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JPII 11(1) (2022) 185-194

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia



D. Yulianti*1, Sugianto2, K. M. Ngafidin3

1, 2
Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Information System Study Program, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Indonesia

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v11i1.32607

Accepted: October 9th 2021. Approved: March 30th 2022. Published: March 31st 2022


This century demands that everyone has 21st-century skills. The COVID-19 pandemic era has an impact on
education, however, to face the global era, 21st-century skills must still develop in higher education including 21st-
century learning skills called 4C skills (Creative, Critical, Collaboration, Communication). The survey of results
on students participating in the Mechanics I course shows that creative and critical thinking skills are in a low cat-
egory, collaboration and communication skills are also in the low category. This study aims to develop 4C skills
in the pandemic era through learning Physics in Mechanics course with a Science Technology Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) approach, assisted by Scratch, and to know students’ responses to the applied learning. The
research subjects were students in the third semester, who took the Mechanics I course as many as 110 people and
were divided into three groups. The research method is a quasi-experiment one-group pretest-posttest design. The
research instrument consists of essay tests to measure creative and critical thinking skills and observation sheets
to measure collaboration and communication skills. The results of data analysis demonstrated that students’ 4C
skills increased, the average is in the medium category.

© 2022 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: learning skills of 21st century; pandemic; Physics; scratch

INTRODUCTION demands that every human being has 21st-century

skills, to compete in this global era. To face global
In November 2019, the COVID-19 pande- competition in the 21st century, education in Indo-
mic began to plague various parts of the world nesia needs to facilitate the development of 21st-
including Indonesia which was first announced century skills. According to Talmi et al. (2018),
on March 2, 2020. This pandemic affected vario- the 21st century is marked by the development of
us sectors of people’s lives, not only health and new technologies and the rapid pace of change to
the economy but also education. The social dis- educate students to face future job competition.
tancing policy has resulted in the government is- To face future job competition, it is necessary to
suing special learning policies to minimize cases develop skills called 21st-century learning skills.
of COVID-19 transmission. One of the policies In line with Erdogan and Ciftci (2017), 21st-cen-
is online learning for all students due to social tury learning skills can be developed in all aspects
restrictions. The implementation of Education of life. One of them is through education. As
Policies in Emergency Periods is regulated in Cir- Trilling and Fadel (2009) point out, 21st-century
cular Letter Number 4 of 2020. The 21st century learning skills include critical and creative thin-
king skills, communication, collaboration skills.
*Correspondence Address
E-mail: Critical, creative thinking skills, collaboration,
D. Yulianti, Sugianto, K. M. Ngafidin / JPII 11 (1) (2022) 185-194

