Lattitude Zine 10 - October 2008

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October 20

t-shirts starting
at $10
Back on track. Issue 10 brings some interesting and promising new contributors. Fortunately, as
has always been the case, our reader base continues to slowly spread, even crossing some of those
imaginary international lines. This is bringing about some revelations.

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Lattitude Zine is published 12X a year, monthly give or take, in Louisville, KY. Lattitude is
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05 • News & info
06 • In Government We Trust?
Ron Paul

09 • Q&A with Scott Ritcher

Jimmy Flaherty

15 • Sun, Sea, Sand... and ANTI-Terrorism

The Pleb

16 • Review - Open Grave

Jimmy Flaherty

17 • Stop Voting
David Ker Thomson

18 • Existence
Sly Paradox

19 • Tyranny on Display at the Republican Convention

Chris Hedges

20 • RNC 8
Friends of the RNC Welcoming Committee

21 • Paintings

23 • Triztoons
Bill Trizcinski
News, information & random crap

Fuck Gas, part Lattitude Zine, part Shitluck We (Lattitude) want your written, photo-
Clothing, have set out promote bike riding as graphed and drawn contributions! What do
opposed to oil and gas consumption. The first you get in return? A good feeling in your heart
event, the 40oz Fun Run, went off with enthu- knowing you helped keep this thing going.
siastic attendance and zero complications. In This “thing” being an open forum of sorts
continuing fashion, Fuck Gas is hosting their where anyone can express themselves. You
second ride labeled the Gutter Ball Bonanza provide some content, we provide a vehicle
on Friday, October 3. The ride will leave from making it available to the public.
On Your Left Cycles’ new home at 618 Baxter
Avenue (next door to Spenellis) and finish at As well, we’re trying to get an education issue
Executive Strike and Spare for some bowling. together. What we would like to see for this
The grill gets lit at 8pm (potluck anyone?) and is: stories, essays or what have you providing
the ride takes off whenever everyone’s belly is individual experiences as to how people liked
full. For additional info go to: or disliked the type of schooling they received and how it has or has not helped shape who
they may be today. Be them, home, alternative
Speaking of On Your Left Cycles/City BMX, or traditional school. Additionally, experiences
they have moved. The new shop is located just from parents about how their own children
around the corner at 618 Baxter Avenue. If were educated would be good too. All ages,
you’re bad with addresses, it’s the big orange opinions and experiences are more than wel-
blob right next to Spenellis. This new space come. Please spread the word.
will allow Derek and Drew to provide a much
better experience for everyone as it won’t be Got some weird or interesting shit going on?
the assholes to elbows fest the old shop was. Let us know and it could land here in next
Additionally, they still get to keep the “smallest months news. Deadlines for submissions are
bike shop in Louisville” tag which is nice. the third Friday of every month.

Had enough bike info? Too bad, here’s one Send whatever you’ve got regarding anything
more... Saturday, October 4 brings the Mondo you like to:
Alleycat 2.0 here in Louisville, taking off from
the Pinkdoor at 6pm. What’s an alleycat you Congratulations to our favorite guitar player,
ask? Alleycats are generally informal bike races Brian Venable. He and Sam, have given birth to
of sorts, where the participants race to a series a baby boy down in Memphis. Well, Sam really
of check points and who ever makes it first did the given birth part, Brian was probably
wins. Check it out at: just waiting with some gross ass Man United jersey to disgrace the poor guy with.

In Government We Trust?
Ron Paul

Many who agree with me on a lot of other Sound money, on the other hand, simply is
issues do not understand my enthusiasm for what it is. Removing governmental power to
gold and sound money or why I spend so much manipulate money removes the temptation for
time studying and talking about monetary government to spend, print and cheat. Sound
policy. It’s true that I talk about money differ- money ensures that our government’s spending
ently than most, but the fact is sound money priorities would be brought into sharp focus
offers many benefits. For example – peace. and reduced to only what we can afford.

Can sound money really bring about peace? Sound money also limits the ability to wage
Actually, it plays a big part in peaceful interna- wars of aggression. Imagine how much more
tional relationships. Money based on commodi- careful Washington would have to be about
ties, rather than paper, is not subject to govern- starting a war if they did not have this financial
ment manipulation, and is a key component sleight of hand at their disposal! Fiat currency
to free and honest trade. History shows that if allows government to do expensive things they
countries engage in trade with each other, their should not be doing while paying the bills with
governments tend to find ways to get along for cheap money. The Federal Reserve has lately
the same reason you do not kill your customers been auctioning off large amounts of treasury
at your place of business, even if they occasion- bills as a way to finance the wars in Iraq and
ally annoy you. If someone outright cheats you, Afghanistan, and our crushing entitlement
however, you may engage in “war” by taking burden. The resulting devaluation of the dollar
them to court, for example, and the relationship is quickly eroding our image as a good trading
will sour. Governments and central banks with partner in the world. As a consequence, there is
unfettered power to manipulate currency also therefore more talk of economic isolation and
have the ability to cheat their creditors. One way war.
they do this is to simply create enough currency
to pay off debts. This devalues the currency and This vicious cycle of spending, fighting and
“cheats” the recipient out of what they are owed. inflating is not what Americans want. It is what
It would not be fair if you watered down your the government wants, and it has had to deceive
product the way our government waters down the citizens into allowing and supporting it.
its currency, so it is not hard to understand, Sound money curbs the government’s ability
in these simplified terms, why loose monetary to engage in these shenanigans and reduces the
policy contributes so much to ill will and war wars we fight to only truly defensive ones, for
around the world. which Americans are more than willing to stand
and fight. So in these ways, sound money is very
conducive to peace.

