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Engineering Education Equipment

Instruction Manual

HP 145
Fixed Speed

(The equipment sent to a customer may have some differences from the above picture, mainly depending on options and
our continuing improvement of products.)


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STD_C160617 150518


PART 1: RECEIPT OF GOODS, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING ............................................................. A
RECEIPT OF GOODS .................................................................................................................................................. A
SAFETY GUIDELINES................................................................................................................................................ B
PART 2: PRODUCT INFORMATION AND THEORY ................................................................................................... 1
SECTION 1: Description of Product .............................................................................................................................. 1
SECTION 2: Theory ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
General Theory ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Relevant Theory............................................................................................................................................................ 20
PART 3: OPERATION AND EXPERIMENT PROCEDURES ...................................................................................... 23
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 23
EXPERIMENT PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................................. 23
DATA SHEET .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
SAMPLE DATA .......................................................................................................................................................... 26
SAMPLE CALCULATION ......................................................................................................................................... 27
GRAPHS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 28
PART 4: RELEVANT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... 29
APPENDIX 1: Reciprocating Pump Data .................................................................................................................... 29
APPENDIX 2: Water Pump Maintenance .................................................................................................................... 30

All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including
photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other
use of this publication) without the written permission from ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED.ESSOM
ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 1: Receipt of Goods, Installation and Commissioning


1. On Receipt of Goods
(a) On receipt of the goods at the consignee’s premises, the shipment should be immediately inspected for any damages
or missing package. This should be checked against the packing list or shipping documents. Any damage should be
reported immediately to the insurance agent.
(b) The package should then be open to check items or parts against the delivery list. Any damaged or missing items
should be immediately claimed to the insurance agent with copy to the supplier.
(c) If insurance has been arranged by the buyer then you must notify your insurer in writing of any damage or loss of
parts which was observed regarding this shipment within a specified period of time as stated in the Terms and Conditions.
This should include detailed photographs of the damaged equipment.
(d) If insurance has been arranged by the seller you should notify the insurances representative along with any
correspondence including the insurance certificate supplied by the seller. These should include detailed photographs for
evaluation of damages or replacement parts pertaining to the shipment.
(e) The supplier will only replace damaged items or missing on notification by the insurance company that the claim has
been accepted. The insurance company may refuse responsibility if parts are damaged or missing while under custody’s
for a long time without prior claim. Immediate claim is therefore vital.

2. Manufacturers Liability
(a) Before proceeding to install, commission, or operate the equipment listed in the instruction manual, we would like to
alert the user to the health and safety aspects of people who will work on or operate our equipment with regard to the
liability of the manufacturers or suppliers.
(b) Manufacturers or suppliers are absolved of any responsibilities with regard to misuse of their equipment causing harm
or financial charges being incurred against them from clients or third parties for consequences of failure or damage of the
equipment in any way if the equipment is not installed, maintained and operated as outlined in the instruction manual
published by the manufacturers or suppliers.
(c) In order to safeguard the students and operators of the equipment it is vital that all safety aspects as outlined in the
instruction manual are observed.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 1: Receipt of Goods, Installation and Commissioning

1. General Safety Concerns
(a) Before proceeding to install, commission, or operate the equipment described in the instruction manual we would like
to alert you to the dangerous potential hazards that would be present if safety practices were not performed in accordance
with the local standards and governing bodies’ regulations.
(b) Injury would occur to the operational staff of the equipment through misuse, electric shock, rotating equipment hazards
and lack of cleanliness.
(c) To be able to achieve the aim, of “accidents can be avoided” it must be ensured that the equipment is installed correctly,
regularly maintained and operators of the equipment are made aware of the potential hazards associated with the particular
(d) We would like to inform our valuable customers of the safety guide lines when using their equipment.

2. Awareness of Safety Hazards

(a) Before attempting to work on the equipment the personnel who are going to install, commission, or operate the
equipment must be qualified and fully aware of all the manufacturers and suppliers recommendations and instructions.
(b) Ensure that the all the recommendations specified in the instruction manuals are maintained as stated in the contents.

3. Electrical Safety
(a) Ensure that the person who works on the equipment is a qualified electrical engineer/technician who is competent in
the safety aspects and operational mode of the equipment.
(b) If the electrical supply to the equipment is supplied by means of a portable trailing cable, protective devices such as
an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) must be installed.
This protective device must have a very high sensitivity (20-30mA).This device is also referred to as a residual current
device(R C D) within the electrical supply circuitry for personnel protection.
(c) The supply cable must be sized accordingly for all fault and physical conditions pertaining to its use. The supply
network must also incorporate a protection device that will disconnect and isolate the supply voltage in the case of an
overload in a specified period of time without causing any damage to the equipment. (An overload relay)

4. Installation
(a) On receipt of the equipment extreme care should be used to avoid damage to the equipment on handling and
unpacking. If slings are used ensure they are held on a rigid part of the equipment, the structure. In the case of a mechanical
lift such as a fork lift ensure the lifting forks are beneath the structure framework so that no damage will occur during the
lifting operation.
(b) In some cases it is imperative that the equipment be installed on a level and solid foundation

4.1 Electrical Supply Cables

(a) The normal color code of the power cables supplied on this equipment is as follows:
- Brown-----------------------------Line.
- Blue -------------------------------Neutral.
- Green-Yellow--------------------Ground.
(b)The three phase power cable has five wires.
- Brown, Black and Gray --------Line.
- Blue -------------------------------Neutral.
- Green-Yellow -------------------Ground.

4.2 General Precautions for Equipment with Water Including Evaporative Cooling Towers
(a) Any water contained in the system should be drained regularly. If it is left in the system for a long period of time
without circulation it may cause rust in the system.
(b) The equipment should be flushed regularly with clean water.
(c) Impurities in the water will cause scale or algae and must be cleaned on a regular basis. An anti-rust additive such as
used in the automobile industry is recommended to inhibit this process.
(d) The water should be at temperature under 45 °C to maintain effectiveness.
(e) Many of the problems encountered with water contamination can be reduced and prevented by means of a water
treatment program being introduced using the expertise available locally or on site.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 1: Receipt of Goods, Installation and Commissioning

4.3 Rotating Equipment

(a) If the equipment is supplied with any rotating parts such as a motor, generator, fan etc. these items are provided with
a protection shield or a guard to protect the operator from any dangers which may occur when the rotating parts fail. These
guards must be in place whenever the rotating parts are in operation (rotating) and only removed for maintenance periods.
(b) After maintenance is carried out ensure that the machine guards are replaced back in service. Do not operate any
rotating parts unless machine guards are in place.

