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By looking at other horror film websites this allowed me to
Explain how your research helped have an idea of what I wanted the website to look like. The
you to develop ideas for your film research I done for the website then allowed me to have an
trailer and promotional
idea of what I wanted to included (synopsis) and gave me
and idea of what to add. For the film trailer I would research
upcoming film trailers to focus on what lots of them have in.
By doing this it then allowed me to know what to do for the
editing e.g.: don’t have sound effects to loud so we can’t hear
people talk.

For me the most effective research was to look at websites

What methods of research did for my film website this then allowed me to gather ideas
you find to be the most effective? from lots of different film websites to allow to get an idea of
what they include and don’t include this then allowed me to
Explain how you found your
create an idea for the website when it came to creating it.

For the horror film websites, I would use google and then
depending on the film I wanted depended on the website I
used. For some of the films I used IMDB or letterboxed as
these had lots of things I could include to my website.

I found watching some horror film trailers maybe one of the

What methods of research did least effective methods of research as a lot of the trailers
you find to be the least effective? included more shot types than our trailer had. Some of the
trailers I watched included an establishing and a pan and our
Explain your answer.
trailer didn’t seem to include one these.

For the planning we used worksheets that would break every
What techniques / methods did you
use to plan your film trailer and
thing down that we needed for the trailer. The trailer was
website? broken down into 7 worksheets. This then made things easier
for filming clips and the filming the audio. Doing the
worksheets allowed the members of my group to discuss
what shots we were to film first.
Doing the worksheets meant that we were able to focus on
Which element of your planning did
what shots to film first as well as working out when to do the
you find to be the most useful? audio clips. This meant we had an order to do things making
the process of working as a group a lot easier.

I knew before doing the

CHALLENGE: Something you know could be difficult before starting the project.
project that I would struggle the most with the editing of the clips this is because it is
something that I have tended to struggle with in the past.

Something that caused a

PROBLEM: Something unexpected that caused difficulties during the project.
problem while doing the project was making sure that everyone in the group has the shots
and behind the scene images that we needed to be able to add them to the Weebly pages.


What challenges did you face on One of the issues with filming and editing the audio is that I
you when editing audio? knew from past experiences (the Jonny English edit) that I
would struggle to edit the audio and struggle with the sound
levels while editing. This included making sure if someone
spoke quietly making sure it would pick up on the computer
and we were able to make them louder. This meant that for
one part we had to make sure the audio was able to be heard
over the chair squeaking.
How did you overcome any We overcame the audio problem of the squeaky chair by
problems when editing / balancing the levels and volume on premier pro until we
recording audio?
were happy that the audio could play without the sound of
the chair behind it.
Which part or parts of the audio / I think that the part I had done well on the audio design was
sound design did you feel worked looking at the clips and selecting the parts of the audio I
wanted to use in the trailer.
What might you do differently? Next time when I film the audio clips, I would make sure
that no one is moving on chairs so that the audio comes out
nice and clear.


What challenges did you face on When recording the video, we came across the issue of not
you when editing / recording having much space to record the film as everyone wanted to
go to the same spot to film. This meant that we would run
the risk of having unwanted people in the background of the
How did you overcome any When filming the clips, the main challenge was making sure
problems when editing / things were in shot of the camera and making sure we filmed
recording video?
for long enough. We had to make sure we filmed the clips
for long enough, so it came to editing clips we had enough
footage to work with.
Which part or parts of the video I think that I done well on matching the film clips and the
did you feel worked well? sound clips together to look like the video. Meaning that
when someone screamed in the video clip, I made sure the
audio matched the video clips.
What might you do differently? When editing the trailer next time, I would think about doing
things in a different order. Instead of leaving the title cards
to the end and having to move things around I would make
sure the title cards are done first. This would then make the
process of editing and inserting all of the clips and audio in
allot easier.


What challenges did you face on When creating the website for the film, I found the process
you when creating the website for of doing I quite easy. The synopsis was taken from an
the film?
example website that the media teacher gave us to use. I
don’t think I really struggled with the website as I had the
example website and a tick sheet to follow.
How did you overcome any If I was to overcome any struggles or challenges when
problems when creating the creating the website, I would just have a play around and test
website for the film?
things out until I found something I liked.
Which part or parts of the website I think that doing the poster for Blair Witch and the trailer as
did you feel worked well? this allowed me to be creative. I also liked doing the website
research as I could look at different websites.
What might you do differently? Next time I would go through the poster and make sure that
the screengrabs are written about in detail.

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