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Wizard You delve into the mysteries of magic

to amass even greater understanding

of the arcane arts.


Path Description
Arcanist You adopt a fighting style that
incorporates spells with weapon
Assassin You learn the art of the kill. You can
strike down your enemies with a
single attack.
Bard You are an itinerate performer, an
adventurer who inspires others with
song and story.
Beastfriend You form an unbreakable bond with a
wild animal and together you go on
Demonologist You learn occult secrets about
demons and spirits and use your
knowledge to get the upper hand
against them.
Fool Your antics leave your enemies
Inheritor You found a magical weapon and its
ultimate purpose becomes your own.
Medic You train to become an accomplished
Mountebank You are a scoundrel and ne'er-do-
well. You hone your techniques at
defrauding others.
Scout You excel at sneaking ahead and
spying on your enemies to get the
upper hand against them.
Swashbuckler You are a daring adventurer and risk-
Thief You hone your criminal skills to help
you handle just about any situation in
which you find yourself.
Warlock You sold your soul to the Adversary
so you could gain magical powers.

one or more bolts of lightning that hit their targets
automatically and deal 5d6 damage. Roll a d6 to determine
which potential targets are hit:
1 You and the two allies nearest to you.
After consulting blasphemous tomes and 2 You and the ally nearest to you.
forbidden grimoires, you learn how to conjure up 3 The ally and the enemy nearest to you.
angels and exact secrets of magic from them. Your 4 The enemy nearest to you.
5 The two enemies nearest to you.
work circumvents the normal relationship
6 Each enemy in your zone and in any one adjacent
between mortals and gods for the magic you wield zone.
comes not with a divine blessing, but from your Call Seraph As an action, you can cause a seraph to appear on
own ingenuity and willingness to wrest what you the ground in your zone. Make a Will roll against the
seraph’s Will. The seraph is your enemy when it appears, but
want from the gods’ own servants. Such actions if you succeed on the roll, you can force it to obey your
make you a pariah to those of a religious bent and, spoken commands when it takes a turn. If your roll was a
undoubtedly, you have made enemies of various failure, the seraph tries to kill you. If the seraph kills you, it
faiths through your works. But so long as you snatches your soul and delivers it to the Netherworld,
preventing you from being restored to life until someone
wield the power of the divine, few dare confront frees your soul.
you. If you can trap the seraph, such as with the circle of
entrapment spell from the Symbolism tradition, you might
LEVEL 3 ANGELIST be able to converse with it and gain information as the Sage
Health Increase your Health score by 2. decides.
Languages You know one additional language. Unless the seraph is killed or trapped before then, it
Advanced Angelology After a full night’s rest, you learn one disappears after 1 minute. If you survive the use of this
starting, novice, or expert spell of your choice from the talent, you can use it again after a full night’s rest.
Theurgy tradition. You learn two spells at level 4, three at
level 6, and four at level 9, of which one of these four can be
a master path. You retain knowledge of these spells until you
use this talent again.
After you use this talent, make a luck roll. On a failure, you
become cursed for 24 hours.
Unassailable Courage Whenever you make an Intellect roll or
a Will roll, you can also make a luck roll. Your attempt
succeeds if either roll is a success.
You can use this talent whenever you choose, as long as at
least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Illuminating Strike As an action, you send a beam of radiance
streaking from the center of your forehead toward a
creature you can see. Make a Will roll against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. A magical
or supernatural creature takes an extra 2d6 damage. An
enemy that takes 20 damage or more from this talent emits
bright light for 1 minute or until it dies, and it grants 1 boon
on rolls to attack it during this time. The damage increases
to 6d6 at level 6, and 9d6 at level 9.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spirit Away As a reaction when an enemy you can see attacks
you, you can to fly to and land in a zone within three zones.
This movement does not enable your enemies to make free
attacks against you. The enemy then resolves its attack
against you if it can or chooses a different target for its
attack, making the roll with 1 bane. If there are no legitimate
targets, the enemy wastes its action.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half
your level. You regain expended uses of it after a full night’s

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Fury of Heaven When you cast a Theurgy spell, you can also
choose to call down the fury of heaven, which manifests as

ground in your zone and each adjacent one turns to
challenging terrain instead.

People ascribe all kinds of virtues to magic. You’ve

heard everything from it being the lifeblood of
reality, the latent potential of things, some residual
energy left over from creation. It might be any of
these things or none. What you do know is that
magic is a weapon, and a potent one at that. You
don’t bother with all the spells and all that
nonsense. Instead, you seize magical energy from
the world around you and direct it from you in
ruinous blasts. Sure, your brand of magic-use
smacks of recklessness, but you get the job done
and that’s what matters.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Harness Magic As an action, you can seize magical energy
from your surroundings. First, each creature in your zone
must make a Strength roll and, on a failure, is pulled into
your reach. You gain a number of destruction tokens equal to
your level and you retain them until you expend them all or
you use this talent again. Finally, each creature in your reach
takes 1d6 damage and is pushed out of your reach. A
creature takes 2d6 damage at level 6 and 3d6 damage at
level 9
Destructive Blast As an action, you hurl a blast of ruinous
magical energy at a creature or object within three zones.
Expend any number of destruction tokens and make a Will
roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes
2d6 per token you spent in this way. If the result of your roll
is 20 or higher, you regain 1 expended token.
Then, you scour all harmless living things from the target
creature’s zone, turning all to ash, and you must treat all
creatures as enemies (luck ends). You make this luck roll
with 1 boon.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Energy Conversion As an action, if you have 1 destruction
token or more, you can spend any number of destruction
tokens to heal damage. You heal 1d6 damage for every 2
destruction tokens you spend (minimum 1d6 damage).

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Revel in Ruin When you use your Destructive Blast talent, you
can choose up to three creatures or objects within three
zones. You divide your destruction tokens between them,
assigning at least 1 to each target.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Apocalypse Now As an action, if you have 3 destruction tokens
or more, you can expend any number of destruction tokens
to release a blast from your body that spreads through your
zone and into each adjacent one. Each creature and object in
the zones take 1d6 damage for every two destruction tokens
you expended in this way (minimum 1d6 damage). A
creature makes a Strength roll and, on a failure, takes this
damage again. If the damage dealt by this talent is 15 or
more, you turn the ground in your zone into challenging
terrain until cleared away. If the damage is 30 or more, the

the target loses Health equal to the result of your Intellect

A study of the various methods one employs to kill Health Increase your Health score by 4.
people has made you a master of what you call the Killer’s Eye When you attack a creature, you roll an additional
art of murder. You know where to strike to land a d20 and use the result of your choice. If both rolls succeed
and are equal, you use your Assassinate talent against the
killing blow. You know how to loop a garrote
creature even if it is not an eligible target.
around a victim’s neck to cut off its supply of air, as Uncanny Reflexes You can hide or retreat as a minor action.
well as a variety of toxins to take apart your victim
from the inside out. That you have become a LEVEL 9 ASSASSIN
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
profession killer makes you few friends and a
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
great many enemies, but you have found there’s Strike to Kill Your attacks against targets from which you are
never any shortage of work. hidden always deal maximum damage, and you the target
You might have always been a bloodthirsty sort, always loses Health equal to the result of your Intellect roll
when you use your Assassinate talent, even if the roll results
one well-acquainted with the killing business from
in a failure.
the earliest days of your career, in which case,
setting off down the assassin path represents a
refinement of skills you have already acquired.
Then again, you might be new to the trade. A
conversion to the Cult of the Last Door and a
fervent belief that your kills serve as prayers to
your gloomy god helps you sleep in between
missions. The techniques might also support a
career as a spy, a saboteur, a guerilla, or even a
warrior who has learned that fair fighting is for
suckers. You might also have rules about who you
will kill and who gets to live. The reasons and
limits are yours to decide and the better they are,
the easier a time you will have in fitting in with the
rest of your group.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Languages You know either Finger-Talk or Thieves’ Cant.
Assassin Talent You have a favorite method of dealing with
your quarry. You gain one of the following talents:
Blade Training You make rolls to attack with daggers or
knives with 1 boon. In your hands, the weapons have the
martial property and lose the light property.
Explosives Training You are never at risk of detonating a
bomb you carry unless you want it to detonate. In addition,
explosives that you use deal an extra 1d6 damage and deal
maximum damage (including the extra damage) to objects.
Poison Training You impose 1 bane on rolls to detect or
resist poisons that you use, and your poisons cause targets
affected by them to lose an additional 1d6 Health.
Garrote Training You make rolls to grab or to overcome a
grab with 1 boon. In addition, a creature that loses Health
from your use of a garrote loses an additional 1d6 Health.
Disguise Artist When you use a disguise kit to create a
disguise for yourself, you benefit from the effect of the
seeming spell from the Illusion tradition, as if you had cast
the spell on yourself and with the same duration. In
addition, disguises you create cannot be ruined and they
impose 1 bane on Intellect rolls made to thwart them.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Assassinate When you deal damage to a creature from which
you are hidden, you can make an Intellect roll. On a success,

You can use this talent a number of times equal to half
your level. You regain expended uses after a full night’s rest.

The bards of the present descend from those Health Increase your Health score by 4.
musicians, actors, storytellers united by their Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
shared love of history and their eagerness to bear starting, novice, or expert spells.
Bardic Charm Whenever you perform for 1 minute, you can
witness and record the great events that shape the
expend a use of Bardic Music and use this talent to magically
future. Thanks to the bards, civilization can recall charm any number of creatures you choose in your zone that
information about nearly all the eras of history, are present for the entire performance. At the end of the
though the willingness to learn from such events performance, each target makes a Will roll. You impose 1
bane on this roll at level 9. On a success, the target becomes
varies. And even though the institution that
immune to your use of this talent for 24 hours. On a failure,
created the bards collapsed long ago and its the target becomes friendly to you and counts as your ally
members scattered, there remain those who carry until you harm the target.
out the sacred duties of their predecessors.
You join the bards. Maybe you became an LEVEL 9 BARD
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
understudy to another bard or you could have Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
claimed the mantle for yourself. You might strive Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
to return the bards to the place of prominence or starting, novice, or expert spells.
just fight the fight in these dangerous times. Legendary Luck You make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Inspiring Word As a reaction when an ally in your zone that
LEVEL 3 BARD can hear you makes an attribute roll, you magically grant
that ally 1 boon on the next attribute roll it makes before the
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
end of the round. In addition, either you or one ally in your
Language You know three additional languages.
zone deals an extra 1d6 damage on the next attack one of
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
you makes before the end of your next turn.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Recall Legend You can ask the Sage one question concerning a
legend, magic, history, a people, or a place and then make a l
information about a legend, magic, history, people, or place,
you can make a luck roll. On a success, the Sage tells you one
fact about the subject. On a failure, you can use this benefit
again only after a full night’s rest.
Multi-Instrumentalist You can play any instrument. You can
sing, dance, act, juggle, and perform in any style you choose.
You make rolls to perform with 1 boon.
Pidgin When a creature speaks to you in a language you don’t
know, you can make a luck roll. On a success, you can
understand enough to realize what was said, though you
might miss nuance, innuendo, and other subtleties, and you
retain this ability for 1 hour or 24 hours at level 9. On a
failure, you can use this benefit again only after a full night’s

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Bardic Music As an action, you perform magical music (with
or without an instrument) that produces one of two effects
on any allies or enemies in your zone. The effect lasts until
the end of your next turn or until you become stunned or
unconscious. As a minor action, you can extend the effect for
an additional turn, up to a maximum duration of 10 rounds.
While you perform the music, your attacks deal an extra 1d6
• Each target you choose becomes impaired in an attribute
of your choice. A target that overcomes this affliction with
a successful roll using the impaired attribute becomes
immune to your further use of this talent for 24 hours.
• Each target you choose heals 1d6 damage when you begin
performing and makes attribute rolls with 1 boon until
your performance ends.

Unchecked Aggression You gain berserk tokens while you are
berserk. In addition, you can spend berserk tokens as if they
were combat tokens.

