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DELTA’ | |NDEX ear BEI 4. LARGEST No. PROM THREE | PRINTTASLE UPTOI (FoR) 2 SEARCH USING LINEARSEARCH 3 | FACTORIALUSING RECURSION = «4 |S. SuMOF Squire OF NTEGER s © FIpoNacr SERIES(RECIRSION) 6 F Binay SeaRcH(RECURSION) = > 8 STacK(MenusysTeM 8 13 Queue (Menu system) 10 1O SuNPELEMENTS S*andiant. 12 TA COUNT WoRDS IN TEXT FILE. 13 42 COONT"THE' INTEXT Fite. 14 43 COUNT THEVOWELSINFILE. 15 44 PRINTWORDS HAVING 3CHAR: 16 4S PRINTLINES START WITH'C”, 13 46 PRINT LINES ENDS WITHA, 18 16 STORE N RECORBS IN BINARY Fie. 14 18 APPEND NRECORDS INBINARY. 20 1.8 count RECORDS NBINARYFiE. 21 2O SEARCH USER INPUT IN BINARYFILE. 2.2 24. UPDATE RECORDS INBINARFNE 2.3 ‘DAL STORE N RECORDS INCSV FILE. 26 ——— id Scena ere Mier rat Ina INSERTRECORDSINSQLTABLE. 2.6 QV DELETERECORDS IN SQLTABLE. 27 | 2S VIEW RECORDS INSQL TABLE. 28 126 GPDATE RECORDS INSQLTABLE, 30 (2 STARPATTERN ar 28 SUMOF DIAITS OF INTEMER 33 (28 CHECKPRIMEGRNOT. 34 | 30 EVEN SuccesoRS NUMBERS 35 | 31 SuMOF EVEN,ODD DIQITS. 36 _Burru weneowvern0n?e re Ce —aAn rw or we KR Hee Re KK KOK _ MID MwMw in ww Seon) Hypenment bate voy a | TUITE) Vo grat able upte 10 Gaurd, Of dmpust vrai auilth the abe te we lay apy (S¥1=s) Uding rr Leah Ne see Cnt (Ext Mo") tec a Chl) pan ust ete, Ce, =" Let Nee) Sq {| a oo | i: aati Enon » Mensa =) _ _ Loam te a: i) : - \ hoi Gn, ut, Og Ne wm \e, oe v w \¢" NAC) c=cth fr [ senioent 3 | fect, TUITWL | Ve wtoruh the wath pak, Vitis un i LOE nag Lisa, ab cl “Ne St dant ("Enc Nooo, Elemis sn tek te tr *”)) fee Ci dln (N)s . — LL Nee skin (Enda Date tlemet 3”) Leap Me — guint) a Bas int Like ie db outndad")) one i er fk ang lik a = — _ (,==0)% _ - feet "Seands Nek Found") a | — Anat [— QurPuT lees - SX4X3xX2K1 wa jtee QuTeut | Naw =S pI 42° +3" +4245 wa $5 Date Page No, $ —— a (n=l) ifdvm dqatter(n? natin (1) be: Stine (NINH, xquawr(ve) = o « i _} ee ace (eurat —_ - a - - = + Exch, Fibenocci Tamit § | Giyipl, oy Experiment: 6 Dote — Poge No, @ Le Wy : | ; / —~ | ~ = — t — : - = |—— (Etta) | Bureur | NZS | ExtorNumbin te be bead? § | found at S + , oo - mee 2 | Tu Binary dark Wert PBL nr ducer. Beeb (Aan LR Nun) neta’ | 7 —_ — Experiment: § son i cet OY ---- Stack M Babies 4: Push 2+ Pop 3+ Traunsal 4 Este Embin yarn Khsice (4/2 13/4) 11 Eton Numbin te bi pushed! SO Ne. Added + Tekan Dulite 4+ Ena Enon yous chsict (1/2/94)? | a Emtin Nie tebe imasdtidt lo Va Nea- Added De yon uant te continue (yn) tn. ee ee |_| fee (epee — Os L a (“2+ putts") | Sa A= [60,0 1 10, 30, 20,10] | | —tuyty Te Mlurentacth pint ati laae Tyan arith ad _ anak Meteo sith — he =Lio, 1280), 60] a lle he CA) ~ ———_ — teas -\ - Qureut » Total wards are |] ment wn ; - ——— tee | a Exrermenti oe ao ee sum To Oust wa duc jul DATA - “TAT find. fount th sath #4 ee a = 1 Ne Ren CDaTA-TATY, A) oe | Ne Ce boat ibsary. Tet bool | — —_ - cy $$ pe Ae 7 4 apes Cbammctare tw) {i ei kessad shelit() —_____, aseL. di _ | et (LC) { Sects | |: Url) —— _ (To BeiS aut) vere . i f { k i Total coud Jor the and Te art 3. t ie | ee _ - _ - | wEermeyT 776 Gout