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Calf Muscle Volume Estimates: Implications

for Botulinum Toxin Treatment?

Thomas Bandholm, PT, MSc*†, Stig Sonne-Holm, MD, DSc*, Carsten Thomsen, MD, DSc‡,
Jesper Bencke, MSc, PhD*, Søren A. Pedersen, MD*§, and Bente R. Jensen, MSc, PhD¶

An optimal botulinum toxin dose may be related to the Introduction

volume of the targeted muscle. We investigated the
suitability of using ultrasound and anthropometry to Muscle volume estimates are useful in the assessment of
estimate gastrocnemius and soleus muscle volume. muscle function in terms of maximal force-generating
Gastrocnemius and soleus muscle thickness was mea- capabilities. In fact, muscle volume seems to be more
sured in 11 cadaveric human legs, using ultrasound. closely related to maximal muscle torque, compared with
Lower leg length was tape-measured. Muscle volume muscle cross-sectional area [1,2]. From a pharmacologic
was determined by water displacement of the dissected point of view, quantification of muscle volume might
muscles. Simple and multiple regression analyses, us- improve the dosing standards of botulinum toxin type A
ing muscle thickness and lower leg length as indepen- (BTA) when administered as intramuscular injections, to
dent variables, were performed to establish muscle temporarily reduce focal-muscle spasticity.
Even though the pharmacokinetics of BTA are not fully
volume prediction equations from the muscle volume
understood, there are indications that the clinical outcome
measured by water displacement. Validating the equa-
of treatment with BTA in children with cerebral palsy is
tions based on simple regression analyses resulted in a
related to the injected dose [3,4]. The current BTA
correlation (r2) of 0.373 and 0.518 (P < 0.047), and a
treatment recommendations for children with cerebral
standard error of the estimate of 24.4 cm3 (11.7% of
palsy suggest that the BTA dosage for each muscle should
the measured mean muscle volume) and 33.2 cm3
be calculated from the total body weight of the patient [5].
(12.7%) for the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles,
It is possible, however, that determining optimal dosing
respectively. The corresponding values for the mul-
standards in cerebral palsy may require an estimate of the
tiple regression analyses were an r2 of 0.497 and
volume of the muscle targeted for injections with BTA.
0.650 (P < 0.017), and a standard error of the For example, two children of equal body weight with
estimate of 21.9 cm3 (10.5%) and 28.4 cm3 (10.8%) cerebral palsy may not necessarily demonstrate a similar
for the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, respec- volume of a specific skeletal muscle targeted for intramus-
tively. It seems possible to estimate the volume of cular injections with BTA. Assuming a similar diffusion of
individual plantar flexor muscles using ultrasound BTA within the tissue, the average intramuscular concen-
and anthropometry. This possibility should be inves- tration of the toxin will likely differ between the two
tigated further in living humans. © 2007 by children if dosage is based exclusively on body weight.
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Hence, the degree of spasticity reduction caused by the
toxin will likely differ between the two children as well.
In children with cerebral palsy, the muscles of the calf
Bandholm T, Sonne-Holm S, Thomsen C, Bencke J, are often hyperactive because of spasticity [6,7], and many
Pedersen SA, Jensen BR. Calf muscle volume esti- children with cerebral palsy manifest spastic equinus of
mates: Implications for botulinum toxin treatment? the foot [8]. Therefore, studies aiming to investigate if the
Pediatr Neurol 2007;37:263-269. volume of calf muscles injected with BTA is related to
treatment outcome will require the volume of these mus-

From the *Gait Analysis Laboratory, Department of Orthopedic Communications should be addressed to:
Surgery, and †Department of Physical Therapy, Hvidovre University T. Bandholm; Gait Analysis Laboratory (Section 247), Department of
Hospital, Copenhagen, ‡Department of Radiology X 3023, Orthopedic Surgery; Hvidovre University Hospital; Kettegaard Allé
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, §Department of Pediatrics, Hvidovre 30; DK-2650 Hvidovre, Denmark.
University Hospital, Copenhagen, and ¶Department of Exercise and E-mail:
Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Received March 12, 2007; accepted May 30, 2007.

