Mount Maruyunng Males Gawe

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The story of Mount Maruyung originates from the West Cilacap area. In ancient times above the
clouds there was a country called the Land of the Winds which was ruled by a king. He has a
beautiful daughter named Putri Maharani. He is in charge of regulating rainfall that is beneficial
to the inhabitants of the earth. Her beauty was adored by the gods. However, there was a
carelessness that he did and caused disaster for the inhabitants of the earth. One day the Princess
felt exhausted. He keeps the rain on earth all day. He ran here and there to make it rain. His job is
not an easy job. He must be careful and alert when it rains. Spilling water on the earth with the
right discharge, not a little or not too much. Until one day the Princess made a fatal mistake. One
day in the hot afternoon the Princess felt tired. He then fell asleep on his favorite bench. Because
of his sleep, he forgot to stop the rain. The weather suddenly changed, the rainfall became
uncontrollable. Rainwater on the earth is getting more and more unstoppable and is increasingly
destroying the entire earth. All the residents ran here and there, confused for help. The little boy
cried in fear. Many children are separated from their parents. Many wives are separated from
their husbands. Several places on earth became flooded. Many agricultural crops were damaged.
Foodstuffs were washed away by the flood. As a result, there was a famine. Disease epidemics
spread everywhere, the death rate is increasing. News of this chaos had reached the King.
Princess Maharani's carelessness made the King angry and disappointed at her behavior. The
king immediately called his daughter, "My daughter, come here! I want to talk! Quick face! ”
Princess Maharani was very surprised because she did not know what had happened, while
rubbing her face she said, "What on earth is Father calling me?" “My daughter, because of your
carelessness the inhabitants of the earth are destroyed! Instead, you curse yourself to be a
perverted grandmother! Now come down to earth, someday there will be a young man who will
release my curse! " "Forgive me, Father. What did I do wrong? " “You don't know what your
fault was? Look at the earth what your carelessness has been like! " Princess Maharani looked at
the earth. He was surprised by the conditions that happened on earth. He also realized his
carelessness. "My goodness, Father. I apologize, I am sorry that I was negligent in carrying out
my duties, ”Princess Maharani sobbed regretting her actions. He should be disciplined when on
duty. "My goodness, Father. Servant please don't curse me. I do not wish to come down to earth
in such a form, Your Majesty! " The Princess was crying uncontrollably. However, the Princess's
cries did not make the King melt. He still punishes his son to be responsible. The King still
cursed Princess Maharani to be a perverted grandmother. Princess Maharani couldn't do
anything. He could only regret and cried bitterly got a punishment that was very unpleasant for
him. Her pretty face turned into wrinkles. Her once dense black hair all turned gray. The road
that used to be upright was waving, now it is bent. "How stupid I am, that I'm this careless!" he
blamed himself. "Never mind, do not Cry. You deserve that punishment. You must learn to be
responsible for all your actions. Stay on earth and try to help improve conditions on earth, "said
the King to his daughter. Princess Maharani was sad while crying, she said, "Forgive me, Father.
Forgive me, ”Putri Maharani asked her father's forgiveness. "You have to make up for your
mistakes," while moving the king's hand to recite the transformation mantra, "Wes, wes, settt!"
