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Sound illness or sensivity to sounds is a civilization problem

nowadays. Every day people are faced with deafening music, background
noise, or overly loud conversations. On the other hand, there are sounds
that reduce tension and stress. Some other may be completely neutral or
even unnoticeable. I will share with you my thougths on this topic.
We can divide sounds into two groups: made by human activities,
and made by nature.
So let’s start with annoying sounds from the first group - these are for
example: noisy voice, plane start, every noise of construction machine,
crying baby, etc. Based on my experience the most annoying one is child's
cry, for fun I call it responsible sound. In the second group are: whistling
wind, howling of a dog; in general – all animal roars, things crashing into
the ground from large height, and plenty more.
Fortunately, nice and calm sounds are there too. When i feel
depressed I enjoy listening a bird choir, as it helps me relax. In situations
when I’m angry, I sit near to the fire, as fire crackling makes me calm and
relieved. Singing has a particular importance for me - I think every type of
voice is unique, each of them is a piece of art.
On the end, neutral sounds remain. Usually I don’t notice them, they
are like a piece of background. I can mention sounds like knocking the
door, ring bell, calm voices.
The list certainly isn’t complete, but these are the most memorable of
sounds I enjoy or distaste. I’m convinced that what irritates me, can be
neutral for someone else - it is a preference alike which color is your

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