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Experimental Cell Research 279, 141–152 (2002)


CD4 Is Active as a Signaling Molecule on the Human

Monocytic Cell Line Thp-1
Gina M. Graziani-Bowering,* Lionel G. Filion,* Pierre Thibault,† and Maya Kozlowski* ,‡ ,1
*Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada K1H 8M5; †Institute for Biological
Sciences, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0R6; and ‡Biologics and Genetics Therapies Directorate,
Centre for Biologics Research, Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0L2

conjunction with the seven-transmembrane G-protein-

CD4 is a 56-kDa membrane glycoprotein expressed coupled chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 [7–9].
by a subset of T cells, by cells of the monocyte/macro- CD4 is also a coreceptor [10], apparently in conjunction
phage lineage, and by eosinophils and dendritic cells. with these same chemokine receptors [11, 12], for the
CD4 serves as a coreceptor for HIV and IL-16. T cell chemokine IL-16. Additional functions for CD4 have
CD4 mediates signal transduction by associating with
also been identified for T cell CD4, whereas very little
the protein tyrosine kinase p56 lck; this interaction does
is known about CD4 in human monocytes/macro-
not exist in monocytes. We wished to elucidate the
phages and other CD4 ⫹ cell populations.
mechanism(s) by which monocyte CD4 transduces sig-
nals. Stimulation of CD4 on Thp-1 monocytic cells in-
In CD4 ⫹ T cells, CD4 plays a crucial role in the signal
duced a Ca 2ⴙ flux and the time-dependent activation of transduction response of the cells to antigens pre-
phosphotyrosine proteins ranging from 35 to 180 kDa. sented to them in the context of MHC class II mole-
We identified the 140- and 85-kDa proteins as phospho- cules (reviewed in [13]). This signal is mediated by
lipase C gamma (PLC-␥) and the regulatory subunit of virtue of the association of CD4 with the Src-related
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K), respectively. protein tyrosine kinase p56 lck, which functions to ty-
Using immunoprecipitation/Western immunoblotting rosine-phosphorylate proteins associated with the T
however, we were unable to show any direct associa- cell antigen receptor complex [14, 15]. The end result is
tion between CD4 and PLC-␥, PI-3K, or other known the induction of the T cell proliferation, differentiation,
signaling proteins. To identify proteins capable of as- and cytokine synthesis and release required to mount
sociating with the cytoplasmic tail of CD4, we fused it an effective immune response to the triggering antigen
with gluthatione S-transferase and used the fusion (reviewed in [16]). Furthermore, in T cells, HIV-in-
protein in far Western and pull-down experiments. In duced apoptosis is mediated by the CD4-p56 lck complex;
both types of experiments, the fusion protein rou- the downstream signaling events are unknown [17].
tinely associated with 45- and 55-kDa proteins. Mass Such a process may contribute to the depletion of CD4 ⫹
spectrometry analysis of the tryptic peptides gener- T cells, a hallmark of AIDS pathogenesis [17].
ated from these two proteins indicated novel se- Unlike T cell CD4, monocytic CD4 has no associated
quences. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA) kinase activity [18 –20]. Some investigators, however,
Key Words: CD4; monocytes; Thp-1; signal transduc- have observed CD4-mediated signaling in monocyte/
tion; Ca 2ⴙ flux; PI3-K; PLC-␥1.
macrophages. For example, a complex inositol poly-
phosphate response and a Ca 2⫹ flux were induced in
monocytes in which CD4 and Fc␥ receptors were co-
INTRODUCTION cross-linked [21]. IL-16 stimulation of various CD4 ⫹
monocytic cell lines induces a translocation of PKC
The CD4 molecule is a 56-kDa membrane glycopro- from the cytosol to the membrane [22], as well as
tein [1]. In humans, CD4 is expressed by a subset of T activation of the SAPK 2 and p38 MAPK signaling path-
cells [1], cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage [2], ways [23]. Finally, gp120 of HIV can induce a CD4-
dendritic cells [2], and eosinophils [3]. The CD4 mole-
cule has been the subject of intense study in recent Abbreviations used: Ab, antibody; APS, ammonium persulfate;
years given its function as a HIV coreceptor [4 – 6], in Ca 2⫹, calcium ion; CD4 cyt, cytoplasmic tail of CD4; DAG, diacylglyc-
erol; DTT, dithiothreitol; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase;
FBS, fetal bovine serum; FITC, fluorescein isothiocyanate; GST,
To whom reprint requests should be addressed at Health Can- glutathione S-transferase; HCK, hematopoietic cell kinase; Hepes,
ada, Biologics and Genetics Therapies Directorate, Centre for Bio- N-2-hydroxethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid; IL-1␤, interleukin
logics Research, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0L2, 1 beta; IL-16, interleukin 16; InsP3, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate; IPTG,
Postal Locator 2201C. E-mail: isopropylthio-␤-D-galactoside; 2ME, 2-mercaptoethanol; MAPK, mito-
141 0014-4827/02 $35.00
© 2002 Elsevier Science (USA)
All rights reserved.