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 06

Q&A, Scott Ritcher
Q - Jimmy Flaherty
A - Scott Ritcher

(ed. note: I really wasn’t sure how Scott would respond

to a lot of these questions, if at all. However, I have to
admit, I have a new found respect for him as a politi-
cian. Sure, I don’t agree with damn near everything
he stands for, but I’d be willing to bet you couldn’t get
another politico in the city to be as straight forward effectiveness about eight years ago. I became
and honest as Scott was in his responses. A big thanks an independent shortly thereafter.
to Scott for taking the time to thoughtfully consider
and respond to everything you’re about to read.) As far as your campaigns have gone, I’ve got to ask
- why Mayor and now Senator? Why not start with
For those who don’t know, could you give us a brief something a bit more attainable such as Metro
background of who the hell you are? Council? Is this something you have considered if
this campaign doesn’t go your way?
I am 38 years old and I was born in Louisville.
My occupation is a mix of lots of different In 1998, I ran for Louisville Mayor with the
efforts. As a writer, I have been a contributor Reform Party for several reasons. As you may
to LEO Weekly, Louisville Magazine, public know, in Kentucky, if you’re not a Republican
radio’s “This American Life,” and I’ve writ- or a Democrat, you have to collect signatures
ten two books. As a graphic designer, I have from voters in order to get your candidate’s
worked for companies such as The Cou- name on the ballot. If your minor party’s presi-
rier-Journal, Hasbro, CityScoot, and I have dential candidate earns a significant percentage
designed more than 100 compact disc packages of the votes in the state, your party then gains
including albums by The Get Up Kids, Face to the ability to nominate candidates to the ballot
Face, Koufax, and Saves the Day. I write, by convention for the next four years. Because
design, and publish a magazine called K of Ross Perot’s general election performance in
Composite which consists primarily of 1996, the Reform Party earned ballot access in
interviews of my friends. I sometimes play Kentucky and was able to nominate candidates
music in bands such as the Metroschifter and, without collecting signatures in 1998. It was
more recently, Best Actress. For nine years in the first time in decades that a third party had
the 80’s and 90’s I ran an indie record label been able to achieve this.
called Slamdek.
In the Louisville race for mayor, I was sup-
You’re registered Independent. Do you choose to porting Tom Owen, but he lost the Democratic
affiliate yourself with any particular party? primary to Dave Armstrong by just a few votes.
I felt there were a lot of issues Louisvillians
No. I usually vote for Democrats, but not needed to be more aware of and at the same
always. I don’t think they’re the bad guys, but time the Reform Party had no candidate in the
in a lot of cases they’re just not good enough. race. I decided to run for mayor to satisfy both
The lack of choices in American politics is one of these concerns. There was never a chance
that fascinates people in other countries where nor expectation that I would win the race.
there are multiple parties running in most My campaign budget was less than $1000 and
races. I used to be active in the Reform Party Armstrong’s was over $300,000. However, it got
which was started by Ross Perot, but the party some people involved in the process who may
faced a lot of defections and dilution of its have otherwise been ambivalent and it helped

spread the word about some issues I felt were open. “Every issue. Every time. No exceptions.
important. Armstrong ended up pleasantly No excuses.” ... that kind of statement just
surprising me in his term as mayor and I have a doesn’t allow for the flexibility to weigh every
great respect for him now. measure on its own merits, based on the situa-
tion at the time.
As to why I’m running for Kentucky Senate
now instead of Metro Council, there are several So Denise Harper Angel has filed suit to have you re-
reasons. First, I think people in Kentucky as moved from the ballot for District 35, in hopes of her
a whole need a lot more help than people in being the only option for voters to choose from come
Louisville. One in six Kentuckians lives in November. Would you mind elaborating and sharing
poverty, while the people in Louisville are your thoughts on this move by her campaign?
much better off. Secondly, a candidate must
run for office from the district where he or she Basically, Denise Harper Angel’s lawsuit claims
lives, so much of my impetus for running is my some voters who signed my ballot petition live
dissatisfaction with our district’s current state outside the boundaries of District 35, a require-
senator Denise Harper Angel. If I felt she were a ment for signing those documents. The state
model Democrat and doing a great job, I would has certified my candidacy and will not revoke
be just as happy sitting at home watching “The it or remove my name from the ballot based on
Colbert Report” and enjoying some snacks. On the errors. Ballot access can only be overturned
the Metro Council, my district’s representative through a lawsuit if Ms. Angel can convince
is Tom Owen, who as I mentioned earlier, is the court to disqualify enough signatures.
someone I think does a good job. And again, I
don’t think Louisville’s needs are as critical as Like I said earlier, Republicans and Democrats
the state’s. are not required to collect these signatures
to get on the general election ballot. Only
Louisville Metro Council districts and independents and third-party candidates are
Kentucky State Senate districts have roughly forced through this process, and once they have
the same number of voters, so really, they’re completed it, the major parties can challenge
equally attainable. But the decisions of the their petitions in court. That’s what she’s doing.
Metro Council and the State Senate influence
much different areas of life and at different In fact, Kentucky Democratic Party chair-
scales. It comes down to a matter of where my woman Jennifer Moore told the LEO that they
efforts are best applied to bring the most go through the effort of checking every petition
attention to the concerns I have. for every such candidate in the state. In this
case, 83% of the petitioners they are seeking to
Would you be willing to, or have you signed the Small disqualify are their fellow Democrats. So there
Government pledge? (if you’re unfamiliar you can seems to be some disconnect between what
check it out at: http://centerforsmallgovernment. their voters are asking and what the party is
com/sgpledgecand.htm) doing. I have even given them another petition
with three times more signatures than those
I agree with the sentiment of this pledge, but I disputed, but I guess it hasn’t made a difference
don’t think I can sign it. I don’t think the size in communicating what voters want. I think
of government is nearly as relevant as its effec- it’s clear that people want more choices. Even if
tiveness. Proportional to their population and the options provided are ones that people don’t
GDP, some other countries have much larger agree with, I think people want to preserve the
governments than we do, but they are much right to choose.
more effective. These people also pay much
higher taxes than we do, but they get a lot more Obviously, I understand her desire to run
in return. Denmark has a comparatively huge essentially unopposed. It seems like the easiest
government and one of the highest tax rates in way to win an election. You don’t even have to
the world, but the Danes are also some of the leave the house to win. I also understand her
healthiest, happiest people on earth. Also, I desire to get me out of it and to shut me up. I
think any legislator needs to leave their options don’t really have anything positive to say about

