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West Visayas State University

School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

Mobile Learning: Positive and Negative Impacts of Smartphones and Mobile

Application in Education


Teaching Social Studies in Intermediate Grade

Dr. Romeo F. Detaro


Pastorese, Trixie Faith E.

Pelaez Ronalie P.

Peregrino Therese C.


January 30, 2023

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph


The intention of this paper is to examine how smartphones and mobile

applications are impacting the teaching and learning process and also how smartphones

and mobile applications are going to change the roles of teachers and students. The

intention of this paper is to understand both positive and negative aspects of

smartphones and mobile applications in education. The paper will primarily focus on the

benefits and impacts of smartphones and mobile applications on education. At the end,

this paper will summarize the impact and conclude the importance and limitations of the

smartphones and mobile applications. This paper will also make recommendations in

order reduce the negative impact of smartphones and mobile applications and realizes

more benefits of the existing technology.

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph


Smartphones are an essential part of our lives.The fact that as soon as we open

our eyes in the morning, we check our phones to see what time it is and if there are any

notifications. Then we go to our favorite app, also known as a mobile application, to

check for information, messages, and updates before heading to school. According to

Techterms.com, 2010, smartphone is a mobile phone with advanced features and

functionality beyond traditional functionalities like making phone calls and sending text

messages. The Smartphone are equipped with the capabilities to display photos, play

games, play videos, navigation, built-in camera, audio/video playback and recording,

send/receive e-mail, built in apps for social web sites and surf the Web, wireless

Internet and much more. Smartphones have impacted almost every aspect of human

life. The prominent areas where the effects of smartphone applications are obvious in

business, education, health, and social life. Mobile technology has advanced. Individuals'

cultural norms and behavior were drastically altered. The consequences have both

positive and negative consequences. Smartphones enable people to create their own

micro-cultures and engage in activities deemed dangerous by society on the one hand,

and on the other hand. Smartphones allow people to stay connected at all times (Nurfit,


On the other hand a mobile application, most commonly referred to as an app,

is a type of application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a

smartphone or tablet computer. Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users

with similar services to those accessed on PCs. Apps are generally small, individual

software units with limited function. This use of app software was originally popularized

by Apple Inc. and its App Store, which offers thousands of applications for the iPhone,

iPad and iPod Touch.

There are numerous mobile apps that we can install on our smartphones,

including applications for gaming, business, shopping, entertainment, and education,

among others. Smartphones and mobile applications are becoming increasingly useful in

education. As , John Dewey believed that education was “a crucial ingredient in social
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

and moral development. The notion and value of education has been exceptional and

noble since day one in human history and the efforts to improve the quality of education

has been appreciated throughout. Smartphone‘s introduced another means for the

knowledge lovers to fulfil their thrust and dreams stated by Manoj Kumar 2011.

Education is an essential process in human development. It is different from schooling.

Schooling is just one of the ways in which education is provided, whereas education

deals with the total process of human learning by which knowledge is imparted, faculties

are trained and different skills are developed. Education is also defined as the act or

process of educating or applying discipline on the mind or a process of character

training. It is a dynamic instrument of change. Education is expected to affect or

condition the social behaviour of the person being educated. Education is a life-long

process which is always used to imply a positive state of mind. According to Bamisaiye

(1989), Education is “ a cumulative process of development of intellectual abilities, Skills

and attitudes, all of which form our various outlooks and dispositions to action in life


The primary purpose of this paper is to will examine the positive and negative

ipamcts of smartphones and mobile applications in education and how we can we use

them as a tool for teaching and learning process. As well as the to avoid negative

impacts that may affect the teaching and learning process.


Smartphone has made the young generation to be so occupied with

itstechnology that it became a trademark of the young generation (Skierkowski & Wood,

2011). This situation can be observe clearly as the technology savvy generation are so

dependable on the advance touchscreen technology where just by a touch the

application on smartphone can be used at any moment with accessibility of internet all a

day long. Furthermore, smartphone had almost changed the style of interaction between

human being with this advance technology. The global use of smartphone affect the

people and societies in various forms as it is used in various context such as for

learning, working, and communication. Smartphone has made life more convenient with

multiple features that can help users to manage most of their daily life work just by a
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

click. It enables users to communicate faster and easier and obtain variety information

through online resources.