Princess Maharani screamed loudly, "Aaaaaa, forgive me, Ayahanda." Princess Maharani's body
quickly turned into a perverted grandmother and fell to the earth on the edge of a pitch black
wilderness. He then walked away from the forest, looking for a more spacious place. After
walking some distance, he found a place. The place was apparently close to a river. What a great
place to live. He doesn't need to go far to find water. Finally, he decided to stay there. Since then
his name has been changed to Mak Romlah. Miraculously, when Mak Romlah cried her tears
dripped together and turned into a sharp-edged knife. Mak Romlah is surprised. "Ohh, maybe
this knife can help me survive," said Mak Romlah. "Thank you dad." At least the Princess was
still given strength by the King. The only miracle that happened was that the King gave her so
that she could survive independently on earth. Surviving in the forest in such a state was not an
easy matter for a princess to carry out. That night, Princess Maharani, who turned into Mak
Romlah, could not sleep. He was alert for fear of a wild animal coming to him, who can pounce
on him if he falls asleep. Early in the morning Mak Romlah collected wood. He tried to build a
small hut from the wood he had collected. After some time living in a hut on the edge of the
forest, he decided to leave the place. While on his way he met a carpenter who was walking
towards the forest. The Princess was curious about the state of the forest, finally she asked the
carpenter. "Sir, may I ask?" slightly exclaimed Mak Romlah called a carpenter who was walking.
"What's the matter, Grandma?" Carpenter stopped and answered Mak Romlah's call. This answer
surprised Princess Maharani. He also looked left and right, there was no one but himself and the
carpenter. The Carpenter repeated his question, "Grandma, What is wrong? Why confused?"
This question made Princess Maharani realize that now she is Mak Romlah, a defiled
grandmother. "Oh yes, I want to go into the forest. Do you think there are many wild animals in
the forest or not? " asked Mak Romlah. "I think the forest here is safe, Grandma. In all the years I
have been in and out of the forest, I have never encountered a wild animal. What I often
encounter while in the forest is just a group of monkeys hanging and jumping from one tree to
another, ”replied the carpenter. "Oh like that. Yes, thank you, ”said Mak Romlah. “Grandma
looks like someone new here. I've never met Grandma, ”the carpenter was curious about Mak
Romlah. "I am Mak Romlah, I live alone by the river," replied Mak Romlah, introducing
himself. "Mak Romlah, what is the need to go to the forest?" asked the carpenter. “Hmmm, it's
okay. I just wanted to find wood and some leaves to make a potion, ”replied Mak Romlah
arbitrarily. "Oh, I see. Be careful, Mom. Immediately leave before it starts evening, "ordered the
carpenter. Mak Romlah walked alone into the forest. He heard the sound of birds chirping and
the roar of forest monkeys looking for food. Not long after, he saw monkeys hanging from tree
trunks one by one, jumping from tree to tree. At first he was afraid, but after a while he was
comforted by the behavior of the monkeys eating fruits. He saw that there were monkeys
carrying their children and some were joking with other monkeys. Mak Romlah laughed silently.
Farther away, Mak Romlah deeper into the forest. Tracing tree by tree, bush by bush. After
feeling tired, he rested. Mak Romlah rested under a big tree and shady leaves. Don't feel the day
getting dark. Night fell. The next morning, Mak Romlah woke up and started his journey again
through the forest. When Mak Romlah walked, he saw a stretch of bamboo trees in the forest.
Mak Romlah took a piece of bamboo, then split it into several bamboo strips. He knitted the
bamboo blades until they were smooth, then he weaved them. A hihid was formed. Hihid is a fan
made of woven bamboo. Mak Romlah made a lot of hihid from these bamboos until he fell
asleep exhausted. The following morning, Mak Romlah intended to sell the hihid-hihid to the
villagers. "Hihid, hihid, who wants to buy hihid, ”Mak Romlah offered his merchandise. As it
turned out, his hihid was selling well, Mak Romlah smiled happily. He earns a lot of money so
he can shop for side dishes and vegetables at the market. So far, he has only relied on the
vegetables that grow around his hut. Meanwhile, at the top of Mount Bureng there is a kingdom
called the Bureng Kingdom. All the people suffered from hunger because the king had died and
there was a seizure of the throne in the Kingdom of Bureng. Prince Ruyung is the Crown Prince
of the Bureng Kingdom. However, his life always suffered. He went into hiding for fear of being
killed by his cousin, the son of his uncle. His cousin named Pangeran Bedul wanted the throne of
the Kingdom so he did various ways to get rid of Prince Ruyung. That morning was very bright
in the forest, the sun rays entered through the gaps in the leaves, the breezy wind blew Mak
Romlah's body. Butterflies flutter here and there, birds chirp merrily. Enjoying the coolness, Mak
Romlah hummed while weaving hihid. Mak Romlah's hand almost cut a sharp bamboo blade. He
was shocked to hear a sound like someone fighting. He also looked for the source of the voice,
"Huh!" Mak Romlah exclaimed in surprise. It turned out that it was true, there was a great fight
between two young men named Pangeran Ruyung and Prince Bedul. Prince Bedul shouted,
"Come on, Prince Ruyung. Fight me! You don't deserve to be the King of Bureng! ” Pangeran
Bedul managed to find the hideout of Pangeran Ruyung, who was hiding in a cave in the forest.