Your vision goes red and a howl tears free from LEVEL 9 BERSERKER
your throat. All your anger, all your hate comes Health Increase your Health score by 6.
boiling up inside you and you have no choice but Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Ferocious Rage When you use your Berserk talent, each
to fling yourself into the thick of battle. Your
enemy in your zone that can see you must succeed on a Will
arm—and the weapon it holds—moves almost of roll or become frightened of you (luck ends).
its own accord, hacking and hewing through your No Time to Die If you become incapacitated while you are
enemies. And then it ends. Your chest heaves as berserk, you are weakened instead of unconscious, and the
effect of your Berserk talent does not end as a result. You
your vision clears. The blood cools on your skin
still make luck rolls as if you were unconscious, and you still
and everywhere you look you see death. die if your Health score drops to 0.
Your rage acts as does a living thing; it rattles
the cage of your self-control, eager to be free so it
can do what it does best: kill. The rage could be
part of you, some long-buried violent tendency
awakened by your struggles so far, or it could be
an ancestor spirit that haunts you, some dread
demon that hitched a ride in your body, or
something else, something far worse.
When you go berserk, your body undergoes a
physical change. You grow a bit larger, your
muscles bulge, and your lips pull back into a wide,
leering grin.
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Berserk You can surrender to your rage and go berserk in
combat. Each time you are harmed while you are not
berserk or Strength impaired, gain 1 berserk token. You
retain berserk tokens until you spend them, the combat
ends, you become frightened, or you become incapacitated.
At the end of each round, if you have at least 1 berserk
token and have not yet gone berserk, you can go berserk.
While you are berserk, you gain the following benefits and
• You grant 1 boon on rolls to attack you.
• You take half damage from weapons.
• When you become Strength impaired or frightened, make
a luck roll. On a success, you do not gain the affliction.
• Your attacks deal an extra 3d6 damage.
• You cannot cast spells and you make Intellect rolls with 1
You remain in the berserk state for as long as you have
berserk tokens. Starting at the end of the round after you go
berserk and at the end of each round thereafter, you either
discard a berserk token or the berserk effect ends and you
become Strength impaired for 1 hour or until you overcome
the affliction with a successful Strength roll.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Walk It Off You can overcome the Strength impaired and
weakened afflictions as a minor action. If you are berserk,
you make the roll with 1 boon.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
The gods offer almost infinite magical power to starting, novice, or expert spells.
Scourging Flames If you are under the effects of your Divine
those with the faith to earn it or the gall to take it Investiture talent, when you cast a novice, expert, or master
for themselves. You could have a special spell, you can use this talent to force one creature in your
connection to the gods that gives you access to zone to make a luck roll. On a failure, the target takes
more magical energy than you thought possible, or damage and becomes aflame (luck ends). The amount of
damage taken depends on the spell’s tier. A novice spell
you tap into the magic surreptitiously, finding deals 1d6 damage, expert 2d6 damage, and master 4d6
ways to siphon off what you need. damage.
Channelers who wield their magic with the
blessings of the gods tend to hold important LEVEL 9 CHANNELER
Health Increase your Health score by 2.
positions in their religions and their exploits serve Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
as inspirational stories for the faithful. Others starting, novice, expert, or master spells.
must keep hidden their methods lest they be Divine Refusal If you are under the effects of your Divine
deemed heretics and call down the full force of Investiture talent when you take damage, you can end the
effects of Divine Investiture to reduce the damage you would
their enemies down upon their heads. have taken to 0. You then can teleport to a zone you can see
Whether or not you have permission to do what within three zones.
you do, the experience is the same. When you
open yourself to the divine, you feel the gods move
through you, making you into a beacon of sacred
light. Pale flames dance across your body, your
eyes glow, and you rise a few inches above the
ground. And sometimes, you even see the faces of
the gods.
Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Languages You know one additional language.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Divine Investiture As an action, you raise your hands to the
heaven and a column of holy light shines upon you until the
end of your turn. Each enemy in your zone and each adjacent
one makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes
frightened of you (luck ends) and, if the enemy was in your
zone, it takes 1d6 damage, 2d6 damage at level 6, or 3d6
damage at level 9.
Then, brilliant but harmless flames limn your body to
emit bright light for 1 hour or until you dismiss them as a
minor action. While you have these flames, spells you cast
count as if they were supernatural and deal an extra 1d6
damage to magical targets.
You can use this supernatural talent a number of times
equal to your level. You regain expended uses of it after a full
night’s rest.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Lance of Radiance As an action while under the effects of your
Divine Investiture talent, you can release a beam of burning
radiance at one creature or object within three zones that
deals 2d6 damage. Make a Will roll against the target’s
Agility. On a success, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage,
4d6 damage at level 6, or 6d6 damage at level 9. If the result
of your roll is 20 or higher, the target becomes blinded until
the end of its next turn.


For the people with whom you quest, you have
become their spiritual center. They heed you
council, take heart from your advice. They look to
you for leadership and thus you strive to be an
example to them, being the exemplar of your faith
and the constancy, you urge them to be. You can
worship anyone as a chaplain; it matters little.
That you place your trust in a power beyond
yourself is enough to inspire the people fighting at
your side.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Restorative Strike When the result of your roll to attack is 20
or higher, you can enable yourself or one ally of your choice
in your zone to heal 1d6 damage.
You can use this supernatural talent a number of times
equal to your level. You regain expended uses of it after a full
night’s rest.
Rush to Aid As a reaction when an ally you can see in your
zone or an adjacent one becomes injured or incapacitated,
you gain a move which you must use immediately or lose it.
Once you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Courageous Presence Your mere presence heartens your
allies. You grant 1 boon on Will rolls made by allies in your

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Succor As a minor action, you can teleport to a zone within
three zones that contains an injured or incapacitated ally
and then enable that ally to heal 3d6 damage.
You can use this supernatural talent a number of times
equal to half your level. You regain expended uses of it after
a full night’s rest.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Clarity of Purpose As an action, you can supernaturally
embolden yourself and each ally in your zone. For 8 hours or
until you become incapacitated, you each gain the following
• Increase your Health by 10.
• Deal an extra 1d6 damage on attacks.
• Make luck rolls with 1 boon.
You can use this supernatural talent once. You regain the
use of it after a full night’s rest.

With warriors squaring off against each other,
spells exploding, arrows flying, the screams,
shouts, and bitter oaths spoken, events in combat
unfold in a sometimes confusing and jarring way.
You, though, find it easy to keep your head in a
tough situation and become the calm in the storm.
You were born to lead. You have the charisma to
hold others’ attention long enough for them to
hear what you would say and, more often than not,
convince them to embrace your way of thinking.
Your gifts at command combined with your battle
acumen makes you a natural leader in combat.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Command Tokens At the start of combat, before any
combatant takes a turn, you gain a number of command
tokens equal to your level. You expend these tokens to use
your commander talents. You retain the tokens until you
expend them, you become incapacitated, or the combat ends.
Attack Command When you use an action to attack, you can
spend 1 commander token to enable one ally in your zone
that can hear you to use a reaction to attack.
Natural Born Leader Whenever you use an action to help, you
can target a number of creatures equal to your level.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Call to Arms As an action, expend 1 commander token to
bolster each ally in your zone that can see and hear you. The
ally makes its next roll to attack with 1 boon and deals an
extra 1d6 damage on that attack. At level 9, you can use this
talent as a minor action.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Rallying Cry As a reaction when an ally that can hear you takes
damage, you can expend 1 commander token increase the
ally’s Health by 5, which lasts until the combat ends or you
become incapacitated. In addition, while it has this bonus,
the ally makes Will rolls with 1 boon.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Turn the Tide As a reaction when an ally in your zone
becomes incapacitated, you can expend 3 commander
tokens to enable each ally in your zone to heal 3d6 damage
and stand up if prone. Until the end of your next turn, each
ally in your zone makes attribute rolls with 1 boon.

The chaos sweeping across the known world
allows evil to root itself in the land and thrive,
growing and spreading until darkness gobbles up
all that is good and noble. Here, you find cultists
worshiping an abomination. There, the restless
dead claw their way free from their graves. You
have even heard whispers of some hermit who
calls forth demons from the Void. Someone must
take a stand against evil and that someone is you.
You crusade to purge the lands of wickedness.
You seek out, you hunt down, and you put to the
sword and flame those who lose themselves to
evil. You do so with the blessings of your patron
deity, and your faith sustains you through every
battle, and helps you to overcome the obstacles in
your path to attaining a brighter future.
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Fervor Tokens At the start of combat, before any combatant
takes a turn, you gain a number of fervor tokens equal to
your level. You expend these tokens to use your crusader
talents. You retain the tokens until you expend them, you
become incapacitated, or the combat ends.
Guided Strike When you attack, you can expend 1 fervor token
to gain 2 combat tokens for that attack.
Righteous Aggression At the end of the round, if you are not
within reach of an enemy, you can use a reaction to move
toward the nearest enemy in your zone or an adjacent one.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Strength of Conviction While you are not injured, and you
would become Strength impaired or weakened, you can
spend 1 fervor token make a luck roll. On a success, you do
not gain the affliction.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Foe to Evil Your attacks against magical and supernatural
creatures deal an extra 1d6 damage. In addition, when you
harm a magical or supernatural creature, you can expend 1
fervor token to cause that creature to lose 2d6 Health.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Litany of Destruction As a minor action, you can expend 2
fervor tokens to speak holy proverbs, which strengthen your
resolve. You gain the following benefits:
• You are immune to the frightened affliction.
• The first time you take damage each round, you can
reduce the damage by 1d6 (minimum 0).
This effect lasts 1 minute, but it ends early if you become
incapacitated, you stop speaking, or you use your voice for a
purpose other than speak the holy proverbs.

Words of Anathema As an action, you can speak words of
anathema at one creature in your zone or an adjacent one.
Make a Will roll against the target’s Will. You make this roll
with 1 boon against a demon. On a success, the target
That the Church of the High One makes demons becomes cursed for 24 hours. While cursed in this way, the
into bogeyman does a disservice toward target loses 2d6 Health at the end of any round that it is in
understanding the true threat these entities pose. your zone.
You can use this supernatural talent once, or three times
Not monsters, not devils, demons exist apart from
at level 9. You regain expended uses of it after a full night’s
those beings found in the world and in its magical rest.
corners: demons seek the utter annihilation of all
things and to bring not just Erth but its reality LEVEL 9 DEMONOLOGIST
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
tumbling into the darkness of the Void to feed the
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
bottomless appetite of the thing that drives them. Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ minor, novice,
This thing, called the Demon Lord for want of a or expert spells.
better name, is something of such vast and Dismantle Demon As an action, you can invoke supernatural
forces to strip away a demon’s form. A type I demon
boundless power that to even lay eyes upon it is to
becomes a formless demon. For demons of all other, higher
find torment that only madness can relieve. This is types, make a Will roll against the demon’s Will. On a
the threat to this world and you have made it your success, the demon’s loses 1d6 Health at the end of each
life’s purpose to fight the demons at every turn round (luck ends).
You can use this supernatural talent three times at level 9.
and prevent them from ever gaining a foothold in
You regain expended uses of it after a full night’s rest.
your reality. Bind Demon As a reaction when a demon in your zone
becomes incapacitated, you can bind its essence to an object
LEVEL 3 DEMONOLOGIST you wear or carry. The demon becomes bound until
Health Increase your Health score by 4. destroyed. If the object holding the demon is destroyed, the
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1. demon is free and becomes a demon of a random type. The
Languages You know one additional language. bound demon grants the object a number of charges equal to
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting the demon’s level.
spell from this tradition. While you carry the demon-bound object and cast a spell,
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting you can cast the spell without expending a casting to do so
or novice spells. by spending charges from the object. The number of charges
Occult Senses When you use an action to find, you locate each you must spend depend on the spell’s tier: a starting spell
magical and supernatural creature within three zones of costs one charge, a novice spell two charges, an expert spell
you. four charges, and a master spell eight charges.
Exorcism As an action, you can attempt to end the controlled When you spend the last charge, the demon is
affliction on one creature in your zone. Make a Will roll permanently destroyed.
against the Will of the creature that has target controlled. On
a success, you end the affliction.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Occult Casting When you deal damage as a result of a spell you
cast, you can use this talent to cause one creature that takes
this damage to take an extra 2d6 damage.
You can use this magical talent whenever you choose, as
long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.
Protective Incantation As a minor action, you speak aloud
mystic words that cause magical and supernatural creatures
in your zone to experience discomfort and distress. The
effect lasts until the end of your next turn. You can use a
minor action to extend the effect until the end of your next
turn, up to a maximum of 1 hour. If you use your voice for
any other purpose, the effect ends. Magical and supernatural
enemies in your zone are weakened for as long as they
remain there.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Steely Resolve Whenever you become frightened, impaired, or
weakened, you can make a luck roll. On a success, you do not
gain the affliction.