and communication skills were identified as 4C arch result of Sarı et al. (2017) showed The use of
by The Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21). a STEM approach to learning has been shown to
Physics learning in Mechanics I for the be effective in the learning process, assisting stu-
last 3 years has not facilitated the development of dents in developing 21st-century skills, increasing
21st-century learning skills, meaning that each les- interest in the engineering profession, creating a
son has not integrated 21st-century learning skills more joyful classroom environment, and assis-
indicators. The results of the survey on students ting students in choosing their future career.
participating in the Mechanics I course show that Physics is a science about nature, events,
their creative and critical thinking skills were in a and natural phenomena, and all interactions in
low category, communication and collaboration it, which in the learning process can facilitate
skills were also in the low category. The previous the scientific experience for students. In this stu-
studies result of that 21st-century skills can be de- dy, physics learning with a STEM approach uses
veloped through the STEM (Science Technology Scratch media. Physical phenomena can be visu-
Engineering and Mathematics) approach, (Oliva- alized using Scratch. Scratch is a visual program-
rez, 2012; Robert, 2012; Kennedy & Odell, 2014; ming language based on code blocks to introdu-
Yamak et al., 2014; Sahin et al., 2014; Gülhan ce basic programming concepts in an interactive
& Sahin, 2016). Applications of Science, Techno- and fun way (Hardyanto, 2014). The advantage
logy, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in of Scratch compared to other learning media is
learning can be integrated with learning models that it can involve students actively and indepen-
to increase students’ knowledge (Lestari, et al., dently in making simulations of physical pheno-
2019). Furthermore, it allows students to gain mena. Scratch-assisted physics learning makes
experience in developing solutions to challenges students know step-by-step physics concepts be-
that will change in the future (Tsai, et al., 2018). cause Scratch helps develop thinking algorithms
In a study conducted by Kubat and Guray (2018), and can apply physics equations and formulas
to gain critical and creative thinking, higher-order into programs. Looking into Meerbaum-Salant et
thinking skills, problem solving and collaboration al. (2013) studies, Scratch is proven to be suitable
skills can be used in the Science Technology En- for use in learning. Also, the study of Kalelioğlu
gineering and Mathematics (STEM) approach. and Gülbahar (2014) highlights that Scratch
Based on the previous research result, helps students to reason systematically, think
STEM can train students in critical thinking (Syu- creatively, and work collaboratively, all of these
kri et al., 2013) and creative thinking skills (Isma- skills needed for the 21st century. This study aims
yani, 2016). The National Science Foundation to develop 21st-century learning skills of physics
(NSF) in the 1990s, introduced that the STEM education students through the Mechanics I cour-
approach is an acronym for Science, Technolo- se based on Scratch using the STEM approach
gy, Engineering, and Mathematics (Bybee, 2013). and to know the students’ responses to the lear-
STEM approach into education with the aims ning applied.
of integrating four disciplines, namely Science, METHODS
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Er-
can et al., 2016). The STEM approach not only The research was conducted at Faculty of
focuses on the cross-disciplinary integration of S Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas
(Science), T (Technology), E (Engineering), and Negeri Semarang, specifically in the laboratory
M (Mathematics), but also focuses on systematic of the Physics Education study program, in the
thinking, openness to ethical values, communica- odd semester of 2020/2021. The research design
tion, research, problems, creativity production, used is Quasi-Experimental Design with One
the intersection of knowledge and skills in scien- Group Pre-test and Post-test Design (Arikunto,
ce, technology, engineering, and mathematics 2013). The research subjects were students of the
(Çengel et al., 2019). The STEM approach is as- third-semester physics education study program
sessed as an appropriate approach to be applied who took the Mechanics I course totaling 110
in learning and can be combined with other ap- students who were divided into three groups. The
proaches. Overall, based on Yildirim’s (2016) re- research design pattern is as follows.
search, the STEM approach has a positive impact
on activities and learning outcomes in schools, O 1 X O2
consists of student academic success, motivation, Description:
student interests, problem-solving skills, student X = treatment
attitudes towards lessons, critical thinking skills, O1 = pretest (before treatment)
and scientific process skills. In addition, the rese- O2 = post test (after tretment)
D. Yulianti, Sugianto, K. M. Ngafidin / JPII 11 (1) (2022) 185-194

