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Subject Geography Term: Spring Date Wednesday

Unit Title What if I lived there? Class Year 2 Lesson period:

Curriculum To understand geographical similarities and differences Teacher Miss Torkwase
objectives through studying the human and physical geography of
a non-European country.
Teaching Images or a video clip of a child in Beijing (source online); images of children in rural schools in
Resources China, (source online); if possible, video clips of children’s lives in rural China (source online);
photocopiable page 161 ‘Crossword puzzle’
Subject link(s) Social Studies- Types of houses
L.O To be able to compare and contrast life in different settings.
S.C At the end of the lesson, children will be able to:
discuss the different types of Compare kids in bot rural and
houses urban areas
Key vocabulary compare, difference, rural, same, similarities
Starter Recap on the previous class
Introduction Show the children a video clip of a child in Beijing,
S1 TEACHING Activity:
Use the following facts. Children in Beijing are able to go to school six days a week. Many children go to school
by bike. Usually, their day starts with a bowl of rice – it is usual to finish food left over from the night before for
breakfast. In many of the schools, when it is cold, the children work wearing their coats. Many of the children learn
English at school. The children are expected to work very hard and to do a lot of extra homework at night.
Many of the children also spend time after school learning to play a musical instrument and taking part in sport. A
favorite game to play is table tennis, also known as ping-pong.

Some questions to ask:

 What is the same as here?
 What do you think is different?
 Who has played table tennis?
 What do you have for breakfast?
 What do Chinese children have for breakfast?
S2 TEACHING Activity: Independent work
Give each child a copy of photocopiable page 161 ‘Crossword puzzle’. Tell the children it is a puzzle to see what
they can remember. Go through the questions with them, but without giving the answers
S3 TEACHING Activity: Whole-class work
Show the children images of life in rural schools in China and, if possible, show them a video clip. Schools in rural
China can often be very poor and not have very much equipment. What does rural mean? Many of the schools do
not even have proper tables and chairs for all of the children, and there are hardly any books and no toys.
 Is your school like that?
 When the children are needed to help with the work on the land they do not go to school.
 Do you have to stay at home to do work?
 Many of the children try to work hard so that they can move to the city and get a job.
 Why do you think they want to do this?
 Were there any differences between the life of the children in the city and the children in the rural setting?
 What were they?
Differentiation EL: whole class activity MS: whole class activity EE: whole class activity
Evaluation Relate what we have learnt to your school.
(Key questions)
Plenary Discuss with the children what children in China might think of their school.
Homework Complete the cross word puzzle

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