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 08

all the corporate and special interest money A health care safety net that would provide a
she raises or some of her actions in the senate. basic level of coverage for every Kentuckian
While this lawsuit is only a week old right now, would certainly not be free, but the bottom line
from my perspective, her efforts to quiet me is that it would cost less than what we’re paying
or to have my arguments removed from the now.
debate have had decidedly the opposite effect.
The hits on my website, requests for yard signs, Not only would it serve to make us healthier,
and contributions to my campaign have all it would give Kentucky a competitive edge and
gone way up since her lawsuit hit the papers. attract new families and taxpayers. It would
remove the burden of health care from our
It should be noted that our district is registered business owners, allowing them the options to
70% Democratic and she’s a Democrat. That’s cut costs, increase wages, reinvest, and offer
why I don’t understand the effort to remove additional incentives to workers.
me from the ballot. The Republican in the race
is basically out following his arrest on felony Medical bankruptcy is a truly American dis-
wanton endangerment charges. This election grace that does not have to exist and should not
was hers for the taking. Maybe she wasn’t so exist in a civil society. I believe access to health
confident about that. I don’t really know. care and child care are necessities and rights,
not “benefits.” They should be as universally
Let’s get back to your campaign objectives. I’m just available when needed as the fire department.
running down the list here... You’ve stated you want Everyone needs them at some point and we
to provide “free” health care for all Kentuckians that should never think of sending someone a bill
would be paid for by our taxes. Is it really free when for something they can’t live without.
I’m being taxed for it? How would this all work?
There are a lot of ways this system could work.
You’re right, it’s not free, it’s included in taxes. The great advantage we have in trying to do
It is, however, furnished without the patient something like this now is that so many other
being charged at the point of care or billed countries have already worked out a lot of the
based on the type of care provided. kinks. I’m not an expert on medical care, but
anyone can look at the simple statistics on this
The simple fact is that Kentuckians are not issue and see the way health care in Kentucky is
healthy people when compared with people provided now is clearly not the most beneficial
in the rest of the world. We pay significantly way.
more for health care in Kentucky than they
do in Norway, France, Switzerland, and other Say you’re elected and you are able to institute the
places known for superior levels of care. The health care plan. Would you be willing to provide a
reasons for this disparity are also simple. So provision in which I could opt-out of the health care
many people here are either uninsured or plan and be taxed less?
underinsured that no preventative health is
practiced. Primary care conditions deteriorate I think we need to move away from the model
when neglected until they become expensive that treats people differently than each other
emergency situations. People can’t afford basic and denies care to patients. I’m proposing
care and easily manageable conditions rage a basic level of care for everyone that covers
out of control. Kentucky’s infant mortality necessities and emergencies. If you want more
rate is higher than that of Cuba, Lithuania, or than that, you could still get that from a private
Thailand. Furthermore, for those who do have insurance company or your employer could
coverage in Kentucky, the costs of that care provide it as an incentive. There would really
enormous because it includes the costs of be no reason for someone to want to opt-out of
advertising, executive salaries, profits, denials a system that is more cost effective and covers
of eligibility, and even the cost of hiring lobby- most conditions. They would then run the risk
ists to keep the pressure on our government to of not being able to get state services if they
do nothing about it. need them.

