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Skill Development Course:

Unit 3
Session 2: Note Taking

Presented by: Team Talentsprint

Confidential Document
November 2022
In this Session
1. Note Taking
2. Tone and Register

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Take Notes Like a Pro!
1. The Outline Method
2. The Cornell Method
3. Flow Notes Method
4. The Sentence Method
5. Charting Method
6. Boxing Method

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The Flow Notes Method AKA Mind Mapping

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The Outline Method

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The Boxing Method

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The Sentence Method

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The Charting Method

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The Cornell Method

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Tone and Register


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Tone in Business Writing
● "Tone in writing refers to the writer's attitude toward the reader and the subject of the
message. The overall tone of a written message affects the reader just as one's tone of
voice affects the listener in everyday exchanges" (Ober 88).

● The writer should consider several things when preparing to write. The following
will help you to determine the appropriate tone for your message.
○ Why am I writing this document?
○ Who am I writing to and what do I want them to understand?
○ What kind of tone should I use?

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Tone in Business Writing
Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind when considering what kind of tone to use
in your emails and how to present information in that tone:

● Be confident.
● Be courteous and sincere.
● Use appropriate emphasis and subordination.
● Use non-discriminatory language.
● Stress the benefits for the reader.
● Write at an appropriate level of difficulty.

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Not _______, But _______.
Not: You must agree that I am qualified for the position.
But: My qualifications in the areas of accounting and customer service meet your job

Not: You didn't read the instructions carefully, thus your system has shut down.
But: The system may automatically shut down if any installation errors occur.

Emphasis: Smoking will no longer be permitted in the building. The committee on employee
health and safety reached this decision after considering evidence from researchers and
physicians on the dangers of second-hand smoke.
Subordination: The committee on employee health and safety has finished considering

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evidence, and they have reached the decision that smoking will no longer be permitted in the
Not _______, But _______.
Active: Scientists have conducted experiments to test the hypothesis.
Passive: Experiments have been conducted to test the hypothesis.
Not: I am processing your order tomorrow.
But: Your order will be available in two weeks.

Not: Thank you for offering me the position as General Manager at Simon's Inc.
Unfortunately, I am unable to accept the position. I did not think that the position you offered
me would utilize my communication and customer-service skills to the degree that I wanted.
Therefore, I have accepted a position as Assistant Director at a different company
But: Thank you for offering me the position as General Manager at Simon's Inc. I appreciate
your prompt and generous offer. Unfortunately, I am unable to accept the position. I have

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accepted a different position that will allow me to utilize my communication and
customer-service skills.
Language register: What is it?
Many professionals often find that deciding how formal or informal their communication
needs to be in their work life is difficult.
While most people have a working understanding of the concept, you may need to be taught
specific and appropriate language relating to either formal or informal communications.

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Language register: Why does it matter in the workplace?
We can breakdown register into these 4 main types.

● Formal/Academic Register: This register includes academic language from

presentations, reports and formal announcements.
● Consultative Register: This register is formal and acceptable speech often used in
professional settings. Some examples of this register include discussions between
accountants and clients, judges and lawyers and doctors and patients.
● Informal / Casual Register: This register is used among friends and peers, and includes
informal language including slang and colloquialisms. Casual register is often used
among some colleagues, friends and teammates.

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● Intimate Register: This register is reserved for close family members such as parents
and children and siblings, or intimate people such as spouses.

Language register: Why does it matter in the workplace?
In every situation you encounter, you use speech appropriate to the person to whom you are
speaking and his or her context. This difference in language formality is called register.

There are formal and informal registers in spoken and written language. Formal registers can
include everything from an academic essay to wedding vows. The academic essay is formal
because it includes polished speech, complex sentences, and precise vocabulary. The
wedding vows are an example of extremely formal language that must be said the same way
each time as part of a ritual.

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Language register: Why does it matter in the workplace?
There are also varieties of informal registers. Informal language occurs between people who
know each other well and who speak without trying to be 'proper'. Sometimes this includes
speaking in slang and other times it's simply a more casual delivery. For example, you might
say, 'Could you bring us more coffee, please?' to a waiter at a fancy restaurant, but at your
favorite hangout you might say, 'Can I get a little more coffee here?' when you've reached the
bottom of your cup.

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Using the Charting Method and the Cornell Notes Method, start a document with notes about
what you have learnt in your SDC Classes. Copy and follow the format shared with you.

Your 100 word summary will be graded on:

Word limit
Factual accuracy

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Thank You

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