in order to show whose daughter she is, She ts 24, ensll, dark and plump, with good manners and middling SECRET/OONROL - U, $. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2008/04/18 : ClA-RDP82.00457R013800330005-1 25Kt 30. a. 25K1 “ Approved For Release 2008/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0139003300 ‘SECRET/CONTROL ~ U. S. OFFICIALS ONLY Antelligence, Her wediling vas celebrated at Gheurghii-Des‘e house in the eld boyar style, two days vuming, The younger daughter is 17, she attended the Fronch school of Notre Dare de Siow in Bucharest (closed since 1946). Gusorghin-De haa his lcve eftains, espectally one with ‘the woli-inewn actrese ELviza Godsans Like nearly all the governmont bosoos, nasbors of the Naticnel Aesembly, ‘the party Central Comte, amt the Luke, Ghecrghsi-De} receives. a comparatively high salary, “mcunting te 200,000 lei (old currency) per month, An average worker van hardly varz £5000 lei per monthe Gheorghiu-Dej's household lays in the apecial provioSon markets and clothing stores shere the est goods, a very high pricee, are only for ‘the bossee of the regime, Gheorghiu-De$ has béon honored by Moscow wth the Lite "Ghamion of Social Labor! and with the geld medal of the Manner and Sickle,’ Factories at Hunedoara (steai works) and Dearest (themms-elecerdeity) bear his name. On bis 50th Mirthday the Ieleheviet Party Central Committee sent hin a telegan of congratulelion, soaething that oaly happens when the Krewlin wishes te bestow 2 special mark of favor. Iu hae act been eotabliches vhether DeJ omen: War bom Ta 190 or 2903. The intter yoar, wth ne month Andicated, is uwally given in official commccations. SEORET/COWROL = U, S_ OFFICIALS ONLY ‘Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900330005-1

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