Also, if every Kentuckian paid taxes at the to have the social problem that comes from forcing
same rate, and an exemption was provided for children away from their parents and community so
those not earning a substantial living wage, the early in life. Why advocate the compulsory Prussian
tax rate for most Kentuckians would be lower. system from the 1800’s?
Such a system would be fair to everybody and
generate more revenue for the state. The rich I have almost nothing bad to say about the way
and super rich are not currently paying a rate they do things in Sweden. I’ve spent a lot of
proportionally on par with the rest of us. It’s time there and the people I know in Sweden
only fair to close that gap. If we were to replace are some of the best-educated, well-informed,
Kentucky’s current multi-tiered income tax healthy, happy, friendly people I know. I’m
system in this way, most Kentucky taxpayers always eager to look at their successful systems
would pay less taxes and the state would have for most applications, in fact, I usually look
more resources available to provide services. there first. Kentucky is certainly not Sweden,
When we start providing exemptions and opt- though, and we’re starting from a completely
out clauses we lose sight of our common needs, different set of challenges and a much smaller
however, I don’t see a problem with provid- set of resources with which we can work.
ing a voucher or deduction option if there are
enough people who insist on not participating I think the argument that we’re already spend-
in the state program. ing too much on public schools may be a hard
one to win. I know that teachers in Kentucky
On elections or representative democracy in general, do not feel they have the tools or facilities they
how do you feel about democracy being related to the need to improve the lives of children as much
situation of two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s as they would like. Kentucky’s schools just
for dinner? Seriously. don’t receive the funding that schools in other
states do and our results show that.
It’s easy to think of democracy in this way,
especially when there are so few regulations As you suggested, the quality of schools can
governing corporate influence in government. make a difference for nearly everything else
If we can get corporate-backed contributions in society. Crime, productivity, innovation,
out of our elections and have clean campaigns co-existence, personal responsibility, progress;
funded only by individual voters, that’s a major they’re all related to the quality of one’s
move toward restoring a truer democracy. If education.
paid lobbying were eliminated, I think that
would be an even bigger step toward remov- While this isn’t Prussia or Sweden, I think we
ing the wall that exists between voters and can never underestimate what relevance our
their government. It might sound idealistic, schools have to the quality of life we are able
but I think both of these steps would help our to enjoy. We can learn a lot from other ways of
democracy start resembling shepherds rather doing things, but ultimately, our challenges are
than wolves or sheep. uniquely Kentuckian and I think funding is
one of the main areas our schools are in need.
You are proposing more money be provided to schools Trying varying approaches in different places is
and teachers, year round attendance (although the also a proven way to pilot-test and develop new
same amount of school days) and even starting school methods. I think any strategy that provides us
1 year earlier. If I may, I would like to argue that we with a more informed way of revising and im-
already spend too much money on public schools, proving our schools should be considered. Edu-
have children attend too long and start too early. cation is just too important to be underfunded
Have you ever considered the Swedish system? In a or to have its significance underestimated.
society (that of Sweden) recognized for quality in
everything they do, surely schooling must have some I appreciate your views towards renewable energy
effect on this. A child cannot even begin school until and the coal communities and companies that
the age of seven, and the Swedish system lasts only operate in them. However, how do you plan to get the
nine years as opposed to the thirteen you are sug- extra money you are proposing these companies pay
gesting. Reason being is that the Swedes don’t want be directly funneled into the communities in which

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 10

they operate instead of being absorbed by the state As well, given I run a business and a potential
bureaucracy? employee agrees to work for $2 per hour, like servers
at restaurants, isn’t that voluntary interaction? After
Funny you should ask, because that’s exactly all, they don’t have to come work at my restaurant.
what happened last year. States with substantial
coal mining operations, like Kentucky, collect People don’t have to work at your restaurant
what is called a Coal Severance Tax from the but they have to work somewhere. If the low-
companies that run the mines. This tax is est of wages are determined by market forces
levied on the value of the coal removed from instead of by some larger sense of fair compen-
the ground. The money collected is intended sation, we’ll simply see wages plummet and
to be used by the state to clean up mining the overall purchasing power of workers in our
sites and reinvest in the communities where society deteriorate. This is what happens in
mining happens. Kentucky is the third-larg- countries without fair labor laws. There’s an
est producer of coal in the United States and old saying, “If the company owes you some-
our severance tax is one of the lowest. Mining thing morally but not legally, they will give you
corporations pay just 4.5% of the value of their nothing.”
coal back to our state.
So if the living wage is “one size fits all hege-
Last year, in trying to lure a coal gasification mony” then I would think the minimum wage
plant and a few dozen jobs to Kentucky, the - or no wage restrictions - must be even more
state legislature voted almost unanimously to apprehensible. Living wage laws enacted in
raid this fund. Denise Harper Angel and every other places in the United States are indexed to
other state senator except one voted “yes” to inflation and, honestly, for Kentucky’s cost of
giving the world’s largest coal company, Pea- living, would not be much different than the
body Energy, $300 million in incentives and Federal minimum wage. A primary difference
tax breaks. They essentially took $80 out of the is that the living wage changes annually and
pocket of each Kentuckian and handed it over automatically, whereas the minimum wage is at
to Peabody in a year when that company was the mercy of legislative action, which can take
posting record profits. And they did so under years to catch up to true costs. Struggling peo-
the guise that somehow coal gasification is a ple just can’t wait around for somebody to take
clean, forward-looking alternative energy. action. Ironically, the salaries of Kentucky’s
legislators update automatically but those for
Kentucky’s Coal Severance Tax could be dou- other workers do not.
bled or quadrupled and these companies would
still be swimming in money. Furthermore, the The main opponents to the living wage aren’t
fund this tax creates must be off limits to any- restaurants or small businesses, they’re big-box
thing except what it is intended to do; reinvest retailers like Wal-Mart. They can save billions
in mining communities. The free ride mining simply by paying every worker 50-cents less
companies have in Kentucky must end. They per hour. Wal-Mart all but packed up and left
must be held accountable for the devastating Chicago when the city council worked to pass a
effects mining has on our landscapes and the living wage bill there. Even then, Mayor Daley
lives of our miners. Coal is getting increasingly quickly vetoed it after Wal-Mart ran a multi-
harder to find and these companies are literally million dollar marketing campaign attacking
moving mountains to get it. When the coal is him and the effort.
gone, so too will these employers be. If we don’t
take every opportunity to collect billions in the While this issue certainly has widespread
process, we’re being played for the fools they economic considerations, I don’t see the liv-
obviously think we are. ing wage as a matter of economics. I see it an
issue of morals. No civil society should expect
You would like to mandate a living minimum wage workers to work for less than what they need to
calculated to provide “sufficiently reasonable” neces- comfortably survive. In a country as rich as the
sities. Who determines what is “sufficiently reason- United States, there should be no such thing as
able” and isn’t this just one size fits all hegemony? “low-wage workers.”