The sound of clashing weapons was heard very loudly. The fight was very fierce. The two of
them have equal strength. "Tang, pliers, pliers, jleeb!" "Aaahhh!" There were screams of pain,
then the fight stopped. Prince Bedul succeeded in defeating Prince Ruyung. “Hahahaha, I finally
managed to beat you. Now I am the King of Bureng. Ha ha ha ha!" Prince Bedul laughed loudly.
Meanwhile, Prince Ruyung was badly injured by holding his stomach. As he staggered, he
shouted for help. “Please! Help me!" Mak Romlah approached Pangeran Ruyung who was in
pain. Mak Romlah limped carrying Prince Ruyung to his hut. He treated Prince Ruyung's
wounds. Long story short, thanks to Mak Romlah's help, Pangeran Ruyung was healed and
healthy again as before. Prince Ruyung thanked Mak Romlah. With Mak Romlah's help, he was
able to recover. If not, he would likely have died because his injuries were so bad. Slowly, it was
from Mak Romlah's body that a very dazzling light emerged. Finally, Mak Romlah turned back
into a beautiful and beautiful princess. Prince Ruyung was amazed to see the changes that had
occurred. "Oh, what happened? Am I dreaming? " "No, Prince. I am Maharani, Daughter of the
Land Over the Wind. Because of my previous mistakes, my father cursed me to be a perverted
grandmother, ”replied Princess Maharani. Prince Ruyung was fascinated by the beauty of
Princess Maharani. He also remembered the kindness of Princess Maharani alias Mak Rom who
had taken care of him. Even though they didn't know him, Mak Romlah or Putri Maharani
wanted to take care of him wholeheartedly. It is all kindness which is based on sincerity to do
good. Prince Ruyung also proposed to Princess Maharani. "Daughter, will you be my wife?"
Princess Maharani was surprised by the proposal. However, he was also willing to accept the
proposal. "Very well, Prince. I am willing to be your wife. " Finally, Prince Ruyung and Princess
Maharani got married. The two of them lived in Princess Maharani's hut which had been repaired
and expanded. They are blessed with twin sons and daughters who are named Andana and
Andini. They have two domestic animals, namely male and female tigers. the days, the months
changed, the years changed. One evening Putri Maharani's family sat in the bamboo hall. The
two parents sat side by side, Andana sat on the right and Andini sat on the left. Andana and
Andini have grown up. “My son, the Bureng Kingdom belongs to your father. Now it is in a
precarious state. Help your father take the throne of the Kingdom! Andana, go to the west of the
slopes of Mount Bureng! Near the kawung tree there is a large rock, destroy the rock! " Princess
Maharani messages to Andana. "Fine, Mom." “Andini, go to the east of Mount Bureng! Look for
a large boulder and remove it so it doesn't cover the hole! " Princess Maharani messages to
Andini. Meanwhile, to her husband she said, “Sir, bring this knife to make your way to the
slopes of Mount Bureng! Mother will bring hihid to clear the road. " He explained the steps that
must be taken to seize the Bureng Kingdom. As he got up from his seat, his son saluted his
parents. "All right, Mother. We ask for your blessing so that this assignment can be successful. "
The two of them set off with the tiger as their vehicle. Andana managed to find the big rock her
mother meant. He tried to destroy the big rock according to his mother's message. He did it. As
for Andini, who went to the east, he found a large rock that covered the hole and he managed to
get rid of it. From the hole, water flows very fast. The incident made Andini run as far as
possible avoiding the water to the west so that he met Andana. Meanwhile, his parents made
their way to the top of Mount Bureng. After a few months after thorough preparation, war broke
out between Pangeran Ruyung and King Bedul. Both of them issued a magic move, Prince
Ruyung issued an Earth Mendem move. King Bedul was finally defeated by Prince Ruyung. The
King of Bedul fell and rolled swept away by the river to the east. Prince Ruyung was crowned
King of Bureng and Princess Maharani as empress. Her son Andana is the crown prince, while
Putri Andini helps her brother to rule the Kingdom. To commemorate his services, the name
Bureng Kingdom was changed to Maruyung. Maruyung comes from the names of Princess
Maharani and Prince Ruyung. It is located at the highest and in the middle between two rivers.
