Borinez, Hastyn Shane M. CWTS

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Name: Hastyn Shane M. Borinez Year & Section: BSARCH 1-B

Date: 10/23/22 Score:

Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is correct, if False change the underlined words
with the correct answer. Write your answer in the space provided for.

True 1. The right to life under Philippine laws starts upon birth.
True 2. Moral rights are those rights which are enshrined in the legal system.
Non-Derogable 3. The rights against torture are in human treatment is a derogable right.
True 4. The Miranda Doctrine speaks of the rights of a person to know his/her rights.
Economic, social and cultural life 5. The right to earn a living and to operate a business is a social
The human rights 6. Right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and assembly, freedom of
religion and right to privacy is a moral right.
Participation 7. The human right principle of accountability gives the people the opportunity to see
and understand the activities of the government.
True 8. The universality of human rights means that human rights are endowed to every human being
regardless of race and nationality.
True 9. Cultural rights are rights with respect to one's ethnic origin, belief, custom practices.
True 10. The right promulgated and passed by legislative body are called
live body are called statutory right.

Date: 10/23/22

1. Cite examples of the following rights:

Civil and political Economic Social and Cultural
Right to Life Right to Economic and Social Right to health
Right to Vote Right to Property Right to Food
Right to Education Right to Fixed Hours of Work Right to Housing
Right to Hold Public Offices Right to Adequate Wages Right to Social Security
Right to get Elected Right to Rest and Leisure Right to work

2. The following are vulnerable groups. Give at least 2 of their rights which are being violated
and 2 of their rights which are being protected and fulfilled.

Vulnerable Groups Rights violated Rights Protected/fulfilled

Children  Right to Play   Right to Education
 Right to Education   Right to Life
 Right to Life  Right to fair assessment

Youth  Right to Education   Right to Vote 

 Right to Freedom of  Right to hold Public offices
Women  Right to work   Right to work 
 Right to hold public offices  Right to hold public offices
 
 Right to employment  Right to employment 
Right to Freedom of
Expression 
 Right to Life 
 Right to rest and leisure
Elderly  Right to Hold Public Offices  Right to Freedom of
 Expression
 Right to employment  Right to Vote 
 Right to Life
 Right to Health 
 Right to rest and leisure
Persons with disabilities  Right to Fair Assessment  Right to Fair Assessment
 Right to Education  Right to Health 
 Right to Vote  Right to Education  Right
to Vote
 Right to rest and leisure
Indigenous peoples  Right to be respected for  Right to freedom of
differences  Expression
 Right to freedom of  Right to vote 
Expression  Right to education  Right
 Right to vote  to employment  Right to
 Right to education  live
 Right to employment 
 Right to hold public offices

Name: Hastyn Shane M. Borinez Year & Section: BSARCH 1-B

Date: 10/23/22 Score:

1. As a student, what are your rights, duties and responsibilities?

Students Rights Duties and Responsibilities

1. Right to Education  Given that education here is the
Philippines is free, for public schools
our duties and responsibilities is to
study hard, and contribute to a friendly
welfare and learning 

2. Right to freedom to Express  We ought to be conscious and aware of

what we are fighting for, the message
we wanted to express and the things
we believe in. It should be something
that will uplift others 

3. Right to Fair Assessment  We students should also have the right

to a fair assessment towards others

4. Right to treated with kindness 

 We should also treat others right, and
with kindness as such what others
should have too 
5. Right to be Respected for differences
 What rights we have, is also a humans
right, so whatever things we acquired
by others too.


Ask your guardians what they think should the citizens of our country need to develop to help build
our country into a strong republic. Write below what they tell you.

“Community members of our nation must improve their voting and evaluating skills when it comes
to voting for our leaders in politics for the greater good of our country; with this advancement, we
not only save ourselves from deprivation, but we also protect the rights of every single citizen of our
home nation, from ordinary person to cultural to industrialization, uniting us to evolve into a solid
sovereign nation.”

Name: Hastyn Shane M. Borinez Year & Section: BSARCH 1-B

Date: 10/23/22 Score:

What are the duties and responsibilities of being a good citizen? Give examples.