The three groups were tested for homoge- tion of learning was supported by learning tools
neity and normality using the normality data test with a STEM approach consisting of lesson pre-
called the ‘Lilliefors Test’ which is a modification paration plans, teaching materials, Student Work-
of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (Razali & Wah, sheets, as well as presentation media, videos, and
2011). The normality data test was performed Scratch. The learning tools used to facilitate the
using the Lilliefors Test on the IBM Statistics development of 21st-century learning skills are
SPSS 22 program through the Analyze – Desc- different from previous learning tools. The lear-
riptive Statistics – Explore menu. A homogeneity ning system implemented was student-centered
test is carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics using the online PBL (Problem Based Learning)
22.0 program, via the Analyze -Descriptive Statis- model through the Google Classroom and Goog-
tics – Explore – Plots – Power estimation menu. le Meeting platforms. Students were directed to
Homogeneity test statistics analyzes the output conduct group discussions using google meetings
of descriptive statistics, namely by reviewing the and delivered their work in front of the class onli-
value of Levene Statistics with the following con- ne, while the lecturer acted as a facilitator. Accor-
ditions: (1) Significance value < 0.05 means that ding to the research result of Bevan et al. (2017),
the variance of the population group data is not that is important in learning to make students the
the same (not homogeneous); (2) Significance va- main actors while educators are only facilitators.
lue > 0.05 means that the variance of the popula- The first meeting began with a pre-test,
tion group data is the same (homogeneous). which aimed to determine the early students’ abi-
The research data collection techniques lities. The beginning of the lesson was presenting
used documentation, observation, tests, and the problem using a video that described several
questionnaires. The research instrument con- applications of Parabolic Motion, Momentum
sisted of an observation sheet to measure colla- and Impulse material, as well as Collisions, this
boration and communication skills, a description aimed so that students can define the meaning of
test to measure creative and critical thinking skills Impulse and Momentum, then the lecturer gave
using indicators from Trilling and Fadel (2009), assignments and motivated them to seek infor-
a Linkert scale questionnaire to measure student mation and explore their curiosity. The students
responses to learning. The indicators of critical were divided into several groups, during the lear-
thinking are analysis, creating connections, iden- ning process, each group consisted of 5 students.
tification. The indicators of creative thinking are After the problem was presented, students were
originality, new ideas, and realizing creative ide- directed to discuss it in their respective groups
as. The indicators of communication are expres- through google meetings. Student activities re-
sing words clearly, communicating effectively, lated to communication and collaboration skills
and using communication for various purposes. during the learning process were observed and
The collaboration skills developed in this study assessed by observers through online learning
include three indicators consisting of demonstra- recordings. Students discussed to understand the
ting the ability to work in groups, having flexibili- definition of momentum and impulse followed
ty and the ability to compromise to achieve com- by the submission of opinions from each group
mon goals, and sharing responsibility in groups. and then concluded together. Discussion activi-
Analysis of the instrument using validity, level of ties facilitate students to develop communicati-
difficulty, discriminatory power, and reliability on, collaboration, critical thinking, and creative
tests. The final data analysis used paired samples thinking skills. Physics learning with a STEM
t-test and independent samples t-test. The data approach links the material discussed with app-
from the observation sheet and questionnaire lications in everyday life. Students were directed
analysis used percentage descriptive. N gain test to be able to name and explain the application
was used to know the improvement of 4C skill of momentum and impulse on a daily basis. This
after treatment. activity also used the discussion method. Discus-
sions about the application of momentum and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION impulses in daily life get great enthusiasm from
students. Students exchange their opinions, ex-
The physics learning material for Para- press curiosity, and dare to ask the lecturers.
bolic motion, Momentum and Impulse in the In the second meeting, it still used dis-
Mechanics I course with a STEM (Science cussion and group methods during the learning
Technology Engineering and Mathematics) ap- process. Discussion activities are carried out to
proach, assisted by Scratch, was carried out for understand the material about collisions. In this
2x3x50 minutes or 2x3 credits. The implementa- meeting, students were directed to carry out
D. Yulianti, Sugianto, K. M. Ngafidin / JPII 11 (1) (2022) 185-194

simple experimental activities and created simu- In the same vein, Wahyudi et al. (2012) claimed
lations using Scratch media related to the mate- that existing problems can make students pro-
rial, namely determining the value of the partially ficient in problem-solving and have the skills
elastic collision restitution coefficient. Figure 1 is to participate in groups. Therefore, in Problem
a simulation using Scratch. Based Learning, it optimizes students’ ability to
solve problems by understanding and applying
In this research, critical thinking skills
were measured using pre-test and post-test scores
after the implementation of STEM-assisted lear-
ning with Scratch media. The critical thinking
skills developed refer to critical thinking indica-
tors according to Trilling and Fadel (2009), which
include reasoning, making connections, and dra-
wing conclusions. The results of the independent
sample t-test have obtained the value of Sig. of
0.001 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is
a significant difference due to the application of
STEM-based physics learning with Scratch media
Figure 1. Scratch Simulation and there is also the development of critical thin-
king skills. Based on Table 1, the average pre-test
Students seemed enthusiastic and felt hap- and post-test scores were increased. The applica-
py to make simulations. Learning that can activa- tion of the STEM approach to physics learning
te creative attitudes is learning that is not a bur- with Scratch media can support the improvement
den but creates feelings of pleasure when learning of critical thinking skills. This is following the re-
something new (Abykanova et al., 2016). Besides sults of research by (Yuliati et al., 2011; Yotiani
being fun, Scratch is also easy to use, so it can et al., 2016; Pangesti et al., 2017), that the use of
motivate students to be creative. Due to the ease an approach in learning can aid the development
of use it creates intrinsic motivation, creativity of critical thinking skills. A study conducted by
arises as a result of intrinsic motivation increases Duran and Sendag (2012) demonstrated that lear-
creativity (Chandrasekera & Yoon, 2018). Thus, ning associated with STEM aspects can help stu-
Scratch-assisted learning can develop a creative dents enhance critical thinking skills significantly.
attitude. Along the same lane with the research Critical thinking skills develop because they are
of Kobsiripat (2015) which stated that the Scratch influenced by the issues presented in teaching
media program is effective in providing the ability materials, consisting of questions and discus-
to develop creativity. Up to this point, the experi- sions. The issues offered are STEM-related and
mental activities to facilitate the development of are designed to encourage students to discuss and
collaboration skills were carried out in groups, to solve each difficulty. According to DeJarnette
find data collection, students were given the free- (2012), learning designs that cooperate on STEM
dom to be creative in experimenting. Each stu- challenges and components can pique attention
dent is given the responsibility to write a report while also honing critical thinking skills. Table
on the results of their experiments. In addition to 1 shows the results of the examination of each
observing directly, some groups record their ex- critical thinking indicator’s pretest and post-test
perimental activities so that the data obtained is scores.
clearer. The PBL-based physics learning activities Table 1 shows that all of the analysis in-
that are applied also facilitate students to present dicators increased because Problem Based Lear-
their work. Students presented experimental re- ning model influenced the students ability to
ports and answered several questions in the stu- make connections and identify through questions
dent worksheet according to the experimental in discussions presented in teaching materials
results. The learning process was ended by giving and student worksheets. The questions allowed
a conclusion from the material that has been stu- students to observe various information so that
died and continued by working on the post-test various phenomena can be obtained as a basis for
questions. making conclusions. STEM approach learning
The application of STEM-based physics helps students solve problems and reason to draw
learning in the Mechanics I course on the Mo- conclusions, through science, technology, engin-
mentum and Impulse, Parabolic motion, the ma- eering, and mathematics application (Robert &
terial was said to be running well and effectively. Cantu, 2012; Lou et al., 2017).
D. Yulianti, Sugianto, K. M. Ngafidin / JPII 11 (1) (2022) 185-194