In true socialist fashion, you want to regulate noise the legislature isn’t aware or willing to act on
levels and pollution emissions of motor vehicles, a particular issue, it can take many years for
but provide assistance to drivers who cannot afford Kentuckians to get the message through that
to keep their vehicles up to standards. Why should changes are needed. Creating a voter-initiated
I have to pay for the upkeep on someone else’s car? ballot referendum process in Kentucky would
Why can’t they ride a bike or take the bus? give citizens a more direct route to their own
This is a matter of everyone pitching for the
greater benefit of society. Everyone benefits With your proposed banking regulations, I’m a bit
when levels of noise and air pollution are put off. I know when I got my checking account I spe-
reduced. But to your point of why you should cifically signed an agreement that stated if I overdrew
pay for it, the cost of this could be included in my account I would be charged $33 per overdraft. I
the price of gasoline. In that case, if you ride a have allowed the bank to charge my account if I don’t
bicycle there is a lesser chance of you sharing handle my own finances properly. Instead of regulat-
this nominal burden which would amount to ing how private businesses operate wouldn’t we be
less than a dollar a year. better off teaching our citizens how to handle their
finances correctly in the first place?
We should also recognize that in a state as large
as Kentucky, and even in a city as spread-out Absolutely. There should be practical classes in
as Louisville, not everyone has the option or high school that teach students useful life skills
ability to uses buses, bicycles, or their feet for such as how to balance a ledger and how inter-
transportation. I agree those modes of trans- est is compounded. But Jimmy, you also have
port are preferable because they reduce noise to remember that not everyone is as intelligent
and pollution, but they’re not always practical or informed as you are, nor are they able to be.
or available.
The main point I’m trying to make is that over-
Could you elaborate on the idea to have the commu- drawing one’s account is illegal and banks have
nity vote on, as you put it, “propositions to legalize, the technology to prevent electronic overdrafts.
regulate, and significantly tax casino gambling, Use of this technology was standard industry
marijuana products, or any other controversial issue practice and historically protected banks from
which is legal elsewhere”? I like legalize part, but I overdrafts until its creative use for extra profits
am curious, why only the issues that are legal else- began to grow in the past decade. About 50%
where? As well, what is the harm in all this voluntary of all income in the banking industry is now
interaction? generated from fees. The Center for Respon-
sible Lending says 46% of overdrafts today are
This might be a misunderstanding of the larger caused by instantly-verifiable transactions, that
point of what I’m saying. I don’t think anything is, debit card purchases and ATM withdrawals.
necessarily needs to be legal somewhere else That’s more than any other type of transac-
to be considered here. I was just trying to il- tion. A practice among many banks now is to
lustrate that Kentucky may be behind the curve keep transaction-stopping technology on hold
on some of these issues. Certainly not a revolu- while allowing a customer to run up overdraft
tionary statement considering there are places fees and only alerting the customer by mail,
in our state where you can’t legally buy beer. which can take days. The bank will eventually
implement their ability to decline transactions,
One of the main impediments to progress but only after the negative balance grows to the
in Kentucky law is the absence of a ballot point where it becomes a collection risk.
referendum process. Many states have systems
which allow voters to place statute revisions In the same way that institutions are able to
on the ballot for a public vote. Kentuckians, instantly verify whether a customer is over-
however, are at the mercy of a part-time legis- drawing their account, they can also allow
lature which meets only a few weeks out of the customers to view their recent activity in real
year. It is just not responsive enough to keep time. Many banks don’t do this. Instead, a
up with the pace at which reform is needed. If customer’s online account access may