your level and become weakened until the end of your next

You joined a secret cabal of magic-users who have Health Increase your Health score by 2.
made civilization’s march into the future their Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
prerogative for thousands of years. The druids starting, novice, or expert spells.
Eldritch Flames As an action, magical green flames leap from
manipulate events to further their inscrutable
your hands toward one creature or object in your zone.
goals. Their efforts sometimes put them in league Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Agility. On a
with great heroes, and, at others, in support of success, the target takes 4d6 damage, 6d6 damage at level 6,
despicable villains. For what purpose, only the or 9d6 damage at level 9. After you make the attack,
lingering harmless green flames on your hands emit dim
Grand Druid who rules them all can say with
light for 1 hour, until you extinguish them as a minor action,
certainty. or until you use this talent again.
Membership requires undergoing secret rites
that strip away loyalties to anyone other than the LEVEL 6 DRUID
Health Increase your Health score by 2.
organization and to create pathways between you
Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
and the archdruids so that they might novice, or expert spells.
communicate their orders to you in the form of Signs and Portents If you spend at least 1 minute studying
dreams, signs, and omens. For now, your place is your surroundings for signs and portents, you can make an
with your group, to watch them, aid them, and Intellect roll when you finish. You gain 6 portent tokens on a
success, or 3 on a failure. You retain these tokens until you
report their doings to your superiors. expend them or until you use this talent again.
Druids wear distinctive hooded, black robes that You can use this magical talent once. You regain the use of
seem to swallow their bodies. You receive the garb it after a full night’s rest.
As a reaction when a creature in your zone makes an
when you finish your training.
attribute roll or a luck roll, you can expend 1 portent token
Druid Sleep It takes time for the druids’ to enable the creature to roll an additional d20. You decide
machinations to come to fruition, often far longer which roll the creature uses.
than their normal life expectancies would allow
them to see. To stave off time’s ravages, druids can LEVEL 9 DRUID
Health Increase your Health score by 2.
place themselves in a state of magical slumber, Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
which slows down their bodies’ processes and novice, expert, or master spells.
halts the aging process so that they can resume Hidden Ways As an action, you become invisible for 1 hour,
their work months, years, or decades later as if no but the magical effect ends early if you harm a creature.
While invisible, you stand partly outside of reality. You take
time had for them passed at all. half damage from all sources, you can move through solid
objects, and you ignore the effects of moving across
LEVEL 3 DRUID challenging terrain.
Health Increase your Health score by 2. You can use this magical talent three times. You regain
Languages You know Arcane and Druidic. expended uses after a full night’s rest.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.

Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Meddle You can help or hinder as a minor action.
Sleep of Ages As an action, you can enter the sleep of ages and
remain asleep for a period of time you decide when you use
this talent. While asleep, you are immune to hunger and
thirst, you grow no older, and you suffer no ill effects from
exposure or infection.
During the sleep, you have vivid dreams of things to come
and from these visions you receive insights into your near
future. For every 24 hours you spend in this sleep, you gain 1
insight token, up to a maximum number of tokens equal to
your level. You retain these tokens until you spend them or
you begin another sleep of ages. You can spend 1 insight
token to grant yourself 1 boon on an attribute roll or luck
roll that you make.
While you are asleep, any creature that can reach you
while can use an action to waken you. You also waken if you
are harmed. Finally, you can come out of the sleep early, at
any time. If something pulls you out of the Sleep before the
appointed time, you appear a decade older and you must
make a Strength roll. On a failure, you lose Health equal to

attune yourself to two elements simultaneously. In addition,
when your attunement ends, you heal 4d6 damage.

Experiments with elemental magic such as Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Aeromancy or Pyromancy reveal things about the Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
forces underpinning reality. Behind or beneath starting, novice, expert, or master spells.
Elemental Mastery While you are under the effect of your
what ordinary people perceive as the world rages
Elemental Attunement talent, your attacks and damage-
a cosmic storm of unformed substance that boils dealing spells deal an extra 1d6 damage, and you gain
and seethes in a state of constant flux. The clash of particular benefits associated with the element you chose:
these energies become yours to command and • Air You can fly.
• Earth You have a +10 bonus to Health.
enhance the elemental spells you cast. You realize
• Fire You are immune to damage from cold and fire. When
though that the more you tap into these forces, you roll damage for a Pyromancy spell you cast, you can
their energies linger in you, changing you in subtle reroll any dice that come up as 1s, but you must take the
ways such that after attuning yourself to fire you second roll, even if they are another 1.
• Water You are immune to the immobilized and prone
feel hot to the touch, water damp, or feel weird
afflictions. When you take damage from fire, you release a
callouses form after drawing on earth’s power. blast of scalding steam that deals 1d6 damage to each
creature in your reach and that obscures your zone until the
LEVEL 3 ELEMENTALIST end of the round.
Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Languages You know Arcane or one other language if you
know this language already.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Elemental Attunement As a minor action, you can attune
yourself to air, earth, fire, or water, the effects of which lasts
for 1 minute or until you use this talent again. Spells you cast
that are associated with the element you are attuned to
produce additional effects while you are attuned to the
• Air When you cast an Aeromancy spell, you gain a move
after resolving the spell’s effect that must be used
• Earth When you cast a Geomancy spell, you cover the
ground in your zone with challenging terrain that remains
until the end of the next round.
• Fire When you cast a Pyromancy spell, one enemy of your
choice in your zone must succeed on a luck roll or become
aflame (luck ends).
• Water When you cast a Cryomancy or Hydromancy spell,
you and each ally in your zone impose 1 bane on rolls made
against your Defense and Agility until the end of the next
You can use this magical talent a number of times equal to
your level. You regain expended uses after a full night’s rest.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Elemental Mantle Whenever you are under the effect of your
Elemental Attunement talent, energy swirls around your
body. This energy imposes 1 bane on rolls made against you,
and at the end of the round you deal 2d6 damage to each
enemy in your reach.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Dual Attunement You attain even greater control the
elemental forces you wield. When you use your Elemental
Attunement talent, you can expend an additional use of it to

Few people can match you in a fight. You’ve
learned so much about the art of combat from
your time battling enemies, both human and
inhuman, using an assortment of weapons, and
just doing everything you can to stay alive. You
have seen it all and come through bloody, bruised,
but still alive.
Your familiarity with weaponry helps you make
the most from using them. Whether you’re
sending arrows into the thick of your enemies or
picking up a chair to knock the head off a nearby
bandit, you’re bound to hit and to deal a
considerable amount of damage in the process.
There’s not much to what you do, but simplicity is
its own reward, to be honest. You know what
you’re good at, you know what you’re there to do.
You march forward, engage your enemies, and
keep on fighting till there’s no one left standing.
Defense Increase your Defense by 1.
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Combat Expertise You ignore the attribute score requirements
for wearing armor and making use of weapon properties.
All weapons you wield gain the martial property if they
don’t have it already. All weapons you wield that have the
light property lose this property.
Finally, any improvised weapon you wield in one-hand
counts as a club and any improvised weapon you wield in
two hands counts as a warclub.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Near Miss When you fail a roll to attack, make a luck roll. On a
success, you hit the target with a glancing blow, and the
attack deals half damage.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Back on My Feet As a minor action, you heal all damage and
regain half of your lost Health. Then, until the end of the next
round, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon.
You can use this talent once. You regain the use of it after
a full night’s rest.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Attack Mastery You can attack as a minor action.
Ultimate Combatant You make rolls to attack with 1 boon and
you ignore any banes imposed on your rolls to attack.

Merry Chase When you move, each creature that you have
caused to be Intellect impaired must move toward you on its
next turn or become weakened until the end of its next turn.
Uncontrollable Laughter Any creature that you cause to be
Well, you thought the joke was funny. You had no Intellect impaired also becomes dazed until it ends the
idea that the lumbering brute would get so angry. impaired affliction. In addition, such a creature makes a Will
And you never meant to make him look stupid roll at the start of its turn, and on a failure, it becomes
stunned until the start of its next turn.
chasing after you. You didn’t want to get hurt! It’s a
shame he fell and broke his neck. And all over a
stupid joke.
There’s a difference between an idiot and a fool.
Anyone can be an idiot; it takes work to be a fool.
You’ve spent a lifetime perfecting your craft. You
can juggle just about anything, pratfall like the
best, and your jokes and quips bring laughter and
groans in equal measure. You entertain your
audiences, but you also hold a mirror up to their
follies and know just the thing to say to cut a
person down to size. And when you go too far, you
can lead the offended on a merry chase that
almost always turns your victim into the bigger
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Fool’s Luck You make luck rolls with 1 boon and Intellect
impaired creatures make rolls to attack you with 1 bane.
Pratfall As a reaction when you take damage, are moved
against your will, or fall prone, you can make a big show of
your misfortune. Each creature in your zone that can see you
makes a Will roll. On a failure, it becomes Intellect impaired
until the end of your next turn.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Cutting Wit As a minor action, you can make an Intellect roll
against the Intellect of one enemy in your zone or an
adjacent one that can understand what you say. On a
success, the enemy becomes Intellect impaired (luck ends).
While it is Intellect impaired in this way, the enemy makes
rolls to attack creatures other than you with 2 banes. On a
failure, the enemy is immune to your use of this talent for 24

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Astonishing Reflexes The number of reactions you can use in
a round increases by one.
Fast Hands As a reaction when a creature you can see throws
something at you or attacks you with a projectile weapon
that is not a firearm, you can reduce the damage from that
attack to 0 and catch the object or projectile in midair
provided you have at least one hand free. You can then juggle
it along with whatever else you are holding until you become
stunned or unconscious, you drop or stow it, or the effect
ends after a few minutes. You can juggle a number of items
each of which you can hold in one hand equal to half your
Agility score. While juggling at least one object, you can
throw it or attack with it as a minor action.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.

Holy Provisions When you rest for 1 hour, you can produce
enough meals at the end of that time to feed twenty people.
The food is simple fare, bread and fish, and the drink can be
water, mead, ale, or wine.
You joined an order of itinerant priests and now You can use this supernatural talent once. You regain the
wander the land, living off the charity of others. In use after a full night’s rest.
return, you perform good deeds for those in need.
So long as you keep your vows, the gods watch
over you and protect you.
Keeping your vow means obeying the following
rules: you must not carry or possess valuables in
excess of 1 gp, not own property, wear armor, or
attack with a weapon other than a club, knife,
quarterstaff, or sling. If you break any of these
rules, the gods strip you of all friar talents and
they impose 1 bane on all attribute and luck rolls
you make for 24 hours.
Charity While you are in an urban environment
that contains followers of your religion, you do not
have to pay for food, drink, or lodgings.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Blessed Service You increase your Defense by 3 while you do
not wear armor.
Simple Arms You are skilled in the use of clubs, knives,
quarterstaffs, and slings. You make rolls to attack with these
weapons with 1 boon. In addition, you gain the following
• You treat the club as having the martial property.
• You ignore the light property of knives.
• You treat the quarterstaff as having the defensive +2
• You ignore the light property of slings.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Resounding Conversion When you succeed on a roll to attack,
you can use this talent to cause the target of the attack to
become dazed until the end of your next turn.
You can use this supernatural talent whenever you
choose, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since you
last used it.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Righteous Living When a harmful effect would cause you to
become immobilized, impaired, or weakened, you can make
a luck roll. On a success, you do not gain the affliction.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.

You can use this talent whenever you choose, as long as at
least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.

Spectacle fighting has been around for centuries. Health Increase your Health score by 6.
People love to watch others tear each other apart Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
and pay whatever they can to watch well-matched Dirty Tricks Whenever you cause a creature to become dazed,
you can also choose either to cause the target to become
opponents go toe-to-toe. The arena in large
blinded until the end of the round, knock the target prone
citizens play to crowds of thousands, but go and prevent it from standing up (luck ends), or to cause the
anywhere and you will find a fighting pit dug into target to take 1d6 damage.
the ground or a ring sketched in with posts and
ropes somewhere in the community.
You cut your teeth fighting for coin. Likely, you
started alongside other inexperienced hopefuls,
and you saw in your early battles saw as many
victories as you did defeats. But whether you won
or lost, you learned something and used that
experience to develop your skills and find the
tactics that work best for you.
The one crucial thing you learned, though, was
that it rarely mattered how you won; it only
mattered if you walked away from the fight and
left your opponent in the mud. If this means
throwing sand in your foe’s eyes or feigning an
injury to make your opponent overconfident or
pulling some other kind of dirty trick, you do it. A
win is a win.
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Fight Dirty You can hinder as a minor action.
Underhanded Strike As an action, make a melee attack
against one enemy that you have hindered during this round.
In addition to the normal effects of your successful roll, if the
result of the roll exceeds the target’s Intellect by 10 or more,
the target also becomes dazed (luck ends). Otherwise, you
grant the targe 1 boon on rolls to attack you until the start of
your next turn.
You can use this talent whenever you choose, as long as at
least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.
Taunt the Enemy As a reaction when your melee attack causes
an enemy you can reach to become incapacitated, you kill
the enemy and raise a trophy from the enemy’s body to
taunt your foes. Each other enemy in your zone and adjacent
ones make Will rolls. On a success, the enemy makes rolls to
attack you with 1 boon until the end of the next round. On a
failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you (luck ends).

