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Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology (2000) 57, 101±110

doi:10.1006/pmpp.2000.0287, available online at on

Phenolic-storing cells: keys to programmed cell death and periderm

formation in wilt disease resistance and in general defence responses
in plants?
CA R L H . B E C K M A N
Department of Plant Sciences, College of the Environment and Life Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I.,
02881, U.S.A.

(Accepted for publication August 2000)

Specialized cells of plants synthesize phenolics and store them in their vacuoles during the normal
processes of di€erentiation. Such phenolic-storing cells are distributed within most tissues. In some tissues
they occur uniformly in all of the cells, whereas in other tissues they occur randomly scattered, and in still
others they appear to be strategically located at potential points of entry. Based on the evidence presented
herein, it is proposed that these cells can, ®rst, by decompartmentation, rapid oxidation of their phenolic
content, and the ensuing ligni®cation and suberization of cells, and cell death, seal o€ infections or injuries
at the immediate site of cellular penetration and, secondly, if this defence should fail and the stress persist,
these same processes promote the prolonged build-up of IAA and ethylene that cause a further metabolic
cascade in outlying cells that includes secondary metabolism and growth responses to produce a
peridermal defence in depth. A relationship between the strategic location of these phenolic-storing cells
within plant tissues and the defence sequence that ensues is proposed. *c 2000 Academic Press

Keywords: callose; ¯avanoids; hypersensitive reaction; ligni®cation; periderm; phenolic compounds;

plant defence; programmed cell death; suberization; tyloses; banana (Musa acuminata L.); castor bean
(Ricinus communis L.); cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.); hops (Humulus lupulus L.); melon (Cucumis melo L.);
pea (Pisum sativum L.); potato (Solanum tuberosum L.); radish (Raphanus sativus L.); tomato (Lycopersicon
esculentum Mill.); Fusarium oxysporum Schlect. f. spp. Snyd. et Hans; Ralstonia solanacearum E. F. Smith;
Saccharomyces cerevisiae van der Walt; Verticillium albo-atrium Reine & Berth.