The river to the west of the slopes of Mount Maruyung is called the Cikawung River. It is so
named because it comes from a water source under the kawung tree. Meanwhile, the river in the
east is named Cikendang River, which is then commonly pronounced Cikondang. It is named
Cikondang because it is the place where the King of Bedul was washed away (famous in
Javanese, which means 'drifting away'). If a map is made, the two rivers look like a picture of a
tiger. Prince Ruyung was crowned King of Bureng and Princess Maharani as empress. One day
the Ruyung King and Empress Maharani gathered in the garden with their sons and daughters,
suddenly from above the sky fell a white light that turned out to be the King of the Land of
Winds. Empress Maharani was very happy. "Greetings, Father. Thank you Father for coming
here. Thanks to my father's curse, Ananda came to know that being diligent in studying, being
thorough, working diligently, and being responsible will lead to success, ”said Princess Maharani
upon her father's arrival. "All that you get is a valuable lesson for you, my child. As your father, I
always want you to be a good daughter, who will pass on good qualities to your children too.
Therefore, father gave you such a life lesson and now you too have learned to respect life, my
son, "replied the King. "Thank you, Father. I have become a human being that my father was
gifted with strength and some miracles, which allowed me to survive life on earth. Father, can I
have something? " asked Princess Maharani to the King. "Whatever your request, Father will
grant," replied the King to Princess Maharani. “Let me remain human, Father. Let me remain
here with my husband and children. I want to start a new, better life, I want to build a happy
family with them, ”Putri Maharani expressed her wish. “Is that what you want, my daughter?
Father will miss you a lot. You have left Father for a long time and now you want to stay on
earth with your family. "The king felt it was hard to let Princess Maharani go forever. “Because I
know, my husband and children will not be able to live in heaven. So, let my family and I live
happily here, ”Princess Maharani begged her father. "Very well, Father will grant your request.
If that's what you want, I'll make you human. However, if you need me call me. Even though you
are still my daughter, ”The king granted the princess's request. Since then the Princess will never
be able to return to heaven. Now Putri lives happily with her family in the Maruyung Kingdom.
The people's condition began to improve and prosper.

Princess Maharani, who was a king's son who was punished for negligence in carrying out his
duties, was sent down to earth by changing his appearance to a mak romlah figure, then met the
ruyung prince who was fighting against the prince Bedul, the ruyung prince lost was helped and
healed by mak romlah, thanks to kindness her mak romlah changed as before her appearance and
the prince was fascinated by her beauty, thanks to her kindness and intelligence, the princess
Maharani, the ruyung prince, was able to take the throne from her brother.

Moral message :
Do not be negligent when being given the responsibility of a task
When you make a mistake, you must be willing to take responsibility for your actions
Please help each other to those who need help
Making past mistakes into future learning


Number : 20
Class : 9G

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