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Electron Microscopy

Scanning Electron Microscope Optical Microscope

Source Electron beam (wavelength:0.06Å~∞) Light (wavelength:2000~7500Å)

Medium vacuum air
Lens Electric lens Optical lens
Resolution Secondary electron image: 40Å visible:2000Å, UV:1000Å
Magnification 10-300,000x (continuous) 10~2000x(lens exchange)
Image type Secondary and scattered electron Transmission, reflection
Geometrical shape, physicochemical Light absorption and reflection (color, light and
property shade)
Monitor Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) Eye, monitor

Electrons can be produced by

1. Heat emission of a filament
2. Field emission
Electron Optics
• Key parameters of the electron sources
– Virtual source size ( resolution)
– Brightness ( intensity of the beam)
– Energy spread of the emitted electrons.
( chromatic aberrations at the lenses)
Electron Optics
• deBrogile wavelength of electron
h h h: plank constant
λ dB = = m: electron mass
2mW 2meV W: kinetic energy
e: electron charge
V: voltage

Resolution of an electron microscope strongly

depends on V.
Ex) V = 100 kV then, λdB~0.0037 nm=3.7 pm
Transmission Electron Microscopy

Lenses work electromagnetically

: the electrons are deflected by specially designed



Imaging mode and Diffraction mode

Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Sample thickness and preparation
– As electrons are highly absorbed by any kind of
material, the sample have to extremely thin.
– For low resolution experiment --- 100 nm, for atomic
resolution ---10 nm or even less.
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy

• Not transmission but reflection

• Beam energy: 1 ~ 20 keV, beam
size: 1 ~ 10 nm.
• Processes appearing at SEM
1. Elastic backscattering
2. Inelastic backscattering
3. Characteristic X-rays
4. Auger electrons
5. True secondary electrons
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy
• Edge contrast
SEM Images
• Shadow contrast
• Decline contrast
• Materials contrast
• Potential contrast
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
• Three different energy losses
1. Phonons: vibrational processes of the crystal lattice (the energy to excite
phonons: 10 ~ 100 meV)
2. Plasmons: collective excitation of electrons in the electron gas ( 1 ~ 50 eV)
3. Excitation of electrons in inner atomic shells to the conduction band (> 100 eV)
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
To separate electrons with different energy, static
electric or magnetic fields can be used.
2mW0 R: radius of electron movement
R= = B: magnetic field
eB eB W0: incident energy
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

HREELS spectrum of a Ni(111) and Pt(111)

surface with an absorbed CO.
• References

“Nanoelectronics and information technology”, Ed. By Rainer Waser.

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