INTRODUCTION hydroxyl groups that may be variously elaborated with

methyl, methoxyl, amino or glycosyl groups. They are,
Plant phenolics may be usefully thought of in two classes:
therefore, extremely diverse and di€er considerably from
(1) those that are synthesized during the normal develop-
species to species and from tissue to tissue within a species
ment of plant tissues [30, 53] and (2) those that are
synthesized by plants in response to physical injury, [20, 56]. They are widely used to classify plants taxo-
infection or other stress [50]. Other than their role in nomically [14, 23] and some earlier researchers judged
inhibiting potential pathogens directly, we, as plant that they are evolutionary remnants that have no current
pathologists, have not, intentionally studied the former function (Challice, pers. comm.). Others suggested that
and their role in defence except in a few cases, e.g. they were metabolic end-products that are toxic to the
catechol and protocatechuic acid in onion [76]. It is these plant and are therefore stored away in vacuoles of
innate phenolic substances, their occurrence in various specialized cells (tannin cells), for safe keeping [53, 61].
plant tissues, and their overall function in plant defence Evidence that constitutive phenolics play a vital role in
that I am intrigued by and shall consider here. plants is that many of them are recycled within the
Phenolics that occur innately in plants have long been metabolic stream of plants [2, 25, 70]. They have been
reported and have been intensively studied in taxonomic shown to serve as signalling molecules [79] and to
and chemical terms [14]. They occur ubiquitously in modulate the action of IAA [79]. It is more in keeping
plants in a variety of tissues [30, 31, 68]. Indeed, more with our evolutionary understanding that they provide
than 50 000 secondary metabolites, including phenolics of some clear bene®t to the plants that o€sets the cost of
great diversity, have now been shown to be compartmen- maintaining the enzymatic pathways and expending the
ted within plant cell vacuoles [53, 79]. All of the phenolics resources and energy needed to produce and store them.
have one or more benzene rings with one or more Yet, as stated in Salisbury and Ross [61], ``With
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c 2000 Academic Press
102 Carl H. Beckman
important exceptions, the functions of most phenolics are are catechin and gallocatechin [39, 40]. These ¯avanoid
obscure. Many presently appear simply to be by-products compounds were readily observed histochemically to be
of metabolism, but this view likely re¯ects our still poor uniformly present in all root cap and endodermal cells
knowledge of ecological biochemistry''. and in cells around emerging secondary roots. They also
Several plausible and clearly functional roles for some of occur as randomly scattered cells, making up 5±10 % of
these compounds have been proposed and documented. the cell population (unpublished work), within cortical,
They include: (1) coloration of ¯owers that attracts ray, pith, and xylem parenchyma tissues, including the
pollinating animals; (2) protection from injurious UV paravascular contact cells that ensheath xylem vessels
radiation; (3) deterrence to grazing animals and feeding [48]. After being cut o€ in the meristem of the root tip,
insects because of their astringent, toxic nature; (4) pro- the endodermal cells in cotton di€erentiated into fully
viding a tanglefoot mechanism for trapping feeding developed phenolic-storing cells within 60±90 min [48].
insects; (5) resistance to pathogens; and (6) volatiles that
a€ect the growth of other neighboring plants [28, 30, 79].
Thus the primary established roles are clearly ecological in
nature, some having dual or even multiple functions [77,
79]. Furthermore, in his insightful treatment of the role of
plant cell vacuoles in the storage of secondary metabolites
and xenobiotics, Wink [79] has pointed out that phenolics Mueller and Beckman [49] examined the localization of
are often stored at strategically important sites where they the enzymes and structures by which these phenolics can
play a signalling role, and often a direct role, in defence. be synthesized and maintained in a reduced state, on the
Herein I propose, ®rst, to document the occurrence of one hand, and can be rapidly oxidized, on the other. In
phenolic-storing cells in plant tissues, then to ¯esh out young, healthy root and hypocotyl tissues of cotton, the
Wink's signalling hypothesis with respect to their role in enzymes were located in di€erent cellular compartments.
defence within xylem tissues, and, ®nally, to draw Polyphenoloxidase (PPO) was con®ned to the thylakoids
together evidence regarding their role in triggering of plastids, where the starch reserves are stored and the
defence responses in general, including programmed cell phenolics are synthesized, a frequent observation [79].
death and periderm formation. Once synthesized, the phenolics are transferred to the cell
vacuoles where they are stored, also a common obser-
vation [79]. Catalase was con®ned to cytoplasmic
microbodies, whereas peroxidase was con®ned to the
cell walls of most epidermal, subepidermal, and endo-
dermal cells, as well as in randomly scattered cortical and
In 1963, Mace [38] examined the specialized ``tannin'' stelar parenchyma cells [49].
cells that were randomly distributed in the xylem Thus, these phenolic-storing cells have a highly
parenchyma tissues of freshly prepared roots of banana specialized distribution within the plant tissues and an
(Musa acuminata L.). These cells did not contain poly- elaborate organization that serves to synthesize the
merized or condensed ``tannins'' {see [67], pp. 169±197} phenolics and keep them compartmented and in a
as earlier reported and generally assumed, but rather, reduced, poised state within their vacuoles, while at the
contained a free o-dihydroxyphenol (3-hydroxytyramine) same time providing the means for their rapid oxidation
commonly known as dopamine. This was an important should decompartmentation occur. Such decompartmen-
®nding because phenolics that are in a free state are tation can be triggered by a variety of environmental
normally oxidized and polymerize rapidly. Thus the stresses including wounding or infection by a variety of
3-hydroxytyramine that Mace found in these specialized organisms [5]. Even when freshly sectioned tissues are