dependent down-regulation of the CCR5 chemokine umn [29]. The putative fragment was passed three times over the
receptor in monocytes [24]. protein A–Sepharose column to ensure that no intact IgG molecules
were present in the eluate of the column. Isolated F(ab⬘) 2 fragment
The goals of this study were to expand on earlier was electrophoresed on a 7.5% SDS–PAGE to determine if there was
observations that monocyte CD4 was capable of signal free intact IgG present in the preparation; intact IgG was also
transduction and to begin to elucidate the mechanism electrophoresed as a control.
by which this process occurs. A better understanding of Verification of LF T4-4 F(ab⬘) 2 binding to CD4 on Thp-1. The LF
this process may provide us with further insights into T4-4 F(ab⬘) 2 was tested by flow cytometry for reactivity to CD4.
both the normal physiological role of monocyte CD4 Thp-1 cells (10 5) were incubated for 15 min with LF T4-4, LF T4-4
F(ab⬘) 2, or prebleed sera, each used at various dilutions to determine
and the role of this molecule in HIV/AIDS pathogene- maximal antibody binding. Cells were washed with PBS containing
sis; in contrast to CD4 ⫹ T cells, which can receive an 0.01 M NaN 3 and resuspended in 100 ␮l of PBS, NaN 3 containing
apoptotic signal in response to HIV, HIV-infected 10% human AB serum. Cells were incubated for 15 min with 1 ␮l of
monocytes/macrophages persist, although functionally FITC-conjugated goat antirabbit IgG, washed, resuspended in PBS,
impaired, and serve as HIV reservoirs [25, 26]. NaN 3, and analyzed by flow cytometry (data not shown).
Cell culture and stimulation. Thp-1 cells [30] were cultured at
37°C, 5% CO 2, in RPMI 1640 (Gibco BRL, Grand Island, NY) sup-
MATERIALS AND METHODS plemented with 10% (v/v) FBS (Cansera, Rexdale, ON), 10 units/ml
of penicillin (Gibco BRL), and 10 ␮g/ml of streptomycin (Gibco BRL).
Antibodies and sCD4. Rabbit anti-mouse Ig and rabbit anti-goat Prior to stimulation with T4-4 rabbit serum to sCD4, the cells were
IgG were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO), murine antiphospho- cultured overnight in medium containing 2% (v/v) FBS, and washed
tyrosine mAb clone 4G10 and murine anti-PI3-K (p85) mAb were
the next morning for 5 min at RT, and centrifuged at 200g with PBS
obtained from Upstate Biotechnology Inc. (Lake Placid, NY), murine
(Gibco BRL) prior to being further starved for 3 to 4 h by culture in
anti-GST mAb, rabbit polyclonal Ab to PLC-␥1, and goat polyclonal
serum-free medium. Following serum starvation, the cells were col-
Ab to actin were obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa
lected by centrifugation for 5 min at RT, 200g. Cell numbers and
Cruz, CA), and FITC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG was obtained
viability were determined using trypan blue and volumes of 10 ⫻ 10 6
from Cedarlane Laboratories (Toronto, ON). Rabbit serum to Shp-1
cells/ml were aliquoted. Cells were stimulated by the addition of 25
was generated in-house as previously described [27]. T4-4 rabbit sera
␮g/ml of T4-4 serum and subsequent incubation for 3 min at 37°C. As
to sCD4 and sCD4 were obtained through the AIDS Research and
a negative control, starved but unstimulated Thp-1 cells were also
Reference Reagent Program, Division of AIDS, NIAID, NIH (Rock-
incubated at 37°C for 3 min. In some experiments, the following
ville, MD), courtesy of Dr. R. Sweet, SmithKline Beecham Pharma-
negative control stimulations were also included: 25 ␮g/ml of rabbit
ceuticals [28].
serum to Shp-1 and 25 ␮g/ml of T4-4 serum which had been pread-
Production of rabbit anti-CD4 sera and F(ab⬘) 2 fragment prepara-
sorbed by incubation with either sCD4 or BSA immobilized on NHS-
tion. New Zealand White rabbits were obtained from Charles River
activated Sepharose beads (Pharmacia Biotech, Baie D’Urfé, PQ),
Laboratories (Montreal, QC), pre-bled, and immunized with 20 ␮g of
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Following stimulation,
sCD4 employing Ribi (Cedarlane Laboratories) as an adjuvant. The
the cells were washed with cold PBS for 5 min at 4°C, 200g, and the
experimental protocol was pre-approved by the University of Ottawa
pellets were stored at ⫺80°C until further processing.
Animal Care Committee and was in accordance with the guidelines
In experiments in which cells were stimulated with LF T4-4
of the Canadian Council of Animal Care. The production of our own
F(ab⬘) 2, a plate-bound method was used. Briefly, Costar six-well
sera was necessary due to the volumes of sera required to generate
cluster plates were coated overnight at 4°C with 10 ␮g/ml of LF T4-4
the F(ab⬘) 2 fragment. The sCD4 antigen employed was the same as
that used by the NIH AIDS depository for the production of their F(ab⬘) 2. Prior to use, the plates were washed three times with sterile
T4-4 sera. The rabbits were boosted with the same antigen prepara- HBSS, pH 7.2. For cell stimulation, 5 ⫻ 10 6 Thp-1 cells were added
tion and adjuvant at monthly intervals. Test bleeds were obtained 2 to the F(ab⬘) 2-coated wells and the plates were incubated for 3 min at
weeks after each immunization and were tested by flow cytometry 37°C. To stop the stimulation, the plates were placed on ice, the cells
for anti-CD4 reactivity using Thp-1 cells. LF T4-4 sera from different were collected and washed at 4°C, and the lysates were prepared as
months were pooled and the IgG fraction was isolated by affinity described below.
chromatography on a protein A–Sepharose column. The digestion of Preparation of cell lysates. Unstimulated and stimulated cell pel-
the Fc portion was performed with pepsin. Briefly, 0.1 mg/ml of lets were lysed in buffer consisting of 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8 (Sigma),
pepsin in acetate buffer was added to purified IgG to give an enzyme/ 150 mM NaCl (BDH, Toronto, ON), 1% (v/v) NP-40 (Sigma), 10%
antibody ratio of 1:20, and the reaction mixture was incubated for 5 h (v/v) glycerol (BDH), 10 mM NaF (Sigma), 25 ␮g/ml of aprotinin
at 37°C. The reaction was stopped by adding Tris base (2.0 M, pH (Sigma), 25 ␮g/ml of leupeptin (Sigma), and 1 mM sodium orthovana-
10.5), and the mixture was small-volume dialyzed against PBS (0.01 date (Sigma). The resuspended pellets were incubated for 30 to 60
M, pH 8.0) at 4°C. The separation of intact IgG molecules from the min on ice, and the lysates were centrifuged for 20 min at 4°C, 9850g,
F(ab⬘) 2 fragments was performed using a protein A–Sepharose col- to separate insoluble material from the lysates. Protein concentra-
tion was determined by a colorimetric assay (Bio-Rad, Mississauga,
ON) according to the manufacturer’s directions.
gen-activated protein kinase(s); mAb, monoclonal antibody; MIP-1␤, Immunoprecipitation. Immunoprecipitation reactions consisted
macrophage inflammatory protein-1 beta; NaCl, sodium chloride; NaF, of 1.5 to 2 mg of Thp-1 protein lysate, 50 ␮l of a 50% (v/v) protein A-
sodium fluoride; NaN3, sodium azide; NHS, N-hydroxysuccinimide; or protein G–Sepharose 6MB Bead slurry (Pharmacia Biotech), and
PI3-K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5- the recommended amount of antibody. Lysis buffer was added to
bisphosphate; PKC, protein kinase C; PLC-␥1, phospholipase C-gamma bring the immunoprecipitation reactions to a final volume of 1 ml,
one; RT, room temperature; SAPK, stress-activated protein kinase; and the reactions were incubated by inversion for 2 h at 4°C. The
sCD4, soluble CD4; SDF-1␣, stromal-derived factor-1␣; SLP-76, Src immune complexes were collected by centrifugation for 5 min at 4°C,
homology 2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76 kDa; TCR, T cell 9850g, and washed three times for 5 min at 4°C, 9850g, with 1 ml
receptor; TEMED, N,N,N,N⬘-tetramethylethylenediamine; TNF-␣, tu- lysis buffer. The final pellets were resuspended with 25 ␮l of
mor necrosis factor alpha. Laemmli sample buffer (Bio-Rad).

