Saving Money For The Future

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NIM : 210911020130

Saving Money for the Future

Topic Sentence : In my opinion, saving money is one of the essential aspects of building wealth and
having a secure financial future. saving money give a way out from uncertainties of life and provides
with an opportunity to enjoy a quality life and helps to avoid many obstacles in life.

First Reason : Saving money for an emergency fund and protects yourself and family from a financial
crisis .
Details: 1. According to Bank rate, “if something unexpected happens, then you already have an
emergency fund or reserve”. for example, if one of family members is sick, don't have to worry about
medical expenses anymore, because already have money in saving .
Details: 2. If you are no longer working or have been laid off, the money saved will become a pension or
old - age insurance in the future .

Second Reason: B. Saving gives the freedom to get and buy which one likes , saving money makes the
mind calm and free from debt .
Detail : 1: Under no circumstances are free to buy houses, cars, assets , branded bags, expensive shoes,
vacations anywhere and so on .
Detail: 2: Free if want to be an entrepreneur because are not afraid of how much money have to spend
and it is not difficult to get the funds you need.

Third Reason: C. Saving money can take calculated risks .

Details: 1. If you experience losses in starting and running a business, don't need to be afraid because
there is still money in savings.
Details: 2. Not afraid of experiencing irregular and recurring expenses in daily life and later in life. for
example paying for health insurance, vehicle taxes, home taxes or unexpected car repair costs.

Fourth Reason : D. Saving money for independence financial, child's future is guaranteed, and free to
invest .
Details: 1. To meet the needs and demands of children. for example, if want to continue education
abroad, there is already a fee, because you already have savings.
Details: 2. Free to invest. for example, investing in gold, stocks, editors, bonds, property investment, and
so on.

Five Reasons: E. Not worried by any circumstances, can help others, and can pursue a dream career.
Details: 1. If dream of a career as a doctor, architect, or other career. don't have to worry about the costs
that will be needed and what will be spent because have the savings already prepared.
Details: 2. Help others or share with others. for example providing aid funds for victims of natural
disasters, helping small traders to develop their businesses, and so on.

Concluding Sentence : For these three reasons, I believe that saving for the future is better than
spending and enjoying the money right away. saving has many benefits and advantages that will be
obtained in the future. saving can be freely used for investing, entrepreneurship or buying houses, cars,
assets and so on. not only that, the future of the children is also guaranteed.. The most important thing
is saving to create an independent, secure, quality life, and free from financial difficulties. therefore
saving is very important for everyone. let's save to get a better and guaranteed future life .
Saving Money for the Future

In my opinion, saving money is one of the essential aspects of building wealth and having a secure
financial future. Saving money give a way out from uncertainties of life and provides with an opportunity
to enjoy a quality life and helps to avoid many obstacles in life. First of all, saving money for an
emergency fund and protects yourself and family from a financial crisis. According to Bank rate, “if
something unexpected happens, then you already have an emergency fund or reserve. for example, if
one of family members is sick, don't have to worry about medical expenses anymore, because already
have money in saving. If are no longer working or have been laid off, the money saved will become a
pension or old - age insurance in the future. A second reason, saving gives the freedom to get and buy
which one likes, saving money makes the mind calm and free from debt. Under no circumstances are
free to buy houses, cars, assets, branded bags, expensive shoes, and vacations anywhere and so on. Free
if want to be an entrepreneur because don’t afraid of how much money you have to spend and it is not
difficult to get the funds you need. A third reason, saving money can take calculated risks. If experience
losses in starting and running a business, don't need to be afraid because there is still money in savings.
Not afraid of experiencing irregular and recurring expenses in daily life and later in life. for example
paying for health insurance, vehicle taxe, home taxes or unexpected car repair costs. Fourth reason,
saving money for independence financial , child's future is guaranteed, and free to invest . To meet the
needs and demands of children. for example, if the children want to continue education in abroad,
there is already a fee, because you already have savings. Free to invest . for example, investing in gold,
stocks, editors, bonds, property investment, and so on. Five reasons, not worried by any circumstances,
can help other people , and can pursue a dream career. If dream of a career as a doctor, architect or
other career. don't have to worry about the costs that will be needed and what will be spent because
have the savings already prepared. Help others or share with others . for example, providing aid funds
for victims of natural disasters, helping small traders to develop their businesses, and so on. For these
five reasons, I believe that saving for the future is better than spending and enjoying the money right
away. saving money has many benefits and advantages that will be obtained in the future. saving can be
freely used for investing, entrepreneurship or buying house , car, assets and so on. not only that, the
future of the children is also guaranteed. The most important thing is saving to create an independent,
secure, quality life, and free from financial difficulties. therefore saving is very important for everyone.
let's save to get a better and guaranteed future life .
Writer's Self-Check 68

Title: Saving Money for the Future

Writer: Dewi Peronika Silitonga 210911020130 Date : April 18- 2022

Paragraph Form

My paragraph looks like the model on page 150, yes no


My paragraph begins with a clear opinion topic sentence yes no

I used transition signals to introduce each reason. yes no

I used one or two supporting details for each reason yes no

I used at least one quotation yes no

Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling

I checked my paragraph for correct punctuation, capitalization, yes no

and spelling

Sentence Structure

I wrote different kinds of sentences-simple, compound, yes no

and complex

I wrote at least two sentences containing adjective clauses yes no

I checked my paragraph for sentence errors: fragments, run-ons, yes no

and comma splices.