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 12
deceptively not reveal recent transactions until people who have unfortunately bastardized its
several days after they occur. These banks are objectives and monopolized it for subversive
generating huge profits by deliberately taking purposes.
advantage of confusion and providing inad-
equate information to the consumer. I don’t claim to have answers, I only have
suggestions, which I feel is what we need a lot
I agree that everyone should be responsible for more of. I know that taxes can be collected and
their own finances and banks should be able to services can be provided without the obscene
freely enter into agreements with consumers, levels of intervention that government has in
but just as with the living wage issue, if market our lives. I know the quality of health care,
trends dictate what is to prevail as standard education, and life in general can be improved
practice, 99 out of 100 times that practice if we try new things. But I also know that I
will favor the corporations, not the people. am just one person. My hope is that other
Corporations are interested in delivering people will hear what I’m saying and add their
results to shareholders and that typically does own ideas and perhaps become inspired to do
not provide a lot of room from them to refrain something. Nothing will get better through not
from profitable practices regardless of how voting or not being involved. We’ve definitely
detrimental or unethical those practices may seen the results of leaving it to someone else.
be from the consumer’s point of view. A 2006
study also found that the overwhelming major- So I agree with you that we are all responsible
ity of these fees, nearly three-quarters, are paid for ourselves, but I also think simple compas-
by financially-distressed customers who live sion dictates that we have an obligation to try
“on the margins of solvency.” And with the to make things better for other people as well.
shift toward consolidated ownership of banks, It may take a small sacrifices here and there,
media, food, and energy, I feel government but our own selfish demands so far have proven
must take a role in protecting the consumers to be less than advantageous or admirable than
from the prospect of unfair practices becoming the chances we take by doing nothing.
unavoidable standards.

Lastly, I want to note that it should be apparent I am
coming from a stance of completely despising govern- Scott Ritcher for Kentucky State Senate,
ment intervention in any part of my life whether it District 35
be local, state or federal. I would really like to know 2342 Grinstead Drive No. 4
what makes you (or any politician for that matter) Louisville KY 40204
a better candidate for making decisions on how I
should live my life, i.e. manage my finances, educate
my children, care for my health or run my own busi-
ness, than myself?
Vote November 4, 2008
We might be on the same page on this one. I
don’t think anyone is better equipped than you
are to make these decisions about your life.
But I think as a society, we have an obliga-
tion to provide for those who are unable to
provide for themselves and to protect those
who cannot protect themselves. This can often
be accomplished only through government. I
see government as the collective pooling of our
resources to accomplish goals we are unable to
achieve individually. The dissatisfaction with
government is usually the result of disgust at

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 14

Fuck Gas is a collective effort, part Lattitude Zine, part Shitluck Clothing, working to
illustrate the retardation of gas and its effect on the american culture all while having a
hell of a good time doing it.
Get FREE propaganda by sending a self addressed, stamped envelope to:
P.O. Box 197535
Louisville, KY 40259 ~
Sun, Sea, Sand… and ANTI –Terrorism
The Pleb

Who’d be a Hero? After gathering information and passing it to

If you stopped a handbag being snatched, the Cuban authorities the FBI was invited to
would you expect a word of thanks? Or if you Havana to receive the info.
prevented a Bank robbery, would you expect a
reward? So if someone goes out of their way to So, the FBI is given the details of terrorist
prevent Terrorism, where would they end up?? organizations operating from U.S. soil…Perry
A) Daytime TV shows. Mason or Jessica Fletcher would have had this
B) Prison. one sorted before the first advert break!
C) Solitary confinement then massive prison The FBI returned to Miami and arrested the
sentences under maximum security. messengers…not the terrorists.
Well if you’re Cuban and subject to the U.S.
“Justice” system then the answer is C. The men now known internationally as the
Cuban 5 (aka Miami 5) were arrested and held
They probably taught you this at School, but in solitary confinement for 17 months, followed
here it is again. Since the Cuban Revolution of by a trial where the jury were tailed by the Mi-
January 1st 1959 (50th Anniversary here we ami Mafia (who have a bloody history when it
come!) a bunch of nutcases basing themselves in comes to what they see as being “soft” on Cuba).
Miami have been attacking Cuba in every way
they could think of, with the help of a few So what do you get for trying to prevent
Agencies and powerful friends (!) Terrorism?
Gerardo Hernández: 2 Life sentences plus 15
Whether it was bombing an Embassy, Hotel, or years.
airliner, or using the more extravagant biologi- Ramón Labañino: Life plus 18 years.
cal weaponry, that darn Revolution just would Antonio Guerrero: Life plus 10 years.
not break. Fernando González: 19 years.
René González: 15 years.
So what does this have to do with
Anti-Terrorism??? The Cuban 5 have now been in prison for 10
Well the Cubans aren’t stupid, and they don’t years.
actually like being subjected to Terrorism, so
they sent people to Miami to gather information Perhaps one day there will be a United States
about the dodgy groups operating there. This where terrorists go to prison and anti-terrorists
would enable Cuba to have a heads-up on future are given the respect they deserve…there are 5
terrorist acts and thus give them a better chance heroes hoping that day arrives soon.
of stopping them.
The task given to these Cuban anti-terrorists
was not without risk (just how brave did they Visit for cartoons, poetry
have to be!), but nobody predicted what and other random creativity.
happened next…

Open Grave

In full disclosure Jeani Rector has been paying Grave on the other hand was as much as I hate
for advertising in Lattitude for a few months to use the term - a roller coaster. This damn
now. When she offered us a copy of the book story never stops, and that’s a good thing, as
for review this thought did come to mind, but well as adding in one more twist as soon as you
at the same time - it was a free book. My opin- think there’s nothing left. Good stuff.
ion is honest and true, if you still feel I may be
biased, I really don’t give a fuck. Too bad. More good news is there really aren’t a lot of
negative things I can say about the book. In my
Open Grave - The Book of Horror, begins opinion, cover art as a tad middle schoolish
with 9 short stories and concluding with a - if that makes any sense, which really has zero
26 chapter novella to which the book itself effect on the readability and enjoyment of the
derives it’s name - all horror or thriller stories book.
to some extent. I may not be the best person
to have reviewed this as I am not a big fan of All in all, I thought this was an enjoyable read.
fiction, I tend to opt for more reference based I find this to be meaningful coming from
literature. However, I can honestly say I truly myself, as like I mentioned before, I am no fic-
enjoyed reading these stories and even found tion fan. Jeani seems to have put a lot of work
myself questioning what would happen next as into this book and I think if you get a copy for
the drama unfolded, even without the book in yourself, you won’t be disappointed.
hand. Because I don’t want to spoil anything
for anyone, I’ll just note that my favorites were To Pick up your own copy visit
“Open Night Dive,” for tipping its hat, in a
sense, to a different way of life and the ending
novella, “Open Grave.”