4.4 Steam Equipment

(a) When using steam equipment, there are a number of vital precautions which must be remembered by the operators
and maintenance crew and placed into operation when both operating and performing maintenance schedules. During
operation of this equipment the steam and water are at a high temperature and pressure which can have a very damaging
and hazardous effects on students if safety precautions are not observed.
(b) Ensure that critical values of temperature and pressures listed in the instruction manual are maintained and not
exceeded on the equipment.
(c) Safety valves should be calibrated on a regular basis with mandatory service records maintained. This should also
include pressure reducing valves.
(d) Calibration of any instrumentation such as pressure gauges, thermometers and sensors should be checked regularly.
(e) Visual inspection of the equipment should be regularly observed for leaks of steam etc. and any frameworks or joints
should have the hardware checked for tightness.
(f) Always use protective clothes including gloves when carrying out maintenance on the equipment.

4.5 High Temperature Equipment

(a) When using high temperature equipment there are a number of vital precautions which must be remembered by the
operators and maintenance crew and observed when both operating and performing maintenance schedules. During
operation of this equipment the air, gas or water is at a high temperature and pressure which can have a very damaging
and hazardous effect on students if safety precautions are not observed.
(b) Ensure that critical values of temperature and pressures listed in the instruction manual are maintained and not
exceeded on the equipment.
(c) Calibration of any instrumentation such as, thermometers and sensors must be checked regularly for safe operation.

5. Maintenance Safety Practices

(a) Always isolate the equipment from the electrical supply when carrying out maintenance on the equipment
(b) Ensure that safety notices are placed on the equipment supply advising personnel that the equipment is being worked
on, inspected and should not be operated.
(c) Check the operation of any protective devices, such as an ELCB so that it operates in accordance with its specifications
thus ensuring the safety of all operational personnel working on the equipment. Any malfunction of the device must be
corrected by a qualified electrician before returning the equipment back to a service condition.
(d) Ensure on completions of the work that the equipment is returned to its original state and that no covers, panels are
left open along with loose screw drivers, spanners are left in the equipment.
(e) If water is used with the equipment then there are certain preventative mandatory regulations that have to be taken to
prevent infection from harmful microorganisms.

6. General Safety Conditions when Operating or Maintaining the Equipment

(a) When operating or carrying out maintenance on the equipment the Health and Safety of the students can be
safeguarded in many ways by wearing protective clothing.
(b) Loose fitting clothes should never be worn in a laboratory. These clothes can cause a serious accident if caught in
rotating equipment, i.e. tie etc. Protective gloves must be used if handling toxic materials or where there is a high
temperature present.
(c) Ear protectors should be worn when operating noisy equipment.
(d) Eye protection should always be used when there is a risk to the eyes.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory


SECTION 1: Description of Product

Pulse chambers Water meter

Discharge pressure gauge

Suction pressure gauge
Discharge valve
Pressure relief valve Water storage tank

Pulse chamber valve Earth leakage circuit

breaker (ELCB) and
Reciprocating pump power circuit breaker

Figure 2-1: HP145 Compact Reciprocating Pump Test Set, Fixed speed

General Description
This is a self-contained bench top unit for studying the reciprocating pump flow rate vs. head at a fixed speed. The
unit consists of a storage tank and a reciprocating pump with a belt and pulley drive and motor on a steel base, and
measuring instruments.

Experiment Capabilities
▪ Flow rate vs. head
▪ Effect of pulse chamber

Technical Data
▪ Pump ratings at 300 rpm:
- Maximum flow rate : 15 lpm
- Maximum head : 30 m water.
▪ Motor : 0.37 kW, 1450 rpm
▪ Pump accessories
- Pressure relief valve at pump discharge
- Pulse chambers with vent valves
▪ Measuring instrument
- Pressures : Pressure gauges at pump suction and discharge
- Flow rate : Water meter and a stop watch.
▪ Power supply : 220V 1Ph 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

SECTION 2: Theory
General Theory
2.1 Energy of Water Flow through a Water Pumping System
One of the most important problems of the engineer is the efficient means and the effective controls for the transfer of
fluid (liquid or vapor) from one point to another. This transfer or the flow of fluid may be opposed by gravitational force,
by some external force, or by friction. Under certain conditions the gravitational force and other forces may act to aid the
transfer, but friction always exists as a force opposing motion of the fluid. The engineer attempts to reduce the effect of
friction and at the same time take advantage of useful forces to produce the fluid flow under the conditions that can be
effective controlled.
A pump is a mechanical device for transferring water or other liquid from one place to another, usually against external
pressure by the shaft work input of a prime mover such as electric motor, internal combustion engine or steam turbine.
A careful examination of terms will eliminate confusion in studying pump performance. Head of the fluid flowing is
expressed in length units and equals to energy per unit weight of the fluid.
Various forms of energy head of water associated with a pumping installation system are as follows:

▪ Pressure head, Hp
The value of pressure is normally expressed as a unit force per unit area such as Newton per square meter (N/m2), Pound
per square inch (psi), or kilogram per square centimeter (kg/cm2). In case of hydraulic pressure it is customary expressed
as a height of a fluid column which exerts the same pressure on an area supporting the column. This height is called
pressure head or potential head which is energy of fluid flow.
The relation between pressure p and pressure head H p is:
p p
Hp = =
 g

Where: Hp = Pressure head, m

p = Pressure, N/m2
 = Specific weight, N/m3
 = Density of liquid, kg/m3
g = Acceleration due to gravity, m/s2

Note: Generally, a pressure measuring device is used for measuring the pressure difference from that of the atmospheric
pressure, patm . The resulting pressure is called gauge pressure, p gauge which can be a positive or negative value,