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Exploit Opening You make rolls to attack targets that are
dazed, impaired, weakened, or injured with 1 boon, and your
attacks against such targets deal an extra 1d6 damage.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Vicious Counterstrike As a reaction when a creature in your
zone attacks you and fails the roll, you can attack that

Holy Avenger
Swift Vengeance You can use your Vengeful Vow talent against
an enemy you can see, rather than merely an enemy in your
zone. When you use that talent, you can also teleport to the
enemy’s zone. In addition, while you are in the same zone as
Time and time again, those with evil in their the target, you impose 1 bane on rolls the target makes to
hearts, who hate the gods, or who see opportunity attack creatures other than you.
in the riches of temples and shrines strike out Certain Vengeance When you attack the target of your
Vengeful Vow talent, you can roll two additional d20s and
against the faithful. Each temple burned, each
use the roll of your choice. For each die that comes up 20,
priest assaulted, each innocent person in a god- the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage.
fearing community carried off in chains stands as
an affront to your deity. Such happenings cannot
be allowed to pass without divine retribution.
Thus, you become your god’s sword of vengeance
and your mission, your ultimate purpose becomes
the meting out of justice to those who have
wronged your faith.
All gods have at least one holy avenger who
fights in their name. The Church of the High One
has an entire order of punitive holy warriors who
scour the lands for their enemies, while the Earth
Dragon might have one, maybe two. Holy avengers
wear icons to display their allegiance. Such
symbols might appear on surcoats, banners
carried in battle, or tattooed directly onto the skin.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Willful Combatant When calculating your Defense and when
you make rolls to attack, you can use your Will in place of the
score of the attribute you normally use.
Vengeful Vow As a reaction when an enemy in your zone
makes an attack, you can speak a supernatural vow of
vengeance against that enemy. Until the combat ends or you
use this talent again, you make rolls to attack that enemy
with 1 boon, and your attacks against it deal an extra 2d6


Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Relentless Pursuit If the target of your most recent use of
your Vengeful Vow talent is in an adjacent zone at the end of
the round, you can use a reaction to supernaturally teleport
to a space in reach of that enemy.


Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Vengeful Retribution When the target of your Vengeful Vow
deals damage to you, you can use a reaction to attack it.


Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.

Stormheart When you attack with this weapon, it throws
off sparks and crackles with electricity. You make rolls to
attack targets that are wearing metal armor or that are made
of metal with 1 boon. A creature that takes damage from an
An ancient weapon of untold power made its way attack you make with this weapon must succeed on a luck
into your hands, most likely for some great deed roll or become dazed (luck ends).
you performed and being of a nature the weapon Vorpal The weapon has a keen edge. The weapon gains
the keen +1d6 property if it lacks it. If it has the keen +1d6
found compatible with its own aims. Upon taking
property, it is instead keen +2d6. In addition, whenever you
up the weapon, you become an inheritor, one of a deal extra damage from the keen property, you can make a
few individuals armed with a relic forged to luck roll. On a success, the target takes double the extra
accomplish some great and lasting work. The damage, and you lose access to this quality for 1 minute.
Wallbreaker When you deal damage with this weapon,
weapon offers you might, but do you have the the target grants 1 boon on rolls made to attack it until the
courage to finish the work begun so long ago? end of the next round.
When you choose this path, you either acquired
the relic weapon recently or you have always had LEVEL 6 INHERITOR
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
it with you and only now realize its potential.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Nearly all relic weapons are swords, but other Relic Blade Strike When you succeed on a roll to attack with
melee weapons are possible, if you prefer. Decide your relic weapon, you can use this talent to deal an extra
the weapon’s appearance. 2d6 damage.
You can use this magical talent a number of times equal to
LEVEL 3 INHERITOR your level. You regain expended uses after a full night’s rest.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1. LEVEL 9 INHERITOR
Relic Weapon You have a relic weapon, which can be any Health Increase your Health score by 4.
melee weapon that lacks the off-hand property. The weapon Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
grants you 1 boon on rolls you make to attack with it. While Awakened Weapon Your relic weapon has an Intellect and
you wield the weapon and you are not stunned or Will score of 10 each. The weapon knows three languages
unconscious, you impose 1 bane on rolls made against your and can speak. The Sage decides the weapon’s personality
Defense. and the ultimate purpose for which it was forged. Your
Returning Weapon If the weapon is destroyed or you lose it, it attacks against magical and supernatural creatures deal an
returns to you after a full night’s rest, appearing somewhere extra 2d6 damage.
in your zone. Protect the Bearer While you are injured and wielding your
relic weapon, you impose 1 bane on rolls against you, and
LEVEL 4 INHERITOR you make luck rolls with 1 boon.
Health Increase your Health score by 4. If you become incapacitated, the weapon rises into the air
Languages You know one additional language. and fights on your behalf. The weapon uses your rules, can
Magical Quality You discover your relic weapon’s special fly and hover. Each time the weapon causes a creature to
quality. Choose one of the following varieties: become incapacitated and you are within three zones of it,
Answerer When you take damage from a creature in your you heal 1d6 damage. If you die, this effect ends, and the
zone, you can use a reaction to attack that creature. weapon falls to the ground and becomes an ordinary
Flame Kiss When you attack with this weapon, flames weapon until another inheritor takes it up.
erupt from it and burn until the combat ends or until you
drop the weapon. A creature that takes damage from an
attack you make with this weapon must succeed on a luck
roll or become aflame (luck ends).
Ice Heart When you attack with this weapon, intense cold
radiates from it. A creature that takes damage from an attack
you make with this weapon must succeed on a luck roll or
become Strength impaired (luck ends).
Life-Stealer The weapon cackles and howls during
combat. A creature that takes damage from an attack you
make with this weapon must succeed on a luck roll or lose
1d6 Health. If the target loses Health, you heal damage equal
to the amount of Health lost.
Snake Tongue When you attack with this weapon, foul
poison bleeds from it. A creature of flesh and blood that
takes damage from an attack you make with this weapon
must succeed on a luck roll or become poisoned (luck ends).
Spellbound The weapon contains three starting spells of
your choice. The spells can come from any traditions. The
weapon holds the castings for these spells and you can cast
the spells while you wield the weapon as if you knew them.
The weapon regains expended castings after a full night’s

Castigation As an action, you can deliver a fiery rebuke to any
number of enemies in your zone and in each adjacent one.
Each enemy takes 1d6 damage and makes a Will roll. A
magical or supernatural enemy makes the roll with 1 bane.
Evil infects the world with a shadow, a darkness On a failure, the enemy takes an extra 1d6 damage and
that lingers, that haunts the lives of the just and becomes frightened of you (luck ends).
innocent. It seeks to corrupt people, to turn them You can use this supernatural talent a number of times
equal to half your level. You regain expended uses of it after
against their communities, to cast down the idols
a full night’s rest.
of their gods, and condemn them to the horrors of
the Netherworld. The wickedness that results LEVEL 6 INQUISITOR
from evil’s unchecked advance could throw all that Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
is noble and good into ruin, and thus it falls to you
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
and others like you, to seek this evil and stamp it starting, novice, or expert spells.
out. Flames of Perdition As an action, you cause the enemy you
Many religions have sects dedicated to purging have scrutinized to become cursed (luck ends) if it is within
three zones of you. When the enemy becomes cursed in this
their ranks of apostates and heretics, and quite a
way, it catches fire and the fire cannot be extinguished until
few who take it onto themselves to expand their the cursed affliction ends.
purview to include anyone they deem an evildoer. Inquisitor’s Resolve When you become controlled or
The Sword of the High One, for example, has frightened, you can make a luck roll. On a success, you do not
gain the affliction.
earned a great deal of attention of late, having
gained prominence with the fall of the Great LEVEL 9 INQUISITOR
Kingdom and their public commitment to prevent Health Increase your Health score by 4.
such a happening from occurring ever again in the Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
New Lands. Lord Death’s Cult of the Last Door has
starting, novice, or expert spells.
shown itself to be utterly intolerant of anyone Condemnation of the Damned As an action, you can condemn
dabbling in Necromancy, while you can find one enemy you have scrutinized and that is within three
zealots in most other faiths. zones of you. The target takes 20d6 damage, falls prone, and
You have donned the mantle of inquisitor and becomes weakened (luck ends). If the target becomes
incapacitated from this damage, it dies and all that remains
you likely belong to one of the aforementioned of it and its possessions are a pile of greasy ashes.
organizations, but you can also be part of a You can use this supernatural talent once. You regain the
different one, such as one you and the Sage create expended use of it after a full night’s rest.
together. You might even be a lone zealot, seeking
the agents of evil without the support or
endorsement of any faith. Your goal, though,
should be simple. Unmask evil in the world and
when you find it, destroy it.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Inquisitor’s Scrutiny When you take a turn, you can choose
one enemy you can see in your zone or in an adjacent one,
and cause the target to become scrutinized until it dies, you
become incapacitated, or you use this talent again.
A target you have scrutinized cannot benefit from any
natural or magical disguise; you see the target as it truly is,
even if has transformed into something else. When a
scrutinized target speaks an untruth and does so knowingly,
you know it.
You make rolls to attack enemies you have scrutinized
with 1 boon and your attacks against such targets deal an
extra 1d6 damage.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Having won fame and renown, you receive a title Powerful Charge When you make an attack after moving at
least one zone, your attack deals an extra 1d6 damage or
from a noble and earn the right to bear arms in 2d6 damage if you are mounted.
your patron’s name. As a knight, you swear oaths Loyal Squire You gain the service of a squire, a knight-in-
to protect your superior, to conduct yourself with training who accompanies you on your adventures. The
honor in all things, and bring glory to the noble squire takes their turn when you do and you decide what
they do on each of their turns. If your squire dies or leaves
you serve. Your patron arms and armors you, gives your service—poor treatment, captured, or maimed, your
you horses, your coat of arms, and housing patron provides you with a new squire before your next
whenever you return to their lands. As you quest begins.
venture into the world, you have the opportunity
to not only do good deeds, but become a hero Level 3 Defense 15 (brigandine, shield) Health 36
worthy of the bards’ tales. Strength 12 (+2) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
Fame Whenever you enter a community of 100 Melee Attack—Sword (keen +1d6) Strength with 1 boon
against Defense. On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
people or more, and you make no effort to conceal
your identity, the Sage makes a luck roll on your LEVEL 9 KNIGHT
behalf. On a success, people recognize you and Health Increase your Health score by 6.
might greet you by name, be friendly to you. Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Black Knight If you do anything to sully your Knight of Glory You gain a +1 bonus to Defense when you
wear medium or heavy armor, and you make rolls to attack
reputation or dishonor your patron, you become a with a lance, mace, shield, or sword with 1 boon.
black knight until you regain your patron’s good
graces. As a black knight, you must replace your
own knightly accoutrements, and people who
recognize you from are hostile to you instead of
friendly. The means for repairing your reputation
entails undertaking a major quest that involves
danger for little reward. The Sage decides what
kind of quest you must undertake, but examples
include fighting a giant or a dragon, recovering a
religious relic, or bringing a dangerous villain to
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Knightly Accoutrements You gain the following items: a suit
of plate and mail, a shield, sword, mace, long spear, a
warhorse, with mail armor and saddle, one horse with
saddle, one pack mule with two saddle bags, and the service
of a page (as a commoner). If you lose any of these items,
your patron replaces them before your next quest begins.
Knightly Training Your training enables you to ignore the
attribute score requirements for wearing armor and making
use of weapon properties that have attribute score
Born to the Saddle Any mount you ride is immune to the
frightened affliction for as long as you ride it and you are not
unconscious. In addition, when a mount you ride takes
damage, you can choose to take some or all of the damage on
its behalf.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Honorable Conduct If you are frightened or have one or more
impaired afflictions, you can, at the end of a round, make a
Will roll. On a success, you either remove one impaired
affliction or are no longer frightened. On a result of 20 or
higher, you make attribute rolls with 1 boon until the end of
your next turn.