A Smartphone is an advanced technology gadget that has all mobile phone

features as well as computer capabilities. Litchfield (2010) defined a Smartphone as a

mobile device that runs an open operating system and is permanently connected to the

Internet. Buck, McInnis, and Randolph (2013) defined Smartphone as an innovation that

is always being upgraded with new features to enhance its capacity and usefulness.

Trinder (2005) indicated a wide range of functions offered by Smartphones that include

audio and video recording/streaming/calling, Internet access, emailing and messaging

via multimedia messaging service (MMS) and short messaging service (SMS) options. It

is a disruptive technology having a huge impact on societies, since it has transformed

the way in which people interact, socialize, entertain and organize their tasks

(Alexander, 2004). According to Park (2011) latest range of Smartphones are versatile

and ubiquitous in nature and their latest features (such as access to social media sites

and applications) carry tremendous educational potential.

The functionality of Smartphones is rapidly increasing on one hand while the cost of

these devices is decreasing on the other, thus making them more affordable than any

other mobile device. Even in the developing countries they are becoming increasingly

popular (Iqbal, Khan, & Malik, 2017; Iqbal & Qureshi, 2012; Kibona & Rugina, 2015).

Worldwide statistics indicate that majority of Smartphone users are young people mostly

belonging to Generation Z (also known as “Digital Natives” - those born in the 1990s).

These Digital Natives have certain unique characteristics; one of which is their increased

dependence on technology.

Impacts in Society

Positive Impacts

In the article written by Kasey Jones, according to her ,mobile phone has vastly

evolved in looks, portability, features and use since the bulky "car phone" of the 1980s.

Then, they were wired into cars and echoed the home phone in form and function.

Today, they are indispensable communications accessories worldwide. You can stay in

constant touch with friends, secure business deals, set up meetings, call for immediate
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

help in emergencies, talk overseas. Mobile phones have vastly increased the flow of

information in society.People worldwide carry mobile phones. Many carry them in case

an emergency situation arises, from a flat tire to a natural disaster. Some mobile phone

companies now include panic buttons and GPS tracking devices in phones, making it

easier for people to be reached and to reach responders with just a press of a button.

According to the New York Times, the government in 2008 began work to develop an

emergency alert system that could send text messages to cellphones in case of national

emergency. Cell phones offer security and peace of mind to many, including the elderly

and very young, when they are away from a land line. Mobile phone users also are able

to instantly inform law enforcement if they see an emergency or a crime being

committed.Mobile phones allow friends and family members to stay in touch, no matter

the distance or location. Through text messaging, picture messaging, new internet

technologies, email and long-distance services, you can talk, send pictures, send videos,

and read emails in an instant, even if your family member is away at school or fighting a

war overseas. A decade ago, these options were not available. Mobile phones help

organizations stay on top of businesses 24/7. Mobile phones allow business men and

women to conduct business on the road, in the air, and anywhere else that has a cell

signal, at any time of day. Mobile phone conference calling allows partners to meet via

the phone while traveling. Applications on phones, such as calendars, note keepers,

voice recorders, and alarms, all help people stay organized and on time. If you are late

or stuck in traffic, you can use your mobile phone to call the boss.

The social life has been drastically changed with the introduction of

Smartphone‘s and this domain has encountered most of the impacts from use of

Smartphone. Accordingly to research [32], around 15% of the current world population

has some sort of disabilities and also the number of elderly persons increasing day by

day. Furthermore, this research shows that, by year 2020 more than 1000 million people

over 60 years age will be living on this planet(WHO, 1998). Keeping this in mind and

looking into the capabilities of Smartphone, it is apparent that in such a situation

Smartphone will play an important role in the integration process of people with special

needs and elderly age. Smartphone‘s are capable to give this group of people the
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

opportunity to live more independently. The more they can do by themselves, the better

they will feel and enjoy the life. Smartphone features like, text to speech, GPS and social

Websites are some examples, which can help this group of people to easily remain

integrated with society. Using these services and many more features, the target group

of people can easily communicate their needs, seek assistance from others and remain

connected to society (S. Verstockt, D. Decoo, etc. 2009). As explained by Time Pike

University of Playmouth in 2011, even in today‘s busy world Smartphone had also made

possible for us to remain connected with our friends and family all the time. Always

connected to the Internet through a Smartphone provides a great instrument for

individuals for constant communication resulting in great safety for children attending

schools or going outside. The classic mobile phones provided this facility for long time

but the Smartphone‘s utilizing the same and providing additional convenient capabilities

to communicate with children and know their whereabouts anytime. The Smartphone

has given an opportunity to individuals to act as a journalist at any point in time and

real-time information to society. Smartphone features like the camera, video capture,

access to social Websites and nature of always connected to the Internet enable

individuals to capture any video at any time and share it with friends and family using

social Websites and other Internet based options. Even though the quality of video /

image can‘t be that good but the features on social Websites and opinions and

comments make it more absorbing and useful (Douglas Idugboe, 2011).