phenolic-storing cells was apparently compartmented in exposed to strong substage lighting of a microscope, a
some way and maintained in a reduced state within the sudden release of phenolics can be seen (unpublished
vacuoles of the living cells that synthesized and stored personal observations).
them. That mechanism is now clear. The major tonoplast It should be noted that many stored phenolics occur as
protein is an H ‡ -ATPase. The H ‡ concentration of the glycosides, in which form they are not toxic to plant cells.
vacuole is therefore ``orders of magnitude higher than that Glycosidases, which would strip them of their glucose
in the cytoplasm'' [79] and serves to maintain the moeity, are also numerous and highly speci®c with
hydroxyl groups of phenolics in a non-ionized, reduced respect to the aglycone involved [16, 20]. Because these
state within the vacuoles. aglycones are highly reactive and toxic to the cell proto-
In closely-linked histochemical and biochemical studies plasts, these processes must also be rigorously controlled
of phenolic-storing cells in roots of cotton (Gossypium in normal plant functioning. This control is also achieved
hirsutum L.), it was shown that two of the phenolics stored by compartmentation. The storing site of the glycoside is
Phenolic-storing cells 103
commonly in the cell vacuole, but the various glycosidase plants by any of a variety of organisms, including the
enzymes are apparently located at or near the site of vascular pathogens Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht., f. spp.
ultimate utilization of the aglycone. Glycosidases associ- Synd. and Hans, and Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke &
ated with ligni®cation, for example, are con®ned to the Berth, as well as non-pathogens including brewer's yeast
apoplast of cells, whereas another that is implicated in the (Saccharomyces cerevisiae van der Walt) [5], these stored
hydrolysis of phytohormone glycosides is con®ned to phenolics have been shown to be released and to di€use
plastids. Still others are con®ned to the exterior of the out of their vacuolar compartments into the cell at large.
tonoplast [20]. Although these glucoside/glucosidase Here they become oxidized and polymerize with each
systems have been implicated in a variety of key other and with other host constituents, i.e. cellular
metabolic events and growth related responses, most of proteins and cell wall carbohydrates, to form ``ligni®ed''
the postulated functions have not as yet been rigorously structures. The capacity of a phenolic to infuse and
documented and elucidated [20]. stabilize wall structures was veri®ed in vitro and in vivo [6].
Thus, it has been demonstrated that phenolics can help
to lock up the immediate sites of infection with
substances that kill the cells in question and, in the
process, create of the cells one large, durable, inert
Xylem tissues a€ord a convenient and e€ective material It is signi®cant to note that any organism that grew
for study of host-parasite interactions because one can, by within the vessels triggered a strong, rapid response,
severing roots under an aqueous medium and allowing except the host-speci®c pathogen which triggered a
transpirational uptake through the vessels, quickly slower, less pronounced, and less e€ective response [5].
introduce fungal spores, together with tracer particles,
at a speci®c time into a speci®c mass of tissue. These
tissues can then be easily excised for further study in a
time course fashion [4].
Xylem vessels, by their design and function, provide a
particularly dangerous avenue for extensive and rapid
distribution of parasites should a break in the system Gordon and Paleg [24] also made the exciting discovery
occur. Perforation plates at the ends of vessels provide that the oxidation of various phenolics having mono-
check points that screen out fungal spores from the hydroxy, ortho di-hydroxy- and tri-hydroxy con®gur-
transpiration stream, but organisms that can quickly ations, mediated the conversion of typtophan to 3-indo-
germinate, penetrate these end-walls and sporulate in leacetic acid (IAA). This ®nding was later con®rmed
the next xylem element above present a serious threat to using dopamine from banana by Mace and Solit [41] and
the plant. Vascular pathogens do so. But it takes 2±3 chlorogenic acid from tomato by Matta and Gentile [44].
days for a successful fungal vascular parasite to germi- Recent evidence has also demonstrated the release of IAA
nate, grow through vessel end-walls and produce mature from cellular conjugates by various hydrolytic enzymes
spores that can abscise and be carried further upward [1, 51]. It is clear then, as has long been observed, that
in the transpiration stream in the next vessel element IAA can build up rapidly in plants when decompart-
above. Thus the plant has a period of 2, and at most 3, mentation occurs.
days in which to seal o€ the infection sites [8]. These Following decompartmentation, two other processes
®ndings are presented in a model of the defence system in could cause the level of IAA to rise sharply in the a€ected
xylem tissue (Fig. 1). It is the role of phenolic-storing cells xylem tissues. First, ¯avanols have been shown to inhibit
in programming several of these defence processes that I the ATPase pumps in the basal portion of vascular
shall present here. parenchyma cells that provide for the downward polar
transport of IAA [37, 51]. The release of ¯avanols at the
site of infection would, therefore, cause an accumulation
of IAA above that point. Second, the oxidized phenolics
have been shown to inhibit the destructive oxidation of
IAA thus permitting a further, several-fold build-up of
Histochemical, biochemical and ®ne-structural studies IAA [63].
have shown phenolic-storing cells to be present in the Such a build-up of IAA, of host origin, has been
xylem tissues of roots of several plant species, including demonstrated to occur in infected vascular tissues of
banana, cotton, potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and tomato tomato infected with Fusarium and of tobacco infected
(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) [38±40, 42, 47, 48, 75]. with Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum, E. F. Smith
Following vascular infection of many species of higher [43, 64] (Fig. 1). The action of IAA in a€ected tissues is
104 Carl H. Beckman
Host factors Pathogen factors
predominate predominate

