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NĂM HỌC 2022-2023
(Đề thi có 06 trang, gồm 02 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
phần: tự luận và trắc nghiệm) Ngày thi: 8/12/2022

Chú ý: Thí sinh làm bài vào phiếu trả lời tương ứng với mỗi phần tự luận và trắc nghiệm.
Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, bao gồm cả từ điển.
PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (Thí sinh làm bài vào phần trả lời tự luận)
Part 1. You will hear an interview with a scientist called Peter Crane, who is talking about an ancient tree called the gingko.
For questions 1-5, choose the best answer A, B or C. You will hear the conversation TWICE.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 pts)
1. What first interested Peter about the gingko tree?
A. How its leaves grow
B. The family it belongs to
C. What’s known about its history
2. When asked about the medicinal uses of gingko, Peter says _____.
A. researchers in different parts of the world disagree about it
B. scientists have failed to identify any positive effects
C. some parts of the plant help the brain to function
3. Why are there so many gingko trees in cities all over the world?
A. They don’t suffer from problems that usually affect trees there.
B. Other trees can’t survive if they are too close to this species of plant.
C. People take more trouble to look after them than other trees.
4. Peter says people can help other species of plant to survive by _____.
A. leaving plants to grow in the wild
B. protecting them from plant-eating animals
C. growing them in many different places
5. How does Peter’s work influence the way he thinks about the world?
A. It makes him feel concerned about the future of human beings.
B. It reminds him that human beings are a relatively new species.
C. It allows him to understand why human beings focus on the present.
1. ………… 2. ………… 3. ………… 4. ………… 5. …………

Part 2. You will hear a talk about the British Library. For questions 1-10, complete each of the sentences with ONE word or
number. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 pts)
Two other major institutions were integrated into the British Library, expanding the depth and (1) ……………. of its collections.
The British Library has a number of (2) ……………. parts.
The library has the (3) ……………. of legal deposit, which means that a copy of a large (4) ……………. of all printed materials in
the UK goes to the British Library.
The British Museum's domed Reading Room is well known in (5) ……………. circles, and was designed in the 1850s at the
instigation of Sir Anthony Panizzi, then Chief Librarian.
Due to (6) ……………., a pass was required for admission. In addition to Vladimir Lenin, other famous readers in this (7)
……………. place of study included Karl Marx and the writers Charles Dickens, George Bernard Shaw, and Virginia Woolf.
The British Library Document Supply Centre currently administers a stock of over (8) ……………. journal titles.
Its 20,000 customers from all over the world make about 4,000,000 (9) ……………. every year.
Thanks to the Internet, customers can now access information and services online as (10) ……………. supply is achieved via
electronic means. The British Library's website is

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I. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 pts)
1. Barack Obama is the first President of the United States with …………………… background. (RACE)
2. It would be morally …………………… for her to desert her father now. (DEFEND)
3. One room contained a gallery of paintings …………………… great moments in baseball history. (MEMORY)
4. The water from the stream should be …………………… before use. (PURE)
5. When I complained about how long we’d had to wait for our food, the waiter took away the bill and
…………………… returned without the service charge. (SMILE)
6. There is not much …………………… for tall vehicles to pass under this bridge. (CLEAR)
7. Our efforts to persuade her proved …………………… - she didn't come! (FRUIT)
8. My seven-year-old son had new shoes in April, but he’s already …………………… them. (GROW)
9. This dictionary has achieved international recognition as a(n) …………………… reference book
for English learners. (DISPENSE)
10. Her most attractive quality is her almost constant …………………… . (CHEER)

II. Complete each of the following sentences with the correct tense or form of a phrasal verb below.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 pts)
come across try out take to look out for crack down on
check back with run down bear up get off bring round
1. Can you guess who I …………………… while I was in Italy?
2. The lady …………………… the bus, walked toward the shop and entered it.
3. It is highly recommended that you replace the batteries before they completely ……………………. .
4. He didn’t like the plan at first, but we managed to ………………… him ……………. .
5. She has a very pleasant manner. I’m sure the children will …………………… her at once.
6. The car’s in quite good condition, but you can ………………… it …………… before you make any decision to buy.
7. Before you finish this project, …………………… your supervisor for further instructions.
8. The police decided to …………………… drug offenders, and staged a number of early morning raids.
9. Tourists have been warned to …………………… pickpockets in the town centre.
10. I think he will …………………… well under the strain of losing his job.