Martial Artist
adjacent one; this movement does not enable enemies to
make free attacks against you.
You can use this talent whenever you choose, as long as at
least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.
The pugilist with scarred hands and cauliflower
ears, the wandering monk, the contemplative LEVEL 9 MARTIAL ARTIST
philosopher who clears the mind by performing Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
certain moves, and the bloodthirsty pit fighter
Neck Breaker When you deal damage to a target with an
might all be described as martial artists, despite unarmed strike and the target becomes injured as a result,
coming from wildly different backgrounds and the target makes a luck roll. On a failure, it dies from a blow
possessing varied attitudes toward fighting. What to the neck. Creatures that lack tangible bodies or suitable
anatomy are immune to this effect, as are creatures more
unites them is their effort to turn their bodies into
than twice your size.
living weapons. These characters, and others like Living Weapon You can shove, tackle, and grab as a minor
them, can use their fists to land blows as if they action.
were wielding clubs. They kick, elbow, claw, and
headbutt, taking their foes apart one strike at a
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Martial Arts You improve at unarmed combat by learning a
fighting style that grants you the following benefits:
• While you wear padded armor, leather armor, or no armor
at all, increase your Defense by 3.
• Your unarmed strikes count as natural weapons with the
finesse, martial, off-hand, and swift properties. You ignore
the bane imposed on your rolls for making unarmed strikes.
• When you make any unarmed attack, you make the roll
with 1 boon.
• At level 4, your unarmed strikes gain the off-hand
• At level 9, you impose 1 bane on rolls made to attack you.


Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Iron Fist Strike When you would deal damage with an
unarmed strike, you can use this talent to deal an extra 1d6
damage to a creature or an extra 2d6 damage to an object.
After you use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).
Expert Grappler When you make a roll to grab or wrestle a
target, you can make a luck roll along with the attribute roll.
You succeed if either result is a success. If both rolls are
successes, you can wrestle a creature that you grabbed as a
minor action or if you wrestled a creature, you cause the
target to either lose 1d6 Health, or 3d6 Health at level 9, or
become blinded until the end of your next turn. After you
use this talent, you lose access to it (luck ends).


Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Impromptu Shield When you have a creature grabbed and you
are attacked by a creature that you can see, you can make a
Strength roll. On a success, you pull the creature you are
grabbing into the path of the attack, so that it becomes the
Lightning Strikes As an action, you deliver a rapid barrage of
strikes, one for each of your levels. You divide these strikes
in any way you choose between creatures and objects in
your zone. For each strike, make a Strength or Agility roll
against the target’s Defense. On a success, the target takes
1d6 damage. If the result of your roll is 20 or higher, the
target takes an extra 1d6 damage. When you finish, you can
move to a position you choose anywhere in your zone or an

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Magic might have the ability to cure infections and Anatomical Expertise You have extensive knowledge of
anatomy. Your attacks with weapons benefit from the brutal
close wounds, but access to magical healers has property. You can make use of this property even if you do
proven limited. Even in places where such not meet the attribute score requirements for doing so.
treatment might be available, demand for such Syringes Your medical supplies now contain five syringes. You
services means limited access and, sometimes, can load a syringe with a potion, elixir, antitoxin, or a similar
liquid. Anyone wielding the syringe can inject the substance
high prices. Such limitations have allowed more into their bodies as a minor action.
traditional methods of healing to develop and the
field of medicine advances at a steady pace to
meet the needs of those in need.
You make an extensive study of anatomy,
herbalism, and the healing arts, and eventually
learn enough to provide quality care for others.
You know how to fight infection, neutralize
poisons, tend injuries, as well as how to extract
teeth, set broken bones, and even provide a fine
haircut. Your talents source from natural training,
but you are the equal to any magic-user armed
with a healing spell.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Medical Supplies You have a special healer’s kit that contains
additional supplies. Your kit has a number of uses equal to 3
+ your level. You replenish your uses after a full night’s rest
by mixing remedies, boiling bandages, and the like.
You can use your medical supplies as you would a healer’s
kit. In addition, you can expend 5 uses from your medical
supplies to produce a dose of antitoxin.
If you lose your medical supplies, you can assemble new
ones after a full night’s rest.
Medical Training You make Intellect rolls to use a healing kit
with 1 boon. In addition, you can stabilize as a minor action.
Merciful Intervention When an enemy in your zone attacks an
injured target, you can use a reaction to reduce the result of
the enemy’s attack by 20. The attacks of magical and
supernatural creatures are immune to this effect.
You can use this magical talent whenever you choose, as
long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Field Medic When you use an action to help a creature, you
can expend a use from your medical supplies to enable that
creature to heal 1d6 damage.
Treat Infection You can spend 1 hour preparing a remedy
from your medical supplies and, at the end of this time,
expend 5 uses from them. A creature can consume the
remedy and is cured of any infection affecting it.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Resident Physician Allies in your zone heal an extra 1d6
damage when they heal damage and make rolls to resist
infection and being poisoned with 1 boon. When you help a
creature to overcome an affliction, you grant 1 boon on the
creature’s roll. In addition, when an ally has a full night’s rest
and you were present the entire time, the ally also regains
1d6 Health.

In the midst of the coldest winter ever known, you
can be sure to find a buyer for the ice you
happened to collect. No one is so greedy that they
won’t lend you a coin. And when you feel moved to
snatch candy from a baby, the infant does not even
cry. You know people. You know what makes them
tick. And your skill at manipulating others makes
certain you have friends wherever you go. By the
time they grow wise to what you’re about, you’re
long gone.
You might have incredible disregard for others
and willingness to use people, but this doesn’t
have to be the case. You could be different from
other such scoundrels. Perhaps you developed
your talents to get back at the real criminals, to
expose them for all their venality, cruelty, and
wickedness, and then destroy them.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Silver-Tongued Devil You make Intellect rolls with 1 boon, and
you impose 1 bane on rolls against your Intellect.
Inveigle When an enemy in your zone attacks you, you can
attempt to inveigle it with your words. If the enemy can hear
you, make an Intellect roll against the enemy’s Intellect. On a
success, the enemy either becomes Intellect impaired (luck
ends) or Will impaired (luck ends), as you choose, and you
switch the target of the enemy’s attack to a different eligible
target. If there are no other eligible targets, the enemy’s
attack fails.
If the result of your Intellect roll is 20 or higher, the target
becomes controlled by you until it ends the Intellect
impaired affliction. If the target cannot hear you, however,
the effect ends early.
You can use this talent whenever you choose, as long as at
least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Liberate Mind As an action, you can remove the Intellect
impaired or Will impaired affliction from one creature that
can hear you.
Double-Cross You make rolls to attack Intellect impaired or
Will impaired targets with 1 boon, and your attacks against
such targets deal an extra 2d6 damage.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Exploitative Strike You make rolls to attack targets that have
any affliction with 1 boon, and your attacks against such
targets deal an extra 1d6 damage.
Surreptitious Escape You can retreat as a minor action.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Enemy Undone Enemies that you cause to be Intellect
impaired or Will impaired are also weakened while they
have the impaired affliction.

You can use this talent whenever you choose, as long as at
least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.

An ancient society of warriors formed long ago Health Increase your Health score by 6.
around the idea that mastery of arms should result Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
from a desire to do good in the world. To remind Concluding Strike If you have not moved on your turn, and
attack a single target with a sword or long sword, you can
themselves of their responsibilities, the
use this talent to make a concluding strike. You make the roll
myrmidons swore vows to conduct themselves to attack with 2 boons and the attack deals an extra 3d6
with honor and lend aid to those in need. damage. Once you make this attack, your turn ends.
Myrmidons have no use for fancy armors, After you use this talent, you must wait until after the end
of your next turn to use it again.
preferring instead simple, peasant garb, or for
Piercing Shot When you attack with a longbow, you can use
weapons outside those with which they have this talent to make a luck roll along with your attribute roll.
spent their lives mastering. A great many famous If either roll results in a success, you succeed. If both rolls
myrmidons have lived and died fighting for noble result in a success, the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage.
ends and their stories inspire others to follow in
their steps.
Joining the myrmidons requires you to forswear
your holdings and possessions beyond those that
you need to fulfill your purpose. All myrmidons
limit themselves to a pair of swords and a
longbow, and you become quite accomplished at
using them. You have no master other than
yourself and the obligation you swore to fulfill
when you join.
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Unarmored Defense When you wear no armor, you increase
your Defense by 3.
Myrmidon Arms You have special training with long swords,
swords, and longbows. You make rolls to attack with these
weapons with 1 boon. In addition, you gain the following
• Long Sword This weapon gains the defensive +2 property
when you wield this weapon in both hands.
• Sword This weapon has the swift property in your hands
and you can benefit from this property even if you fail to
meet the attribute score requirements.
• Longbow This weapon has the martial and rapid fire

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Canny Combatant While you are not controlled, dazed,
stunned, or unconscious and you are wielding a long sword,
sword, or longbow, you impose 1 bane on rolls made to
attack you.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Definitive Counterstrike As a reaction when an enemy with
which you are engaged fails a roll to attack you and you are
wielding a sword or a long sword, you can attack that enemy.
You can use this talent whenever you choose, as long as at
least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.
Piercing Shot When the result of your roll to attack with a
longbow is 20 or higher, you can repeat the attack against
one creature or object of your choice in a zone behind the

Nature Guardian
Nature's Aid If you are in a wilderness zone when you take
damage in combat, at the end of the round, you can either
heal 3d6 damage or cause one creature in your zone to take
3d6 damage from a snake-like vine, a puff of toxic pollen, or
There’s magic everywhere in the world, but the a bite from a vicious squirrel.
best, purest expression of magic sources from the Once you use this talent, make a luck roll. On a failure, you
wilderness. Your connection to such wild places lose access to the talent until after a full night’s rest.
opens a dialogue between you and the nature LEVEL 9 NATURE GUARDIAN
spirits. These spirits could be small gods of the Health Increase your Health score by 2.
trees, rocks, and rivers, forgotten deities who have Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
all but faded from the world, faeries who haunt the novice, expert, or master spells.
Summon Nature Elemental If you are in a wilderness zone,
borders between their fantastical realms and the
you can use an action to magically summon a nature
known world, or other powers such as the Wild elemental. Grasses, vines, brambles, and small trees rise
Woman and the Horned Lord, and others as well. from the ground and coalesce to take on a hulking humanoid
By protecting natural places, you receive gifts form that becomes your controlled companion for 1 hour.
You can communicate telepathically with the nature
from the spirits of the land that let you move more
elemental provided you are in the same environment. The
freely through the wilderness, to never need fear elemental uses the rules below.
hunger or thirst, and to find shelter whenever you
grow weary. Ley lines reveal themselves to you so Nature Elemental
Level 4 Defense 12 Health 50
you can speed your travel from place to place, and Strength 14 (+4) Agility 12 (+2)
animals and plants regard you with friendship Immune asleep, blinded, deafened, frightened, poisoned, cold,
rather than fear and hostility. fire, magic, unarmed attacks; deprivation, exposure,
infection, suffocation
LEVEL 3 NATURE GUARDIAN Flammable The nature elemental takes double damage from
Health Increase your Health score by 2. fire. When it takes damage from fire, it makes a luck roll with
Languages You know Arcane or another language if you know 1 bane can become aflame (luck ends) on a failure.
this language already. Entangling Presence Enemies treat the ground in the nature
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting elemental’s zone as challenging terrain.
spell from this tradition. Awareness The nature elemental knows the location of each
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’ creature and object within three zones.
starting, novice, or expert spells. Melee Attack—Thrashing Vines Strength with 1 boon against
Land Protector As a minor action, you can designate your Defense. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage, and the
zone as being under your protection for 24 hours. The effect target becomes immobilized (luck ends).
ends early if you become incapacitated. This talent produces
the following effects: When this effect ends or the elemental is incapacitated,
• You impose 1 bane on rolls made against targets in the the plant matter collapses to the ground and fruit-bearing
protected zone from effects that originate from outside vines emerge from the remains holding enough fruit for up
the zone. to five creatures. Each creature that eats any fruit heals 1d6
• Any natural, harmless animals and plants in the zone damage.
become immune to damage. You can use this magical talent once. You regain the use of
• Magic used to perceive in the target zone has no effect. it after a full night's rest.

If you use this talent to protect a zone in a wilderness
environment, you gain the following additional benefits
while you are in this zone:
• Once per use of this talent, you can spend 1 minute
performing a ritual and when you finish, you produce
meals and water enough to protect you and up to ten
people from hunger and thirst for 24 hours.
• You and anyone you choose become invisible while they
rest in the zone.
You can use this supernatural talent once. You regain the
use of it after a full night’s rest.


Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Natural Resistance You ignore the effects of exposure, and you
take half damage from cold, fire, and lightning.


Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
novice, expert, or master spells.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
A god notices you and chooses you to serve as its Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
holy vessel. The divine resides in your mind and Prophetic Pronouncement The first time in any combat when
usually makes itself known through the occasional you roll a 6 for your Manifested Presence talent, the entity
admonishment or uplifting thought. In times of speaks though your mouth to issue a pronouncement. At any
need or import, though, the god expands to fill time thereafter within the next 24 hours, any ally who heard
the entity speak is inspired by the pronouncement and gains
your body, causing you to enter an ecstatic state its choice of the following benefits:
that lasts until the god completes whatever task it • It heals all its damage.
chooses. • It regains an expended casting of a starting, novice, or
Strange happenings follow you when the god expert spell.
• For the next hour, it makes attribute rolls with 3 boons.
manifests in your body. The phenomena depend You can make use of this supernatural talent once, or
on the god you serve, usually, such that Mother three times at level 9. You regain expended uses of it after a
Sun brightens nearby flames, while the Earth full night’s rest.
Dragon causes flowers to bloom, wind to blow
from the Sky Father, and shadows to crawl around Health Increase your Health score by 4.
you if you’re in the grip of Lord Death. The gods Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
created effects cause no harm; they merely Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
represent the gods’ proximity. starting, novice, or expert spells.
Awesome Manifestation Each enemy that can see you when
LEVEL 3 ORACLE you use your Divine Ecstasy talent must succeed on a Will
Health Increase your Health score by 4. roll or fall prone and become frightened of you (luck ends).
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting Divine Surge While you are under the effect of your Divine
spell from this tradition. Ecstasy talent, you can increase the number of moves you
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting can make and the number of actions you can use on any of
or novice spells. your turns by one each, but you must make a luck roll at the
Divine Ecstasy At the end of your turn, when you are not end of each turn when you use this talent. On a failure, the
under the effect of this talent, you can use this talent to open effect of Divine Ecstasy ends early and, in addition to the
yourself to a supernatural entity, which enters your body normal effects of this talent ending, you fall prone.

and remains there for 1 minute or until you are subject to an
effect that would end possession (the possessing entity has a
Will 20). The entity grants you the following benefits:
• Your Health increases by 5.
• You make attribute rolls with 1 boon and impose 1 bane
on rolls against your attributes.
• Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
• If you become controlled, dazed, frightened, immobilized,
or impaired, make a luck roll. On a success, you do not
gain the affliction.
When this effect ends and the entity departs, you heal
damage equal to your level and you become weakened (luck
ends). At level 9, you no longer become weakened when this
effect ends.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to your
level. You regain expended uses after a full night’s rest.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Manifested Presence At the end of each of your turns while
you are under the effect of your Divine Ecstasy talent, roll a
d6 to see what happens:
1–2 The entity blesses one ally in your zone, enabling the
ally to heal 1d6 damage.
3–4 The entity grants each ally in your zone 1 boon on
the next attribute roll it makes before the start of your
next turn.
5–6 The entity hampers the enemies in your zone,
requiring each one to succeed on a Will roll or become
weakened until the end of the next round.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
The Order of Paladins included some the most Beacon of Hope When you hold a weapon affected by your
Sanctified Weapon talent, you and each ally in your zone
famous warriors in all the lands of the Old Country become immune to the frightened affliction, and you extend
among their numbers. Each was a paragon of the benefits of your Protection from Evil talent to these
virtue and heroism. It’s no wonder the kings and allies.
queens entrusted them to protect their royal Summon Supernatural Steed As an action, you can call a
supernatural steed, which appears in an empty space in your
family. Imagine their surprise when the paladins zone. The steed appears as a winged horse and comes
turned against them and painted Whitestone’s equipped with mail armor, saddle, and coverings in the
halls red with their blood. None know why the colors of the god you serve. The steed is your ally and
paladins betrayed their trust, but their act called remains until you dismiss it as a minor action or you or it
become incapacitated. The steed takes its turn when you do
into question their legacy and stained their and you decide what it does on each of its turns. The steed
reputation ever since. uses the following rules.
You, and others like you, seek to restore the
paladins their good name and have taken the Supernatural Steed
Level 4 Defense 15 (mail) Health 54
mantle of these noble warriors, fighting to restore Strength 14 (+4) Agility 10 (+0) Intellect 9 (–1) Will 11 (+1)
their place of pride in this dark, new realm. In Immune frightened
some ways, you resemble the knight insofar as you Flight The supernatural steed can fly while it is not injured.
Mount A supernatural steed can carry an ally as a rider.
cleave to a chivalric code of conduct and place
Battle-trained Steed A supernatural steed grants its rider 1
priority on honorable conduct, bravery, and, above boon on rolls it makes to attack.
all, piety. Your religious beliefs guide you, focus Melee Attack—Hooves Strength with 1 boon against Defense.
you on overcoming temptation so that you always On a success, the target takes 3d6 damage.
walk in the light. In return, your patron supports
your work and bestows onto your supernatural
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Sanctified Weapon As a minor action, you cause a weapon you
are wielding to shed bright light until you use a minor action
to extinguish it. If you drop the weapon, the effect ends early.
While the weapon sheds light, your attacks with it deal an
extra 1d6 damage to magical and supernatural creatures.
Sense Enemies At the start of your turn, you locate each
hidden and invisible enemy in your zone automatically. Such
enemies remain revealed to you until they move out of your

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Protection from Evil You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you
made by magical and supernatural creatures. You make
attribute rolls to resist magical and supernatural effects with
1 boon.
Pure Spirit You are immune to infection. When you controlled,
frightened, Intellect impaired, or Will impaired, you can
make a luck roll and, on a success, you do not gain the

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Restorative Touch As an action, you touch one creature, which
enables it to heal 3d6 damage.
You can use this supernatural talent a number of times
equal to half your level. You regain expended uses of it after
a full night’s rest.

effect ends early if you become unconscious. You gain the
following benefits until the effect ends.
• You emit bright light.
• You have a +10 bonus to Health.
You climbed the ranks of your faith to become key • You are immune to the controlled, dazed, frightened,
figure in your religion’s hierarchy. Now, you help poisoned, and stunned afflictions.
to shape the doctrine of your faith and lesser • Other creatures cannot move you or knock you prone.
• You make rolls to attack with 1 boon.
members of your religion take your
• Your attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.
interpretations of myths and holy texts as the You can use this supernatural talent once. You regain the
truth. As much as the faithful need you in an expended use of it after a full night’s rest.
administrative role, you hear a greater calling and
you have taken it onto yourself to spread your
faith the whole of the world.
As a preacher, you are an ordained
representative of your faith and you speak with
the authority of your god. All religions depend on
preachers to stand for them in the field, to look
after the organizations’ interests and lend aid to
those worshipers who share in their beliefs. Since
your road often leads you into danger, your divine
patron protects you, investing in you several
miraculous abilities to vex your opponents and
drive them from your presence.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Divine Decree As an action, you can display a symbol of your
faith to cause one enemy in your zone or an adjacent one
that can see you and hear you to become supernaturally
cursed (luck ends). The first time in any round when that
enemy takes damage while it is cursed, it takes an extra 1d6

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Shield the Faithful As a reaction when an enemy you can see
attacks an ally in your zone, you can impose 1 bane on the
roll that enabled the use of this talent.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Holy Inspiration When you make an attribute roll, you can
make a luck roll. You can choose which result to use.
You can use this magical talent whenever you choose, as
long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Fury of the Divine When you succeed on a roll to attack, you
can channel the fury of the divine for 1 hour, though the

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
The final door securing the magical energies novice, expert, or master spells.
Mental Might When you make a luck roll, Strength roll, or
contained in your mind swings open and releases Agility roll, you can use this talent to make an Intellect or
a flood of potential into you as you stand on the Will roll instead.
cusp of becoming something more than you ever You can use this magical talent whenever you choose, as
believed possible. The psychic magic comes easily long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.
to you and lets you cast a spell without any of the
trappings that might limit others. You shape magic
with your imagination and fuel your spells by your
intellect and will.
As a psychic, you attain the heights of magical
power, putting you on the same level as the
wizards, witches, and other practitioners. Rather
than cleave to an organization or society, though,
you stand alone, having made your discoveries
through extensive meditation and focus. Others
look upon you with wonder; others fear you for
what you might do.
Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Traditions You discover the Psionics tradition, or one tradition
of your choice if you already have discovered the Psionics
tradition. You learn one starting spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Psychic Defense You impose 1 bane on all rolls made against
you while you are not injured.
Psychic Power If you have a mental energy pool, you can
spend mental energy to cast some spells that normally do
not require an expenditure of mental energy, so you can cast
them without expending their castings. You can cast a
starting spell in this way by spending 2 mental energy, a
novice spell by spending 3 mental energy, or an expert spell
by spending 6 mental energy.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Mind Whip As an action, you concentrate your thoughts and
lash them against one enemy in your zone or an adjacent
one. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Strength or
Will. On a success, the target takes 4d6 damage. On a success
against the target’s Strength, it falls prone and drops
whatever it is holding. On a success against the target’s Will,
the target becomes Intellect impaired and Will impaired
until the end of your next turn.
You can spend mental energy to augment this effect. For
every 2 mental energy you expend when you use the action,
a success deals an extra 2d6 damage.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Speed of Thought When you take the initiative while you are
not injured, you can use both an action and a move on your
turn. Until the start of your next turn, you impose 1 bane on
rolls made against you.
You can use this magical talent whenever you choose, as
long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since you last used it.

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
The rangers patrol the borderlands and beyond. Duty-Bound When you fail a roll to attack, you make your next
roll to attack the same target before the end of your next
An old league of wilderness warriors founded to turn with 1 boon.
safeguard the roads and protect the peoples living Ranger Cunning When a creature in your zone makes a roll to
on the frontiers from wild animals, monsters, and attack, you can use a reaction to help or hinder that creature.
worse, rangers tend to work alone or in small
groups to cover more territory. In fact, many Health Increase your Health score by 6.
rangers prefer isolation, emerging from the Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
wilderness only to trade news, acquire supplies, Strider In combat, you can increase the number of moves you
but their expertise in the wild makes them can make on your turn by one, but you must wait at least 1
round before you can do so again.
valuable guides and escorts for those making Outside combat, when you leave a zone, you can cause
overland journeys. some or all of the tracks in that zone to disappear. In
You joined the rangers or adopted their ways addition, you never become lost.
and have learned enough to make your way in the Wild Might When you succeed on a roll to attack and the
number rolled on the d20 was even, your attack deals an
wilds without fear of going hungry or lacking in extra 2d6 damage.
shelter or any of the other necessities. Your
training reveals to you the secrets of herbs, how to
find the best paths, and how to provide for
yourself and others in your company when
traveling. As dangerous as the wilderness can be,
you also improve your fighting techniques to take
down those you hunt, be they animals for your
next meal or filthy monsters running amok in the
Languages You know Ranger Signs.
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Strike First During the first round of combat, you take your
turn first, before any other combatant, without having to
take the initiative. If you use your action to attack, you add
your attribute score in place of your modifier to the roll and,
on a success, your attack deals an extra 1d6 damage.
Wilderness Lore You have learned about the wilderness to
help you survive its perils. If you can see the sky, you can
accurately predict the prevailing natural weather in your
environment for up to 24 hours in advance. You can identify
if water and food you can see and smell are safe for

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Expert Tracker When you first find a set of tracks, you can ask
the Sage for one detail about the creature or creatures that
left the tracks. You could learn the age of the tracks, the
number of creatures who left them, their pace, if any were
injured, and so on.
Herbalism You can spend 1 hour searching for herbs in an
aboveground wilderness environment. When you finish,
make a luck roll. On a success, you find enough herbs to
create 1d6 poultices that retain their potency for 24 hours.
On a failure, you find no herbs and you lose access to this
talent until after a full night's rest.
Instead of using a poultice for its normal benefit, you can
use one on an impaired or weakened target and then make
an Intellect roll. If the source of the affliction is magical, you
make the roll with 1 bane. On a success, you remove the
affliction from the target.

addition, whenever you enter an obscured zone or move
behind an object that provides cover, you become invisible
until you leave the zone or abandon the position.