1. Defend our country from enemies and invaders

- Our territorial integrity is similar to our personal integrity. We must maintain, protect, and defend
both with all of our might because they are priceless. To safeguard our territorial integrity, we must
do what is right in the service of the Filipino people, regardless of the repercussions. Protecting our
territorial integrity necessitates personal integrity.

2. Pay his/her taxes willingly and promptly.

- As a Filipino citizen, it is one of our duty and responsibility to pay the right amount of taxes, as it is
a very crucial factor in developing our country. If you were to build a business and became very
successful, government will impose tax charges on you and you need to pay it as this will be used
as financial expenditure which will provide funds for health services to the citizens of this country
such as healthcare, provide wide range of public goods to the poor, and constructing social

3. Be loyal to our country

People are pushed to move when given the opportunity in these difficult circumstances. As good
citizen a better way to display patriotism is to stay in our country for better or worse. Other
example is, by patronizing and buying Filipino-made products to help our local workers and to boost
our economy

4. Take care and conserve our natural resources

A good Filipino conserves natural resources such as water, land and air. He/she gets involved in
efforts contributory to the welfare of the environment such as planting trees and implementing
proper waste segregation. He/she keeps his/her surroundings clean, and does not throw garbage
in canals and waterways

5. Help our country for growth and development

- A good Filipino is not greedy and selfish; instead, he/she considers the welfare of others in
everything he/she does. Good examples of this are businessmen who don’t mind foregoing the
potential of earning a sizable income from a development plan if it means endangering nature and
people’s health. He/she helps the less fortunate and goes out of his/her way to engage in
activities that will benefit his/her fellow human beings especially in the area of poverty alleviation.

6. Keep our surroundings clean

- Our environment is essential for every citizen’s healthy living, which is why protecting it will ensure
our safety against any type of natural hazard. For instance, if you see that the river that is used by
the citizens in your community is untidy, you should volunteer in doing a clean-up drive to make the
river as a safe water resource for any use. You can also practice proper segregation of garbage to
help reduce pollution and achieve a clean space and fresh air.

7. Study well and become a productive individual

-“Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan”, these were the words said by the National Filipino Hero
Jose Rizal. For the youth, in order to be a a good citizen we must study well and must continue
forging to our studies. Educate yourself as well in order to be well-informed on what is happening to
our country and the important issues facing our nation. A good citizen helps their country by being
productive. They work hard, own businesses, are artists, public servants, carers, and so forth.
Citizens who are good citizens share their knowledge, skills, and abilities with others. They
contribute positively to their country.

8. Obey the laws and maintain peace and order in the community
- Another duty and responsibility that a Filipino citizen should fulfill is to obey the laws and local
ordinances implemented by the government, because it is the only way to attain peace and order
among the members of the society.

9. Preserve the Filipino culture and identity

- It is important to preserve one's culture because the culture is the representation of the lifestyle
and identity of the people in a country. There are so many ways to preserve one's culture like
holding cultural activities giving emphasis the culture. Another way is to include them in the school
curriculum to make sure that children would learn their culture.

10. Participate actively in various government program

- Citizens have certain rights and obligations, including the right to participate in decisions affecting
public good. Aside from its inherent democratic value, participation is an important engine of
democratic and socioeconomic development, as well as a key means of empowering citizens.

11. Vote wisely and chose candidates who can serve the people and our country
- Every citizen has the right and responsibility to vote for a candidate that can govern the people
well, honest, and has the integrity in the public service which will help our society progress into
great heights. For example, you should be mindful of the candidate that you will vote by checking
their educational backgrounds and moral excellence. In this way, you can brainstorm and see if the
person you will vote deserves to be in a government office, and has the capability to promote the
general welfare and serve for the common good of others. Also, you must refrain from voting a liar
and corrupt candidate as this decision will affect the lives of many Filipino citizens if ever such
person would sit in a government office.