Western blotting. Immune complexes were electrophoresed at blue. Viable cells (5 ⫻ 10 6) were washed twice with Buffer A for 10
107 V (at RT) through SDS–polyacrylamide gels. The resolving gels min at RT, 400g. The cells were resuspended with Buffer A to a final
consisted of 8 to 10% (w/v) acrylamide (Bio-Rad) in 375 mM Tris– volume of 5 ml, and Fluo3/AM was added to a final 1 ␮M concentra-
HCl, pH 8.1 (Gibco BRL), 0.1% (w/v) SDS (Bio-Rad), 0.15% (w/v) APS tion. The cells were vortexed gently and then incubated in the dark
(Bio-Rad), and 0.2% (v/v) TEMED (Sigma). The stacking gels con- for 45 min in a 37°C shaking H 2O bath at 50 rpm. Buffer B (5 ml)
sisted of 5% (w/v) acrylamide in 127 mM Tris–HCl, pH 6.8, 0.1% (Buffer A containing 5% (v/v) heat-inactivated FBS, pH 7.4) was
(w/v) SDS, 0.2% (w/v) APS, and 0.2% (v/v) TEMED. The electropho- added to the cells and the cells were incubated for 15 min in a 37°C
resed proteins were electroblotted for 1 h at 100 V (at RT) onto shaking H 2O bath at 50 rpm. An additional 30 ml of Buffer B was
Immobilon-P PVDF Transfer membranes [Millipore (Canada) Ltd., added to the cells and the cells were washed for 10 min at RT, 400g.
Nepean, ON], and the membranes were blocked with 5% (w/v) BSA The cells were resuspended with 10 ml of Buffer B to give a final cell
(ICN Biomedicals, Montreal, PQ) in 1⫻ TBST (10 mM Tris–HCl, pH concentration of 0.5 ⫻ 10 6 cells/ml. The cells were aliquoted into 1-ml
8, 150 mM NaCl, 0.05% (v/v) Tween 20). Blocked membranes were volumes and calcium levels were determined using the FACScan
incubated with primary Ab diluted in 5% (w/v) BSA in 1⫻ TBST, flow cytometer (Becton–Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ) equipped
washed with 1⫻ TBST, incubated with 125I-labeled protein A (NEN with CellQuest software, Version 3.2.1fl. Cell samples were main-
Life Science Products, Inc., Boston, MA), washed with 1⫻ TBST, and tained at 37°C during data acquisition. Baseline intracellular cal-
exposed to BioMax X-ray film (Kodak, New Haven, CT) at ⫺80°C. cium levels were measured for 2 min, the acquisition of data was
For some experiments, a secondary Ab was required prior to incu- stopped momentarily for the addition of various stimuli, and acqui-
bation with 125I-labeled protein A. When required, blots were sition was resumed for an additional 6 min. Calcium ionophore
stripped by incubation for 30 min in a 50°C water bath with 0.7 mM A23187 (20 ␮M) (Sigma) and 5 mM EGTA (Sigma) were used as
DTT (Gibco BRL), 62.5 mM Tris–HCl, pH 6.7 (Sigma), 100 mM 2ME positive and negative controls, respectively.
(Sigma), and 2% (v/v) SDS (Bio-Rad). Following stripping, the mem-
branes were washed extensively with 1⫻ TBST and exposed to film RESULTS
to ensure efficient stripping prior to subsequent reblotting with other
antibodies. Stimulation of Thp-1 Cells through the CD4 Receptor
Production of GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein. GST-CD4 cyt fusion pro- Results in Calcium Flux
tein was generated by subcloning PCR-amplified human CD4 cyto-
plasmic tail (residues 396 to 433) into pGEX-2T (Pharmacia Biotech). To determine if CD4 expressed on the surface of the
BL21 bacterial cells transformed by pGEX-2T expression plasmids human monocytic cell line Thp-1 was capable of trans-
were induced with IPTG (Gibco BRL), and the fusion proteins were
purified with glutathione Sepharose 4B beads (Pharmacia Biotech).
ducing extracellular signals, Thp-1 cells were stimu-
To elute GST and GST-CD4 cyt fusion proteins immobilized onto glu- lated with T4-4 rabbit serum to sCD4 and CD4-medi-
tathione Sepharose 4B Beads, the complexes were incubated for 10 ated changes in intracellular Ca 2⫹ levels were
min at RT with a 0.5⫻ volume of glutathione elution buffer consist- measured. Stimulation of Thp-1 cells with T4-4 in-
ing of 10 mM reduced glutathione (Sigma) and 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH duced a Ca 2⫹ flux (Fig. 1B) compared to the intracellu-
8 (Sigma). The complexes were centrifuged for 5 min at 4°C, 9850g,
and the supernatants containing the eluted fusion proteins were
lar baseline Ca 2⫹ levels observed for unstimulated cells
collected for use in far Western blots. (Fig. 1A). Ca 2⫹ flux occurred within 2 min of stimula-
Far Western blots. Unstimulated and T4-4-stimulated Thp-1 cell tion. No Ca 2⫹ flux was observed, however, upon the
lysates were electrophoresed in duplicate, and the proteins trans- addition of T4-4 serum which had been pre-adsorbed
ferred to membranes as described above. Blocked membranes were with a sCD4-NHS-activated Sepharose bead complex
incubated with 1 ␮g/ml of eluted GST or GST-CD4 cyt protein. Bound
(Fig. 1C) or upon the addition of an irrelevant rabbit
GST or GST-CD4 cyt was detected by incubation of the membranes
with anti-GST murine mAb, followed by rabbit anti-mouse Ig Ab, serum generated against Shp-1, an intracellular ty-
and finally with 125I-labeled protein A. rosine phosphatase (Fig. 1D).
GST-CD4 cyt pull-down experiments. For each pull-down reaction,
3.5 to 5 mg of Thp-1 protein lysate was resuspended to a 1-ml volume Stimulation of Thp-1 Cells through the CD4 Receptor
with lysis buffer. The lysates were precleared with 30 ␮g of GST Results in the Time-Dependent Induction of Protein
protein (immobilized to glutathione Sepharose 4B Beads) by inver- Tyrosine Phosphorylation
sion for 1 h at 4°C. Following preclearing, the lysates were centri-
fuged for 5 min at 4°C, 9850g, and the precleared supernatants were Anti-phosphotyrosine immunoblotting analysis of
transferred to fresh Eppendorf tubes for a second round of preclear- unstimulated and T4-4-stimulated Thp-1 lysates re-
ing with GST protein. The lysates were centrifuged for 5 min at 4°C, vealed a time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of
9850g, and the twice-precleared supernatants were incubated by
inversion at 4°C for 2 to 18 h with 30 ␮g of GST or GST-CD4 cyt fusion various proteins; the phosphorylation peaked at 1 to 3
protein (immobilized to glutathione Sepharose 4B Beads). The im- min and declined gradually thereafter. A representa-
mune complexes were pelleted by centrifugation for 5 min at 4°C, tive experiment is shown in Fig. 2, top. To ensure that
9850g, and the complexes were washed three times for 5 min at 4°C, equal amounts of protein lysate were loaded in each
9850g, with 1 ml of lysis buffer. The final pellets were resuspended
lane (as determined by the relative amounts of CD4),
with 25 ␮l of Laemmli sample buffer. The complexes were electro-
phoresed as described above and proteins were visualized by staining the membrane was stripped and blotted with T4-4 se-
the gels with Coomassie brilliant blue. rum (Fig. 2, bottom).
Calcium flux experiments. A 1 mM Fluo-3/AM (Molecular Probes,
Eugene, OR) solution in 1 mM DMSO (Sigma) and 3.75% (w/v) The Tyrosine Phosphorylation Induced by T4-4
Pluronic F-127 (Sigma) was prepared and used to load Thp-1 cells Serum to sCD4 Is Mediated by CD4
[31]. Thp-1 cells were washed with Ca 2⫹-free PBS for 5 min at RT,
200g. The cells were resuspended with Buffer A (RPMI 1640 con- To control for the possibility that the use of T4-4, a
taining 20 mM Hepes, pH 7) and the cells were counted using trypan polyclonal rabbit serum to CD4, may have induced