Space - 1
(h) Tylose

Gel cleavage

2º spores
–IAA + ethylene

Spore Endo-pl (24<72h)
trapping Endo-pg ?

(a) Recognition Diminished

Cytoplasmic Diminished recognition

Space - 0
reorganization by
Callose Mimicry?
(c) deposition Inhibition?
(d) Wall coating
(6<42h) Diminished

2º metabolic Fungal invasion

(e) (24h)
Fungal inhibition Diminished
(f) β-1,3 glucanase Diminished


F I G . 1. A time±space model of longitudinal and lateral host±parasite interactions that occur within Space-0 (the initially
inoculated vessel element below a vessel ending, and the surrounding vascular parenchyma tissue) and in Space-1 (the next vessel
above and its surrounding parenchyma tissue). The left side of the model shows the various defence processes of the host (a)±(i) in
chronological order) and the times of their occurrence in Space-0 and Space-1 that, when they predominate, serve to inhibit a
vascular parasite and to localize the infection. The right side of the model shows the processes of the pathogen and the times of their
occurrence in Space-0 and Space-1 that, when they predominate, enable the parasite to escape Space-0 and traverse Space-1.
Inoculum is initially introduced through severed vessels (bottom of model) and drawn upward through Space-0 by transpirational
pull within 10 min (Time-0). Note that phenolic infusion from a phenolic-storing cell into the vessel is clearly visible by 9 h after
inoculation. The movement of IAA and ethylene upward from the point of phenolic release and oxidation (i) to initiate gel
extrusion and tylose growth is hypothetical, but many-fold increases in the concentrations of IAA and ethylene in infected vascular
tissues have been documented. Reproduced, with permission, from Beckman and Roberts, 1995 [8].
Phenolic-storing cells 105
often indicated, in physiological terms, by an oxidative tissues in which pit apertures are large (40±50 mm2).
burst [36, 54] and by the activation of H ‡ pumps and a However, in vessels with simple or bordered pits having
drop in apoplastic pH [15, 27]. Such a drop in pH ( from apertures less than approx. 0.5 mm2, as in cotton, radish
the normal of 4.5 to 2.5±3.0) was found in the walls of (Raphanus sativus L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.), gels but
banana parenchyma cells in contact with Fusarium- no tyloses were formed. They too found that the
infected vessels [3]. Misaghi et al. [46] found no build-up occluding gels were extruded from the paravascular
of cytokinin concentration in Verticillium-infected vascular parenchyma cells through the pit regions and into the
tissues of cotton, but an eventual decline occurred when vessel lumina. Vander Molen et al. [71] have demon-
foliar symptoms appeared. These results indicate that strated, in addition, that such gels in banana consist of the
there is an early and dramatic shift in the IAA/cytokinin usual primary wall substances that are synthesized and
balance in infected vascular tissues at the sites of (except for cellulose ®bers) extruded into the vessel
perturbation and immediately above them. Such a shift lumina. Ethylene was found to induce the formation of
in hormone balance has been shown to promote lateral such gels in the vessels of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.)
growth of cells in the a€ected region [21, 34] and [72]. Thus, in this third instance, where vessels are
treatment of banana roots with IAA was shown to occluded with gels alone, the synthetic processes of
promote such lateral growth in adjacent paravascular adjacent parenchyma cells appear to continue, although
parenchyma cells to form tyloses that, when enlarged, cell enlargement is prevented by physical constraints
wall o€ the lumina of vessels [41], and an oxidative burst (Fig. 1).
occurs during this period [4]. At the interface with the parasite (Fig. 1), all of these
Such lateral growth of cells may not, however, be a structures (crushed elements, gels and tyloses) then
direct response to IAA [66]. McKeon et al. [45] have become ``ligni®ed'' by infusion with phenolics or ``sub-
demonstrated that IAA promoted ethylene production by erized'' by the additional infusion of lipids into the mole-
inducing the synthesis of ACC synthase, which can occur cular complex [9, 58, 75]. Thus, these tissue responses
in as little as 30 min [59]. Furthermore, treatment with
share the anatomical features of wound periderm [12] as
ethylene alone promotes the lateral growth of cells [55]. A
well as heartwood formation [65]. They, as well as other
marked increase in ethylene levels has also been
defence processes [11, 19], including de novo phytoalexin