Absolute pressure = Atmospheric pressure + gauge pressure
pabs = patm + pgauge

Atmospheric pressure is the ratio between the weight of the atmosphere per unit area on the earth surface. There are
several bases for measuring pressure as per pressure diagram shown in Fig. 2-1 below.
Zero atmospheric pressure is the pressure at which air is removed thereby creating a vacuum condition. This pressure
is called “ABSOLUTE ZERO”. Any pressure measured on this basis is called “ABSOLUTE PRESSURE”, pabs thus one
atmospheric pressure is equal to 101.325 kilo Newton per square meter (kN/m 2) or 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi).
Since a barometer is used to measure the atmospheric pressure this pressure is often referred to as Barometric pressure.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

Pressure level of fluid A

Gauge pressure
Pressure level of fluid A
Absolute level of Atmosphere
Absolute pressure
of fluid A
Vacuum or negative gauge
pressure of fluid B
Pressure level of fluid B
Absolute pressure
of Atmosphere
Absolute pressure
of fluid B
Absolute Zero

Figure 2- 2: Pressure diagram

The atmospheric pressure or barometric pressure can be indicated by

patm = 1013 – 0.1055 Z

Where: patm = Atmospheric pressure in millibar

One millibar is equal to 0.0145 psi. or equal to the water column at 4°Cfor the height of
0.010197 meter
Z = the elevation above mean seas level at the point to be measured

For pump installation calculations, the atmospheric pressure may be equated to a water column height or head:

H atm = 10.33 – 0.00108 Z

Where: H atm is the atmospheric pressure head expressed as a height of water column at 4°C in meter.

▪ Velocity head, Hv
When liquid flows in a pipe or in an open channel it has kinetic energy. Kinetic energy per unit weight of liquid is called
velocity head.
The kinetic energy of the object in motion is:
KE. = mv 2
1 w 2
 v
2 g 
KE. v 2
= Hv =
w 2g
Where: KE. = Kinetic energy, N-m
m = Mass, kg
w = Weight, N
v = Velocity, m/s
g = Acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
Velocity head may be defined as a height from which the liquid may fall due to gravity and attains a velocity equal to the
velocity of fluid flow.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

▪ Elevation head or static head, Hs

Elevation head is the potential energy stored in the fluid due to its position or elevation.

Hs = Z

Where: Hs = Elevation head, m

Z = Vertical distance from the arbitrary datum plane.

Note: For example of consideration, if a heavy object such as stone is lifted from ground to the roof of the building, the
energy required to lift it is stored in the stone as potential energy or the energy of position. This stored energy exists
because there is the force acting between the earth and the stone, called the weight of the stone, and the vertical distance
that separated the stone from some arbitrary datum plane such as the surface of the earth (in a unit length, meter) equivalent
to energy per unit weight. It should be noted that this stored potential energy remains unchanged as long as the stone
retains its position in the building.

▪ Total head, HT
The total head at any point of the liquid flow is the sum of all heads at that particular point.

Total head = pressure head + velocity head + elevation head

p v2
HT = + +Z
 2g

▪ Friction head of a pumping installation system, HL

In normal pump operation, when liquid flows from one point of a piping section to the next as is in the case the flow from
the suction water supply tank to the inlet of the pump, there is a small head loss due to friction of various pipe sections,
fittings and valves. This friction losses in the pump suction side of the system as well as in the discharge side is called
friction head HL
The difference between total head HT at any two points in case no energy is taken in out of the liquid between the two
points, is friction head.
Friction head between point 1 and 2 is
 p p   v2 v2 
H L,1−2 =  1 − 2  +  1 − 2  +  Z1 − Z 2  (2.1)
    2 g 2 g 

▪ Total dynamic head, HTD

In the case of a pump we may consider point 1 at pump suction inlet and point 2 at pump discharge outlet. The
difference between total head at point 1and point 2 without friction loss is called total dynamic head HTDH representing
energy added into the flow stream per unit weight of fluid.
 p − p1   v22 v12 
HTD = ( Z 2 − Z1 ) +  2  +  −  (2.2)
    2 g 2 g 

2.2 Typical Pump Installation

▪ Static head, HS
For a typical pump installation system such as shown in Figure 2-3, the vertical distance from the surface level of the
supply source to the centerline of the pump shaft is called a static head. In Figure 2-3 (A) and (C), the distance from the
pump shaft center line to the fluid level in the suction tank is variously called, negative static inlet head, negative static
suction head, or just simply static suction lift -HS-S. If the supply level as shown in Figure 2-3 (B) is above the pump shaft
center line, the static suction head is positive +HS-S.
The vertical distance from the center line of the pump shaft to the fluid level in the discharge tank is called static
discharge head +HS-D. (Figure 2-3 A, B and C)
The total static head HS-T is the algebraic difference between static discharge head HS-D and static suction head HS-S In
the case of Figure 2-3 B or the algebraic sum of the static discharge head and the static suction lift in the case of Figure
2-3 A and C. This total static head is the minimum head that pump must exert to the fluid before any flow occurs.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

Pump Center Line

Total Static
Static Total Static Discharge
Discharge Static Head Head
Head Head Static Total
Discharge Static
Head Head
Static Static
Suction Head
Lift Lift

(A) (B) (C)

Figure 2- 3: Pump installation system and static head diagram

▪ Net positive suction head, NPSH

NPSH is an absolute pressure indicated as a height of fluid creating flow at pump suction side minus vapor pressure of
the fluid.

NPSH = H atm − − HL − Hs

Where: H atm = Atmospheric pressure head, m

pv = Vapor pressure of the fluid at the operating temperature, N/m 2
 = Specific weight of fluid, N/m3
HL = Friction head or head loss due to friction of the pump suction side, m
Hs = Static suction lift or static suction head of the pump installation, m

The value of Hs will be positive if it is static suction head and negative if it is static suction lift.
The actual value of NPSH of a pump is varied according to the installation layout. Each pump has its own NPSH
according to its design. For the pump to operate successfully, the actual NPSH must always be lower than the designed

▪ Friction loss in pump system

The pump is usually only one part of a system as in Figure 2-4 below. The entire arrangement should be analyzed as a
unit to obtain the most economical combination of equipment. The total dynamic head developed by a pump per typical
characteristic head-capacity curve is as shown in Figure 2-5. This pump may be required to lift the fluid a certain distance
y from the suction tank to the discharge tank and to overcome system flow losses in the suction and discharge piping

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

Friction Discharge
Head, HL-D

9 (HS-D)
y 3 4 5 6 8
ZD Static Suction 7
2 (B) (C)
Lift HTD

Friction Suction ZB = ZC
Head HL-S
Arbitrary Datum

Figure 2- 4: Friction Head and Typical Layout of a Pumping System.