tion resulted in decreased levels of tyrosine

phosphorylation compared to the levels observed for
the use of T4-4 serum alone (Fig. 3A, top). The de-
creased tyrosine phosphorylation observed for stimula-
tions performed with serum to Shp-1 and with T4-4
serum adsorbed with sCD4 was not due to decreased
amounts of protein lysate loaded in the wells, as indi-
cated by the levels of CD4 detected in this blot (Fig. 3A,
bottom); the prominent, slightly lower molecular mass
band observed in lane 3 is the sCD4 used to adsorb the
T4-4 serum prior to stimulation.
As a third strategy, we attempted to adsorb the
CD4-specific reactivity of the T4-4 serum by preincu-
bation with sCD4 coupled to NHS-activated Sepharose
beads. Following the incubation, the T4-4 serum was
recovered and used for subsequent Thp-1 stimulation.
A negative control in the form of T4-4 serum incubated
with the irrelevant protein BSA (coupled to NHS-acti-
vated Sepharose beads) was also included. The T4-4
serum adsorbed with the sCD4-NHS-activated Sepha-
rose bead complex induced lower levels of tyrosine
phosphorylation compared to the use of T4-4 alone
(Fig. 3B, top); the level of tyrosine phosphorylation for
the sCD4-adsorbed T4-4 stimulation was comparable
to that observed for the unstimulated control. The
stimulation of Thp-1 cells with T4-4 serum incubated
with BSA (coupled to NHS-activated Sepharose beads)
resulted in greater levels of tyrosine phosphorylation
compared to stimulation with T4-4 serum preadsorbed
with the sCD4/bead complex and was comparable to
the levels observed for stimulation with T4-4 alone.
The differences in tyrosine phosphorylation levels ob-
FIG. 1. Stimulation of Thp-1 monocytic cells with T4-4 rabbit served for the various stimuli were not due to different
serum to sCD4 induces Ca 2⫹ flux. Thp-1 cells loaded with Fluo3-AM
were stimulated with various stimuli (indicated by arrows) and the amounts of protein lysate loaded per lane since com-
resulting Ca 2⫹ flux was measured by flow cytometric analysis. (A) parable levels of CD4 were detected following the strip-
Baseline Ca 2⫹ levels in unstimulated cells. (B) Stimulation with T4-4 ping and reblotting of the membrane with T4-4 serum
rabbit serum. (C) Stimulation with T4-4 rabbit serum preadsorbed (Fig. 3B, bottom).
with sCD4 (conjugated to NHS-activated Sepharose beads). (D)
Finally, to exclude the possibility that the tyrosine
Stimulation with rabbit serum to Shp-1. (E) Stimulation with the
Ca 2⫹ ionophore A23187 (first arrow) followed by the addition of the phosphorylation observed in response to T4-4 stimula-
metal ion chelator EGTA (second arrow) (n ⫽ 3). tion is not due to activation of Fc receptors on Thp-1
cells by the Fc portion of T4-4, we generated a F(ab⬘) 2
fragment of LF T4-4 and used it to stimulate Thp-1
some non-CD4-specific signaling, we performed exper- cells. Induction of phosphoproteins by plate-bound
iments in which a polyclonal rabbit serum to Shp-1, a F(ab⬘) 2 was comparable to that induced by plate-bound
protein not expressed on the Thp-1 cell surface, was T4-4 or LF T4-4, strongly suggesting the lack of in-
used to stimulate the cells. The use of rabbit serum to volvement of FcR on Thp-1 cells (Fig. 3C).
Shp-1 (used at the same concentration as T4-4 serum)
induced less tyrosine phosphorylation compared to the PLC-␥1 and PI3-K Undergo Tyrosine Phosphorylation
T4-4 stimulation, although the level of tyrosine phos- in Response to T4-4 Stimulation
phorylation was enhanced compared to that of the un-
stimulated control; Fig. 3A, top (n ⫽ 4). T4-4 stimulation of Thp-1 cells induced the tyrosine
To further confirm that the induction of tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins of specific molecular
phosphorylation observed is actually mediated by T4-4 masses. Among the higher molecular mass species was
binding to CD4, we attempted to adsorb the CD4-spe- a protein of approximately 140 kDa (Figs. 2 and 4, top).
cific reactivity of the T4-4 serum. T4-4 serum preincu- Thp-1 cells stimulated with T4-4 serum undergo a cal-
bated with sCD4 prior to use in the stimulation reac- cium flux (Fig. 1), a response mediated by phos-