demonstrated to occur in tomatoes following vascular
synthesis, the hypersensitive reaction, programmed cell
infections [18]. Thus the occurrence of lateral growth and
death, senescence [52] and systemic resistance [74],
tylose formation likely involves both IAA and ethylene
appear to be elicited in part, at least, by ethylene. All
(Fig. 1).
apparently result from gene activation by ethylene [11,
In the paravascular parenchyma cells that surround
52] which has been associated with DNA fragmentation
xylem elements, such lateral growth of cells is expressed in
[59] and the accumulation of mRNAs [13].
several ways, depending on the structure of the xylem
elements themselves. First, in the case of protoxylem There is substantial correlative evidence, then, that
elements with annular or spiral thickenings, such lateral these phenolic-storing cells, produced during normal
growth serves to crush the xylem vessels, which have little di€erentiation and strategically located and kinetically
structural stability. In the case of metaxylem vessels in poised in xylem parenchyma tissues, serve as a sensing
which the elements have strong reticulate walls, growth and defence-triggering system. In the event of injury or
responses of adjacent parenchyma cells may occur in two infection, these cells ``explode'' with a chemical reaction
additional ways. Growth may occur by the invagination that serves to oxidize the phenolics, which then serve to
of the pits and the formation of bladder-like outgrowths lignify and/or suberize the site of immediate disturbance
(tyloses) that wall o€ the a€ected vessels above the site of and, in the process, shift the IAA/ethylene/cytokinin
invasion. Talboys has demonstrated, however, that large, balance. These hormonal reactions serve to sound the
vessel-occluding tyloses are formed in hops (Humulus alarm and mobilize a periderm-like defense in depth,
lupulus L.), only when pits of the vessel walls are large including induced secondary metabolism, for several
enough to allow the nucleus of the growing parenchyma centimeters beyond the point of immediate danger.
cells to pass and enter the expanding portion of the cell in This sequence of responses, when successfully carried
the vessel in question [69]. He found that when pits were out, serves to seal o€ the endangered vessels long-
too small to allow such movement, little cell enlargement itudinally for some distance. Above this zone of response,
and vessel occlusion by tyloses occurred. Synthesis of wall the vessels again become functional by means of
materials occurred, however, and they were extruded to anastomosis with una€ected vessels.
form gels in the vessel lumina. Beckman and Roberts [8] The role in defence of another phenolic, salicylic acid,
reported that such invagination and tylose formation, as as reported by Ga€ney et al. [22] and Kauss and Jeblick
well as occlusion by extruded gels, occurs in reticulate [35], among others, has not been explored in vascular
vessels of banana, tomato and melon (Cucumis melo L.) tissues.
106 Carl H. Beckman
The above processes provide for a longitudinal defence in
depth in the xylem tissues. There is also a lateral defense
in depth within xylem parenchyma tissues in which cells
surrounding infected vessels react either by means of
hypersensitivity or the deposition of callose which then
becomes ligni®ed and/or suberized [10] (Fig. 2). Cells
responding with the HR were never found to be invaded.
The relative success or failure of the callose response to
limit tissue invasion varied with the genetic complement
of the host and parasite (Fig. 3). The longitudinal and
lateral components of defence and the approximate times
of their occurrence, together with the actions of a
potential pathogen are presented in the model (Fig. 1).
Although there is a considerable amount of evidence to
support the scenario presented here, the title of this
paper, with respect to the triggering action of phenolic-
storing cells, must end with a question mark. To resolve
that question, it must be shown that IAA and ethylene
(or ACC synthase) do indeed appear at relevant times
(minutes to hours after inoculation) at the speci®c sites of
interaction between parasites and the phenolic-storing
cells they encounter. With the immuno-histochemical
and cytological techniques now available such studies
appear to be feasible.
F I G . 2. Electron micrographs of longitudinal sections of tomato
hypocotyls showing vessels and adjacent xylem parenchyma
cells 3 days (a), (b) and 6 days (c) after inoculation with
A ROLE FOR PHENOLIC-STORING CELLS Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici, race 1 and tracer particles.