These pipe system losses due to valves, fittings, and the skin friction in the pipes are as follows:
Friction head at suction pipe consists of:
- Point 1 = Head loss when liquid enter the suction pipe or the entrance section. This is called entrance
loss and the value will depend on the shape of the entrance.
- Point 2 = Head loss due to friction between liquid and pipe wall of this section.
- Point 3 = Head loss due to change of direction of the liquid flowing through this pipe elbow.
- Point 4 = Head loss due to pipe friction as in pipe section 2.
- Point 5 = Head loss at pump suction entrance.
The values of the above losses depend on the flow rate. The higher the flow rate, the higher the friction loss.

Therefore, during pump operation the total suction head of the pump is equal to static suction lift plus all suction head
losses HL-S from Point 1 to Point 5. If the liquid level on the suction side is higher than the center line of the pump total
suction head will be equal to static suction lift minus total head loss on the suction side.
Similarly, on the discharge side, the sum of all head losses from Point 6 to Point 9 is the total head losses on the pump
discharge side. The total discharge head of the pump is equal to static discharge head plus all head losses HL-D on the
discharge side.
The sum of these system flow losses and the total static head, y at various capacities gives the service characteristic
curve of the system as shown in Figure 2-5. The point intersection B gives the head and capacity QB at which the system
will operate.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

Pump Characteristic C¢ C¢

B Service


Y = Total Static Head


0 Capacity

Figure 2- 5: Combination of pump characteristic curve and service characteristic curve

The system cannot have a capacity greater than QB. If it is desired to reduce the capacity below QB, some throttling of
the flow such as with a valve is necessary.
Service characteristics for different pipe diameters can be determined, and the corresponding operation capacities,
heads, power inputs, and efficiencies found. In designing of any pumping system, a study of the effects with different
sizes of pipe is usually considered in determining the most economical pipe size.
Energy balance between various states of the flow conditions in the pumping system per notation in Figure 2-4 are as

(a) Overall energy balance between State A at the supply tank water level and flow State D at discharge tank water level.
 v2 p   v2 p 
 Z A + A + A  − H L − S + HTD − H L − D =  Z D + D + D  (2.3)
 2g    2g  
Where, vA = vD = 0 (assumed under steady flow conditions); and
pA = pD = Atmospheric pressure (open to atmosphere)
 Z A  − H L−S + HTD − H L− D =  Z D 
HTD =  Z D − Z A  +  H L − S + H L − D 
HTD =  H S − D + H S − S  +  H L − D + H L − S 
Where, total friction head H L −T = H L − D + H L − S
Hence HTD =  H S − D + H S − S  +  H L −T  (2.4)
That is to say that the total dynamic head of the pump HTD is equal to the total static head of the pumping system HS-D +
HS-S plus the total friction loss of the piping system HL-T at the operating point B of the friction head and capacity
characteristic curves shown in Figure 2-5.

(b) Energy balance between State A at the supply tank water level and State B at the pump suction inlet.

v A2 p A v2 p
ZA + + − H L−S = Z B + B + B
2g  2g 
vB2  p
H L−S = ZB − Z A  +   + B
2g  
vB2   p 
H L−S =  H S −T  +   + B (2.5)
2g 

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

(c) Energy balance between State B at the pump suction inlet and State C at the pump discharge outlet.
v2 p v2 p
Z B + B + B + H TD = Z C + C + C
2g  2g 
vC2 − vB2   p − p 
HTD =  ZC − Z B  +  + B C
2g 
vC2 − vB2   p − p 
HTD =  + B C
2g 

(d) Energy balance between State C at the pump discharge outlet and State D at the pump discharge outlet.
v2 p v2 p
Z C + C + C + H TD = Z D + D + D
2g  2g 
vC2 pC
ZC + + + H TD = Z D
2g 
vC2 pC
HTD =  Z D − ZC  − −
2g 
vC2 pC
H TD =  H S − D  − − (2.7)
2g 

2.3 Pump Construction and Performance Characteristics

Generally, water pumps may be classified into two main types as follows: the dynamic or kinetic type; and the positive
displacement or static type.
a) Dynamic or kinetic type pump
In this type of pump, there is a dynamic or kinetic action between some mechanical element and a fluid; there is a velocity
change and corresponding force acting. In the dynamic type pump there is a conversion of static pressure to kinetic energy.
Notable examples of the dynamic type are the centrifugal pump, turbine pump, and the axial-flow pump.
b) Positive-displacement or static type pump
In this type of pump, the characteristic action is volumetric change or a displacement of fluid. Static pressure is developed
by a displacement action rather than by a velocity or kinetic energy change. Notable pumps under this type are
reciprocating or piston pump, the gear pump, and the rotary pump.
Positive-displacement type pumps differ from dynamic type pumps in many respects. For example, the discharge
valve of a centrifugal pump can be closed completely without causing the pressure to rise above a certain value. If
discharge valve is closed the rotating impeller simply churns the water, and the temperature of the water rises. If the
discharge valve of a reciprocating pump ware closed, the pump would be stopped or something will burst. During normal
operation, water flow from a single positive-displacement pump is non-steady. The discharge from a centrifugal or axial-
flow pump is relatively smooth and steady during normal operation.
Pumps have been tested and compared using a number or criteria called the specific speed (Ns) which helps to
predict efficiency and flow pattern expected from a particular pump design as shown in Figure 2-6. The efficiency of
pumps with the same specific speed can be compared providing a starting point for comparison or as a benchmark for
improving the design and increase the efficiency. Equation 2.8 gives the value for the pump specific speed, H is the pump
total head, n the speed of the impeller and Q the flow rate.

n ( rpm )  Q (USgpm )
NS = (2.8)
H ( ft fluid )0.75

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

Figure 2- 6: Specific speed values for the different pump designs(www.fundamental
Pumps are traditionally divided into 3 types, radial flow (see Figure 2-7), mixed flow (see Figure 2-8) and axial flow (see
Figure 2-9). There is a continuous change from the radial flow impeller, which develops pressure principally from the
action of centrifugal force, to the axial flow impeller, which develops most of its head by the propelling or lifting action
of the vanes on the liquid.