FIG. 2. Stimulation of Thp-1 monocytic cells with T4-4 rabbit serum to sCD4 results in the time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of
various proteins. (Top) Serum-starved Thp-1 cells (10 ⫻ 10 6) were stimulated for various times at 37°C with 25 ␮g/ml of T4-4 rabbit serum
to sCD4. Total protein lysate (100 ␮g) was electrophoresed and transferred. The blocked membranes were incubated with 1 ␮g/ml of
anti-phosphotyrosine mAb, followed by a 1:2000 dilution of rabbit anti-mouse Ab, and detected using 125I-labeled protein A. Induced
tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins (pp) having molecular masses of 180, 140, 120, 110, 85, 65, 55, 50, and 35 kDa are indicated by asterisks.
(Bottom) The blot was stripped, incubated with 10 ␮g/ml of T4-4 serum, and detected using 125I-labeled protein A; the position of CD4 is
indicated by an arrow. Mobilities of the molecular mass (MW) standards are shown on the left (n ⫽ 3). Autoradiographs were scanned using
the HP ScanJet4C scanner and HP DeskScanII software, and figures were generated using Microsoft PowerPoint97 software.

phoinositol-specific phospholipase C [32]. The molecu- PLC-␥1, the membrane was reblotted, without strip-
lar mass of PLC-␥1 is approximately 148 kDa [33], ping, for PI3-K (p85). The level of immunoprecipitated
which corresponds to the approximately 140-kDa ty- PI3-K was consistently increased upon T4-4 stimula-
rosine-phosphorylated protein observed following T4-4 tion, compared to the unstimulated condition (Fig. 4,
stimulation. Furthermore, it has been reported that middle). The membranes were subsequently stripped
PI3-K forms a complex with CD4 and p56 lck in human and blotted with T4-4 to control for the relative
T cells [34]. We speculated, therefore, that the approx- amounts of proteins present in the various lysate prep-
imately 85- to 90-kDa Thp-1 protein observed to un- arations (Fig. 4, bottom); slightly decreased levels of
dergo tyrosine phosphorylation in response to T4-4 CD4 were present in the T4-4-stimulated lysate com-
stimulation (Figs. 2 and 4, top) might be the regulatory pared to the unstimulated lysate, suggesting that the
subunit of PI3-K (p85). To determine if PLC-␥1 and protein concentration of this lysate may have been
PI3-K were two of the proteins that become tyrosine slightly lower. These results suggest that the anti-
phosphorylated in response to T4-4 stimulation, anti- phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitation performed with
phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitations of unstimu- the T4-4-stimulated lysate contained relatively lower
lated and T4-4-stimulated Thp-1 cells were performed. amounts of protein, and yet, the highest levels of phos-
Following electrophoresis and transfer of the immune phorylated PLC-␥1 and PI3-K were nonetheless ob-
complexes, the membranes were blotted with rabbit served for this condition. To confirm that the enhanced
antibody to PLC-␥1. The level of PLC-␥1 immunopre- detection of PLC-␥1 and PI3-K was in fact due to success-
cipitated and detected upon T4-4 stimulation was in- ful immunoprecipitation of tyrosine-phosphorylated pro-
creased (by 3.8-fold, as determined by densitometry) teins, the membrane was reprobed with anti-phosphoty-
compared to the unstimulated condition (Fig. 4, mid- rosine mAb (Fig. 4, top). In the anti-phosphotyrosine blot,
dle). Given that PLC-␥1 (p148) and the regulatory sub- the highest amount of immunoprecipitated tyrosine-
unit (p85) of PI3-K have significantly different molec- phosphorylated protein was observed for the immunopre-
ular masses, and given the absence of any background cipitation reaction performed with the T4-4-stimulated
in the 85-kDa range following blotting with antibody to lysate, as expected.

FIG. 3. The tyrosine phosphorylation induced by stimulation of Thp-1 monocytic cells with T4-4 rabbit serum to sCD4 is mediated by
CD4. (A) Serum-starved Thp-1 cells (10 ⫻ 10 6) were stimulated for 3 min at 37°C with various stimulants; 100 ␮g of total protein lysate was
electrophoresed and analyzed by immunoblotting. (Top) The blocked membrane was incubated with 1 ␮g/ml of anti-phosphotyrosine mAb,
followed by a 1:2000 dilution of rabbit anti-mouse Ab, and detected using 125I-labeled protein A. (Bottom) The blot was stripped and incubated
with 10 ␮g/ml of T4-4 serum and detected using 125I-labeled protein A; the position of CD4 is indicated by an arrow (n ⫽ 3). (B) Serum-starved
Thp-1 cells (10 ⫻ 10 6) were stimulated for 3 min at 37°C with various stimulants; 100 ␮g of total protein lysate was electrophoresed and
analyzed by immunoblotting. (Top) The blocked membrane was incubated with 1 ␮g/ml of anti-phosphotyrosine mAb followed by a 1:2000
dilution of rabbit anti-mouse Ab, and detected using 125I-labeled protein A. (Bottom) The blot was stripped and incubated with 10 ␮g/ml of
T4-4 serum and detected using 125I-labeled protein A; the position of CD4 is indicated by an arrow (n ⫽ 2). (C) Serum-starved Thp-1 cells
(5 ⫻ 10 6) were stimulated for 3 min at 37°C with various stimulants; 100 ␮g of total protein lysate was electrophoresed and analyzed by
immunoblotting. (Top) The blocked membrane was incubated with 1 ␮g/ml of anti-phosphotyrosine mAb, followed by a 1:2000 dilution of
rabbit anti-mouse Ab, and detected using 125I-labeled protein A. (Bottom) The blot was stripped and incubated with a 1:1000 dilution of goat
anti-actin Ab, following by a 1:500 dilution of rabbit anti-goat IgG and detected using 125I-labeled protein A (n ⫽ 3). Mobilities of the
molecular mass (MW) standards are shown on the left. Autoradiographs were scanned using the HP ScanJet4C scanner and HP DeskScanII
software, and figures were generated using Microsoft PowerPoint97 software.