Negative Impacts

Furthermore, there are drawbacks in society such as, addictions, cyber bullying

and etc.The convenience that Smartphone bring in daily life is tremendous, users with a

click or simple touch of finger can access the health and related services anytime and

anywhere, but along with the convenience it also poses several dangers as well.

According to a article from Elizabeth Cohen, 2011 this convenience of Smartphone

access to health resources can be dangerous if patients start avoiding personal

interactions with doctors for mandatory tasks. According to the article, on average, the

targeted users use to check their phones 34 times a day, but not necessarily that it was

really needed to check emails instead it is habitually checking, which may result, in
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

relying on phone more than doing things themselves. Another aspect that has been

noticed is that lots of parents let their kids carry and use Smartphone‘s even in their

very young age. The convenience offered by these modern devices is indeed great, but

on the other side also there are major issues associated. Disconnect kids from the true

essence of social interaction. For example, games and other entertainment applications

designed for kids may discourage them from interacting with other kids and people

around them. Excessive exposure of these devices in early age can cause poor eye

sight for kids. The use of Smartphone‘s exposes children to the habit of jumping from

one option to another that trains them to gather small portions of information instead of

concentrating and getting complete information. This habit is harmful for development

of brain. Online and video games are addicting and kids may easily get addicted and

spend hours playing games and this may be awful when they have Smartphone with

them everywhere they go(comScore, Inc, 2012,).Addiction to Smartphone is major

impact on social life. Surveys show that Smartphone addiction is interfering with our

night‘s sleep. According to the survey, 33% of mobile workers admitted that they check

their phones for email and message throughout the night. Nearly 50% of those

surveyed said, they wouldn‘t even think of going to bed without have their Smartphone‘s

tucked under their pillows. This addiction to Smartphone is impacting the social and

family life and creating frictions in our lives. Another aspect is that applications installed

on Smartphone enabling image and video editing, allowing individuals to manipulate the

actual content and provide their version of the content. This

shows that most of the time there will be issues with the authenticity of information

received through these channels and it requires further research to ensure its validity

and authenticity(Douglas Idugboe, 2011).

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

Impacts in Education

Education is no exception to how quickly technology is developing in today's

society. Information and communication technology is rapidly being used as a teaching

and learning aid in educational activities, in keeping with this trend. Academic

institutions, like learning organizations, place a lot of emphasis on the usage of cutting-

edge technologies to help them improve, particularly in the areas of teaching and

learning. The development of mobile learning as a new technology innovation and

educational trend has also given both teachers and students a lot of opportunities. The

potential for efficient teaching and learning is expanding with the usage of mobile

technologies. This is a result of mobile learning's advantages, which include its capacity

to foster the development of critical thinking, participatory learning, problem solving,

and the acquisition of lifelong communication skills. These advantages include the

capacity to share knowledge without regard to time or space constraints. The use of

mobile phones for education has been increasingly popular worldwide, and many

groups, particularly teachers and students, utilize these gadgets to share knowledge and

information. They have been presented as one of the applications and as one of the

applications for teaching and learning, and they are presented as a brand-new possibility

for the use of ICT in education. The acceptance of using mobile technology for learning

is defined as the intention to do so or the attitude toward doing so. Acceptance of

mobile learning has also been described as the acceptance of individuals, a process, or a

circumstance by others without an attempt to alter or change from it. According to

Park (2011) latest range of Smartphones are versatile and ubiquitous in nature and their

latest features (such as access to social media sites and applications) carry tremendous

educational potential.

