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Statement of purpose

My short-term career goals are to gain new skills and to improve my networking abilities. I as
a fresher want to add new skills to my arsenal. Through the help of networking, I want to
strengthen business connection, get fresh ideas and perspective of more experienced people.
Both these goals will help me to raise my profile and advance my career. My mid-term goals
would be to become a specialist in my field and reach a leadership position where I can train
new recruits and be a part of decision taking. JLR being a big automotive company will provide
me an ideal environment for personal and professional growth and working with experienced
and talented individuals will help in having exceptional career growth.

The world today is driven by data and I have relevant internship in the field of data analytics
and machine learning. I think data on car performance can be analysed and predictions can
be done. This part of the automotive industry fascinates me because there is constant need
to improve safety features of cars and I personally think you can never build a perfectly safe
car, but you can definitely build a safer one and I am excited to know that there is a plethora
of new skills that I can acquire every time a new model is implemented.

My preference order would be 2 ,3 ,1. The reason why I have prioritized connected cars
because I want use my skills in data analytic to improve safety features by integrating data
from numerous sources throughout the vehicle’s lifecycle and run predictive analytics to
identify and prioritise the root causes of product quality issues. The next area in the preference
order is the autonomous driving where I can use machine learning and computer vision to
predict lanes & incoming traffic, which can provide the car with obstacle prediction. I don’t
have much knowledge about the electrification so I kept it as my last preference.

I have been an efficient student my whole life. I have qualified both NTSE and KVPY (securing
a rank 160). Throughout my academic career, I have been consistently praised as adaptable
and efficient by my peers and professors. While working on academic and extracurricular
projects, I have developed proven problem-solving skills, management and creative thinking
skills, which I hope to leverage into this position. I believe that I would be an asset to your
company. This position would provide me with the ideal opportunity to assist your organization
and to expand my technical skills.
A desire to extend my skillset and a strong enthusiasm to solve the demanding problems faced
by the automotive industry in the field of safety analytics, motivated me to pursue the software
role. Improvement in the field of safety analytics can save a lot of lives and that to me is a
tremendous way to make this world a better and safer place.



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