CD4 Does Not Directly Interact with Either Tyrosine- formed similar experiments to determine if CD4 di-
Phosphorylated PLC-␥1 or PI3-K rectly associated with a number of other known signal-
ing molecules. These molecules, partially chosen based
T4-4 stimulation of Thp-1 cells was shown to induce
on the molecular masses of Thp-1 proteins shown to
the tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC-␥1 and PI3-K. To
undergo tyrosine phosphorylation in response to T4-4
determine if either PI3-K or PLC-␥1 was directly asso-
stimulation, included kinases (HCK, PKC), G proteins
ciated with CD4, unstimulated and T4-4-stimulated
(G ␣, G ␤, and Rap-1), adaptor molecules (NCK, SLP-76),
Thp-1 lysates were used to immunoprecipitate CD4
and VAV, an exclusively hematopoietic GDP/GTP ex-
using T4-4 serum. The electrophoresed immune com-
change factor. None of these molecules could be de-
plexes were subsequently blotted for the presence of
tected in the CD4 immunoprecipitation reactions (data
PI3-K, PLC-␥1, and a number of other known signaling
not shown).
molecules. Despite the successful detection of PLC-␥1
in the lysate controls, and despite the prolonged expo- GST-CD4 cyt Interacts with 35-, 45-, and 55-kDa
sure of the blots (up to 1 week), no PLC-␥1 was de- Proteins, Irrespective of T4-4 Stimulation
tected in the CD4 immunoprecipitation reactions (data
not shown). A reprobing of the membrane with T4-4 The failure to observe direct association between
serum confirmed that CD4 had been successfully im- CD4 and any of the candidate signaling molecules for
munoprecipitated, and anti-phosphotyrosine Western which we screened necessitated a different strategy to
blots of unstimulated and T4-4-stimulated Thp-1 ly- determine which proteins interact with the cytoplas-
sates were also performed to confirm that tyrosine mic tail of CD4. To this end, we produced a GST-CD4 cyt
phosphorylation had been induced. Attempts to detect fusion protein (Fig. 5A) for use in Far Western blot
PI3-K in CD4 immunoprecipitation reactions were also analysis and in pull-down experiments.
unsuccessful (data not shown). In addition, we per- Far Western blot analysis of unstimulated and T4-

tion in response to T4-4 stimulation (Fig. 2). In con-

trast, the GST control protein bound weakly, if at all, to
the proteins bound by GST-CD4 cyt. Furthermore, the
banding patterns obtained for the GST-CD4 cyt-blotted
membranes were the same for both unstimulated and
T4-4-stimulated lysates, suggesting that the CD4 por-
tion of the GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein bound to these
proteins constitutively. A representative experiment is
shown in Fig. 5B.
The GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein construct was also
used in a series of pull-down experiments. Proteins of
45 and 55 kDa were routinely observed in the GST-
CD4 cyt pull-down reaction; these proteins were not ob-
served in the GST pull-down reaction (Fig. 6). In some
experiments (n ⫽ 3), an enhanced 35-kDa protein was

FIG. 4. T4-4 stimulation induces tyrosine phosphorylation of

PLC-␥1 and PI3-K. Tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins were immuno-
precipitated from 2 mg of unstimulated and T4-4-stimulated Thp-1
total protein lysates using 10 ␮g of anti-phosphotyrosine mAb. The
immunoprecipitation reactions, as well as 100-␮g lysate controls,
were electrophoresed and transferred. The same membrane was
subjected to four rounds of immunoblotting. (Top) The blocked mem-
brane was incubated with 1 ␮g/ml of anti-phosphotyrosine mAb
followed by a 1:2000 dilution of rabbit anti-mouse Ab and detected
using 125I-labeled protein A. (Middle) The membrane was incubated FIG. 5. GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein binds to numerous Thp-1 pro-
with 1 ␮g/ml of rabbit polyclonal Ab to PLC-␥1 and detected using teins as determined by far Western blot analysis. (A) Schematic of
I-labeled protein A, followed by incubation with a 1:1000 dilution GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein: GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein was generated
of murine mAb to PI3-K (p85 subunit) and with a 1:2000 dilution of by subcloning PCR-amplified human CD4 cytoplasmic tail (residues
rabbit anti-mouse Ab and detected using 125I-labeled protein A. (Bot- 396 to 433) into the pGEX-2T expression plasmid. BL21 bacterial
tom) The blot was stripped, blocked, and incubated with 10 ␮g/ml of cells transformed by pGEX-2T expression plasmids were induced
T4-4 rabbit serum and detected using 125I-labeled protein A. The with IPTG. The fusion proteins were purified with glutathione
positions of PLC-␥1, PI3-K, and CD4 are indicated by arrows. Mo- Sepharose 4B beads and used in pull-down experiments. Alterna-
bilities of the molecular mass standards are shown on the left (n ⫽ tively, the fusion proteins were eluted from the beads for use in far
4). Autoradiographs were scanned using the HP ScanJet4C scanner Western blots. (B) Far Western blot analysis: 100 ␮g of unstimulated
and HP DeskScanII software, and figures were generated using and T4-4-stimulated Thp-1 protein lysates was electrophoresed in
Microsoft PowerPoint97 software. duplicate and analyzed by immunoblotting. The blocked membranes
were incubated with 1 ␮g/ml of eluted GST or GST-CD4 cyt protein
and detected with a 1:200 dilution of murine anti-GST mAb, followed
by a 1:2000 dilution of rabbit anti-mouse Ab, and detected using
4-stimulated Thp-1 lysates revealed that the GST- 125
I-labeled protein A. GST-CD4 cyt-binding Thp-1 proteins having
CD4 cyt fusion protein interacted with phosphotyrosine molecular masses of 140, 100, 90, and 85 kDa are indicated asterisks,
proteins having molecular masses of approximately and 55- and 45-kDa proteins are indicated by arrows. Mobilities of
the molecular mass standards are shown on the left (n ⫽ 3). Auto-
140, 110, 90, 85, 55, and 45 kDa; these molecular radiographs were scanned using the HP ScanJet4C scanner and HP
masses are similar to the molecular masses of proteins DeskScanII software, and figures were generated using Microsoft
observed to undergo increased tyrosine phosphoryla- PowerPoint97 software.