© 2007 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Bandholm et al: Muscle Volume Estimates 263
doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2007.05.019 ● 0887-8994/07/$—see front matter
cles to be quantified in a quick, low-cost manner. Further-
more, as objective measurements of spasticity using iso-
kinetic dynamometry are emerging [6,7,9-11], the degree
of spasticity reduction could be assessed objectively in
muscle volume-dose studies.
Previous attempts were made to estimate arm and leg
muscle group volume and muscle mass based on anthro-
pometry [12,13]. Others combined anthropometric and
ultrasound measurements to establish prediction equations
for limb muscle volume [14]. In this way, muscle-volume
prediction equations of the elbow flexor and extensor
[1,15], quadriceps femoris [16], and tibialis anterior [17]
muscles were developed. For the plantar flexors specifi-
cally, Miyatani et al. established a muscle-volume predic-
tion equation for the plantar flexor muscle group, using
muscle group thickness and lower leg length as indepen-
dent variables [14]. To our knowledge, the accuracy of
estimating the volume of individual plantar flexor muscles
using ultrasound has not been addressed. Furthermore,
muscle-volume prediction equations have not usually been
validated against the true muscle volume measured as the
amount of displaced water when the muscle is lowered
into a water-filled cylinder, because this technique can be Figure 1. Measurement sites used for ultrasound measurements (top)
and an example of an ultrasound scan (bottom). mGA, measurement site
performed in cadavers only. for the medial gastrocnemius muscle; IGA, measurement site for the
The primary objective of the present study was to lateral gastrocnemius muscle; SOL, measurement site for the soleus
muscle; GA, gastrocnemius; SOL, soleus.
investigate the suitability of using ultrasonography mus-
cle-thickness measurements and anthropometry to esti-
mate gastrocnemius and soleus muscle volumes in cadav- Lines connecting the MTJs of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius head
eric human legs. We tested the hypothesis that the volume (mGA and IGA, respectively), and the insertion of the Achilles tendon
of gastrocnemius and soleus muscles can be estimated with the corresponding 25%, 75%, and 50% marks indicated on the
posterior circumferential knee epicondylar line, were then drawn on the
using muscle thickness and anthropometric measurements.
skin, and distances were measured (Fig 1). Half of the measured distance
was indicated on the skin for each line, leaving one measurement site for
each of the gastrocnemius muscle heads and one measurement site for the
soleus muscle (SOL) at approximately 50% of the muscle-belly length.
The subcutaneous adipose tissue-muscle to muscle-fascia (mGA and
Materials IGA) and muscle-fascia to muscle-fascia (SOL) interface distances
(muscle thickness) were then determined from the ultrasound image (Fig 1).
Eleven whole, frozen, cadaveric human legs were used after thawing Muscle thickness was determined for the mGA, IGA, and SOL as a mean
overnight. No information could be obtained concerning age, sex, body of three scans for each measurement site. The same investigator per-
weight, and cause of death of the deceased because of medical-school formed all ultrasound measurements, and the mean difference of the three
routines. recordings at each measurement site was ⬍0.4 mm. Gastrocnemius
muscle thickness was expressed as a mean of the mGA and IGA muscle
thickness. During scans, great care was taken not to compress the dermal
Muscle Thickness Measured by Ultrasound surface.