Figure 2- 7: Radial flow pump Figure 2- 8: Mixed flow pump Figure 2- 9: Axial flow pump
cross-section cross-section cross-section

Specific speed has also been used as a criterion for evaluating the efficiency of standard volute pumps (see Figure 2-10).
Notice that larger pumps are inherently more efficient and that efficiency drops rapidly at specific speeds of 1000 or less.

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Figure 2- 10: Efficiency values for pump with different specific speeds(www.fundamental

2.3.1 Centrifugal pump (Type: Dynamic Pump)

In operation, the rotation of pump impeller forces the liquid to move along the direction of rotation. At the same time,
centrifugal force moves the liquid radically outward. All this inter-action occurs within the pump volute housing (see
Figure 2-11) creating the Total Dynamic Head, HTD. The direction of pump discharge flow is at 90-degree angle to the
pump suction flow.

Radial Flow
Vane Actual Flow
Tangential Flow

Figure 2-11: Centrifugal pump flow diagram

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

In theory, basic principles known as the Centrifugal Pump Laws are as follows:
- Flow rate is directly proportional to the impeller speed and to the third power of the impeller diameter.
- Total head is directly proportional to the square of the impeller speed and to the square of the impeller diameter.
- Power is directly proportional to the third power of the impeller speed and to the fifth power of the impeller

Q1 n D3
= 1 13
Q2 n2 D2
H1 n2 D 2
= 12 12
H2 n2 D2
P1 n3 D 5
= 13 15
P2 n2 D2

Where: D = Impeller diameter, m

Q = Flow rate, m3/s
P = Shaft brake horsepower, W
n = Impeller speed, rps
H = Total dynamic head, m

Subscript 1 and 2 is referred to Pump No. 1 and Pump No. 2 respectively Figure 2-12 and Figure 2-13 illustrate the general
features of the typical centrifugal pump characteristics obtained with different speeds and different impeller diameters
per basic principle above.

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Figure 2-12: Typical centrifugal pump performance curves at various speeds

IMPELLER DIA 'A' 9.5 in - (241 mm.)

m ft IMPELLER DIA 'B' 8.75 in - (222 mm.)
80 250 A HEAD IMPELLER DIA 'C' 8.0 in - (203 mm.)
DIMETERS - 2900 rpm


70 B L
60 200 LIF TOT
C 25 TS A
6.1 GAU L

50 4.6
150 35% 15

38% 3.0

39% 10

30 100 38%

5 T
35% FOO RE
20 T

50 10
10 POWER A 6
B 5 4
3000 0

2800 Speed Q 524

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1 gal/min
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 2- 13: Typical centrifugal pump performance curves at different impeller diameters.

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There are several types of centrifugal pump as follows: Multistage centrifugal pump

This type of pump as shown in Figure 2-14 has several impellers connected in series on the same shaft. The flow passage
is such that water discharged from the first impeller is directed to the suction side of the next impeller within the pump
housing. This is similar to two pump connected in series. This type of pump can attain a very high head depending on
number of stages. Multistage produces better pump performance, higher pump efficiency and smaller impeller diameters
for high pressure heads.


Stud bolts Lower casing

Figure 2- 14: A multistage diffuser-vane centrifugal pump Closed, semi-open, or open impeller type

Normal centrifugal pump impeller is of a closed type that has impeller volute blades sandwiched between two impeller
faces as shown in Figure 2-15 (a) below. If the front face is removed, the impeller is called semi-open type as shown in
Figure 2-15 (b). If the rear face of the semi-open impeller is smaller than the volute blade, then the impeller is called an
open type impeller as shown in Figure 2-15 (c). Semi-open or open impeller is suitable for pumping liquid mixed with
some solid such as mud or small aggregates.

Figure 2-15: Pump impeller types

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory Self priming pump

Self-priming pump has two portions in the same pump chamber and it requires only initial filling of the pump chamber.
When the pump is started, water and air bubbles from pump suction is driven out on the discharge side such that air
bubbles rise to the top but water will return to the pump suction as shown in Figure 2-16(a) until all air is removed. The
pump is then operated as a normal centrifugal pump as shown in Figure 2-16 (b).

Figure 2-16: Self-priming pump

2.3.2 Axial flow pump (Type: Dynamic Pump)

Typical axial flow pump construction is as shown in Figure 2-17. This pump has blades attached radically to the shaft.
The blades are twisted and skew to the shaft and are located at the suction side of the pump. When the shaft rotates water
is pushed around the shaft as well as axially along the shaft by the impeller. Guide vane, located next to the impeller
redirects flow after the impeller to axial direction only.
The impeller has 2-4 blades. The blade angle to the shaft may be fixed or adjustable. This type of pump has specific
speed (Ns) between 8,000 to 15,000 but mostly around 15,000. The characteristics of the axial flow pump is as per graph
shown in Figure 2-18, i.e. the lower the flow, the higher the power required. Too high a flow may result in vibration.
Usually the actual flow should be 70 – 140% of the designed flow or at maximum efficiency.

Impeller Casing
Diffuser (Integral with casing)

Suction Discharge

Main shaft

Figure 2-17: Axial flow pump

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Total head, Pump efficiency, Shaft power (%).

Total head
Shaft power

Pump efficiency




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Discharge quantity(%)

Figure 2- 18 Typical performance curves for axial flow pump with specific speed, Ns  15000.

2.3.3 Turbine pump (Type: Dynamic Pump)

Turbine pump works under centrifugal force as in centrifugal pump. The impeller blades are radial as in steam or gas
turbine. Water flows in and out in the same plane, entering the pump radially on one side, carried along pump casing by
the impeller blades and leaving the impeller radially in the same plane as the pump discharge. Typical construction and
performance curves of turbine pump are shown in Figure 2-19 and Figure 2-20.