spect to CD4 expression by macrophages has been ob-

served; while human and rat macrophages express
CD4, murine macrophages do not, despite the expres-
sion of CD4 by a subset of murine T cells [35]. The lack
of CD4 expression by murine macrophages has been
attributed to the production of a truncated CD4 tran-
script [36]. To determine if CD4 expressed in human
monocytes differed from human T cell CD4, we se-
quenced RT–PCR products generated using primers
spanning the transmembrane and cytoplasmic do-
mains of CD4. No differences were found between the
CD4 transcripts from human CD4 ⫹ T cells, primary
monocytes, or the U937 cell line (data not shown).
Despite the failure to detect any direct interaction
between CD4 and kinases [18 –20], there is evidence
that CD4 is not an inert remnant originating from the
pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell precursor shared
FIG. 6. GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein immunoprecipitates three pro-
by both lymphoid and myeloid cells. Rather, CD4 has
teins from Thp-1 total protein lysate, irrespective of CD4 stimula- been shown to be an active signaling molecule capable
tion. Unstimulated and T4-4-stimulated lysates (3.5 mg) were pre- of responding to various stimuli. For example, a com-
cleared twice with 30 ␮g of GST control protein. The precleared plex inositol polyphosphate response and a Ca 2⫹ flux
lysates were subjected to an overnight immunoprecipitation with 30 were induced in monocytes in which CD4 and Fc␥
␮g of either GST or GST-CD4 cyt protein. The Thp-1 proteins directly
associated with GST or GST-CD4 cyt proteins were visualized by elec- receptors were co-cross-linked [21]. IL-16 stimulation
trophoresing the immune complexes and staining the gel with Coo- of various CD4 ⫹ monocytic cell lines induces a trans-
massie blue. Electrophoresed GST and GST-CD4 cyt proteins (in the location of PKC from the cytosol to the membrane [22],
absence of Thp-1 lysates) were included as controls. GST-CD4 cyt- as well as activation of the SAPK and p38 MAPK
binding Thp-1 proteins having molecular masses of 35, 45, and 55
signaling pathways [23]. Finally, HIV gp120 can in-
kDa are indicated by arrows. Mobilities of the molecular mass stan-
dards are shown on the left (n ⫽ 9). Autoradiographs were scanned duce a CD4-dependent down-regulation of the CCR5
using the HP ScanJet4C scanner and HP DeskScanII software, and chemokine receptor in monocytes [24].
figures were generated using Microsoft PowerPoint97 software. The observations made in the studies cited, however,
must be interpreted cautiously with respect to the ex-
act role played by CD4. In two of the studies, CD4-
also observed for the GST-CD4 cyt pull-down reactions mediated signal transduction involved a coreceptor
which was only weakly visible in the GST pull-down consisting of either Fc␥ [21] or CCR5 [24] receptors. In
reaction (Fig. 6). The association between GST-CD4 cyt the case of human cell studies performed with IL-16, it
and the 35-, 45-, and 55-kDa proteins occurred irre- has been shown that while CD4 is required for IL-16 to
spective of whether the lysates were from unstimu- mediate its effects [10], it remains to be determined
lated or T4-4-stimulated cells; the ability of GST-CD4 cyt whether IL-16 also requires interaction with other cell
to associate with various Thp-1 proteins irrespective of surface molecules, such as chemokine receptors [11,
stimulation was consistent with the observations made 12]. Although various studies have demonstrated IL-
in the far Western blot experiments. Equal amounts of 16-induced down-regulation of CCR5 and CXCR4 on
GST and GST-CD4 cyt proteins were used for the pull- monocyte-derived macrophages [37], as well as desen-
down reactions, as indicated by the similar intensities sitization of CCR5 to MIP-1␣ [38] and of CXCR4 to
of these bands (30 and 33 kDa, respectively) (Fig. 6). SDF-1␣ [12] in T cells, no CD4/chemokine receptor/
IL-16 complex has been demonstrated to date [12].
DISCUSSION Since monocyte CD4-mediated signaling may be mod-
ulated by the participation of either Fc␥ receptors, or
Whereas the role of CD4-mediated signal transduc- possibly chemokine receptors, it is difficult to dissect
tion has been well established for CD4 ⫹ T cells, less is out the exact role of CD4 in transducing signals in each
known about the role of this molecule in monocytes. It of these studies.
has been shown that in primary monocytes, monocytic We have established that monocyte CD4 is capable of
cell lines, and macrophages, CD4 has no associated transducing signals independently of other surface re-
p56 lck nor any other kinase activity [18 –20]. Using ceptors. Thp-1 monocytic cells loaded with Fluo-3/AM
Western blot analysis, we confirmed the lack of p56 lck and stimulated with T4-4 serum underwent a dramatic
expression in U937, HL-60, and Thp-1 monocytic cell calcium flux; this response was not observed when T4-4
lines (data not shown). Species heterogeneity with re- was adsorbed with sCD4 prior to stimulation, nor did