III. The following passage contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections in the corresponding
numbered boxes on the answer sheet. Number 0 is an example. (10 pts)
Example: 0. Line 1. health → healthy
1 “A healthy mind lives in a health body" is a saying that is believed having often been used
2 by the antique Greeks. Thousands of years later, the same idea still applies. According to
3 health experts, it’s advice to drink eight to ten glasses of water every day. However, water
4 themselves is not enough; a balanced diet is essential, too.
5 A healthy body naturally is the result of doing exercise. Many people, therefore, do not like
6 gyms and object to go there for different reasons. Some, for instance, say that aerobic
7 sessions are too difficult following while others claim that gyms are just too expensive.
8 Many people also claim that they have difficulty in find time to exercise because of their
9 hectic lifestyle, but the truth is that everyone can do a few time every now and then.
10 Regard of the way people choose to exercise, it is important to remember that there’s no
11 point in doing it only for a short period of time.

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Fill in each blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 pts)
In the 21st century food will do more than just you feed you. A new range of products appearing on shelves in shops and
supermarkets (1) …………… designed to give you specific health benefits. (2) …………… demands of modern life make these
foods very attractive. Not only do they provide proven ways to improve health, but they are also very attractive as a quick and
convenient way of (3) …………… sure we enjoy a healthy diet.
In some countries it is already possible to buy crisps that make you feel (4) …………… depressed, chewing gum that increases
your brain power and tea that helps you (5) …………… over the tiredness associated (6) …………… long-distance air travel. In
the future, experts expect that biscuits will keep you healthy, and hot chocolate drink will give you strong bones.
(7) …………… these “functional” foods cannot replace a balanced diet and regular exercise, they can help the body perform at
(8) …………… best most of the time. At present, these foods are more expensive than other foods, but that is due to the
ingredients they (9) …………… of and the way they are made. All the foods contain probiotics (10) …………… increase the
number of “good” bacteria in your stomach, helping to keep your digestive system healthy.

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the original one.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 pts)
1. It was impossible to get back home then because of the snow.
There ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Mrs. Taylor regretted buying the second-hand washing-machine.
Mrs. Taylor wished...............................................................................................................................................................................
3. As television programmes become more popular, they seem to get worse.
The more .............................................................................................................................................................................................
4. People believe that this new teaching method is more effective than the old one.
This new teaching method ..................................................................................................................................................................
5. You are allowed to play in my garden if you promise not to do anything wrong.
So long ................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Although I tried hard, I couldn't lift the suitcase.
Try .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from work.
No sooner ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Anne is proud of her ability to speak five languages fluently.
Anne prides .........................................................................................................................................................................................
9. She can’t stand being questioned about her past.
She hates ............................................................................................................................................................................................
10. It’s not my fault that the glass broke.
You cannot blame ...............................................................................................................................................................................
II. Rewrite each of the following sentences using the capitalized word given in brackets in such a way that it means the
same as the original one. Do NOT change the word given. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5 pts)
1. This problem is certainly not so difficult as it appears. (MEANS)
2. We were lucky to find a very good restaurant to have lunch. (STROKE)
3. He is known by many people in this field. (BIG)
4. I arrived late because I had missed the 10.30 train. (TURNED)
5. I can’t find the answer without a calculator. (OUT)
III. Write an essay of about 200-250 words on the answer sheet on the following topic. (10 pts)
“Facebook dominates the free-time for too many people, especially students. It can have negative effects on their study and
physical development.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an essay to express your opinion.

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PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM (Thí sinh làm bài vào phần trả lời trắc nghiệm)


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each of the following questions.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (2.5 pts)
1. A. obstacle B. obscure C. obsess D. observe …………
2. A. balloon B. boot C. hook D. zoo …………
3. A. preparation B. precise C. prescribe D. preclude …………
4. A. brother B. breathe C. either D. tenth …………
5. A. says B. pays C. days D. bays …………
II. Choose the word whose main stress position is different from that of the others in each of the following questions.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (2.5 pts)
6. A. discontent B. discussion C. disgusted D. distraction …………
7. A. environmental B. opportunity C. residential D. entertainment …………
8. A. trigonometry B. explanatory C. immediately D. democracy …………
9. A. primate B. asset C. innate D. preface …………
10. A. maintenance B. employee C. magician D. chaotic …………


Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each of the following sentences.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 pts)
11. When the storm prevented the climbers from reaching the top of the mountain, they were _____ disappointed.
A. bitterly B. savagely C. stormily D. angrily …………
12. The woman was _____ from hospital only a week after her operation.
A. discharged B. expelled C. evicted D. ejected …………
13. Thanks for lending me your umbrella; it really came in _____.
A. used B. handy C. handful D. needy …………
14. James never shows his emotions; no matter what happens, he always keeps a stiff upper _____.
A. mouth B. head C. eye D. lip …………
15. That flowers are _____ everywhere is a sign of Spring.
A. going over B. coming out C. taking over D. breaking out …………
16. Let your younger brother talk first, _____?
A. will you B. would you C. shall we D. did you …………
17. - Waiter: "Can I get you anything else?" - David: "_____"
A. I'll pay for what I have eaten. B. Could I have a look at the dessert menu? …………
C. Thanks for serving us so well. D. Is it cheap or expensive?
18. Cable TV revolutionized communications. _____, the very existence of that service is now threatened by satellites.
A. Moreover B. Consequently C. Eventually D. However …………
19. Your new car must have cost _____.
A. an eye B. the earth C. a bank D. a leg …………
20. Not until Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave was completely explored in 1972 _____.
A. was when its full extent realized B. its full extent was realized …………
C. was its full extent realized D. the realization of its extent was full


I. Read the following passage and choose the correct option to fill in each of the blanks from 21 to 30.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 pts)
Last year Gladys Kalema became the Ugandan Wildlife Service's chief and the only vet after (21) …………… from the Royal
Veterinary College in London. She was the first person to fill the post for 30 years and at the age of 26, easily the youngest.
If Gladys did nothing else, caring for the world's (22) …………… population of 650 gorillas would alone justify her wages. Since
the 1970s, gorillas have (23) …………… severely from war and poaching. Now for $150 each, tourists can be led through the
forest and come within five meters of gorillas – no closer, for (24) …………… of transmitting diseases such as measles and flu.

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The gorillas here make a small but viable population. (25) …………… in the national parks, the usual animals, elephants, rhinos,
giraffes are either not there or present in insignificant numbers which are dangerously out of (26) …………… with the creatures
around them. If Uganda stays calm, wildlife may, in (27) ……………, return by itself. But Gladys believes the country cannot
wait. Animals must be brought in to swell tourism and provide (28) …………… to expand her work.
Despite her difficulties, Gladys feels more useful and fulfilled than she would be anywhere else. "At this moment, my friends from
vet schools are finding the best way to (29) …………… a cat or a dog, and here I am, planning to translocate elephants. In a
small (30) ……………, I am part of the reconstruction and rehabilitation of my country."
21. A. leaving B. qualifying C. graduating D. passing …………
22. A. living B. surviving C. continuing D. lasting …………
23. A. endured B. harmed C. died D. suffered …………
24. A. risk B. fear C. fright D. danger …………
25. A. Somewhere B. Anywhere C. Elsewhere D. Nowhere …………
26. A. balance B. relation C. comparison D. equality …………
27. A. terms B. years C. ages D. time …………
28. A. figures B. funds C. accounts D. savings …………
29. A. treat B. prescribe C. heal D. operate …………
30. A. means B. manner C. method D. way …………
II. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (5 pts)
In recent years many countries of the world have been with the problem of how to make their workers more productive. Some
experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied. But do more various jobs lead to greater productivity? There is evidence
to suggest that while variety certainly makes the workers' life more enjoyable, it does not actually make him work harder. As far
as increasing productivity is concerned, then variety is not an important factor.
Other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important, and there is no doubt that this is true.
The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in a modern factory with complicated machinery which must be
put under strict supervision.
Another very important factor to consider is how each worker contributes to the product he is making. In most factories the
worker sees only one part of the product. Some car factories are now experimenting with having many small production lines
rather than one large one, so that each worker contributes more to the production of the cars on his line, it would seem that not
only is the degree of the worker contribution an important factor, therefore, but it is also one we can do something about.
To what extent does more money lead to greater productivity? The workers themselves certainly think this is important. But
perhaps they want more money only because the work they do is boring. Money just lets them enjoy their spare time more. A
similar argument may explain demands for shorter working hours. Perhaps if we succeed in making their jobs more interesting,
they will neither want more money, nor will shorter working hours be so important to them.
31. For a worker on an assembly line in a car factory, the job is not enjoyable because _____.
A. the importance of his job is not clear to him B. his life in spare time is more interesting …………
C. he can only make a part of a car D. he does not know what he is doing
32. In the passage, the word "productivity" means _____.
A. the activity of producing something B. the production volume in a time unit …………
C. both the quantity and quality of a product D. the plan and the method of production
33. The best title for this passage may be _____.
A. Making Jobs More Interesting B. Problems of Modern Workers …………
C. Pushing Workers to Produce More D. How to Improve Labor Productivity
34. The reason why a worker cannot have freedom in doing the job in his own way is that _____.
A. the bosses can create very little freedom of choices for workers …………
B. the machinery is so complex that it should be fixed
C. the production lines are too large in modern factories
D. the machines must be operated strictly according to instructions and rules
35. Which of the following is the best way to make workers work harder according to the author?
A. Giving them more spare time B. Replacing large production lines with small ones …………
C. Increasing their pay D. Making the work itself meaningful