AND RESPONSES IN OTHER TISSUES? Red tracer particles were included with the inoculum to de®ne
the sites and time (510 min) of initial spore entrapment. (a) A
Volume 55 of PMPP included an editorial [33], a hypha (h) in a pit of a secondary xylem vessel with an adjacent
commentary [57], and a mini-review [26] on HR and parenchyma cell in which a callose apposition layer has been
programmed cell death (PCD), as well as a second deposited (arrow). The osmiophilic blackening suggests that the
commentary [29] exploring the processes by which callose has become ``ligni®ed'' by infusion with phenolics and
possibly ``suberized'' by the infusion of lipids. The protoplast of
induced resistance may be accomplished. Yet, a long
the parenchyma cell appears healthy, 35 000. (b) A hypha
standing enigma still remains, as stated by Heath [33], (h) in a primary xylem vessel with an apposition layer in an
``Why disease resistance in plants should be almost adjacent parenchyma cell that is particularly thick at the site of
ubiquitously associated with rapid, localized plant cell contact with the hypha (arrow), but extends along the entire
death has been a source of debate ever since the HR was wall of the large pit membrane, 35 000. (c) Four para-
clearly identi®ed by Stakman in 1915.'' It is this enigma vascular parenchyma cells adjacent to an infected secondary
that I wish to explore. xylem vessel. Note the fungal hyphae (h) and small tracer
particles ( p) in the vessel lumen and the occluded, darkened
Most epidermal and/or sub-epidermal cells of leaves
pits (arrows). Of the adjacent parenchyma cells, three show
and succulent stems contain anthocyanins or other ¯ava- layers of protective callose deposit (arrowheads) at the pits and
noids [62], as do the bulbous cells of hairs (trichomes) on along the cell walls adjacent to the infected vessel. The
the leaves and stems of many plants [7]. They are believed protoplasts of these cells are not invaded and appear healthy.
to protect the tissues from injurious UV radiation, but The fourth cell has responded with what appears to be a
they need not have a single function [79]. Dai et al. [17] hypersensitive reaction in which the entire protoplast has
have demonstrated that when cotton cotyledons were become disorganized and electron dense. It has not been
invaded. The tear in the protoplast of this cell, which is a
inoculated with Xanthomonas in an incompatible combi-
common result of sectioning phenolic-storing cells, presumably
nation, ¯avanoids became ®xed into the polysaccharides results from the infusion and incorporation of the phenolic into
of host cell walls, middle lamellae and callose-rich papillae the embedding polymer that changes its sectioning properties,
within 10 h after inoculation in an HR-type reaction. This (3500  ). (c) Reproduced, with permission, from Beckman,
early incorporation of ¯avanoids into cellular structures, Verdier and Mueller, 1989 [10].
Phenolic-storing cells 107
as compared to de novo synthesis of terpenoids only after Those in hops have been shown to prevent the entry of
48 h, raises an interesting question: could it be that these Verticillium albo-atrum into the stelar tissues of roots [9].
¯avanoids or closely related precursers were already stored Pennell and Lamb [52] in discussing programmed cell
and poised for action in epidermal cells before inoculation death (PCD) in plants remind us that PCD is a process
took place? involved in the selective elimination of unwanted cells.
In higher plant roots, all of the endodermal cells have This process included senescence. By tying up the
been shown to store phenolics [73]. Those in cotton and contents of dying and dead cells, PCD may help prevent
tomato contained catechin and gallocatechin [40, 42]. the infection of a senescing organ or stressed tissue and
thus prevent spread of disease to living parts of the plant.
It is signi®cant to note that among those tissues that
100 are listed as sites in which PCD commonly occurs are
H.R 2/117 Not challenged (a)
Callosed Not root cap cells, trichomes and the bundle sheath cells
8/117 challenged surrounding veins in stems. The latter are more
90 Callosed
11/99 susceptible to death inducing signals than are mesophyll
80 0/86 cells. Of these exact sites, the root cap cells [47, 48] and
Callosed the bulbous trichomes [7] have been consistently shown
70 to store phenolics, whereas the bundle sheath cells of the
stem are an extension of endodermis tissue of the roots
60 [73] which, as we have noted, also store phenolics. The
Cells affected (%)