Personal Grammar Trouble Spots Number found

and corrected

I checked my paragraph for errors capitalization eror therefore>Therefore

I checked my paragraph for subject – verb eror Five reason > Fifth reas
Reader's Response 6B

Title: Saving Monery for the feature

Reader: Mardianto Mellolo 21091102156 Date: April 20 - 2022

1. How many reasons does the writer give? number: 5

2. Does the writer introduce each reason with a transition signal? yes no

Which signals? Write them here: First of all, a second reason, a third reason, fourth
reason, five reasons.

3. Does each reason have supporting facts? yes no

Does the writer use at least one quotation? yes no

4. Do you understand everything? yes no

If your answer is no, what part(s) or sentence(s) don't you understand?

-Wrong Word and Subject-Verb Agreement: Five reasons>Fifth reason

-Puncation: Some sentences use a space before the comma and period.

-Capitalization and Puncation: “if something unexpected happens, then you already have
an emergency fund or reserve> “If something unexpected happens, then you already have
an emergency fund or reserve.”

-Capitalization: therefore>Therefore

5. What do you like the best about this paragraph? Write one positive comment here:
Her paragraph is quite good because they have lots os reasons and detaiuls. This paragraph
has also used everything that was learned in the chapter 6.

Paragraph correction
Saving Money for the Future

In my opinion, saving money is one of the essential aspects of building wealth and having a secure
financial future. Saving money give a way out from uncertainties of life and provides with an opportunity
to enjoy a quality life and helps to avoid many obstacles in life. First of all, saving money for an
emergency fund and protects yourself and family from a financial crisis. According to Bank rate, “if
something unexpected happens, then you already have an emergency fund or reserve. for example, if
one of family members is sick, don't have to worry about medical expenses anymore, because already
have money in saving. If are no longer working or have been laid off, the money saved will become a
pension or old - age insurance in the future. A second reason, saving gives the freedom to get and buy
which one likes, saving money makes the mind calm and free from debt. Under no circumstances are
free to buy houses, cars, assets, branded bags, expensive shoes, and vacations anywhere and so on. Free
if want to be an entrepreneur because don’t afraid of how much money you have to spend and it is not
difficult to get the funds you need. A third reason, saving money can take calculated risks. If experience
losses in starting and running a business, don't need to be afraid because there is still money in savings.
Not afraid of experiencing irregular and recurring expenses in daily life and later in life. for example
paying for health insurance, vehicle taxe, home taxes or unexpected car repair costs. Fourth reason,
saving money for independence financial , child's future is guaranteed, and free to invest . To meet the
needs and demands of children. for example, if the children want to continue education in abroad,
there is already a fee, because you already have savings. Free to invest . for example, investing in gold,
stocks, editors, bonds, property investment, and so on. Five reasons, not worried by any circumstances,
can help other people , and can pursue a dream career. If dream of a career as a doctor, architect or
other career. don't have to worry about the costs that will be needed and what will be spent because
have the savings already prepared. Help others or share with others . for example, providing aid funds
for victims of natural disasters, helping small traders to develop their businesses, and so on. For these
five reasons, I believe that saving for the future is better than spending and enjoying the money right
away. saving money has many benefits and advantages that will be obtained in the future. saving can be
freely used for investing, entrepreneurship or buying house , car, assets and so on. not only that, the
future of the children is also guaranteed. The most important thing is saving to create an independent,
secure, quality life, and free from financial difficulties. therefore saving is very important for everyone.
let's save to get a better and guaranteed future life .
Final Paragraph

Saving Money for the Future

In my opinion, saving money is one of the essential aspects of building wealth and having a secure
financial future. Saving money give a way out from uncertainties of life and provides with an opportunity
to enjoy a quality life and helps to avoid many obstacles in life. First of all, saving money for an
emergency fund and protects yourself and family from a financial crisis. According to Bank rate “If
something unexpected happens, then you already have an emergency fund or reserve.”
for example, if one of family members is sick, don't have to worry about medical expenses anymore,
because already have money in saving. If are no longer working or have been laid off, the money saved
will become a pension or old - age insurance in the future. A second reason, saving gives the freedom to
get and buy which one likes, saving money makes the mind calm and free from debt. Under no
circumstances are free to buy house, car, assets, branded bags, expensive shoes, and vacations
anywhere and so on. Free if want to be an entrepreneur because don’t afraid of how much money you
have to spend and it is not difficult to get the funds you need. A third reason, saving money can take
calculated risks. If experience losses in starting and running a business, don't need to be afraid because
there is still money in savings. Not afraid of experiencing irregular and recurring expenses in daily life and
later in life. for example paying for health insurance, vehicle taxe, home taxes or unexpected car repair
costs. Fourth reason, saving money for independence financial , childs future is guaranteed, and free to
invest.To meet the needs and demands of children. for example, if the children want to continue
education in abroad, there is already a fee, because you already have savings. Free to invest . for
example, investing in gold, stocks, editors, bonds, property investment, and so on. Fifth reason, not
worried by any circumstances, can help other people , and can pursue a dream career. If dream of a
career as a doctor, architect or other career. don't have to worry about the costs that will be needed and
what will be spent because have the savings already prepared . Help others or share with others. for
example, providing aid funds for victims of natural disasters, helping small traders to develop their
businesses, and so on. For these fifth reasons, I believe that saving for the future is better than
spending and enjoying the money right away. saving money has many benefits and advantages that will
be obtained in the future. saving can be freely used for investing, entrepreneurship or buying house, car,
assets and so on. not only that, the future of the children is also guaranteed .The most important thing is
saving to create an independent, secure, quality life, and free from financial difficulties. Therefore, saving
is very important for everyone. let's save to get a better and guaranteed future life .

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