A good scout ranges ahead, studies the ground,

searches out hidden dangers, and then makes it
back to report what waits on the road ahead.
When any dark passage could harbor a trap, when
any cave might hold a troll or a dragon, and when
bandits, mongrels, and worse lay in wait for the
unwary, people cannot afford to be incautious. One
misstep is all it takes to bring a treasure hunter’s
career to an abrupt end. The scout makes sure the
group stays prepared and avoids the worst of the
pitfalls and foes they might encounter.
Taking the scout path might reaffirm a role you
have played so far. If you’re the one who takes
point on a mission, who’s been good at avoiding
detection, the scout path offers ways for you to
enhance these abilities. It could be, though, that
the needs of your group urge you to take on this
role, in which case the talents give you some
safeguards when you find something you probably
shouldn’t handle by yourself.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Lone Wolf While you wear light armor or no armor and you
are in a zone containing none of your allies, you impose 1
bane on rolls to attack you and you can use a minor action to
find and hide.
Remember the Route When you move through an
environment, you make a mental map of every location you
visit. You can always find your way out of the environment
by retracing your steps.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Crucial Intelligence When you move out of a zone containing
at least one enemy and into a zone containing at least one
ally, all allies in the zone you enter make rolls to attack the
enemies in the zone you left with 1 boon until the end of
your next turn.
Evader When you attack, you can retreat as minor action until
the end of your turn.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Ambusher When you attack an enemy from which you are
hidden, you make the roll with 1 boon and the attack deals
an extra 2d6 damage.
Expose Vulnerability The first enemy in your zone to take
damage from one of your allies takes an extra 1d6 damage.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Pathfinder When you enter a zone, you can make an Intellect
roll. On a success, you discover each exit from that zone,
even if those exits would otherwise be hidden from you. On a
failure, you lose access to this talent for 1 hour.
Creeper While you wear light or no armor, you make sound
when you move only when you choose to make sound. In

Sorcerous Shield As a reaction when an enemy you can see
makes a roll to attack you, you can impose 2 banes on the
roll. If the enemy's attack still succeeds, you take half
You learn magic’s secrets from evil spirits you
conjure up through dreadful ceremonies. Since LEVEL 6 SORCERER
these entities would lead you astray and corrupt Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Evil Sacrifice Your trafficking with evil spirits has put you on
you, you must use care when dealing with them
good terms with some wicked entities who are now willing
and guard against their trickery. Congress with to assist you in exchange for a taste of your vitality. As a
evil spirits leaves a mark on you, the price you pay minor action, you can use an edged weapon to make an
for the knowledge they offer. Marks include blood offering of your blood by sacrificing any amount of Health
you choose.
instead of tears, a gruesome odor, strange writing
If you sacrifice 6 Health, you impose 1 bane on rolls
appearing in your sclera of both eyes, or faint against you. If you sacrifice 12 Health, you also regain one
screams edging your voice. expended casting of a spell you have learned. If you sacrifice
18 Health, you also make rolls to cast spells with 1 boon, and
LEVEL 3 SORCERER your spells and your Sorcerous Blast talent deal an extra 3d6
Health Increase your Health score by 2. damage.
Conjure Evil Spirit As an action, you can conjure an evil spirit The effects of your sacrifice last for 1 hour after you make
after you spend 1 hour drawing a summoning circle on the the offering.
ground in your zone. A plume of black smoke fills the circle
and then dissipates to reveal a monstrous evil spirit called LEVEL 9 SORCERER
up from the Netherworld. The spirit remains until the circle Health Increase your Health score by 2.
is broken, until it performs one service for you, or until you Dark Presence Any enemy that sees you must make a Will roll.
use an action to dismiss it. The circle can be broken by On a failure, the enemy becomes frightened of you until you
placing something over it, erasing the inks and powders become incapacitated or it overcomes the affliction with a
used to draw it, or otherwise interfering with the circle’s successful Will roll. An enemy that succeeds on a Will roll to
integrity. If the circle is broken, the spirit deals 6d6 damage resist this trait or overcomes it becomes immune to your
to you, and both the spirit and the circle disappear. Dark Presence for 24 hours.
You can request one service from the evil spirit, chosen Unholy Might If you have gained knowledge of a spell from the
from the options presented below. use of your Conjure Evil Spirit talent, when you cast any
• You can ask the spirit one question about a specific other spell, you can choose to lose knowledge of one spell
person, place, or thing. The question must pertain to you have learned from the evil spirit and for which you have
something about the nature of the thing, its history, or its at least one casting. You then release a magical blast of foul
capabilities. The spirit offers an answer truthfully if it has energy that deals 2d6 damage for a starting spell, 4d6
one. If it doesn’t know the answer, it admits as much damage for a novice spell, 8d6 damage for an expert spell, or
before disappearing. 16d6 damage for a master spell to one enemy within three
• The spirit provides you with knowledge of three starting, zones. If the target makes a successful luck roll, it takes half
novice, or expert spells chosen from any tradition other damage.
than Theurgy. You can learn four spells at level 4, and five For 1 hour after the effect of the blast is resolved, you gain
spells at level 6. At level 9, you can learn six spells and one a +10 bonus to Health, the ability to fly and hover, and you
of those spells can be a master spell. You retain do not need light to see.
knowledge of these spells for 24 hours and then they fade
from your memory.
• The spirit causes one enemy for whom you have a bit of
skin, nail, hair, or blood to lose 3d6 Health and become
cursed for 24 hours.
• The spirit gifts you with a specific object worth up to 10
gp. The spirit departs and returns 3d6 minutes later to
deposit the object inside the circle just before it
disappears. The object disappears 24 hours later. At level
9, you can request a specific object worth 100 gp.
After the spirit departs, make a luck roll. On a failure, your
use of this talent offends an evil spirit, either the one you
summoned or a different one. The offended spirit works
mischief against you, causing you to become cursed for 24
You can use this talent once. You regain the use of it after
a full night's rest.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Sorcerous Blast As an action, you hurl black lightning at one
creature or object within three zones. Make an Intellect roll
against the target’s Will. On a success, the target takes 3d6
damage, and becomes cursed (luck ends). The target takes
5d6 at level 6, and 8d6 at level 9.

Other warriors might be bigger than you. Some
might be stronger and others quicker. But you
have daring, courage, and panache. Most of all, you
have charm and wit, aspects of your personality
that leave your foes baffled and confused when
you fight them.
In combat, you’re the one who swings on the
chandelier. You yank the curtain down to entangle
your foes, scale the cliff with a dagger clenched in
your teeth to rescue your one, true love from the
blackguard’s clutches. You do the things no one
else dares and have the pluck to pull off the
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Bravado Dice When you take the initiative, are not Strength
impaired, and have no remaining benefit from a previous use
of this talent, roll a number of d6s equal to your level, which
are known as bravado dice. Note the number rolled on each
die. You use these numbers to enhance your other talents.
You retain these numbers for 1 minute or until you expend
them. When the last number from your roll of bravado dice
is expended or disappears, you become Strength impaired
(luck ends).
Bold Defense At the start of your turn, you can expend one of
your bravado dice rolls to add its number as a bonus to your
Defense that lasts until the end of your next turn.
Derring-Do When you make an attribute roll, you can expend
one of your bravado dice rolls and add 1 boon to your roll.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Cutting Quip When a creature you can see fails an attribute
roll and the creature can see you and understand what you
say, you can expend one of your bravado dice rolls that was a
3 or higher. If you do so, the creature becomes weakened
until the end of your next turn.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Courageous Strike When you succeed on a roll to attack a
creature, you can expend one of your bravado dice rolls to
add twice the number to the damage dealt by the attack, or
three times the number at level 9.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Daring Move When you make an attribute roll as part of your
move, such as when you run across challenging terrain, you
can expend one of your bravado dice rolls to automatically
succeed on the roll.
Second Wind After you expend your last bravado die and
determine the outcome of that effort, make a luck roll. On a
success, you do not become Strength impaired, and the
number of actions you can use during your next turn
increases by one.

• At the end of the round, each enemy in the temple makes
a Will roll. On a failure, an enemy takes 2d6 damage and is
pushed into an adjacent zone.
You can use this supernatural talent a number of times
Nearly every religious institution has its foes. equal to half your level. You regain expended uses after a full
Schisms in the faith can cause fighting between night’s rest.
the ranks, while rival faiths vying for dominance in
a region might solve their theological differences LEVEL 4 TEMPLAR
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
with steel and fire. And then, there are the host of Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
beings, people, and organizations that oppose all Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
the religious groups by their very natures. The or novice spells.
Restorative Temple When you use your Temple of Faith talent,
Ancient Ones and the cults that form around them,
you heal all your damage, and each ally in your zone heals
demons, many faeries, the fiends, and countless 1d6 damage.
others consider religions as an existential threat
and thus show themselves committed to stamping LEVEL 6 TEMPLAR
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
them out, one at a time.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Given the degree of hostility religions face in Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
these and other threats, it behooves them to novice, or expert spells.
protect themselves against attack. To this end, Temple Stalwart While you are in a zone affected by your
almost every religion has its templars, holy Temple of Faith talent, you are immune to the controlled,
dazed, frightened, and stunned afflictions.
warriors invested with supernatural power they
can use to protect the interests of their faith. Most LEVEL 9 TEMPLAR
templars guard temples and shrines, and some Health Increase your Health score by 4.
travel with relics from place to place, keeping Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
watch over these sacred treasures. Some novice, expert, or master spells.
accompany pilgrims on their journeys, while Cathedral of Faith Your Temple of Faith talent now affects
others bind themselves to places where their gods your zone and every adjacent one. In addition, your attacks
have revealed themselves. A rare few, though, have made against enemies in a zone affected by your Temple of
Faith talent deal an extra 1d6 damage.
other ideas about protecting their religion’s assets.
These errant templars travel the lands to watch
over and defend congregations of believers and to
guard against malfeasance enacted by the enemies
of their faith.
You have joined this latter group. Your calling
draws you out into the world, to undertake critical
missions for your faith in the hopes of
safeguarding the entirety of your faith. You can
declare any site a temple of your faith and from
there channel supernatural power from your god
to smite your enemies.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn one spell chosen from your traditions’ starting
or novice spells.
Temple of Faith As an action, you channel supernatural power
into your zone, transforming it into a temple of faith for 1
hour, but the effect ends early if you leave this zone. The
temple produces the following effects:
• Your Health increases by 10.
• You impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you or any of your
allies in the temple.
• You make rolls to attack with 1 boon.
• Any enemy in the temple that takes damage from your
attack becomes immobilized (luck ends), anchored in
place by golden chains that disappear when the affliction
is removed.

Criminal Instincts When you are not injured, controlled,
dazed, or stunned, you impose 1 bane on rolls to attack you.
Steal Advantage The first time in any round when you deal
damage to a creature, that creature becomes weakened until
You might not be the bravest member of your the end of your text turn. While it is weakened, you make all
group and you sure don’t hold a candle to those attribute rolls with 1 boon.
muscle-bound brutes that soak up all the damage,
but your people need you. They need you like a LEVEL 6 THIEF
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
thirsty man in the desert needs a cup of water. Artful Dodger The first time in any round when an enemy fails
Why? Because you can do things no one else can a roll to attack you, you gain a move that must be used
do. immediately. Your movement from this move does not
enable enemies to make free attacks against you.
You picked the lock so your friends didn’t have
Uncanny Reflexes You can hide or retreat as a minor action.
to kick the door in. When the trap killed Fritz, you
retrieved his body from the spinning blades and LEVEL 9 THIEF
disarmed the device so no one else would get hurt. Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
You found the secret door that circumvented that
Inconspicuous Enemies do not attack you until you harm
scary idol and you were the one who scrambled up them first or you are in a zone that contains none of your
the ledge and dropped down the rope and, really, allies. If you are injured, you lose access to this talent until
no one would have found all that treasure if it you are no longer injured.
hadn’t been for you. Yeah, they need you and so
none of them should complain about you taking
the largest share. After all, you did all the work.
Right? Right.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Languages You either know Finger-Talk or Thieves’ Cant.
Thief Skills You develop a number of useful skills to help you
on your adventures. You gain all of the following benefits:
• Pick Pockets You can steal as a minor action.
• Open Locks If you use lock picks to open a lock, you halve
the time it takes and you make the attribute roll with 1
• Find Traps As an action, you can make an Intellect roll
with 1 boon. On a success, if there’s a trap in your zone or
in an adjacent one, you know it and where to find it.
• Disarm Traps If you have a tool kit, you can attempt to
disarm a trap in your zone by using your tools for 1
minute. At the end of this time, make an Intellect roll. The
Sage might grant boons or impose banes depending on
the trap’s complexity. On a success, you disarm the trap.
On a failure, nothing happens unless the result of your roll
is 5 or less, in which case you accidentally trigger the trap.
• Move Silently You make rolls to sneak with 1 boon.
• Hide in Shadows You can hide in zones occupied by
enemies if the zone is lit by dim light, faint light, or no
light at all.
• Detect Noise Increase the number of zones from which
you can hear a whisper by two.
• Climb Walls You make rolls to climb with 1 boon. If you
encounter a surface with few or no apparent handholds,
you can make an Intellect roll. On a success, you find a
way to climb that surface. On a failure, you must use some
other method to climb.
• Read Languages If you see script written in a language
you do not know, you can make an Intellect roll. On a
success, you decipher enough of the script to get the
meaning, though you still don’t understand nuance, local
expressions, and rare or exotic words. On a failure, you
must resort to some other method to decipher the script.

Health Increase your Health score by 4.

You can use this supernatural talent whenever you
choose, as long as at least 1 minute has elapsed since you
last used it.