Dive, went a completely opposite direction

than what I expected at every point, and left
me with a smile after the read. It was entertain-
ing all while preparing me for the worst. Open

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 16

Stop Voting
David Ker Thomson

Just drop the vote and step quietly away from What’s driving you nuts is, we’re not even refus-
the vehicle. ing. We’re not saying anything. And we know
you’re nuts. We’ve seen your conventions. Also,
We hope you’ll join us. We are a multitude, and your good wars, and your bad ones. Your Motor
we have been on the increase for forty years. Voter legislation so you can register to kill twice
Forty years, and now our time is at hand. at one convenient location.

You looked for us when you sought an object You are a computer virus. You thrive on at-
for your ill-conceived charity, but we quietly tention. Say no to you, and you preen because
sent you away. We who will not vote, who will someone noticed. We say nothing.
not gratify you with an opinion of your fool-
ish and indistinguishable pretenders to this or You probably think this song is about you.
that throne, we infuriated you. You called us Don’t you?
apathetic for refusing to play the game. Refusing
even to register. You said it was the only game You have immense standing armies, and they
in town. wish to march left, right, left, right. We are more
than forty percent of the adults in America, fifty
But if we’re so apathetic, why have you sought percent in Europe. If we would just say some-
us so desperately, coveting even our style, asking thing, anything, left, right, left, right, you could
our barbers if you are real, begging us to hold get a stronger mandate, get these armies work-
the mirror for you while you compose yourself? ing efficiently, instead of going around losing
You have courted our swingers, but we have seen wars to tiny countries. But like you say, it’s hard
your anxious eyes in the rear-view of your Volvo. to fight a war if we don’t all stick together.

You like statistics, go see if it isn’t true: voter

turnout has been decreasing in the established David Ker Thomson is taking a year out from
democracies since the 1960’s. You’re desperate the Centre for Comparative Literature at the
for a mandate, but it’s flowing away from you.
University of Toronto to write a book on American
Your empire flunkies are banging at our doors, radicalism since 1637 entitled “A.”
telling us we’re red or blue, or striped with white
bars, and we should go to our color-coded sta-
tions. Greens, now there’s a hue for you. Use ’em
for a side salad while you get on with dinner. Or
get them to do the washing up. Greens are excel-
lent for washing things. And you know how they
just love to be included.

Sly Paradox

The thing I love about the human existence the bad things in the world make this mistake.
is our ability to constantly evolve, to pull After all, Ted Bundy was an awfully charming
ourselves up from whatever trenches we have fellow who still to this day probably has wom-
fallen into, whatever traps we have managed to en who will swoon over him. Scott Peterson
ensnare ourselves in. Our minds and imagina- has groupies, receives fan letters every week,
tions are never an absolute, our potential never even wedding proposals. Charles Manson had
finite; the only blockades we will ever come women crawling on their hands and knees for
across are the ones we put up ourselves. him and shaving their heads.

Your destiny is as mailable as wet earth; you Evil can talk a very good game. It is perfectly
can mold it to whatever conclusion you see fit. capable of gaining your trust in order to take
You hold the power to do so, no matter what advantage of you. People always seem to forget
superficial outside forces try to lead you to that.
It is up to us to learn how to filter out the lip
Remember; the things that will try to divert service and jive, and find the genuine souls in
you from your chosen path are not going to be this world, because they are truly becoming a
wearing a big, flashing neon sign spelling out dying breed. We need to bring ourselves back
“evil”. The serpent understood that long before to helping our fellow man just out of good will
it dained to show up at the Tree of Knowledge and no other reason. Paying it forward is what
it had to lull Eve into a false sense of security helps sustain us and gives us momentum in
in order to convince her to take a bite of the our own lives, spiritually and literally.
apple. True evil is seductive like that. It is
charming, even charismatic in some cases. It
will tell you whatever it knows you need to For more from Sly Paradox, check her blog at:
hear to get what it wants.
But that is the thing. The ability to charm is
not the same as being a genuine person with
good intentions. Too many gullible people who
want to live in a certain state of denial as to

