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Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A branch of psychology that applies principles of psychology to a workplace.

Options: Industrial Psychology, I/O Psychology, Organizational Psychology

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: I/O Psychology

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: They are a scientist-practitioner that applies research and findings, and the
principles of psychology, to the workplace and for high and enhanced quality of the

Options: I/O Psychologist, HR Managers, Researchers, CEO

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: I/O Psychologist

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: Approach in I/O Psychology that determines the competencies needed to perform
a job, staffing the organization with competent employees, and increasing the competencies
through training.

Options: Industrial, Organizational, Psychology of Workplace, Job Recruitment

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Industrial

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: Approach in I/O Psychology that creates organizational structure and culture that
will motivate employees to perform well.

Options: Industrial, Organizational, Psychology of Workplace, Job Recruitment

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Organizational
Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: I/O psychologists will be employed here to teach and conduct research, and
sometimes as administrators. Ph.D. holders are oftentimes employed in this setting.

Options: Consultation Firm, Private Sector, Public Sector, College and


(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: College and Universities

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A program in I/O Psychology that typically takes five years to complete and must
finish a dissertation to obtain the degree.

Options: Doctoral program, Master’s program, Bachelor’s program

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Doctoral Program

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A source of information in I/O Psychology for research that is written by

professional writers who have developed expertise in a field and have a target audience for
their written paper.

Options: Trade Magazine, Bridge Publication, Magazine, Journals

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Trade Magazines

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A good source of ideas but a terrible source to support a scientific hypothesis.

Options: Trade Magazine, Bridge Publication, Magazine, Journals

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Magazine
Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: What are the disadvantages of using laboratory research as a location of study in
I/O psychology?

Options: external validity, internal validity, generalizability, reliability

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: External Validity and Generalizability

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A location of study in I/O psychology that gains external validity but loses control
of extraneous variables.

Options: Laboratory Research, Experiment, Field Research, Case Study

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Field Research

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: It is the foundation of human resource activities.

Options: Job recruitment, Work Agreement, Hiring, Job Analysis

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Job Analysis

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A brief two to five pages summary of the task and job requirements

Options: Job Analysis, Job Recruitment, Job Training, Job Description

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Job Description

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: Determining what other jobs they can expect from an individual which they
eventually get promoted and become successful.

Options: Worker Mobility, Training, Development, Flynn Effect

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Worker Mobility

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: Promotes employees until they reach their highest level of incompetence.

Options: Galatea Effect., Flynn Effect, Rosenthal Effect, Peter Principle

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Peter Principle

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: Job analyses enables a human resource professional to classify job into groups
with similarities.

Options: Job Analysis, Job Description, Job Classification, Job Design

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Job Classification

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A section of the job description that contains the description of the environment in
which the employee will work.

Options: Compensation, Job Context, Job Competencies, Job Location

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Job Context

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A type of job analysis where one can analyze a job by actually performing the job.

Options: Job Crafting, Simulation, Job Participation, Task Inventory

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Job Participation

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A type of job analysis where the job analyst actually sees the worker do his job.

Options: Observing Incumbents, Observation, Job Participation, Task Inventory

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Observing Incumbents

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: The revised version of the Position Analysis Questionnaire in 1985 revised item
content and style, and emphasis on job analysis.

Options: Job Structure Profile, Job Elements Inventory, Functional Job Analysis,
Job Components Inventory

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Job Structure Profile

Question Type: Multiple Choice

Question: A 132-item inventory was developed in 2000 and the incumbent needs to adapt to
situations on the job.

Options: Performance Improvements Characteristics, Fleishman Job Analysis

Survey, Job Adaptability Inventory, Job elements Inventory

(Write the exact word as your answer in your paper)

Answer: Job Adaptability Inventory

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