The legs were placed in prone position (patella pointing downward

into the table) and supported above the knee joint. The ankle joint angle Muscle Volume Measured by Water Displacement
was approximately 100 degrees (neutral position). Lower leg length was
determined as the distance from the lateral knee-joint line to the most All 11 legs were dissected. By means of a long incision from the
prominent part of the lateral malleolus. The posterior circumferential poples to the heel, the two muscles were isolated, taking away the fascia
knee epicondylar distance was measured as the length of the drawn line surrounding the compartment. The lateral and medial heads of the
on the skin connecting the medial and lateral femoral epicondyles (Fig 1). gastrocnemius muscle were taken down from the condyles of the femur,
Subsequently, distances corresponding to 25%, 50%, and 75% of the and the soleus muscle from the posterior surface of the fibula, the
posterior circumferential knee epicondylar distance were marked on the tendinous arch, and the posterior surface of the tibia. The space between
skin. the deep flexor compartment and the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
Ultrasound scans were performed using a Diasonics VST Master was opened by blunt dissection. Muscles were detached cutting the
Series ultrasound scanner (scanning frequency, 5 MHz) (GE Healthcare). Achilles tendon distally. The tibial nerve and popliteal vessels, as well as
With the transmission gel-coated transducer oriented in the axial plane the plantaris muscle, were detached. The muscles were separated, and all
and perpendicular to the muscle of interest, the insertion of the Achilles tendinious and fatty tissue was removed. The volume of each muscle was
tendon onto the calcaneus and the distal myo-tendinous junction (MTJ, then measured as the volume of displaced (0.9%, isotonic) salt water
most distal point) for each of the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle when the muscle was fully submerged in a salt water-filled measuring
were determined and indicated on the skin with a permanent marker. cylinder (600-mm diameter, 1000-mL volume, Bie & Berntsen, Rødovre,


Denmark). The diameter of the measuring cylinder was the smallest Results
possible that could be applied while still obtaining accurate measure-
ments. This was performed three times for each muscle by the same Measured Anthropometry, Muscle Volume,
investigator, and muscle volume was expressed as a mean of the three
and Thickness
recordings. The mean difference of the three muscle-volume recordings
was ⬍3 cm3 for both muscles.
The measured muscle volume was 208.5 ⫾ 43.6 cm3
and 262.1 ⫾ 67.7 cm3 for the gastrocnemius and soleus
muscles, respectively. Muscle thickness was 15.8 ⫾ 2.8
Data Analyses mm, 12.4 ⫾ 3.3 mm, and 18.7 ⫾ 4.7 mm for mGA, IGA,
Simple and multiple regression analyses were performed, using the
and SOL, respectively. Leg length was 38.5 ⫾ 3.9 cm, and
muscle volume measured by water displacement as the dependent muscle length was 23.0 ⫾ 3.7 cm and 22.3 ⫾ 4.7 cm for
variable for both muscles. The simple regression analyses used [␲ ⫻ mGA and IGA, respectively.
(muscle thickness/2)2 ⫻ lower leg length] as the independent variable,
and the multiple regression analyses used muscle thickness and lower leg
length as the independent variables for both muscles, respectively [16]. Simple Regression Analyses
We also investigated if using the mean gastrocnemius muscle length (the
distance from the posterior circumferential knee epicondylar line to the In simple regression analyses, [␲ ⫻ (muscle thickness/
mean mGA and IGA MTJ) as the independent variable instead of lower
leg length produced better results. Because this was not the case, we
2)2 ⫻ lower leg length] was significantly correlated with
chose to use lower leg length as the anthropometric measurement to the measured muscle volume for the gastrocnemius (r ⫽
facilitate subsequent between-study comparisons. Using the established 0.656, P ⫽ 0.028) and soleus (r ⫽ 0.720, P ⫽ 0.012)
muscle-volume prediction equations, a muscle volume for the gastroc- muscles. The muscle-volume prediction equations based on
nemius and soleus muscles was calculated for each leg. To assess the simple regression analyses are given in Table 1. Using these
criterion validity of the equations in predicting the measured muscle
volume, the standard error of the estimate (SEE) and validity correlation
equations to estimate muscle volume resulted in an r2 and
(r2) were calculated, using the measured muscle volume as the criterion. SEE of 0.373 (P ⫽ 0.046) and 24.4 cm3 (11.7%) for the
The SEE was calculated using the equation SDdiff /公2, where SDdiff is gastrocnemius muscle, and an r2 and SEE of 0.518 (P ⫽
the standard deviation of the difference scores between the estimated and 0.012) and 33.2 cm3 (12.7%) for the soleus muscle when
measured muscle volume. The SEEs were expressed as absolute values validated against the measured muscle volume (Fig 2A, B).
and values relative to the measured muscle volume [14]. Paired-samples
t tests were used to examine if systematic differences existed between the
No systematic differences existed between the estimated and
estimated and measured muscle volume. To examine if the differences measured muscle volume (P ⬎ 0.05), and the Bland and
between the estimated and measured muscle volume were related to the Altman plots indicated no significant correlation between
size of the measured muscle volume (heteroscedasticity), the muscle- muscle-volume differences and the means for any of the two
volume difference (measured ⫺ estimated muscle volume) was plotted muscles (r ⬍ 0.209, P ⬎ 0.537, Fig 3A, B).
against the mean of the measured and estimated muscle volume, with
corresponding limits of agreement (mean difference ⫾ 2 SD [18]).
Moreover, Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to quan-
Multiple Regression Analyses
tify the degree of relationship between the numerical muscle-volume
differences and muscle-volume means, as indicated in Bland and
Altman [18] plots. The variability around mean values is expressed as In multiple regression analyses, muscle thickness and
⫾1 SD, unless otherwise stated. The level of significance was set at lower leg length were significant contributors to the
P ⱕ 0.05. measured muscle volume, and explained 31% and 27%,