Figure 2-19: Turbine pump

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KSEY-25-002 KSEY-32-002 KSEY-40-002 KSEY-50-002



5 5 3
4 3
60 3 2
3 2 2
40 2 1
20 1 1 1

1 1.5 1.6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 2- 20: Typical performance curves for turbine pump
(Similar to centrifugal pump but with sharper slope)

2.3.4 Reciprocating pump (Type: Positive-Displacement Pump)

The reciprocating pump is classified as a positive-displacement hydraulic machine. It consists of a cylinder and a piston
moving in linear direction by a rotating shaft similar to reciprocating engine or automobile engine operation of a single
acting or double acting type as shown in Figure 2-21 and 2-22. Normally the pump is double acting type due to the higher
efficiency of its operation. Four valves are arranged such that when the piston moves in one direction, one forward valve
is open to discharge fluid while another opposite valve also open to suck in fluid. When the piston reverses its direction,
the other two valves also operate in the same manner. Thus fluid is being pushed out from the pump with each stroke
time. This pump is also called “positive displacement” pump.
The performance of a reciprocating pump may be described by the graph above. Fluid will flow in pulse as piston
moves in one direction and stops when it reaches the end point to reverse the direction. Pulse flow starts again as piston
reverses its direction. To reduce the effect of pulsating flow, an air chamber is provided near the outlet to smoothen the
flow. Additional pulse chamber may be added on the suction line to further reduce pulsation.
The volume of the flow depends on the size of cylinder volume, i.e. cylinder diameter, the stroke of the piston, and
the speed of the operation. Discharge pressure theoretically has no effect on the flow rate.
The performance of a reciprocating pump may be described by the graph above. Fluid will flow in pulse as piston
moves in one direction and stops when it reaches the end point to reverse the direction. Pulse flow starts again as piston
reverses its direction. To reduce the effect of pulsating flow, an air chamber is provided near the outlet to smoothen the
flow. Additional pulse chamber may be added on the suction line to further reduce pulsation.

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Cylinder Piston
Connecting Rod

Check Valve


Check Valve



Figure 2-21: Diagrammatic sketch of a reciprocating pump (single action)

Flow rate (Q)

(a) time (t)

Figure 2-22: Typical reciprocating pump construction and performance curves. (Double action)

In general, reciprocating pumps are most efficient for relatively small rates of discharge or capacities, high pressures, and
high suction lifts.
The action of a reciprocating pump can be reversed to give a reciprocating hydro motor. A combination of pump,
hydro motor, and interconnecting piping or channels may be called “hydro power transmission”

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2.3.5 Rotary or gear pump (Type: Positive-Displacement Pump)

The action in a rotary pump is one of rotation and not reciprocation. The rotary pump is commonly classified as a positive-
displacement hydraulic machine. The flow from a reciprocating pump is pulsating, whereas the flow from rotary pump is
fairly steady. The rotary pump is not a centrifugal pump.
A gear pump is one type of rotary pump. It consists of 2 gears turning within the pump chamber which matches gear
periphery as shown in Figure 2-23. The shaft of the driving gear is connected to the motor. As gears turning, water is
entrapped between gear teeth and carried along pump casing wall from pump inlet to pump discharge.
This pump is a positive displacement type, i.e. there will always be a flow as long as the gears turn regardless of
pressure. To prevent excessive pressure which may damage the pump, a pressure relieve valve must be built in (or installed
externally) to limit pump maximum pressure. This pressure relieve valve is operated by a spring. Typical performance
curve of this type of pump are shown in Figure 2-24.

Figure 2- 23: Gear pump


40 80

30 60 kW


20 40 1.0



20 Output
10 0.5


Pressure:kg/cm 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2-24: Typical graph of gear pump performance.

(Dotted line is theoretical curve and A is the point where pressure relief valve begins to operate)

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 2: Product Information and Theory

2.4 Operation of Pumps Connected in Series and Parallel

Each individual pump has different operating performances characteristics. In the case of two identical pumps but with
different impeller diameters, the pump of the small impeller diameter will operate at the lower total dynamic head and
lower flow rate in comparison with the one of the larger impeller diameter at the same impeller rotation speed.

▪ Series operation
In case of two pumps connected for a series operation, the flow rates of pump A and pump B will be equal; and the
combined total head of 2 pumps will be equal to the sum of the total heads of pump A and pump B, e.g.
QT = QA = QB
HT :Total = HT , A + HT , B
However in actual practice, the combined total head will be slightly lower than HT,A + H T,B due to the additional loss of
power in the system.

Figure 2-25: Pump performance curves in series connection.

▪ Parallel operation
In case of two pumps connected of parallel operation, the pump suction and discharge pressure of head will be equal and
the combined total flow rate of the system will be the sum of the flow rate of pump A and pump B, e.g.
HT :Total = HT , A = HT , B
QT = QA + QB

Figure 2- 261: Pump performance curves in parallel connection. .

▪ Fluid Mechanics 7th edition - Frank M. White
▪ Reference: www.fundamental

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Relevant Theory
Performance of a pump are normally expressed in major parameters of total dynamic head or simply called pumping head
(representing pump hydraulic power output added to the fluid), capacity or discharge rate, mechanical shaft power input,
and efficiency as follows:

Pump Capacity, Q
Capacity Q or flow rate of a pump is the volume of fluid handled per unit time (such as cubic meter per second). This
flow rate Q expressed in m3/s.

In case that flow rate Q is measured in L/min;

Q=  60 (2.8)
Where Q = Flow rate, L/min
V = Volume, liters
t = Time interval, s

Total Dynamic Head, HTD

From Eq. 2.2
 p − p1   v22 v12 
HTD = ( Z 2 − Z1 ) +  2  +  − 
    2 g 2 g 

In which, ( Z2 - Z1 ) = Change in elevation head (per pump installation)

( p2 − p1 )  = Change in pressure head (by testing measurements)

2 − v12 ) = Change in velocity head (by calculation as V = Q / A,
where A= cross-sectional area of pipes)

In case of this test set:
(a) Pump suction inlet diameter, D1 = Pump discharge outlet diameter, D2 ; hence v1 = v2 .
(b) Z1 = Z 2 Approximately.
Then, HTD = ( p2 − p1 ) /  (2.9)

Where H TD = Total dynamic head or pumping head, mH2O

( p2 − p1 ) = Pumping pressure, N/m 2
 = Specific weight of liquid, N/m3

kg m  N 
In case that HTD is mH2O unit and pressure p is measured in kg/cm 2 and  =  g = 1000  9.81 ×  or  , Total
m3 s 2  m3 
Dynamic Head will be
kg  100 cm  9.81N N
H TD = ( p2 − p1 )    / (1000  9.81) 3
cm 2  1m  1kg m

