Rangkuman Materi Pts I English (Fourth Grade) :: Kamis, 28 September 2022: Simple Present Continuous Tense: Numbers

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 Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 28 September 2022

 Unit 1 : Simple Present Continuous Tense
 Unit 2 : Numbers
 Pattern (Rumus) of present continuous tense
(+) Subject + to be ( is, am, are ) + Ving + Object
He is reading newspaper
(-) Subject + to be ( is, am, are ) + not + Ving + Object
He is not reading newspaper
(?) To be ( is, am, are ) + Subject + Ving + Object ?
Is He reading newspaper?
Lie Lying Berbohong
Read Reading Membaca
Laugh Laughing Tertawa
Catch Catching Menangkap
Clean Cleaning Membersihkan
Climb Climbing Memanjat
Study Studying Belajar
Eat Eating Makan

 Numbers
11 12 13 14 15 20 21 22 30 31
eleven twelve thirtee fourtee fifteen twent twenty twenty thirty thirty
n n y one two one
32 40 41 42 50 51 52 60 61 62
thirty forty forty forty fifty fifty fifty two sixty sixty sixty
one one two one one two
70 71 72 80 81 82 90 91 92 93
sevent sevent sevent eighty eighty eighty ninety ninety ninety ninety
y y one y two one two one two three
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 1.000 1.000.0
ninety ninety ninety ninety ninety ninety one one 00
four five six seven eight nine hundred thousand One

 Simbols count numbers.

(1) + (plus) (3) = (equals)
(2) - (minus) (4) : (divided by)
 Latihan soal
I. Choose the right answer by crossing A, B, C or D!
1. What is Verb ing from catch ? ….
A. catched B. catches C. catch D.catching
2. Change into negative form. “They are reading a newspaper”.
A. They are not read a newspaper
B. They not are reading a newspaper
C. They are not reading a newspaper
3. My class has 77 students. How can you write 77? ….
A. seventy B. seventy seven C. seven D. seventeen
4. There are … days in three weeks.
A. thirty B. thirty one C. twenty one D. twenty
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!
1. Adiba gets .................................................. present from her friends and parents. (90)
2. My sister .................................................................. sweeping the floor.(to be/Object)
3. My school has 1000 students. How can you write
III. Answer the question correctly!
1. A : What are they doing?
B : .................................................................................................................. (eat)
2. Write the numbers.
(a) 12 : ...............................................................................................................
(b) 56 : ...............................................................................................................
(c) 84 : ...............................................................................................................
(d) 15 : ...............................................................................................................
(e) 40 : ...............................................................................................................
3. Write in English.
(a) 50 + 16 =
(b) 80 - 23 =
(c) 8 x 9 =
(d) 56 : 8 =

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