Table 1. Regression equations for predicting muscle volume

Equation r2 (P Value) SEE (cm3) (%)

Simple regression
Gastrocnemius y ⫽ 0.987x ⫹ 147.1 0.373 (0.046) 24.4 (11.7)
Soleus y ⫽ 0.238x ⫹ 154.9 0.518 (0.012) 33.2 (12.7)
Multiple regression
Gastrocnemius Y ⫽ 85.3X1 ⫹ 5.0X2 ⫺ 104.9 0.497 (0.016) 21.9 (10.5)
Soleus Y ⫽ 73.6X1 ⫹ 10.6X2 ⫺ 284.4 0.650 (0.003) 28.4 (10.8)

LL ⫽ Lower leg length
MT ⫽ Muscle thickness
r2 ⫽ Validity correlation between estimated and measured muscle volume
SEE ⫽ Standard error of the estimate
x ⫽ ␲ ⫻ (MT/2)2 ⫻ LL
X1 ⫽ Muscle thickness (cm)
X2 ⫽ Lower leg length (cm)
y ⫽ Estimated muscle volume (cm3), using simple regression equation
Y ⫽ Estimated muscle volume (cm3), using multiple regression equation

Bandholm et al: Muscle Volume Estimates 265

Figure 2. Relationship between estimated (ultrasound and anthropometry) and measured (water displacement) muscle volume, using simple (A and B)
and multiple (C and D) regression analyses for the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, respectively. Dotted line represents line of identity. MV, muscle
volume; SEE, standard error of the estimate.

respectively, of the variation in gastrocnemius muscle standard errors of estimates between 10-13% of the
volume, and 28% and 38%, respectively, of the variation measured mean muscle volume, using ultrasonography
in soleus muscle volume (P ⬍ 0.05). The muscle-volume and anthropometry. The established muscle-volume pre-
prediction equations, based on multiple regression analy- diction equations were based on simple and multiple
ses, are given in Table 1. Using these equations to estimate regression analyses, using muscle thickness and lower leg
muscle volume resulted in an r2 and SEE of 0.497 (P ⫽ length as independent variables.
0.016) and 21.9 cm3 (10.5%) for the gastrocnemius The accuracy of the established muscle-volume predic-
muscle, and an r2 and SEE of 0.650 (P ⫽ 0.003) and 28.4 tion equations in predicting the measured muscle volume
cm3 (10.8%) for the soleus muscle when validated against differed somewhat between equations based on simple and
the measured muscle volume (Fig 2C,D). No systematic multiple regression analyses. Equations based on multiple
differences existed between the estimated and measured regression analyses produced higher r2 and lower SEEs
muscle volume (P ⬎ 0.05), and the Bland and Altman than equations based on simple regression analyses when
plots showed no significant correlation between muscle- validated. This implies that the assumption of proportion-
volume differences and the means for any of the two ality with squared muscle thickness (simple regression
muscles (r ⬍ 0.246, P ⬎ 0.465, Fig 3C,D). analyses) is not entirely valid for the gastrocnemius and
soleus muscles. By performing multiple regression analy-
Discussion ses, the accuracy of muscle-volume prediction equations
in predicting the measured muscle volume improved when
The main finding of the present study was that gastroc- compared with simple regression analyses. This outcome
nemius and soleus muscle volume could be estimated with was also found by Miyatani et al., who established simple