bundle sheath cells do not store phenolics but do store

50 starch and may well be poised to synthesize phenolics,

Infected Infected
107/117 82/99
which we have noted can occur within 1±2 h in
40 di€erentiating endodermal cells [48]. There is, then, a
60/86 strong correlation between cells that are noted for PCD
30 and those that store phenolics.
Furthermore, it is interesting to note that Wang et al.
20 [78], when examining cells of onion root tips have shown
that cleavage and fragmentation of DNA which precedes
10 PCD and HR [60] occurs only in cells near the surface of
the root caps, precisely the location of phenolic-storing
0 cells in cotton root caps. In inner tissues that are less
Contact 1º Adjacent 2º Adjacent exposed, phenolic-storing cells occur less frequently and
100 (b)
14/152 F I G . 3. The responses of xylem parenchyma cells of (a)
90 susceptible (ii gene) and (b) resistant (I-1 gene) tomato plants
to infection with the host-speci®c pathogen Fusarium oxysporum
f.sp. lycopersici, race 1. The cells designated ``HR'' responded in a
Not manner that resulted in highly osmiophilic and electron opaque
challenged cell walls as well as osmiophilic and opaque, but disorganized,
70 59/152 host cell cytoplasm. These cells remained non-colonized by the
pathogen. The cells designated ``callosed'' had thick wall
Cells affected (%)

60 appositions adjacent to the inoculated vessels, beginning at

challenged the challenged pit membranes. These appositions became
``marblized'' with osmiophilic material and were not colonized.

H.R. Cells in the ®rst and second adjacent layers that are labelled
21/136 ``not challenged'' were shielded from contact with the pathogen
by cells that had responsed with HR or callose-containing
depositions. The remaining cells became successively invaded
30 by hyphae of the pathogen, the paravascular cells most severely,
Infected Callosed
79/152 29/136
and adjacent cells less so. The fractions given represent the
20 number of cells found in each category (HR, callose, or
invaded) over the total number of cells observed within each
H.R. 4/121
layer of cells (contact, or ®rst or second adjacent cells). The
Infected Callosed di€erences in response between the susceptible interactions (a)
20/136 9/121
Infected 3/121
and the single-dominant-gene resistant interactions (b) were not
qualitative, but quantitative in nature. Reproduced, with
Contact 1º Adjacent 2º Adjacent permission, from Beckman, Verdier and Mueller, 1989 [10].
108 Carl H. Beckman
are randomly scattered throughout the tissues. These 2. Barz W, Hoesel W. 1979. Metabolism and degradation of
include the mesophyll of leaves [62], cortical cells of stems phenolic compounds in plants. In: Swain T, Harborne JB,
Van Sumere CF, eds. Biochemistry of Plant Phenolics. New
and roots [39], and pith cells ( personal observations). York and London: Plenum Press, 339±369.
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