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“The Crisis of Civilization” : Rabindranath Tagore (1861–1941) Santiniketan, April 1941

Rabindranath Tagore- the greatest visionary of India- has been placed in the biggest position in nation.
During his birth anniversary, he used to deliver a speech on various topics prevailed during his era.
Tagore had been unwell for sometime. He was making preparations to leave Santiniketan for
Calcutta,and was perhaps aware that he would not return to his beloved university. On Bengali New
Year's Day,he spoke in Viswa Bharati of his anguish at the killing and destruction he saw around him.
This speech,given at the height of the Second World War, turned out to be not only the last speech he
made in Santiniketan but also his last public pronouncement. For these reasons it is a profoundly
moving and powerful speech -- the final testament of a man disillusioned by history but clinging to his
faith in man.

In his essay “Crisis in Civilization”, written in the final year of his life, Tagore seriously denounced
Europe for its aggressive nationalism, imperialism, and racial chauvinism, and apprehended a
cataclysm for the human civilization. Tagore remembers that He used to admire the high
civilization and vision of Europe. He always recommended other countries to view Europe as their
model for their growth. But over the period of time particularly during the outbreak of world wars,
He was devastated with the destructive and violent side of Europe countries who were raging war
on Each other in terms of how humanity. He hopes for the restoration of his faith in European

He also expresses his deep grief over the pathetic state of India which churning under the rule of
Britishers. Through education and awareness he wished to restore the loss to glory of India. He wants
a piece prosperity humanity and growth to be restored in both Europe and in India.

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