Teaching and learning in higher education over the past few decades has incorporated

information and communication technology (ICT) as it is seen as a crucial component to

be adapted in the development of social environment (Rung et al., 2014). The most

popular trend in term of ICT use can been seen by the growth
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

of dependency on mobile-connected devices as it is not limited for daily tasks but also

been utilized in educational environments (Koszalka & Ntloedibe-Kuswani,

2010). Educational activities that incorporate smartphone use are accessing of course

content, inspiring sharing and discussion session between teachers and students and

retrieving information regarding students’ performances (Cochrane, 2010). Therefore,

smartphone use may lead to important influence in enhancing students’ performance as

this device might boost teaching and learning experience. Woodcock et al. (2012) stated

that various area of students’ lives would change by increasing smartphone use as

students begin to utilize this device to increase their

learning knowledge. Smartphones use in learning context can further lead students to

be aware of the benefits they might encounter such as are able to learn anything at

anywhere and anytime as well as encourage students to involve in learning activities.

This shows that technology able to open and increase student’s prospect especially in

their academic.

According to Carr (2011), present breed of university students rely heavily on

technology: they don’t read front to back from a book, they read from the screen and

get information through different referenced materials using the Internet acting as

“skilled hunters”. The learning requirements of these digital natives are different

compared to their predecessors, therefore it is imperative that present day

teachers/instructors are aware of these requirements and are able to use latest

technologies for developing innovative pedagogies to meet the distinct learning needs of

new generation. Despite worldwide popularity and adoption of Smartphones among the

youth, present day educators seem to be divided on the issue of using Smartphones in

formal and informal education. Some consider them a useful tool to facilitate learning,

while to others consider them to be a source of distraction. On account of these

differences it is important to examine the perceptions of educators (especially in

developing countries like Pakistan) with respect to usage of Smartphones in higher

education context.

Manoj Kumar, mentioned in his journal”Impact of the Evolution of Smart Phones

in Education Technology and its Application in Technical and Professional Studies”:

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

Indian Perspective,International Journal of Managing Information Technology” that the

use of the Internet has become a part of life of every student and a mean to search for

the information as and when it is needed. These days, use of mobile phones for internet

purposes has become a routine and number of mobile consumer accessing the Internet

is surpassing fixed line internet users. The growing demand of Smartphone, availability

of the Internet and high speed mobile browsing is ready to provide an alternative

channel to deliver education services. This will provide an opportunity to the users to

utilize their Smartphone to get educational benefits within their available time

irrespective to their location (Time Pike University of Playmouth in 2011). Based on

Manoy, Kumar distance education is a learning mechanism that focuses to liberate

students from limitations of time and location, while offering flexible opportunities for

education. Distance learning enables students to utilize their time such that they can

continue their education without impacting their work and family life. The Smartphone

with the capability of always connected makes it much easier for the students to avail

this type of education facility and makes the Smartphone a perfect fit device for distance


Smartphone within and without the classroom make it easier for students and

teachers to collaborate. Students on sick leave or with health issues, or miss school for

other reasons would be able to attend class through their Smartphone and keep up with

their work, rather than falling behind due to unanticipated circumstances . The

education system of developing countries might unarguably be the most prevalent

beneficiary of the mobile technologies. Smartphone‘s are not just supplementary devices

for developing countries, but these devices can play integral part of in their education

systems. The Smartphone provide access to modern society a massive amount of

educational and learning resources. In developing countries Smartphone can easily

compensates the limited access of internet and data access, which in turn help their

infrastructure and education development .

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

Positive Impacts in Teaching And Learning

In today’s day and age, technology is at the forefront of learning and is

standard practice. With the continuous progression of education in today’s society, the

policymakers, teachers, and parents are finding innovative ways for children to learn,

and get the best out of them by utilizing technology. The use of technology in schools

has almost become fundamental. However, there are other choices offered outside the

classroom, such as educational apps. 

Teachers devote so much time and energy to their students. Even outside of the

classroom, teachers need to lesson plan, grade tests, run clubs or extracurriculars, and

provide extra support to their students and schools. But as long as the technology is

high quality, accessible, and user friendly, technology can be a crucial tool to enhance

teaching and learning.Technology helps teachers and students. Technology can help

teachers facilitate an easier, more productive learning experience. Smartphones and

mobile application helps teacher in preparing an ever-increasing digital world, they

often rely heavily on digital skills skills and online modes of communication, such as

email. The sooner that students can learn a sense of ease and mastery with technology,

the sooner that they will learn important skil lsets that will set them up for their futures.

If we talk about schools, teachers have picked up the modified version of teaching

students and simplifying their day-to-day tasks. Students are seen with tablets in

schools and mobile apps provide for a natural progression. Teachers also use tablets to

monitor assignments and allow children to focus on their primary subjects. This also

reduces the amount of paper used. 