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III. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 45.
Write your answers (A, B, C or D) on the answer sheet. (10 pts)
In Death Valley, California, one of the hottest, most arid places in North America, there is much salt, and salt can damage rocks
impressively. Inhabitants of certain areas, where streets and highways are salted to control ice, are familiar with the resulting
rust and deterioration on cars. That attests to the chemically corrosive nature of salt, but it is not the way salt destroys rocks.
Salt breaks rocks apart principally by a process called crystal prying and wedging. This happens not by soaking the rocks in salt
water, but by moistening their bottoms with salt water. Such conditions exist in many areas along the eastern edge of central
Death Valley. There, salty water rises from the groundwater table by capillary action through tiny spaces in sediment until it
reaches the surface.
Most stones have capillary passages that suck salt water from the wet ground. Death Valley provides an ultra-dry atmosphere
and high daily temperatures, which promote evaporation and the formation of salt crystals along the cracks or other openings
within stones. These crystals grow as long as salt water is available. Like tree roots breaking up a sidewalk, the growing crystals
exert pressure on the rock and eventually pry the rock apart along planes of weakness, such as banding in metamorphic rocks,
bedding in sedimentary rocks, or preexisting or incipient fractions, and along boundaries between individual mineral crystals or
grains. Besides crystal growth, the expansion of halite crystals (the same as everyday table salt) by heating and of sulfates and
similar salts by hydration can contribute additional stresses. A rock durable enough to have withstood natural conditions for a
very long time in other areas could probably be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering within a few generations.
The dominant salt in Death Valley is halite, or sodium chloride, but other salts, mostly carbonates and sulfates, also cause
prying and wedging, as does ordinary ice. Weathering by a variety of salts, though often subtle, is a worldwide phenomenon. Not
restricted to arid regions, intense salt weathering occurs mostly in salt-rich places like the seashore, near the large saline lakes
in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, and in desert sections of Australia, New Zealand, and central Asia.
36. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The destructive effects of salt on rocks B. The impressive salt rocks in Death Valley …………
C. The amount of salt produced in Death Valley D. The damaging effects of salt on roads and highways
37. The word "it" in paragraph 1 refers to _____.
A. capillary action B. groundwater table C. salty water D. sediment …………
38. The word "exert" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. reduce B. put C. replace D. control …………
39. In paragraph 2, why does the author compare tree roots with growing salt crystals?
A. They both force hard surfaces to crack. B. They both grow as long as water is available. …………
C. They both react quickly to a rise in temperature. D. They both cause salty water to rise from the groundwater table.
40. The author mentions “the expansion of halite crystals … by hydration" in order to _____.
A. present an alternative theory about crystal growth …………
B. explain how some rocks are not affected by salt
C. simplify the explanation of crystal prying and wedging
D. introduce additional means by which crystals destroy rocks
41. The word "durable" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. large B. strong C. flexible D. pressured …………
42. The word "shattered" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. broken apart B. dissolved C. arranged D. gathered together …………
43. The word "dominant" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. most recent B. most common C. least available D. least damaging …………
44. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the effects of salts on rocks?
A. Only two types of salts cause prying and wedging. …………
B. Salts usually cause damage only in combination with ice.
C. A variety of salts in all kinds of environments can cause weathering.
D. Salt damage at the seashore is more severe than salt damage in Death Valley.
45. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about rocks found in areas where ice is common?
A. They are protected from weathering. B. They do not allow capillary action of water. …………
C. They contain more carbonates than sulfates. D. They show similar kinds of damage as rocks in Death Valley.

--------- THE END ---------

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