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College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

C-HMPEC6: Recreation and Leisure Management

Recreation and Leisure Management

Unit 2: Key Components of the Leisure and Recreations Industry

7 Key Components of the Leisure Industry

▪ Home-based leisure
▪ Visitor Attractions
▪ Children's Play Activities
▪ Catering
▪ Countryside Recreation
▪ Arts and Entertainment
▪ Sports and Physical Recreation

Leisure and Recreation Industry is composed of two important component:

• Leisure and Recreation Facilities

• Leisure and Recreation Activities

Two Types of Recreation:

Passive Recreation
involves activities like strolling on the beach or taking a walk on the riverside

Active Recreation
is about engaging in adventure sports or outdoor games.

Recreational activities can also be classified as:

Indoor Recreation
Outdoor Recreation

Recreation can be done in two ways:

• Alone
• Group

Recreation Facilities can be classified as:

Commercial Recreation
The provision of recreation-related products or services by private enterprise for a fee, with the long-term
intent of being profitable.

Non-commercial Recreation
refers to an activity or entity that does not in some sense involve commerce, at least relative to similar
activities that do have a commercial objective or emphasis.

Prepared by: Jona-Liza T. Cruz Handout2 Page 1 of 5

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
C-HMPEC6: Recreation and Leisure Management

It includes voluntary organization, campus, armed forces, and employee recreation, as well as recreation
for special populations.

Factors Promoting the Growth of Recreation:

1. Increase in discretionary time

o More holidays and longer vacations are now enjoyed bymore employees
o Improved Social Security benefits and pension plan as well asmedical
advances which lead to a longer life, manyemployees can now avail of
fifteen or more years of full timeleisure after retirement.
o Another reason is that labor saving devices such asautomatic washing
machines, lawnmowers, microwave oven,and vacuum cleaners have
greatly simplified the demands oflife
2. Influence of Technology
o Sophisticated technology has provided new forms of recreation for the
people.Outdoor recreation uses complex and expensive devices in
activities such asskydiving, hang gliding, scuba diving, boating, roller
blading, skiing, and nowboarding.
o Computer dating provides a new form of social contacts for single adults.
Videogames offer interactive competition or exposure to new varieties
of play settingsand “virtual realities”.
o The internet has become an important part of travel and tourism by
providinginformation and facilitates reservations and vacations choices.
3. Public Interest in Health & Fitness
o A key trend in the 20th century is the growth of publicinterest in
exercise and physical fitness programs.
o Many people are now concerned about improving theirhealth, vitality,
and appearance through diet and exercise.Those who exercise regularly
look and feel better. Researchshowed that the most successful fitness
programs were those that provided recreational interest and satisfaction
4. Commodification of Leisure
o Various forms of recreation are being developed by profit
seekingbusinesses. Giant corporations have taken control of music,
television,movie businesses, sports stadiums, cruise ships, theme parks
andother leisure operations.
o Many elaborate new facilities which offer varied forms of recreationare
being developed as part of the trend toward commodification. Inbig
cities, huge public fitness centers which includes pools, aerobics,dance
rooms, and facilities for family play are being built and oftencharge
membership fees that cost several hundred dollars a year.
5. Therapeutic Recreation Service
o An important aspect of the growth of recreation has been increases
awareness of the recreation needs of person with physical, mental or

Prepared by: Jona-Liza T. Cruz Handout2 Page 2 of 5

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
C-HMPEC6: Recreation and Leisure Management

social disabilities. In recent years there has been an increased

recognition of the need to provide recreational programs for special
populations such as the mentally retarded, mentally ill, and physically
challenged. These programs use therapeutic recreation as a form of
o One of the sports programs for people with disabilities that has received
much attention in recent years is the Special Olympics, an international
program of physical fitness, sports training, and athletic competition for
children, and adults with mental retardation
6. New Leisure Roles for Women
o At present, there is a strong drive for women to play a more equal role
on recreation opportunities. o In the past, women were barred from a
variety of athletic, outdoor recreation, cultural, and social involvements.
o Women were treated as second-class citizens in leisure opportunities
with the emergence of a strong feminist movement, this inequality was
o o There is now growing interest in women’s tennis, golf, gymnastics,
track and field, and similar competition. Outstanding women athletes
have helped create a new image of feminine strength, determination, and

Types of Organized Recreation


- These are the federal, state ,provincial agencies and localdepartments that
provides recreation and leisure services as primary function. Also included are
otheragencies that offer the recreation programs as a secondary responsibilities
such as those concerned withsocial services ,education ,special populations and the armed forces.


These non governmental, non profit agency ,bothsectarian and non sectarian which served the
public at large with multi service programs that ofteninclude a substantial element of recreational
opportunity. The most popular voluntary organizationincludes the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts


They provide recreational and social activities for their own members and in some cases, assist
community recreational needs.

Examples: Golf, teenis, yacht, athletic and country clubs. Also included under this category are the
recreation sponsor connected to residence such as swimming pools, sports of fitness complexes or clubs
attached to leisure vilages.

Prepared by: Jona-Liza T. Cruz Handout2 Page 3 of 5

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
C-HMPEC6: Recreation and Leisure Management


These are privately owned businesses which operate to make a profit such as skii resort, bowling
alleys, nightclub, moviehouses, theaters, health spas, dancing schools and theme parks.


They serve those who work for companies or employees by providing recreation as part of a total
personnel benefits package linked to other services concerned with employee health and fitness.


Although it is obviously a formed of government sponsored activity, it is unique in its setting nd

purpose. Each of the major branches of the armed forces operates an extensive network of recreation
facilities and programs.


It includes intramurals athletics or sports clubs, social activities, travel programs, performing arts
groups, entertainment, lounges, and other forms of recreation pn college and university campuses.


- These include any type of program designed and meet the needs of person with physical or mental
abilities, individuals with porr health, dependent aging person and similar groups.

Economic, Social & Environmental Impacts of Leisure and Recreation:

• Outside Capital is attracted

• Local Economy is Stimulated
• Employment Opportunities
• Recreation Opportunities increase
• Tax Revenues increase
• Property Values increase

Negative Impacts Leisure and Recreation:

• High failure rates result in unemployment/low economy

• Local roads, utilities, etc. can become overburdened
• Crime can increase
• Natural resources can be overused
• Undesirable types of commercial recreation may appear.

Prepared by: Jona-Liza T. Cruz Handout2 Page 4 of 5

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management
C-HMPEC6: Recreation and Leisure Management

Cornell, Daryl Ace V et al.( 2015), Resorts & Recreation Management: an introduction.
McLean, D.D & Hurd (2012). Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society (9th Edition): Jones &
Bartlett Learning, LLC.
Tribe, John (2016). The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism: Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Prepared by: Jona-Liza T. Cruz Handout2 Page 5 of 5

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