Smart mobile devices allow the collecting, organizing, storing and presenting of

information. They are equipped with advanced multimedia players, provide access to

recently updated information, store contacts and allow for real time communication

using a wide range of Internet environments. They also provide the possibility to

synchronize information regularly and access it anywhere, any time. Many cellular tools
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

and applications that are being developed; are not intended specifically for educational

purposes, but can nevertheless be used in the process of teaching and learning.

Mobile applications can be used as strategies in teaching. Applications that can

be used to create and edit documents associated with word processing, spreadsheet,

presentation, and data management. One of the most commonly used word processing

tools by teacher is the Mmicrosoft Word. Word is used for many purposes including

creating worksheets and 3 notes, letters, memos and permission slips, student reports

and to compile school newsletters or newspapers. There are some uses like:

1. Lesson Plan: Through Microsoft Word teachers can plan their lessons.Teacher can

make lesson plans depending upon the curriculum used in the class, may be weekly,

monthly, semester wise or annually.

2. Making Test Papers: Teachers can also use Microsoft Word for evaluation purpose

and can make test and exam papers.

3. Reflective Diaries: By using Microsoft Word, teachers can make a reflective diary of

the classroom daily proceedings. It can cover student's performance either curricular or

extracurricular,attendance compilation, quizzes data and other work. Students

Worksheets: By assigning different work to students will be handy but by the help of

Microsoft Word, teachers can keep a record of worksheet of each student's profile.

4. Reports: Teachers can write annual reports by using Microsoft Word. Attendance List:

Teacher can make attendance lists monthly or annually easily on Microsoft Word.

Microsoft word is very helpful software for students, it helps to transmit educational

materials and practice systematically in school and university faster with higher quality.

1. Assignments: Students can make their assignments by using Microsoft word. They

can also insert related picture and diagrams in assignments.

2. Making Notes: Students can make Class notes on Microsoft Word, they will not

require new notebooks, and they can add the material in the same file as much they


3. Using Dictionary: Microsoft Word offers dictionary as well, student can expand their

vocabulary by using dictionary available in the software. There is no need to leave the

software for consulting dictionary.

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

Aside from microsoft word, there are other educational mobile applications that can be

used in the prcess og teaching and learning. These are: Power Point Presentation, WPS,

Google Classroom, Prezi, Zoom, Messenger and etc.

Students are now born into the digital age. Smart devices have been available to

teenagers in the modern era for as long as they can remember. Many of them regularly

bring these gadgets to school. Even today’s teachers rely on technology to deliver

lectures, interact with students, and do a lot of other things. Mobiles can support the

great amount of learning that occurs during the many activities of everyday life, smart

phones theoretically make learner-centred learning possible by enabling students to

customize the transfer of and access to information in order to build on their skills and

knowledge and to meet their own educational goals (Sharples et al., 2007, p. 223).

There are several benefits to using a smartphone as a social learning tool in the


1. The kids are receiving immediate assistance with the aid of educational social

networking apps, search engines, internet resources, etc. When students can rapidly

find the solution to their questions, they don’t need to spend hours poring over books!

2. Video and audio equipment makes literature come to life. What better way to learn

about your nation’s history than by seeing a documentary or historical video that brings

the past to life?

3. The use of a cell phone allows pupils to communicate with one another. If students

are engaged in a collaborative project, they can communicate via social media and

monitor one another’s learning progress using a variety of methods. Making a discussion

group is a smart way to communicate crucial project information with both students and


4. Mobile devices can be used by students to record lectures. With a mobile phone,

keeping tabs on what’s happening in a high school in the twenty-first century has

become much simpler.

5. The portability of smartphones as a convenient means of learning for

students.Students are interested in ways to learn while keeping their attention

captivated. They may be given control over their educational experience (Buck et al.,
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

2013) as well as access to standard learning materials and opportunities (Day & Erturk,

2017). Indeed, one of the most important features of the smartphone's ever-changing

features is its small or rather portable size and ability to be used not only in the

classroom, but also outside of the classroom (Mokoena, 2012). This provides an

advantage over the traditional learning and teaching platform, which relies on books and

chalk/marker boards behind the four walls of educational institutions.