Table 1. Analysis of Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores of Critical Thinking

Average Score
Critical Thinking Indicators Grade N-Gain Criteria N-Gain
Start End
Group 1 42 69 0,40 medium
1st Indicator : Analysis Group 2 39 70 0,50 medium
Group 3 35 68 0,50 medium
Group 1 41 65 0,40 medium
2nd Indicator : Create Connection Group 2 44 69 0,40 medium
Group 3 39 64 0,40 medium
Group 1 25 63 0,50 medium
3th Indicator: Identification Group 2 28 65 0,50 medium
Group 3 24 62 0,50 medium

The increase in analyzing indicators is due Korkmaz’s (2016) research, Scratch contributes
to learning carried out through discussions and more to students’ logical-mathematical thinking
demonstrations using PBL-based teaching ma- skills.
terials and student worksheets that support the Indicators of creative thinking consist of
improvement of critical thinking skills. In teach- originality (authenticity), growing new ideas, and
ing materials and student worksheets, contextual realizing creative ideas. The results of the study
problems are presented which aim to motivate are presented in Table 2. Based on Table 2, the
students to find solutions according to the sta- average between pretest and post-test scores was
ges of thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are increased. Scratch-assisted physics learning with
stimulated when students analyze a problem by a STEM approach can influence the improve-
evidence that support their ideas to solve prob- ment of creative thinking skills. Scratch is desig-
lems or look for reasons. The critical thinking ned to develop creativity, the ability to think sys-
process is a cognitive process, the learning pro- tematically and learn in groups, all three of which
cess begins with identifying problems, analyzing, are basic skills that must be mastered in the 21st
and then evaluating learning (Abrami et al, 2015; century. STEM learning can build students’ cre-
Greene & Yu, 2016). Indicator 3 has increased ativity which is needed to face the 21st century.
because the teaching materials used with a STEM The originality indicator has increased be-
approach present questions about understanding cause the STEM approach using teaching mate-
concepts. Questions about understanding con- rials and LKM requires students to find original
cepts will require students to practice solving or ideas to solve problems. Learning physics with
identifying problems. Someone who has critical a STEM approach is effective for increasing stu-
thinking skills will be able to identify problems, dents’ creativity (Siswanto, 2018). This is suitable
ask questions to solve problems, convey answers/ to study by Robert (2012) that the STEM approa-
arguments, and find other information needed to ch can instill creativity in problem-solving techni-
solve problems. The increase in results is also due ques and can generate creativity and curiosity.
to applying Scratch animation, as indicated by
Table 2. Analysis of Pre-Test and Post-Test Scores of Creative Thinking
Average Score
Creative Thinking Indicators Grade N-Gain Criteria N-Gain
Start End
Group 1 28 66 0,52 medium
1st Indicator: Originality Group 2 27 67 0,50 medium
Group 3 25 68 0,50 medium
Group 1 31 57 0,37 medium
2nd Indicator: New Ideas
Group 2 30 60 0,40 medium
Group 3 30 60 0,40 medium
Group 1 29 68 0,48 medium
3th Indicator: Realizing Creative Ideas Group 2 30 70 0,50 medium
Group 3 33 66 0,50 medium
D. Yulianti, Sugianto, K. M. Ngafidin / JPII 11 (1) (2022) 185-194