12. Respect the rights of others.

- It is only right for us to respect our fellow countrymen, especially the elders, as it is the only way to
attain understanding and build good relationship with each other. To put it in another way, if a fellow
Filipino has a different political stance from yours, you should respect it as we are all entitled to our
own standpoints and opinions. With this treatment, we can have a healthy exchange of knowledge
about a certain topic and learn from each other that may help our ideas grow.

Name: Hastyn Shane M. Borinez Year & Section: BSARCH 1-B

Date: 10/23/22 Score:

I. Multiple Choice. Identify the values needed to develop by a human being in the following
aspects of human life by underlining the word that corresponds to the correct value.

1. Man is the only living being that can think and is capable of articulate speech, but as an
intellectual being, he needs the value of what?
a) . Purity b). Faith c). Responsibility
2. As a physical being man needs nutrition and sustenance for growth and preservation but he has to
posses what value to maintain self-esteem?
a). Maturity b). Integrity c). Responsibility
3. As a moral being man has to develop what value in order to assert himself
a). Maturity b). Faith c). Dignity
4. Mans adherence and dependence to a higher being or God is manifested in his spinal life. What is
the value that man needs to develop a spiritual being?
a). Maturity b). Faith c). Purity
5. Man as a psychological being needs to be satisfied and contented, however he has to develop what
value to become fully human?
a). Responsibility b). Prudence c). Maturity
6. Man is affected by every stimulus that is presented to him which is expressed facially. In order to
be emotionally mature he must posses that value of what?
a). Purity b). Maturity c). Integrity
7. Man has to toil in order to live, maintain financial stability in order to fulfill other concerns but
man does not live by bread alone, he needs to have what value as an economic being?
a). Maturity b). Contentment c). Purity

8. No man is an island and no man lives alone by himself that's why as a social being man has to
develop what value?
a). Responsibility b). Integrity c). Contentment
9. An expression of ones high regarding to human beings by loving and caring instead of using them.
a). Makatao b). Makabayan c). Makakalikasan
10. To live with pride and self esteem means.
a). Integrity b). Respect c). Hospitality
11. Living honestly which is the source and fountain of trust in one's person.
a). Credibility b). Respect c). Consistency
12. A manifestation of man's duty and sense of responsibility towards the mother earth.
a). Makakalikasan b). Makatao c ). Makabayan
13. It is a manifestation of excessive generosity and goodness towards one's visitors.
a). Credibility b). Hospitality c ). Respect
14. Patriotism and nationalism is a sign of respect to the country of one's birth.
a) Makatao b ). Makadiyos c). Makabayan
15. An expression of faith and confidence in the power and authority of the almighty
a). Makatao b). Makabayan c). Makadiyos

Name: Hastyn Shane M. Borinez Year & Section: BSARCH 1-B

Date: 10/23/22 Score:

Write the CORRECT answer on the space provide for.

1. What is the fundamental basis of human behavior? or conduct of living that is made
perfect and/or naturally complete?
 Actions, intellect, and emotions all interact precisely to form human behavior.
2. What do we call the good habits of living or conduct of living
 Positive physical, emotional, or psychological consequences.
3. What Filipino character is manifested by generosity and kinde treating visitors?
 Hospitality
4. What Filipino character is evidenced by sharing with one's fellow me both the burden
as well as the rewards of any activity
 Pakikisama
5. What values enables man to persevere in the performance of his work and the
fulfillment of his duties, in pursuit of his objectives?
 Preservation of courage

Essay. Cite instance/event/happening in your life where you manifested one of the values/virtues
previously discussed. Elaborate (in detail) how the values/virtues were manifested (20 points)

My family loves gatherings. Every year, we have many events that we celebrate in our home. My
family is very hospitable to the visitors that I have adapted that value through the years. Whenever
we held a gathering, I would always stay at the main door to welcome the visitors and make them
comfortable. Because of the value that I have adapted from my family, even in other gatherings like
in school or in my friend’s home, I would always accommodate other people to make them welcome.
It’s like being hospitable has been a part of me since I was a kid. I think it’s also in the blood of
every Filipino.

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