Negative Impacts in Teaching and Learning

Along with their fantastic facilities, Smartphone‘s enables students to text,

cooperate on social networking sites, check e-mails, play online games, and even watch

TV channels. This is one of the sources of distraction. This is not only distracting for the

student, but it can also become distracting for other students around them and even

sometimes for whole class. In addition, it wouldn‘t be easy for students to make calls

during exams to cheat but it may be easy for pupils in a crowded classroom or

examination hall to use their Smartphone‘s to access information online to cheat in

exams. In fact some surprising statistics are there about the use of Smartphone‘s for

cheating in the classroom. The misuse of Smartphone could be through the use of text

message exchange with other students, find answers on the Internet, using advanced

calculator and phone applications, reading notes saved on their phones to help on the

test. Smartphone‘s can encourage bullying and hazing also. Bullying and hazing are very

serious problems in schools across many countries including United States of America

(USA). Smartphone‘s come equipped with camera and video technology, which can be

used to record and photograph bullying and hazing in schools and colleges

(CollegeDrees.com, 2011).

Froese et al. (2012) conducted a self-report survey to investigate students’

mobile phone activity in classes and the potential effect of the activities on students

learning performance. The result indicates that the use of mobile phone distracts

students learning process and students believe that their classroom learning is disrupted

during texting. Another study conducted by Tindell and Bohlander (2012) to understand
West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

the use and misuse of smartphone in college lecture setting. The finding shows that

students are not paying attention to their class lecturer as they are spending too much

time on texting. Study conducted by Elder (2013) shows that student who used mobile

phone in class score lower than students who did not use mobile phone and they even

not able to recall much information from the lecture. Alfawareh and Jusoh (2014) study

revealed that students do not fully utilize smartphones for learning motive but utilize it

to make calls, taking pictures and browsing internet.


Based on the paper, smartphones and mobile applications are extremely useful

in society, particularly in education. It assists teachers in incorporating new strategies

and tools into their classroom. Teachers can upgrade and improve their classroom's

learner-centeredness.It enables teachers to engage students in new, creative, and

equitable ways. Even when no interactive games are used, the teaching and learning

environment is enjoyable and motivating.

It had such a positive impact on society that it became a vital communication

tool all over the world. It maintains constant contact with friends, business, meetings,

education, shopping, and other activities. It is extremely useful in an

emergency.Smartphones and mobile applications impacts in education introduced

another means for each learner's knowledge to achieve the best results. It is a useful

tool in making learning easier and more productive. Teaching and learning are more

collaborative. As a result, teachers can incorporate smartphones and various mobile

applications into their lessons. Which assists the learner in preparing for life in the digital

age. A more convenient method of teaching and learning that is also more interesting,

motivating, and enjoyable.

Negative impacts in education includes, addiction, distraction, bullying, hazing,

cheating and both teachers and learners become lazy. As it makes education convenient

and easier. In addition it also causes lack of social interaction between the students as

well as the teachers.

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph


Based on the findings, students and teachers should manage their time when

using smartphones in learning. Students should also pay attention when learning and

find ways to limit the use of smartphones and avoid distractions. Students should

practice managing and understanding their limitations when using smartphones and

mobile applications to avoid negative consequences that can affect their studies.

Teachers should learn to appreciate the beauty of smartphones and mobile

applications, as their effective use in teaching can have a significant impact on

improving our educational system.


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Douglas Idugboe, 2011, ―1 in 3 Are Addicted to Smartphones‖,


Elizabeth Cohen, 2011, ―Do you obsessively check your smartphone?‖,

Kara Page, eHow Contributor, Retrieved on October 15, 2012,‖ Why Use Mobile Devices
in Education http://www.ehow.com/about_6164403_use-mobile-devices-

Manoj Kumar, 2011, ―Impact of the Evolution of Smart Phones in Education Technology
and its Application in Technical and Professional Studies: Indian Perspective‖,
International Journal of Managing Information Technology (IJMIT), Vol.3,

Nurfit, 2012,‖Smarphone Addiction and Impact on Society

West Visayas State University
School of Education
Brgy. Cau-ayan, Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines 5008
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 529-8716 * Telefax No.: (033) 529-8716
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph *Email Address: pototan@wvsu.edu.ph

S. Verstockt, D. Decoo, D. Van Nieuwenhuyse, F. De Pauw‡ and R. Van de Walle, 2009,

―Assistive Smartphone for People with Special Needs: the Personal Social Assistant‖,
2nd Conference on Human System Interactions,

Techopedia 2017Mobile Application (Mobile App)


Techterms.com, 2010










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