The indicator of ‘generating new ideas’ has Ratu (2018) stated that students who have broad
increased because learning uses a problem-based insight can provide ideas smoothly. This aspect is
method that aims to foster experience and grow assessed from the ability of students when con-
new ideas to solve problems. As Abykanova et al. veying logical ideas and showing understanding
(2016) demonstrated, activities creating new ideas of the material being studied. Alkhateeb’s rese-
that involve one’s experience in finding solutions arch (2018) explained that the application of the
to problems is a creative process in learning. The STEM approach in the learning process can pro-
findings of Caparo and Slouge (2013) revealed vide a more supportive classroom environment
that creative thinking skills can be grown through for developing skills, one of which is creative
activities that involve student activity during the thinking. The improvement of creative skills is
learning process. In the student worksheet, there also supported by the application of Scratch me-
are open-ended questions, the use of open-ended dia. Scratch can develop a creative attitude, as
problems can allow students to come up with dif- pointed out by Kobsiripat (2015) that the Scratch
ferent solutions and also provide students with a media program is effective in giving students the
rich learning experience in interpreting problems. ability to develop creativity.
Looking to Fauziah’s research (2011), in learning Communication skills in this research are
activities educators need to encourage students to oral and written communication. The oral com-
issue varied answers. munication of students in this research was ob-
The indicator of ‘realizing creative ideas’ tained through observation, while written com-
has increased because learning activities are car- munication skills were obtained through reports
ried out using STEM-based teaching materials on the results of discussions on the Student Dis-
that require students to realize their creative ide- cussion Sheet, as well as reports on experimen-
as based on the knowledge they gain during the tal results. The communication skills developed
learning process. This finding is according to the in this research include three indicators, namely
studies of Sari et al. (2013) who found that stu- expressing words clearly, communicating effecti-
dents who have broad knowledge can have high vely, and using communication for various pur-
creative thinking abilities. Also, Widiastuti and poses.
Table 3. Analysis Result of Oral Communication Observation
Average Score
Communication Indicators Grade N-Gain Criteria N-Gain
Start End
Group 1 59 86 0,61 medium
1st Indicator Group 2 50 75 0,51 medium
Group 3 49 74 0,51 medium
Group 1 58 85 0,62 medium
2nd Indicator
Group 2 55 83 0,62 medium
Group 3 60 85 0,61 medium
Group 1 60 87 0,61 medium
3th Indicator Group 2 56 79 0,50 medium
Group 3 58 86 0,61 medium

The first indicator of ‘expressing words since the start of learning. Students must carry
clearly’ has increased after STEM-assisted lear- out the process of identifying the problems pre-
ning has been carried out, with medium impro- sented, then discussing together with their groups
vement criteria. The second indicator, namely to find solutions to problems. At this stage, acti-
communicating effectively, is in the medium cate- vities such as critical thinking are useful for buil-
gory. The indicator of ‘using communication for ding knowledge in obtaining actual information
various purposes’ is also in the medium category. that can be used to solve problems and draw con-
Learning activities are carried out by utilizing te- clusions or find responsible solutions.
aching materials, student worksheets, and discus- The research result by Oktaviani and Nug-
sion sheets that require students to actively parti- roho (2015), that experiment activities and discus-
cipate in discussions and deliver the results. The sions as well as problem-solving results presented
learning process that occurs has been directed in front of the class and in-group can develop
D. Yulianti, Sugianto, K. M. Ngafidin / JPII 11 (1) (2022) 185-194