HTD = 10 ( p2 − p1 ) (2.10)

Where ( p2 − p1 ) = Pumping pressure, kg/cm2

H TD = Total dynamic head or pumping head, mH2O

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Power Output of Pump, Wo

Power output of pump is the power that the pump delivers to the liquid Wo and often referred to as hydraulic power or
water power. Hydraulic power depends on rate of flow or pump capacity Q and pumping total dynamic head H TD , i.e.:

Wo =  QHTD

From Equation 2.8, we get,

Wo = ( p2 − p1 ) Q

Where: Wo = Power output of pump, W

( p2 − p1 ) = Pumping pressure, N/m 2
 = Specific weight of fluid, N/m3
Q = Flow rate, m3 /s

In case that pressure p is measured in kg/cm 2 and flow rate Q in L/min , the power output of pump will be:
Wo = ( p2 − p1 ) Q
 kg 100 cm  2 9.81N   1 1min 1m3 
Wo = ( p2 − p1 )  2 ×   ×   Q × × 
 cm  1m  1kg   min 60s 1000 L 

Wo = 1.635 ( p2 − p1 ) Q (2.11)

Where: Wo = Power output of pump, W

( p2 − p1 ) = Pumping pressure, kg/cm 2
Q = Flow rate, L/min

Power Input of Pump, Wi

Power input of the pump is the power that is delivered to the pump by prime mover such as motor or engine so that the
pump can in turn deliver power to the liquid. This input power can be measured by the dynamometer.

2 n
Wi = F  r  (2.12)

Where: Wi = Pump mechanical shaft power input, W

F = Dynamometer turning force, N
r = Dynamometer arm length, m
n = Dynamometer speed, rpm

(a) In the case of dynamometer turning force F is measured in kg , and dynamometer arm length r in cm, power input
of the pump will be:
 9.81 N   1m   rev. 1min 
Wi =  F kg     r cm   n  
 kg   100cm   min 60s 

Wi = 0.010273 F  r  n (2.13)

Where: Wi = Pump mechanical shaft power input, W

F = Dynamometer turning force, kg
r = Dynamometer arm length, cm
n = Dynamometer speed, rpm

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(b) In the case of torque T = Fr is measured directly from dynamometer by an indicator to read in Nm then

Wi = T   (2.14)

Wi = 0.10472Tn

Where: T = Dynamometer turning torque, N-m

 = Dynamometer angular speed, s-1 (=2πn/60)

(c) Input power of the pump (and also of the inverter.) can also be measured by a wattmeter as power input to electric
motor. Motor efficiency must be considered at that operating condition to determine motor output which is pump power

Pump Efficiency, 

Output power Wo
= = 100 % (2.15)
Input power Wi

Notes: If a wattmeter is used, the wattmeter measurement will indicate the motor input not pump input, hence the pump
efficiency in this case will become a combined pump-motor efficiency, not just a purely pump efficiency.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 3: Operation and Experiment Procedures



Pulse chambers Water meter

Discharge pressure gauge

Suction pressure gauge
Discharge valve
Pressure relief valve Water storage tank

Pulse chamber valve Earth leakage circuit

breaker (ELCB) and
Reciprocating pump power circuit breaker

Figure 3-1: HP145 Compact Reciprocating Pump Test Set, Fixed Speed

Equipment Setup
1. Fill water into the storage tank, up to a nearly full level (approx. 5-10 cm from the top). Antirust additive solution
such as the one normally used in automobile application should be added to the water to minimize rusting.
2. Note that all pressure gauges, suction and discharge pressure gauge should be “0” prior to the test.

Begin the Test
1. Open the pulse chamber valve and discharge valve to full position.
2. Turn on ELCB&CB switch to start the pump.
3. Wait for the discharge pressure running stable about 2-3 minutes.
4. Record the following data.
- Suction pressure, p1 kg/cm2
- Discharge pressure, p2 kg/cm2
- Flow volume, V L (by water meter)
- Time, t s (by stop watch)
5. Slightly close the discharge valve to further increase the outlet pressure with an increment of 0.5 kg/cm2 and
repeat 3.
6. Repeat 5 until maximum pressure is reached. This maximum pressure is also set by a relief valve of the pump for
overload protection.

Effect of Pulse Chamber

1. During the test close the pulse chamber valve which connected to pulse chamber, the pressure reading must be
2. Open the pulse chamber valve then inspect the pressure reading, the pressure reading must be more stable.
- The pulse chamber is the device to reduce the fluctuation of the pressure reading on pressure gauge, which will
prolong the life of the pressure gauge.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 3: Operation and Experiment Procedures

- If the test unit equipped with pressure gauge, the pressure gauge must be oil filled type.

After the Test

1. Turn off ELCB&CB.
2. In case of the test unit will be not in use for a long period of time, the water should be drained out completely
from the pump and the storage tank.

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 3: Operation and Experiment Procedures


Tested by: …………………. Date: ……………

Total Dynamic Flow Power

Discharge Suction Differential Head Volume Time rate output
p2 p1 ∆p HTD V t Q Wo
kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 m.H2O L S L/min Watt

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 3: Operation and Experiment Procedures


Tested by:.…Anupong Date:…18/04/17….

Total Dynamic Power

Discharge Suction Differential Head Volume Time Flow rate output
p2 p1 ∆p HTD V t Q Wo
kg/cm2 kg/cm2 kg/cm2 m.H2O L S L/min Watt
0 0 0 0 10 21.18 28.33 0
0.5 0 0.5 5 10 22.31 26.89 21.99
1.0 0 1.0 10 10 23.12 25.95 42.43
1.5 0 1.5 15 10 24.06 24.94 61.16
2.0 0 2.0 20 10 24.93 24.07 78.70
2.5 0 2.5 25 10 25.97 23.10 94.42
3.0 0 3.0 30 10 26.90 22.30 109.41
3.5 0 3.5 35 10 27.50 21.82 124.85
4.0 0 4.0 40 10 28.87 20.78 135.90

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▪ Typical Test Data shaded row (with optional equipment):
Test runs were conducted by a team of engineers and technicians at factory prior to shipment to customer. Typical test
data for similar pump were shown below.
- Discharge pressure, p2 = 2.5 kg/cm 2
- Suction pressure, p1 = 0 kg/cm 2
- Volume, V = 10 L
- Time, t = 25.97 s