Figure 3. Relationship between muscle volume differences (measured ⫺ estimated MV) and means (means of measured and estimated MV) with
corresponding limits of agreement (mean difference ⫾ 2 SD, solid and dashed lines, respectively), using simple (A and B) and multiple (C and D)
regression analyses for the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, respectively. MV, muscle volume.

and multiple regression equations based on ultrasound davers to living humans should always be undertaken with
measurements to estimate the muscle volume of the whole caution. Freezing of human tissue seems to increase the
plantar flexor muscle group determined from multiple extracellular area due to cell shrinkage [19]. This increase
magnetic resonance imaging scans [14]. Using only mus- is likely caused by a loss of water from the cells to the
cle thickness in the simple regression equation resulted in surrounding medium (extracellular media). Hence, abnor-
a SEE of 9.2%, whereas using muscle thickness and lower mal fluid shifts within the investigated muscles might have
leg length in the multiple regression equation resulted in a taken place because of the freeze-thaw cycle. It is un-
SEE of 6.6% in a validation sample of 14 healthy men known, however, if these shifts had any impact on muscle-
[14]. A likely reason for this between-study difference in thickness measurements by changing the total muscle
results for the SEE of muscle-volume estimates might be water content. If so, this was likely a systematic error.
that the shape of the individual plantar flexor muscle Bearing this issue in mind, using the muscle-volume
varies to a greater extent between individuals than that of prediction equations developed in the present study to
the entire plantar flexor muscle group. Furthermore, a few predict gastrocnemius and soleus muscle volume in living
precautions must be taken when interpreting the present humans may influence the SEE. The calculated SEE is
results. valid only for the sample in this validation study, as the
First, the selection of investigated legs was based on variation in the prediction equations likely varies from
availability. No information about cause of death, age, sex, sample (cadaver) to sample (living human).
and physical-activity status of the deceased could be Despite these apparent limitations, SEEs of 10.5% and
obtained. Secondly, extrapolating results obtained in ca- 10.8% for the respective gastrocnemius and soleus muscle

Bandholm et al: Muscle Volume Estimates 267

volume estimates are comparable to those found using similar muscle-volume prediction equations can be estab-
ultrasound measurements and anthropometry to estimate lished in children with cerebral palsy. For this purpose,
knee extensor muscle volume in living humans (SEE ⫽ magnetic resonance imaging could be used as the muscle-
11.9% [16]). With SEEs of muscle-volume estimates volume criterion.
around 11%, as observed in the present study, the ability to
detect intrasubject changes in muscle volume due to The authors thank Derek Curtis, RPT, for comments on the manuscript.
muscle hypertrophy or atrophy seems limited. However, it The project was supported by grants from the Ludvig og Sara Elsass
was recently demonstrated that 12 months of physical Foundation (Charlottenlund, Denmark), the Lundbeck Foundation
training induced a 22% increase in lateral gastrocnemius (Hellerup, Denmark), the Research Foundation for Copenhagen Univer-
muscle volume in elderly males [20]. Hence, training- sity Hospital (Copenhagen, Denmark), the Danish Foundation for Re-
search in Physiotherapy (Copenhagen, Denmark), and the Britta Holles
induced, long-term hypertrophy might be detected in some Foundation (Copenhagen, Denmark).
cases, based on the present data.
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