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DATE OF Responsible, Resources OUTCOME

CONDUCT needed, Financial resources)

HOMEROO Conduct of the Homeroom Integration of Values Education All advisers will conduct September-June
M Guidance modules from with Homeroom Guidance the homeroom Class Advisers, Guidance
GUIDANCE grades 7-10 Learners through Recollection activities to Counselor Designate, and
guidance modules from
PROGRAM develop personal-social, academic School Head
and career aspects of learners. quarter 1 to quarter 4,
and will monitor the Homeroom Guidance All learners
guidance counselor Modules, Bond Paper, develop life skills
designate the Notebook for HG
implementation of
guidance homeroom DONATION/MOOE
program per class every

RD-ELC Project “PRAY” To encourage and motivate the Attending Church/Mass Year Round Religious leaders, Teachers, Students will
Participate for Religious students to join church activities Service, Sunday Mass , and Parents make a reflective
Activities for Youth in their own sect and to church activities/ Journal based on
strengthen their faith and to have fellowship and make Bond Paper spiritual activities
a strong relationship with the weekly reflection of scrap that attended and
Lord. book Donation inculcating in
them the practice
of regular
attendance to
spiritual act.
Filipino “Project Modelong Mag- 1. To enhance students' Conduct Poster making, NOVEMBER Judges, ESP Teachers, School MOOE/
Values aaral” understanding, skill or slogan and Bible quiz bee Head DONATION
Month effectiveness putting their best Certificates, white cartolina,
effort. illustration board,Marker,
2. Develop learners’ interest in Chalk
the twelve point ethical values

RD-ELC/ Project “Sharing is Caring” To identify the problems of the Conduct interview and Year Round ALL TECHERS and School Intensify leaners’
HGP learners that are facing with their background check to the Head to be motivated in
current situation students who needs studying, be
assistance specially in Bond Paper MOU proactive and
financial problem in each (Memorandum of develop care and
section per year level, for Understanding) love for learning
an Adopt a Child Program

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