the wonlaien DATATT 0 Tapa The beekapr bindid . Tha beaka, ‘ + i N=0. =Ca'! Dt uy WET eu) [Tae Ae tu Ae! I —— ae Virgie, — * b= open (DATATAIY, a) : Defend __ C ted he Gree \ a - = _ \e _ oo — (Exrerpient a ———————,, 44 rage io. 16 To sad were DATATAT. Soo Bat wel ee eee ad i hy Ta eat mrs | bind. rae 20h. CDATATET 92) ce ‘ind! “fp (Jun (==): 4S — aca om eh te DATA tok oink ory Shalt bk whi PE bat de pin ha a s strens + nae Tk -- , ra K 1 sind hind oe au 1 % lll tn bin Toya 2 Du ain da freol sed dort POE AS to Gal Taig —__ oT te Data Te ce [ 7 ¢ a MELA] | Eatin Name? Makit & Experiment 4 Dote ~~ Pages AQ “ae — Te Jad. bine | An dhs (tansy, wipe {3 _ bein Bint we + tert Cnbuct (4 Hens : % 2 20 TI irw0-| "Dat Clrnany file spin mac I 4 oe - = _ | a hyevre| — oe tL —— Sut 1 ne ,C | mili ra I fas’ namt ot o t oe ~ . — | | : xi -$,° 2 | — rt 5 a Tpke Oh, sacar dt, oo :& Acta ie Binh Dat nd i “Oumut | Exton the wrath se by want® i Eat Nos Sall re 3 F ) Exton Noo Nowe ? Naman Lpe'tl y Mame?! Ret? 3 | PRell? 2, S Name’? Meat? 4 F Rail’, fNome? t Némdn’} Lt Rell? *4 , "Name? * Yaar? 4 Ti Reall? #5, 'Nams?? “Suna? bart a , oa = ate ee = fae Bapanetteb) ~ while Towa | \ 7 | [ | — Lt, _ — a DELTA’), _ = Qutpur. FE ntin na. Ol, SLC your asant te eodire'S Ev tist Realk na? 4 . Exton Nawt > Awit Ertin Frndin? Malt a 2 . 28 + To tou Galt, HTT “| > nated woh nth Nowe STUDENT.COV “4 sound) in| 7 eet with Tat to ond 2 impart CSy - oo —— p= oyun C" Sta dence Sv") 4) DE oSy wnt) ne eee [ne a . que | © Tp inxwct sucod “0 table hing Dibah foci, ut ~ oS Ent yeu crsice (11213141 6/6) £2 Entin PROOUCTIO te Dolio the Rucond? 3 Fogo DY Exocrine ~ qt o To delets surconds in tabbe sig ie naty — doh Rec ‘Deloh ()* anya: Li femenntton . comnmack (art = “dacathast 1 tata teas , dadaued = “par”, “database®" beutosch®) Lamylunken = mydb.ciebar ~—lpstit (patnbal Comenuctad, «++ Ratsnd Delton Fey ae ee ese Be cto Dalete thi Racard 27) 1 ner rereee _ et oaere 2 prTSetalLsuul WHERE REGAN =57 hema —— - a arith foram a ~ |_| “Dletion Camflited.””) _ haa it (nn a - ee 1 Edie choice (1/2): i Aas fee 5 | ee \ Pct F a aR - | IE ; aut 2 ob Mins ecards sin uO Talal snp a oa Ah Fae ls ()3 i aa Paossaitai ~ tevrersth Chaat =! “Lal het, saa ‘ot! Danuad= “freon”, dato bass® a | "inant FR ad | dis Ee + ens Facility’) _—— Se “| be - — —_ _ : = es: ee oo I + a ————— - - - — a pen — ans — Name . Rega Ne _ . 1 Kea * r F 3 , F : Tye S 2.“ UPna TE De- NAME = | af - (GENDERS 6 WHERE REGNe sg rl Setcuts (Q) | Stan a ow aM xs | Te HKD #* KKY KK KS a oe L PoE oo | KAKAS ee a =o : Dea] = - - , Suteut, | Ente Tedigns Ne! 125 hum sf, Digids + 8 a ee sinititieanbaazaia’s . 9 g e “ 7 s=2os.__ | “Neiyaat oes pat Carta Cahn, Lacan ta, — | .D=N “ Spe —— | te oO | —aushile(N> 0) _ _ an Net a | a taht a a a —_ ee [pea —— : Phe cD dy 8 _C Ne ict ( lndusk ("Endio, aa tn a chucked) Iheo _ a ele): - a — | beste ng Cnet — f , Surput. f | Exteament 30 | { _ ee —— — - DEA) AL a | _Qureur © Epis: Nunenboe $2144 due Oh wad digits ¢ 2 a Ne itl (%e ~ telat

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