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Name____________________________________ Date____________________

Fall: Adjectives & Adverbs

Read each sentence. Underline the adjective and circle the adverb. Some sentences may have more than one!

1. The gray squirrel quickly scurried across the lawn.

2. The orange leaves slowly fell from the tall trees.

3. My mom is happily raking the crunchy leaves in the backyard.

4. My awesome dad generously gave me a delicious cup of hot cocoa.

5. I love seeing the fantastic colors gradually appearing on the trees!

6. We should quickly go for a short walk before the sun sets.

7. Do you always drink hot coffee in the mornings?

8. My little sister excitedly jumped into the huge pile of leaves.

9. The lazy cat contentedly lay by the door in the warm sunshine.

10. I frequently feel better when we have nice weather.

Now it’s your turn to write! Add an adjective and an adverb to each sentence and rewrite it on the line.

11. The boy played outside.


12. He ate an apple.


13. We went on a hayride after school.


14. I put on my coat when I went outside.


15. The dog ran through the yard.


Williams 2014

Fall: Adjectives & Adverbs

Read each sentence. Underline the adjective and circle the adverb. Some sentences may have more than one!

1. The gray squirrel quickly scurried across the lawn.

2. The orange leaves slowly fell from the tall trees.

3. My mom is happily raking the crunchy leaves in the backyard.

4. My awesome dad generously gave me a delicious cup of hot cocoa.

5. I love seeing the fantastic colors gradually appearing on the trees!

6. We should quickly go for a short walk before the sun sets.

7. Do you always drink hot coffee in the mornings?

8. My little sister excitedly jumped into the huge pile of leaves.

9. The lazy cat contentedly lay by the door in the warm sunshine.

10. I frequently feel better when we have nice weather.

Now it’s your turn to write! Add an adjective and an adverb to each sentence and rewrite it on the line.

11. The boy played outside.


12. He ate an apple.


13. We went on a hayride after school.


14. I put on my coat when I went outside.


15. The dog ran through the yard.


Williams 2014

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