communication skills, while team activities, such students can use effective words, form sentences
as delivering work through presentations, can that can be understood grammatically, and use
develop oral communication skills. Communica- the right voice and intonation when listening and
tion skills, particularly oral communication, are speaking. In line with this finding, Yulianti et al.
very important for students’ future personal and (2019) found develop oral communication skills,
professional success (Morreale et al., 2017). Stu- especially indicators of expression of opinion
dents’ written communication skills also develop and presented in front of the class, because of
through working on student discussions sheet, using problem-based learning with the STEM ap-
worksheets, and making simple reports. Learning proach. Meanwhile, the results of the observation
that includes discussion activities is more effecti- can be seen in Table 4.
ve to improve oral communication skills so that
Table 4. Analysis Result of Written Communication Observation
Average Score
Communication Indicators Grade N-Gain Criteria N-Gain
Start End
Group 1 53 68 0,40 medium
1st Indicator Group 2 50 75 0,50 medium
Group 3 51 74 0,40 medium
Group 1 58 84 0,61 medium
2nd Indicator
Group 2 50 76 0,52 medium
Group 3 51 75 0,50 medium
Group 1 53 85 0,49 medium
3th Indicator Group 2 50 75 0,50 medium
Group 3 52 76 0,40 medium

The three indicators of written communi- The collaboration skills of students in this
cation skills in this study have increased and are in study were obtained through observation during
the medium criteria. STEM approach in learning the learning process, which was carried out by a
aims to optimize students’ participation in the team of observers. The collaboration skills deve-
learning process, through analyzing a problem loped in this study include three indicators con-
and how to conduct discussions. The research sisting of demonstrating the ability to work in
result of Chung et al. (2016) stated that impro- groups, having flexibility and the ability to comp-
ving written communication skills can stimulate romise to achieve common goals, and shared res-
students’ reasoning and build social knowledge. ponsibility in groups. The observation results of
collaboration skills are presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Analysis of Collaboration Skill Results
Average Score
Collaboration Indicators Grade N-Gain Criteria N-Gain
Start End
Group 1 62 90 0,5 medium
1st Indicator Group 2 64 91 0,6 medium
Group 3 61 91 0,5 medium
Group 1 67 92 0,5 medium
2nd Indicator
Group 2 64 88 0,4 medium
Group 3 64 93 0,5 medium
Group 1 63 90 0,5 medium
3th Indicator Group 2 62 91 0,5 medium
Group 3 59 90 0,6 medium
D. Yulianti, Sugianto, K. M. Ngafidin / JPII 11 (1) (2022) 185-194

4The collaboration skills on the three indi- CONCLUSION

cators have increased which shows the medium
criteria. This increase is because all students are Based on the research results, several
required to contribute to solving problems pre- conclusions were obtained that Scratch-assisted
sented in teaching materials, student worksheets, physics learning with a STEM approach can de-
and discussion sheets. Teaching materials, stu- velop 21st-century learning skills which include
dent sheets, and discussion sheets contain ques- students’ creative thinking skills, critical thinking
tions that train students’ ability to seek answers skills, collaboration skills, and communicati-
from various sources to build their knowledge. on skills. The development of creative thinking
Learning activities are carried out in discussions skills, critical thinking skills, communication
to foster an attitude of cooperation between stu- skills, and collaboration skills are in the medium
dents in solving problems. This study according category, this is because the meeting only took
to research by Van Leeuwen et al. (2015) re- place twice, however, it can already illustrate
ported that through collaboration or group work that the implemented learning can develop cri-
completing assignments, students are facilitated tical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration,
in exchanging ideas and engaging in discussions. and communication skills. Indicators of critical
Practicum activities in groups, facilitate the de- thinking skills consist of reasoning, making con-
velopment of collaboration skills that allow stu- nections, and drawing conclusions. Indicators of
dents to contribute to groups, be responsible, and creative thinking include originality (authenti-
respect each other’s opinions to reach an agree- city), growing new ideas, and realizing creative
ment so that the subject matter is easier to under- ideas. Communication indicators are expressing
stand. Also, in the study of Thibaut et al. (2018), words clearly, communicating effectively, and
the learning is based on shared experiences, not using communication for various purposes. Col-
individuals, and clearly stated that knowledge is laboration indicators consist of showing the abi-
actively built by students. lity to work in groups, having flexibility, and the
The Scratch media used has a shared fa- ability to compromise to achieve common goals.
cility that allows students to share projects and This research can be continued on other physics
support from fellow scratch users and get feed- materials so that the improvement can be seen as
back and can even learn from projects done by real. The responses of students participating in
other users, so collaboration can emerge. Activi- the Mechanics I course assisted by Scratch are in
ties undertaken to build collaboration will usual- a good category.
ly involve the division of tasks, respect for each
other’s opinions, and the attitude of responsibili- REFERENCES
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