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 18

Tyranny on Display
at the Republican Convention

Chris Hedges

St. Paul is a window into our future. It is a privileges, power and wealth, they unleashed
future where, as one protester told me by phone, their goons and thugs on all who dared to chal-
“people have been pepper-gassed, thrown on lenge them. We are not East Germany, but we
the ground by police who had drawn their are well on our way. An economic meltdown,
weapons, had their documents seized and their another catastrophic terrorist attack on Ameri-
tattoos photographed before being taken away can soil, a war with Iran, and we could easily
to jail.” It is a future where illegal house raids are swing into an authoritarian model that would
carried out. It is a future where vans containing look very familiar to anyone who lived in the
heavily armed paramilitary units circle and film former communist East Bloc.
protesters. It is a future where, as the protester
said, “people have been pulled from cars because A few of those arrested in St. Paul, including
their license plates were on a database and hand- eight leaders of the RNC Welcoming Com-
cuffed, thrown in the back of a squad car and mittee—one of the groups organizing protests
then watched as their vehicles were ransacked at the GOP convention in St. Paul—now face
and their personal possessions from computers terrorism-related charges. Monica Bicking, Eryn
to literature seized.” It is a future where constitu- Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland,
tional rights mean nothing and where lawful Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett
dissent is branded a form of terrorism. Fitzgerald and Max Spector could get up to
seven and a half years in prison under the ter-
The rise of the corporate state means the rise rorism enhancement charge, which allows for
of the surveillance state. The Janus-like face of a 50 percent increase in the maximum penalty.
America swings from packaged and canned This is the first time criminal charges have been
spectacles, from nationalist slogans, from seas of filed under the 2002 Minnesota version of the
flags and Christian crosses, from professions of federal Patriot Act.
faith and patriotism, to widespread surveillance,
illegal mass detentions, informants, provoca- The Patriot Act, which was put in place as much
teurs and crude acts of repression and violence. to silence domestic opposition as to ferret out
We barrel toward a world filled with stupendous real terrorists, has largely lain dormant. It has
lies and blood. authorized the government to monitor our
phone conversations, e-mails, meetings and
What difference is there between the crowds political opinions. It has authorized the govern-
of flag-waving Republicans and the apparat- ment to shut down anti-war groups and lock up
chiks I covered as a reporter in the old East innocents as terrorists. It has abolished habeas
German Communist Party? These Republican corpus. But until now we have not grasped its
delegates, like the fat and compromised party full implications for our open society. We catch
functionaries in East Berlin, all fawned on cue glimpses, as in St. Paul or in our offshore penal
over an inept and corrupt party hierarchy. They colonies where we torture detainees, of its awful
all purported to champion workers’ rights destructive power.
and freedom while they systematically fleeced,
disempowered and impoverished the workers The commercial media told us that what was
they lauded. They all celebrated the virtue of a important in St. Paul was happening inside
state that was morally bankrupt. And while they the convention hall. The vapid interviews, the
played this con game, one that gave them special ridiculous soap opera sagas about Sarah Palin’s

continued from 19
daughter and the debate about whether John
McCain or Barack Obama has proprietary Hello to all our friends and supporters,
rights to “Change” divert us from the truth
of who we have become. You had to search In the last week, eight people affiliated with
the RNC Welcoming Committee were arrested
out “Democracy Now!,”, Twin
in their homes or picked up off the streets and
Cities Indymedia, I-Witness, along with a few
charged with conspiracy to riot and further-
other independent outlets, to see, hear or read ance of terrorism. The Welcoming Committee
real journalism from St. Paul. was a group that formed to facilitate logistics
(food, housing, convergence center) around
It does not matter that the RNC Welcoming the 2008 Republican National Convention
Committee describes itself as an “anarchist/ Protests in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Most of
anti-authoritarian” organization. We don’t them were arrested in the days leading up to
have to embrace a political agenda to protect the convention, and many had their homes
the right to be heard. Shut down free speech raided by law enforcement. They were being
and radicals only burrow deeper under- held in the Ramsey County jail but as of
ground, splitting ossified political systems into Thursday were all released on bail or bond.
fractured extremes. We may well end up with They are now facing serious criminal charges
the Christian right on one side, with politi- and the potential of a protracted and expen-
cians like Sarah Palin providing an ideological sive legal battle.
veneer to a Christian fascism, and embittered
leftist radicals who turn to violence on the This case is potentially dangerous not just for
other. these individuals but for organizers and activ-
ists all over the country. It represents a seem-
St. Paul was not ultimately about selecting a ingly coordinated effort between state and
federal agencies to crack down on organizers
presidential candidate. It was about the power
as a way of intimidating and systematically re-
of the corporate state to carry out pre-emp-
pressing movement building in all its forms. It
tive searches, seizures and arrests. It was about now falls to all of us to fight these charges not
squads of police in high-tech riot gear, many just for these eight people but to protect our
with drawn semiautomatic weapons, bursting friends, our movements and our communities.
into houses. It was about seized computers,
journals and political literature. It was about Currently, our immediate need is for financial
shutting down independent journalism, even resources. We are asking for people to donate
at gunpoint. It was about charging protesters money or set up benefits in their own com-
with “conspiracy to commit riot,” a rarely used munities.
statute that criminalizes legal dissent. It was
about 500 people held in open-air detention You can donate by going to
centers. It was about the rising Orwellian state and clicking on the “Donate to RNC Welcom-
that has hollowed out the insides of America, ing Committee Legal Support” button.
cast away all that was good and vital, and
donned its skin to shackle us all. To check out ongoing updates on the case visit

Thank you so much for your support.
Chris Hedges is a journalist and author, special-
izing in American and Middle Eastern politics In solidarity,
and society. You can find more of his work at The Friends of the Welcoming Committee Visit St. Paul in September 2008!

October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 20

Paintings by Kali


October 2008 • LATT!TUDE 22
October 2008 • LATT!TUDE

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