calcium flux occur when the cells were stimulated with yet unidentified, protein(s) and that PI3-K might,
an equal amount of an irrelevant rabbit serum to therefore, be one of the phosphoproteins activated in
Shp-1. These results establish that the response ob- monocytes following CD4-mediated stimulation. The
served upon T4-4 stimulation is mediated by CD4 and tyrosine phosphorylation of PI3-K was confirmed based
not by Fc receptors. Signaling through CD4 requires on our ability to detect it among the immunoprecipi-
effective receptor multimerization [39]. Thus, mAb tated proteins that were tyrosine phosphorylated in
alone may not be able to induce the degree of CD4 response to T4-4 stimulation.
multimerization induced by mAb cross-linked with a Based on our observations that T4-4 stimulation re-
secondary Ab or by polyclonal Ab. This may explain the sulted in a CD4-specific calcium flux, we proposed that
failure of various soluble ␣-CD4 mAb and soluble another of the tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins ob-
F(ab⬘) 2 fragments of LF T4-4 to induce tyrosine phos- served in the phosphotyrosine blots might be PLC-␥1.
phorylation and/or calcium flux compared to the more The detection of tyrosine-phosphorylated PLC-␥1 was
effective induction of phosphotyrosine by these Ab not as strong as the detection of tyrosine-phosphory-
preparations when these were immobilized onto plastic lated PI3-K. This may reflect technical factors (such as
plates. the larger size of PLC-␥1), which may have influenced
This scenario would also parallel the observation the efficiency of the antiphosphotyrosine immunopre-
that activation of T cells through CD3 or the TCR is cipitation reaction.
strongest when antibodies to these receptors are cou- Despite our findings that PLC-␥1 and PI3-K were
pled to solid matrices to achieve infinite cross-linking, tyrosine phosphorylated in response to CD4 stimula-
as opposed to the very weak to nonexistent activation tion, we were unable to show any direct interaction
observed when intact antibodies or Fab fragments are between either of these signaling molecules with im-
used [40]. Similarly, in the case of T cell CD4, the munoprecipitated CD4. These findings were not unex-
coreceptor function of CD4 requires the formation of pected, however, since the SH2 domains of these and
highly cross-linked lattices between CD4 oligomers other signaling proteins recognize tyrosine-phosphory-
and TCR oligomers on the surface of the T cell, with lated residues [43], and the cytoplasmic tail of CD4
oligomers of MHC class II molecules complexed with does not contain any tyrosine residues [44]. Attempts
antigen on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell to immunoprecipitate CD4 and detect numerous other
[40]. Thus it is possible that the degree of CD4 mul- known signaling molecules were also unsuccessful.
timerization required to induce signals cannot be As an alternative strategy for identifying proteins
achieved by soluble ligands such as mAb. linking CD4 to the PLC-␥1 and PI3-K signaling path-
In addition to a calcium flux, we also observed a ways, we generated a GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein for use
time-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of many pro- in far Western blots and pull-down experiments. In
teins in response to CD4-mediated stimulation. The both types of experiments, 45- and 55-kDa proteins
CD4 specificity of our phosphotyrosine response was were routinely found to associate with the GST-CD4 cyt
again established by using T4-4 adsorbed with sCD4, fusion protein, but not with the GST control protein.
which resulted in a decreased level of tyrosine phos- This association occurred regardless of whether the
phorylation; this dramatic decrease did not occur if cells had been stimulated with T4-4. Such a constitu-
T4-4 was preincubated with BSA. The use of the irrel- tive association of CD4 with these proteins is reminis-
evant rabbit serum to Shp-1 also resulted in a de- cent of the constitutive association of CD4 and p56 lck in
creased level of tyrosine phosphorylation. Further- T cells [14, 15]. Furthermore, in some of the pull-down
more, the observation that F(ab⬘) 2 fragments of LF experiments, a 35-kDa protein was also observed to be
T4-4 could also induce tyrosine phosphorylation sug- constitutively associated with the GST-CD4 cyt protein.
gests that FcR are not involved in T4-4-induced signal- The p45 and p55 proteins routinely isolated using the
ing. Finally, immune complexes have a higher affinity GST-CD4 cyt affinity matrix were subjected to mass
for Fc receptors than Ab alone [41, 42]. That immune spectrometry using the nanoLC-MS-MS system that
complexes consisting of sCD4/T4-4 did not induce ty- combines micromass modular capLC and Q-TOF-2
rosine phosphorylation also argues against the involve- quadrupole/time-of-flight. The list of tryptic peptide
ment of FcR in the induction of phosphotyrosine in masses was used to obtain potential protein candidates
response to T4-4. in a database search using a peptide mass fingerprint
To elucidate the mechanism by which tyrosine phos- algorithm (PeptideSearch, EMBL). The search was
phorylation was induced by T4-4 stimulation, we at- conducted against a nonredundant protein sequence
tempted to identify the proteins which underwent ty- database containing over 257,000 entries downloaded
rosine phosphorylation. It has been reported that from the European Bioinformatic Institute web site
PI3-K forms a complex with CD4 and p56 lck in human ( How-
T cells [34]. We hypothesized that PI3-K might form a ever, no matches were made between the tryptic peptides
similar complex with monocyte CD4 and some other, as generated from the p45 and p55 proteins and any of the

factors, whereas the SAPK and p38 MAPK pathways

are activated by stress factors, such as inflammatory
cytokines (IL-1␤, TNF-␣), ionizing radiation, osmotic
shock, heat shock, oxidative stress, and chemical and
physiological stresses. It has been shown that IL-16
stimulation of CD4 ⫹ macrophages does not activate the
ERK pathway, but does activate p46 and p54 of the
SAPK pathway [23]. Similarly, in our own work, we
were unable to detect any activation of ERK-1 and
ERK-2 (data not shown), and we found proteins of 45
and 55 kDa to be constitutively associated with our
GST-CD4 cyt fusion protein. The identities of these 45-
and 55-kDa proteins are unknown, but we do not ex-
pect them to correspond to the p46 and p54 proteins of
the SAPK pathway. These proteins are found down-
stream in the SAPK pathway, whereas we expect our
p45 and p55 molecules to be upstream in their respec-
tive pathway(s), given their ability to interact with the
cytoplasmic tail of CD4, a membrane glycoprotein. Fur-
thermore, p46 and p54 of the SAPK pathway are ki-
FIG. 7. Proposed model of CD4 signaling in Thp-1 monocytic
cells. Based on our observations, we propose that in Thp-1 monocytic
nases, and no CD4-associated kinase activity has been
cells, the cytoplasmic tail of CD4 is constitutively associated with detected in monocytes [18 –20]. Further studies will be
35-, 45-, and/or 55-kDa proteins. Upon stimulation with T4-4 serum, required in order to identify the p35, p45, and p55
a signal is transduced by CD4, resulting in the tyrosine phosphory- proteins which were found to associate with our GST-
lation, and therefore activation, of PLC-␥1 and PI3-K; we propose CD4 cyt fusion protein, as well as to determine if T4-4
that the p35, p45, and/or p55 molecules may function as linkers/
adaptors between CD4 and these signaling molecules. The activated stimulation of Thp-1 cells results in the activation of
PLC-␥1 will in turn cleave PIP 2, thus activating PKC and inducing the SAPK pathway.
Ca 2⫹ flux.
We thank Drs. William Casley, Ashok Kumar, and John Webb for
critically reviewing the manuscript, Alexander Hayes for technical
assistance, and Ms. Monique Parenteau for her expert operation of
proteins in the database (data not shown), suggesting the FACScan flow cytometer. This work was performed at Health
that the p45 and p55 proteins are novel. Canada (Biologics and Genetics Therapies Directorate) and at the
Based on our observations, we propose that in Thp-1 University of Ottawa, Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology,
monocytic cells, the cytoplasmic tail of CD4 is consti- and Immunology. G.M.G.-B. was supported by a National Health
tutively associated with 35-, 45-, and/or 55-kDa pro- Ph.D. Fellowship (AIDS) from Health Canada. L.G.F. was supported
by an AIDS grant from Health Canada and the Ontario Ministry of
teins. Upon stimulation with T4-4 serum, a signal is Health. M.K. was supported by a grant from the National Biotech-
transduced by CD4, resulting in the tyrosine phosphor- nology Strategy Fund.
ylation, and therefore activation, of PLC-␥1 and PI3-K;
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Received October 12, 2001

Revised version received May 22, 2002
Published online August 2, 2002

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