Alien forces threaten to upset the natural order of LEVEL 6 WARDEN

things. Demons clamber at the edges of reality, Health Increase your Health score by 6.
while fiends plot to corrupt mortals. Even the High Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Mighty Nature Your attacks against targets in wilderness
One seeks to stamp out all other religions so this
zones extra 1d6 damage.
upstart, usurper can rule over all. All the Nature Walk As a move if you are in a wilderness zone, you
abominations, horrors, and monsters risk can teleport to any other wilderness zone within three zones
upsetting the balance and unraveling the world as that contains at least one enemy.
Once you use this supernatural talent, you lose access to it
it was meant to be. You, then, stand at the front
(luck ends).
lines against these dire foes, emboldened and
empowered by the spirits of nature, Old Gods, and LEVEL 9 WARDEN
others to take a stand against any who would Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
pervert or warp reality for some dread purpose.
Nature’s Champion If you are not injured when you move to
You don the mantle of warden and gain several where you can reach an enemy or an enemy moves into your
powers to aid you in the struggle to safeguard the reach, the enemy must make a Strength roll with 1 bane. On
land. Like the nature guardian, you depend on aid a failure, the enemy becomes immobilized until the end of
from the supernatural entities haunting the wild the next round from vines and grasses that wind around its
limbs. If the result of the enemy’s roll is 0 or less, the enemy
places, but you channel all their gifts into your also falls prone.
combat skills to make you a deadly foe. You can
drag your enemies into your reach and pin them
down with the growth that springs up at your
command. You can shield your companions with
upthrust rocks, while nourishing your body and
soul with the free-flowing energy that wells up
through your feet.
Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Nature Surge As a minor action while you are standing on the
ground, you can draw energy from nature into yourself,
which causes you to grow a bit bigger, bulkier, and display
both plant and animal features—vines curl around your
limbs, while shaggy fur forms like a collar. You make
Strength rolls with 1 boon, you impose 1 bane on rolls made
against your Strength, and your Health increases by twice
your level. The effect lasts 1 hour, but ends early if you
become incapacitated. When the effect ends, you heal
damage equal to twice your level.
You can use this talent a number of times equal to half
your level. You regain expended uses of it after a full night’s

Health Increase your Health score by 6.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Evoke Nature Spirits As an action, you can call upon nature
spirits for aid. Grasses, vines, and other growth covers the
ground, walls, ceilings, and objects on the ground in your
zone for 1 hour. At level 9, the effect spreads into each
adjacent zone. An affected zone counts as a wilderness zone
and enemies treat surfaces inside this zone as challenging
terrain. When the effect ends, the growth browns and
withers away.
While you are in a zone affected by this talent, you can use
a reaction whenever an enemy would move out of your zone
to make a Will roll with 1 boon against the enemy’s Strength.
On a success, the enemy stops moving, is dragged into your
reach, and becomes immobilized (luck ends).

Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Hellfire Shroud When you use your Hellfire Blast talent, you
Rather than spend years in study or gain magical can choose to take 1d6 damage and have the hellfire
wreathe your body for 1 minute. Until this magical effect
knowledge in some other legitimate way, you ends, any creature in your reach that attacks you takes 1d6
turned to a dark entity to grant you the power you damage and must succeed on an Agility roll or become
crave. Likely, you followed in the steps of other aflame (luck ends).
warlocks by enlisting in the service to the Terrifying Presence As a minor action, you can spend 1 doom
token and one enemy you choose in your zone or an adjacent
Adversary, the Prince of the Netherworld, Lord of makes a Will roll. On a failure, the enemy becomes
the Fiends, and author of all the evils that have frightened of you until you become incapacitated or it
befallen the world. You might have sought out overcomes this affliction with a successful Will roll. Starting
such a bargain on your own or succumbed to the at level 6, you can choose up to three enemies, but they must
all be in the same zone.
temptation when a fiend seduced and brought you
over to the side of darkness. LEVEL 6 WARLOCK
Making a pact with the Devil takes a special set Health Increase your Health score by 4.
of circumstances. Desperation, despair, fear, and Evil Eye As a minor action, you can spend 1 doom token to lay
a magical curse on one creature in your zone or an adjacent
anger might have led you to take the first steps one. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Will. On a
onto this dark road. Perhaps you want revenge success, the target becomes cursed for 24 hours. While
against someone far more powerful than you and cursed in this way, when the enemy takes damage for the
you neither have the time or luxury to devote first time in any round, it takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Infernal Might As a minor action, you can spend 1 doom token
yourself to learning magic the old-fashioned way. to heal 3d6 damage and make attribute rolls with 1 boon
It could also be that powerful enemies hunt you until the end of your next turn.
and this pact was the only way to save your neck.
Better a fate worse than death that might come in LEVEL 9 WARLOCK
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
ten, twenty, or more years than the agony of the Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
bonfire, the torturer’s tools, hunger, disease, or Eyes of the Adversary You no longer need light to see. You see
some other calamity tomorrow. through all disguises, recognize illusions for what they are,
The Adversary might have a claim on your soul, and see clearly into the spirit world in places where it
coexists with your surroundings.
but you don’t have to be a willing accomplice. You Brimstone Step At the end of any turn in which you spent at
can turn all your magic against the darkness in the least 1 doom token, you can teleport to a zone you can see
hopes that one day you’ll free yourself from these within three zones. Brimstone smoke swirls around you
evil chains. Or, surrender to the corruption and until the start of your next turn and imposes 1 bane on rolls
made against you by creatures that see you.
become the monster you were born to be. The

choice is yours.
Health Increase your Health score by 4.
Languages You know one additional language.
Combat Tokens Increase your supply by 1.
Doom Tokens Each time you cause a creature with a Health
score of 8 or higher to become incapacitated, the creature
dies and you gain 1 doom token. You expend doom tokens to
use and enhance other talents gained from this path. You
retain your doom tokens until you spend them or you start
another quest.
Adversary’s Curse You are cursed. As a minor action, you can
expend 1 doom token to end the curse for 24 hours, after
which time you become cursed again.
Hellfire Blast As an action, you can cause magical blue-black
flames to spray from your hand at one creature within three
zones. Make an Intellect roll against the target’s Agility. On a
success, the target takes 2d6 damage, and becomes
weakened until the end of your next turn. The target takes
3d6 damage at level 4, 5d6 damage at level 6, and 8d6
damage at level 9. You can also spend 1 doom token. If so,
the target takes an extra 4d6 damage, and the weakened
affliction becomes (luck ends).
Fiendish Mark A fiery symbol is displayed on your forehead.
As long as it is visible, fiends do not attack you unless you
attack them first.

ointment. Applying the ointment takes 1 minute and only
has efficacy when used at night. When you finish the
application, you can fly until sunrise, at which point, if you
are still flying, you drift slowly and safely down to the
True witches belong to the High Secret Order of nearest that can bear your weight.
Witchcraft, an institution founded before the first
cities by the earliest practitioners of magic. In LEVEL 6 WITCH
Health Increase your Health score by 2.
their communities, witches served as wisdoms,
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
healers, protectors, and advisors. People sought starting, novice, or expert spells.
them out for remedies, charms to aid them, and for Aegis As a minor action, you can magically bolster an ally in
a great many other things to make their lives your zone or an adjacent one. The first instance of damage
that the ally takes before the start of your next turn is
reduced by 1d6.
You join a coven—a small society of witches, Witch Fire As an action, a ball of fire appears in your hands
numbering between three and thirteen, whose and flies toward one enemy within three zones. Make an
members share news and discoveries, lend aid, Intellect roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, a
roiling ball of flame strikes the target and deals 5d6 damage
and watch over a nearby communities. You come
to it. At level 9, the flame deals 8d6 damage instead.
together to perform special ceremonies to honor
the gods you worship and evoke the spirits with LEVEL 9 WITCH
whom you sometimes commune. Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
LEVEL 3 WITCH novice, expert, or master spells.
Health Increase your Health score by 2. Ultimate Witchcraft You learn the ultimate secrets of
Languages You know one additional language. witchcraft, which grant you the following benefits.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting • Many Masks As a minor action, you can magically alter
spell from this tradition. your own physical appearance in any way you choose,
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’ though you retain your ancestry. You can change the color
starting, novice, or expert spells. and length and cut of your hair, the shape and color of
Apotropaic Amulet You acquire an apotropaic amulet made of your eyes, conceal blemishes and scars or create them,
metal, ceramic, bone, or something else. While you wear the appear to be of a different gender, or even appear to be
evil and you would become cursed, you can make a luck roll someone completely different from yourself.
with 1 boon. On a success, you do not become cursed and • Slow Aging You can arrest your physical aging and, short
the source of the affliction becomes cursed instead. If you of violence or mishap, you can live forever. You can end
lose this amulet, you can assemble a new one after a full this effect at any time, though when you do, the decision is
night’s rest and the old one loses its power. permanent.
Witchcraft As a minor action, you can produce one of the • Witch Sight You see truly. You need no light to see. You
following magical effects: recognize illusions for what they are. You can pierce any
• One creature in your zone or an adjacent one becomes disguise, know when a creature you see lies, and you see
cursed (luck ends). outlines around invisible creatures and objects.
• One creature in your zone or an adjacent one makes its • Impotence As an action, you can transform any number
next attribute roll before the end of your next turn with 1 of level 1 or lower creatures in your zone into harmless
boon or 1 bane, as you choose. animals and they remain in that form until you free them
• One creature in your zone or an adjacent one becomes using an action to do so, provided you are in the same
your ally (luck ends). zone. Such creatures behave as the animals whose forms
• One creature in your zone or an adjacent one falls prone they wear. You can use this magical talent once, and
or drops something it is carrying. regain the use of it after a full night’s rest.
• One creature in your zone heals or takes 2d6 damage. • Devious Evasion Once per round, when you would take
• One level 1/2 creature in your zone falls prone and damage or lose Health, you can halve the amount of
becomes unconscious for 3d6 hours or until harmed. damage you take or Health you lose. You can use this
You can use this magical talent a number of times equal to magical talent once, and regain the use of it after a full
your level. You regain expended uses of it after a full night’s night’s rest.

Health Increase your Health score by 2.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Cauldron Magic You can brew concoctions using a cauldron
instead of an alchemist’s kit. As part of your training, you
also learn the recipes for three consumables. A cauldron
counts as two objects and you gain one when you gain this
Flying Ointment You can use your cauldron to prepare a
magical flying ointment, a thick, greasy substance that when
smeared on your body lets you fly. It takes 1 hour and rare
ingredients worth 1 gp to prepare a single dose of the

Virtuoso of Wizardry Increase the number of castings you
have for each starting spell you know by 1. In addition, you
make rolls from casting spells with 1 boon and you impose 1
bane on rolls to resist your spells. In addition, spells you cast
The Arcane Society of Wizards emerged before the that deal damage deal an extra 1d6 damage.
founding of the Great Kingdom to rein in the
excess and danger of uncontrolled and
ungoverned magic-use. From their efforts, the
wizards defined the laws of magic and assigned
the spells and effects to the various traditions
found in the known world. As important as these
magic-users were, scandal, division, betrayals, and
infighting destroyed the order and scattered its
members across the lands. The wizards of today
belong to no such organization, but model
themselves of their namesakes being devoted to
magical study.
An academic approach to learning magic
rewards you with the title of wizard. You might
have apprenticed under another wizard, studied at
an academy of magical knowledge, or simply
taught yourself from books and scrolls you have
found in your adventures. You understand of how
magic works, which serves you well as you
progress along this path.
Languages You know one additional language.
Traditions You discover one tradition. You learn one starting
spell from this tradition.
Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Grimoire You gain a special book known as a Grimoire. Your
grimoire contains lore about three traditions that you have
not yet discovered. When you learn spells, you can learn
spells from these traditions. If you lose your Grimoire, you
replace it with a new one with the same traditions at the
start of your next quest.
Wizard Armor When you are not injured and not wearing
armor, your Defense equals your Intellect score, and you
ignore the effects of exposure.

Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Find Magic As a minor action, you can find any creature or
object within three zones that is under a magical effect.
Wizard Dart As an action, you create and release a missile of
magical energy that unerringly flies toward a creature in
your line of sight and strikes it, dealing 1d6 damage. You
produce additional missiles at higher levels: two at level 6,
and three at level 9. You can send multiple missiles at the
same target or different ones.

Spells You learn two spells chosen from your traditions’
starting, novice, or expert spells.
Magical Defense You take half damage from magical sources,
impose 1 bane on rolls against you that come from magical
sources, and you roll to resist magic with 1 boon.

Spells You learn one spell from your traditions’ starting,
novice, expert, or master spells.


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