▪ Differential pressure
Differential pressure p = Discharge pressure, p2 – Suction pressure, p1
= 2.5 – (0)
= 2.5 kg/cm 2

▪ Total Dynamic Head, HTD

(From Equation 2.10) HTD = 10 × p
= 10 × 2.5
= 25 m. H2O

▪ Flow rate, Q
Volume L s
(From Equation 2.8) Q = ×60
time s min
10 L s
=  60
25.97 s min
= 23.10 L/min
▪ Power output
(From Equation 2.11) Wo = 1.635 ( p2 − p1 ) Q
= 1.635  2.5 kg/cm2  23.10 L/min
= 94.42 Watt

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 3: Operation and Experiment Procedures

Performance curves of the typical test runs are plotted as follows:

Head, HTDH, m

-5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Flow rate, Q, L/min

Figure 3-2: Head vs. Flow Rate Curves of Pump

Power output,Wo Watt

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Flow rate, Q, L/min

Figure 3-3: Power output vs. Flow Rate

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 4: Relevant Information


APPENDIX 1: Reciprocating Pump Data

Spec./Model Shark
Capacity (L/h) 2800

Discharge head (m) 30

Transmax.Gear I 10.13:1

ESSOM COMPANY LIMITED PART 4: Relevant Information

APPENDIX 2: Water Pump Maintenance

When using a pump, the following should be observed and corrected:

Water used in fluid mechanics experiments should always be clear and clean water. Rust inhibitor fluid such as used in
automobile radiator may be added to minimize rusting.


- If the pump is made of cast iron, the pump casing will get rusted on the initial use with water. This is normal.
- After a few weeks of use, the rust is fully developed and protects the casing from further rusting.
- The circulating water should then be drained and replaced with new clean water.

- Do not run a pump when there is no water since this can damage the pump seal.
- If the pump is not in use for a long period of time, drain all water inside the pump by opening the drain plug at
the bottom of the pump casing.

Priming plug

Drain plug

Figure A2-1: Top plug and drain plug

- Before running the pump, check that the check valve is not stuck and fill the pump up fully with water at the
priming plug.
- The motor and the pump are aligned at the factory. If they are separated, care must be taken when reconnecting.
Otherwise, the shaft vibration will cause serious damage to the bearings and the seals.

- Leaving water in the pump without use for a long period of time may cause pump shaft seizing.
- Turn on the main power supply switch and turn on the pump.
- If there is no flow make sure the flow control valve at the rotameter is open.

4.1 Multi Speed Pump

If the pump does not turn, the shaft may be seized. Turn off the pump and open the priming plug at the top of the
pump and turn the shaft with a screw driver. Once turn, close the plug (see figures below).

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Figure A2-2: Open plug with screw driver Figure A2-3: Turn pump shaft with screw driver gently, do not impact

If the pump still not turn, unscrew the pump cover screw (see Figure A2-4). Remove the pump cover and the impeller from
the pump casing and rotate the impeller by hand (see Figure A2-5)

Figure A2-4: unscrew the pump cover screw Figure A2-5: rotate the impeller by hand

After the impeller can be rotated by hand, install the pump cover back to the pump casing and install the plug.

If the pump turns but no water flow (make sure the flow control valve is open), there is a chance that air bubble is trapped
in the pump.

▪ In the case of Heat Exchanger unit:

- Connect the drain valve next to the pump discharge to outside water supply, open the drain valve and close the
flow control valve before the rotameter. The water supply will purge out air bubbles.
- Close the drain valve and remove the outside water connection.
- Turn on the pump again to ensure water is circulating.

▪ In the case of HB030M Series and Parallel Pump, multi speed:

- Connect the pump discharge hose to the Hydraulics Bench discharge.
- Remove the check valve on the pump suction hose.
- Open all valves and turn on the Hydraulics Bench pump to purge out air bubbles from the multi speed pump.

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- After 1-2 minute, turn off the Hydraulics Bench pump and immediately put back the check valve on the suction
- Remove the discharge hose from the Hydraulics Bench and turn on the multi speed pump to ensure normal

Drain Valve

Figure A2-6: Drain Valve

4.2 Pump without Coupling
If the pump does not turn when it is turned on, the shaft may be seized. Turn off the pump and use a wrench to turn the
extended hex head bolt at the back of the motor to loosen the shaft as per below.

Water pump



Ratchet handle

Hex head for driving with socket wrench

Figure A2-7: Hex-head bolt

In the case that the hex head bolt as the above is not provided, the pump shaft may be turned by removing the drain plug
at the bottom of the pump or the priming plug at the top of the pump, and use a screw driver to turn the impeller (hence
the shaft).

4.3 Medium size pump

In general, there is no coupling for medium pump size eg. 2.5 kW, 3.75 kW, so the pump may not has the hex head bolt
as can be seen in Figure A2-7. The pump may be rotated by removing the drain plug or the priming plug, and the pump
can be rotated by rotating the motor fan using the screwdriver instead.

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4.4 Pump with Coupling

If the pump does not turn, the shaft may be seized. Turn off the pump and remove the pump coupling cover. Pump shaft
will be then exposed. Use a pipe wrench to turn the pump shaft loose.

Pump shaft

Pump coupling

Figure A2-8: Pump coupling cover and pump shaft

4.5 Gear Pump

Gear pump is designed to be used with oil. If the gear pump to be used with water, rust can be occurred and cause the
pump to be seized

4.6 Reciprocating Pump

Oil dipstick

- Before running the pump, ensure that the oil in the crankcase is adequate. If the oil level is lower than the limit
refill the oil in the crank case
- If the needle of the pressure gauge rotate abnormally, it should be the sign of pulse chamber leakage. Inspect
the pulse chamber and reinstall the pulse chamber back to the system. If the symptom still occur, remove the
pulse chamber and reseal the pipe thread. Reinstall the pulse chamber, tighten and check any leakage.


- In case of motor is equipped with a gearbox, check oil level regularly and refill with specified lubricating oil
as required.
- In case of an AC motor, adjustment of speed must be sticky in accordance with the instruction of the inverter
in the Appendix.


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